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Brandon is writting a Highstorm


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Has anyone noticed that in the course of 4 books (and foresightly in 5) Brandon has managed to move the action from East to West?

What I mean by this is that the action has shifted from the Shattered Plains to Kholinar and Urithiru to Azir and in the near future to Shinovar.

Is all this intentional or just a coincidence?

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I'd reckon it's a coincidence. Because it doesn't actually seem that clear to me. I'd say we went from Plains, to Urithiru, to Kolinar, back to Urithiru, on to Shinovar. I think if it were intentional that it'd be much more clear cut on the progression. I think it's mostly just due to our protagonists being Alethi based and we are slowly getting more exposure to the rest of the world.

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1 hour ago, boolamoo said:

I'd reckon it's a coincidence. Because it doesn't actually seem that clear to me. I'd say we went from Plains, to Urithiru, to Kolinar, back to Urithiru, on to Shinovar. I think if it were intentional that it'd be much more clear cut on the progression. I think it's mostly just due to our protagonists being Alethi based and we are slowly getting more exposure to the rest of the world.

While I agree it is probably coincidence, both the Shallan/Adolin and Dalinar/Jasnah were in the Makabak region in the east (Dalinar and Jasnah in Emul and Tukar, Shallan and Adolin in the southern region of the CR Sea of Souls (specifically on the banks of the sea that makes up Tukar's CR). So it wasn't just Urithiru, that was just the Kaladin/Navani plotpoint setting. 

We know Kaladin/Szeth is going to be Shinovar, and while I don't have too much evidence of this, I do think that the Dalinar and Shallan plotlines would be in Iri. It just makes sense to me as being where BAM is held. 

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1 minute ago, Firesong said:

While I agree it is probably coincidence, both the Shallan/Adolin and Dalinar/Jasnah were in the Makabak region in the east (Dalinar and Jasnah in Emul and Tukar, Shallan and Adolin in the southern region of the CR Sea of Souls (specifically on the banks of the sea that makes up Tukar's CR). So it wasn't just Urithiru, that was just the Kaladin/Navani plotpoint setting. 

Sorry. I wasn't trying to say there wasn't action going on there. I just meant that from certain points of view it wasn't clear there was an East to West narrative. I'd categorize RoW as a Urithiru centered book (purely just my perspective). I just meant that if it were a conscious decision to write East to West, I thought it'd be more objectively centered in locations that move us in that direction. I like the theory. Especially as Treamayne noted about following the climaxes. I just think it's more coincidental than on purpose.

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8 minutes ago, boolamoo said:

Sorry. I wasn't trying to say there wasn't action going on there. I just meant that from certain points of view it wasn't clear there was an East to West narrative. I'd categorize RoW as a Urithiru centered book (purely just my perspective). I just meant that if it were a conscious decision to write East to West, I thought it'd be more objectively centered in locations that move us in that direction. I like the theory. Especially as Treamayne noted about following the climaxes. I just think it's more coincidental than on purpose.

No biggie, I do agree with you.

But I am also inclined to think it was partially intentional, but it wasn't a really big thing. We do see that the furthest point east they go in the main part of the book is progressively getting more western, but that moreso comes from them moving further and further from the base of operations over time. Which manifests as moving westward as they are about as far east as they can be at the start of the series. The similarity to the movement of a highstorm though, that I feel is most likely a coincidence, if it was meant to reflect that I feel it would go much further in that direction than it does. 

(had to edit. used east where I meant west once.)

Edited by Firesong
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