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Mystery Terriswoman Worldhopper


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Brandon mentioned a while back that there is a TerrisWoman out in the Cosmere and he was surprised no one had figured her out, maybe this has already been discussed but I think  it must be Khriss from the Silverlight University. She wears quite a bit of metal jewellery is fond of blue clothing is clearly a great scholar and is obviously a world hopper. Any thoughts anyone?

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8 minutes ago, OdiusOdium said:

Brandon mentioned a while back that there is a TerrisWoman out in the Cosmere and he was surprised no one had figured her out, maybe this has already been discussed but I think  it must be Khriss from the Silverlight University. She wears quite a bit of metal jewellery is fond of blue clothing is clearly a great scholar and is obviously a world hopper. Any thoughts anyone?

She isn't Terris. She's from Taldain and calls it her homeworld and was a main character in the White Sand novel. And just to point out, Terriswoman doesn't mean Feruchemist. 

You mean this WoB?


Chris King

What are some characteristics of and how many other wordhoppers are there that we have seen excluding Hoid, Demoux, and Galladon.

Brandon Sanderson

You gave me really good wiggle room on that one. Obviously the other person with Galladon and Demoux.

Chris King

Right, the one from a future book.

Brandon Sanderson

His characteristics are-- What is he like? Some people have read his book so they know what he's like--

Chris King

Which book is he from?

Brandon Sanderson

He's from White Sand.

Chris King

Okay, that's one I have but have not gotten to.

Brandon Sanderson

It's only mediocre so don't worry about it. Let's see what other worldhoppers I want to give you clues about-- *long pause* There's a Terriswoman running around, if you keep your eyes open.

Chris King

I have to re-read it, everything.

Brandon Sanderson

Who else do I want to talk about-- Words of Radiance has a couple good ones, that will be pretty obvious.

Footnote: Brandon has since confirmed that the Terriswoman is Lemex's nurse, from Warbreaker, although he has not confirmed her true identity.
Chris King interview (Sept. 24, 2013)


Look at the footnote. There was a mystery Terriswoman in Warbreaker, which is Lemex's nurse.


TheHunter (paraphrased)

[Brandon Sanderson] said that someone in Poland had figured it out who the Terriswoman in Warbreaker was, and I asked him if it was Lemex's nurse.

Brandon Sanderson (paraphrased)

He nodded and smiled. He said he had no idea how anyone figured it out, which is interesting.

Footnote: The question is referring to this WoB.
Ad Astra 2017 (May 5, 2017)


We still don't know what her name is and where she is right now. My bet is on Aslydin, Demoux's spouse. She is a member of 17th Shard and has "her own work throughout Cosmere". Both her and Lemex's nurse were providing medical attention which I think is a clue. Where she is now is unknown, maybe Roshar as everybody seems to be interested in it?

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5 minutes ago, OdiusOdium said:

No your right Terriswoman doesn't automatically mean Feruchemist but seems like she would be if I'm right, and she could easily be lying about being native to Taldain 

Why would she lie in her own personal journal entries on the planet? She talks about it as her home several times in the White Sand Ars Arcanum, and shows a complete lack of knowledge of Realmatics. It wouldn't make sense for her to fake such complete and total ignorance in her own personal writings and ponderances. She also displays no knowledge of Feruchemy, just Sand Mastery and Starmarks. I feel she would bring it up if she knew what it was. 

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38 minutes ago, OdiusOdium said:

When did he confirm that? There isn't even a description of what that nurse looked like in Warbreaker, nothing to indicate she's anything but a nurse asl far as I can see

He confirmed it in 2017, look at the WoB. Per another WoB, "you're not supposed to be able to guess it", that's because she lacks description as you've mentioned. 



Where the hell in Warbreaker is the Terris lady?

Brandon Sanderson

Hehehe. Do you have any guesses?


Nurses. One of them.

Brandon Sanderson

*pauses* Why do you guess that?


I don't know.

Brandon Sanderson

That's a pretty good guess.


I mean they are the only females apart from the main characters who are somehow important. So I guess somewhere there because I don't think she's like in the fifth plane somewhere in the back of the alley where someone walks by.

Brandon Sanderson

That’s a very good guess. I guess you have narrowed down your options. Um, yeah… um...so… I’m just gonna say that’s a ththth-- the-- he seems-- Yeah. So, there you go. I'm surprised...

...You’re not supposed to be able to guess who the Terriswoman is, by the way.


So we will see her somewhere else?

Brandon Sanderson

Yes, you will see her somewhere else. Yeah, you're not supposed to be able to guess. So that's why I'm surprised.

Footnote: This WoB seems to be confirmed by this one
DrogaKrolow.pl interview (March 17, 2017)


33 minutes ago, OdiusOdium said:

No your right Terriswoman doesn't automatically mean Feruchemist but seems like she would be if I'm right, and she could easily be lying about being native to Taldain 

No, Khriss is confirmed to be a native from Taldain's Darkside. She is a scholar, she has no reason to lie about it. She isn't a Feruchemist. She is way older than Catacendre, as the White Sand novel takes place relatively early in the Cosmere timeline, the earliest of all books.

M:SH ch 2.2:


She considered. “My name is Khriss, of Taldain."


“Help you? I can’t even help myself, Survivor. I’m in exile"




Are you gonna do more [White Sand Graphic Novels]

Brandon Sanderson

We're gonna do a full omnibus, and then we're talking about what to do with Darkside, 'cause there's a story there that I want to tell. I might involve Isaac in it; he's my art director who art directed this entire thing. There should be another story in the world. We're not sure if it'll be graphic or if it'll be print.


I have a copy of Darkside, I just didn't bring it.

Brandon Sanderson

No, not Dark One. Darkside of White Sand, the other half of the planet. Dark One is a different thing. Khriss is from Darkside in this world, and she's really relevant to the Cosmere as a whole. She shows in up several of the other books. She shows up in Bands of Mourning, Khriss from this, and she's also in Secret History, and she shows up here and there. She's really relevant to the Cosmere, particularly some future stuff. And so we want to tell more of her story also.


In Rhythm of War, when they're talking about like the sand from another planet, is that from here?

Brandon Sanderson

That is this, yes. So, white sand will charge, basically, off of any active Investiture, kinetic Investiture, and so you can use it to tell if something is using one of the magics nearby. And so it's become... you can just take it offworld and then use it kind of like a Geiger counter. So it's made its way all over the place. It shows up actually in Oathbringer as well.

FanX 2021 (Sept. 16, 2021)




What book would come first in this timeline?

Brandon Sanderson

I've written them roughly chronologically so far, though Dragonsteel will take place first, which I haven't released yet. White Sand is chronologically (the graphic novel) before the other Cosmere books.

Idaho Falls signing (July 21, 2018)


So unfortunately for you Khriss is confirmed to be from Taldain and the mystery Terriswomen is confirmed to be Lemex's nurse. 


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57 minutes ago, OdiusOdium said:

Ok i'll shut up now and keep my random theories to myself 

Absolutely post theories. That's why the community comes together to discuss and share data.

Also, if you want to do some additional research on your own, this may help:


Using Coppermind and Arcanum:

  • Go to the Coppermind, you can search a term in the upper right. On the top-right of the page (below the search bar) you will see a circle icon that denotes how "complete" the information is (e.g. solid green means it has all known information, split white/blck means unanswered questions, etc.)
    • Like any wiki, links to other pages appear the first time they are referenced
    • While reading you will find notes ([3]) that take you to the references at the bottom of the page. From there, if the reference is a WoB the link will redirect you to the Arcanum post.
  • On the Arcanum, you can read all of the WoBs from a specific event by clicking: Discover > Events, then select an event.
  • When looking at a WoB in the arcanum, you can:
  • Also, on the Arcanum, you can search for keywords using the search bar in the upper left
    • While searching a tag, the advanced search will be at the top of the page, so you can keyword search within a specific tag (example)
  • In any keyword or tag search you can order by newest, oldest, or accuracy with accuracy being the default.

Hope that helps

I can't speak for @alder24, but when I only have a few minutes to kill (not enough to start something big, but bored enough to read for a few minutes) I'll select a random keyword on arcanum and read WoBs until a new one catches my eye and I switch to that keyword (or search within the keyword for more wobs on the same topic).

- Recent Example: reading about #White Sand (since I am re-reading it via the Omnibus), I found a WoB tagged with #worldhoppers and so searched #White Sand-keyword Worldhopper (2 results) and #Worldhoppers-keyword White Sand (6 results)

1 hour ago, OdiusOdium said:

In Arcanum Unbounded she says she 'grew up' on the dark side of taldain that implies to me she adopted the planet and could be from elsewhere, I'm aware that it's a bit thin but it's just a thought 

Out of curiosity, have you read or listened to any of the versions of White Sand? (If not, this thread may help)

Edited by Treamayne
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Yeah, nobody is asking you to shut up. Criticism is just an important part of theory-crafting, nobody has it out for you or anything. Don't worry. 

And disproven or unlikely theories just give a vehicle to further learning and deeper understanding! So keep posting theories, if you enjoy it. Don't feel discouraged. We are a rather accepting community over here. 

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