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Shardcast Who's That Cosmere Character Scoreboard

The Sibling

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So @Stormform and I watched every single Who's That Cosmere Character on Shardcast and put it all in a doc and then into a spreadsheet where we tallied stuff like who won the most times, who played the most times, and which character was most often the answer. I have no idea if this is the right place to post this, but I didn't see anywhere on the shard that seemed specifically made for discussing shardcast other than the video comments, and since this is not related to any specific video it doesn't really fit there either. Anyways, here's a brief summary, and then I will include a link to the spreadsheet.

Who won it?

In first place we have Ian, who won 118 of the games (Nearly a third!). I mean, we all saw that coming, right?

In second place it's Evgeni, with 63 

In third place is Eric with 35

Runners up are David and Alyx, and you can find the full list on the spreadsheet.

 Who ran it?

Eric ran 44.2% of the games

Ben ran 31.2%

And Grace ran 21.8%

Runners up are Ian and Danielle

Who was it?

The character with the most entries was Kenton, with 6

Tied for second place are Kelsier, Nightblood, and Stick (sigh)

And tied for third are Wayne, Syl, Hoid, Dunny, and Vin


I hope you enjoyed my statistics. Obviously, there might some inaccuracies, but I hope that this is mostly correct. Something to note : When there is a tie I give a point to both people. Also I wrote down the clues and guesses in the doc, so we'll probably be tallying those up pretty soon as well.

Not sure if I should post this on discord since the cast might be more likely to see it, and also not sure if I should ping the winners because I have no idea what the protocol is for pinging admin.

Regardless, here's the spreadsheet : https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/14E7IdU-v8eIq4OXXEWEM2xjMJhDk7vl64zdwO6fSZE4/edit#gid=0 

There's probably a way more efficient way to organise this, but oh well, I'm no spread sheet master so I think this is fine.


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