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My first time


First Sanderson?  

1268 members have voted

  1. 1. Which was your first Sanderson book/series?

    • Mistborn (The Final Empire, The Well of Ascension and The Hero of Ages)
    • Stormlight (the Way of Kings and Words of Radiance)
    • Elantris
    • Warbreaker
    • The Rithmatist
    • Steelheart
    • Legion
    • The Emperors Soul
    • Other?

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I first heard of Brandon Sanderson when one of my best friends mentioned Mistborn as one of her favorite books about . . . two years ago? I dont really remember, it feels much like longer. She got the recommendation from our English teacher who gave my mother a file to download books from when I got a Kindle. After reading Mistborn a few times, I read Era Two as well and found that Stormlight was mentioned in the Annotations as the reason he wasn't currently writing The Lost Metal. I was annoyed at the book and decided to see what was so important that he wouldn't finish Era Two. Then halfway through WoK I almost stopped but after finishing the book, my mind blew up and I read every Cosmere book after that along with Skyward and Perfect State.

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  • 1 month later...

I got into the Wheel of Time in high school and fell in love. I read the entire series that came out at that time (up to book 10) in one go; Sitting on the couch and reading WoT was almost my entire summer vacation that year. I found Dragonmount, studied RP, and followed the fandom. When I read that Robert Jordan was dead and that Brandon had been chosen to complete the series, I checked out his website and blog, and then one day decided to check out his own work. I started with chapter examples, then went out and bought Elantris. I could not tear myself away. So when I finished, I went back and swallowed the Mistborn trilogy, then Warbreaker when it came out, and so on. I want to calculate my time in time tracking software in order to understand how much time it took me to read all these books. I can definitely say that no matter how much time I spend, I spent it interesting.

Edited by KarenP3
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  • 3 weeks later...

I didn’t know where to post this but here seams a good a place as any. If anyone even sees this that would be cool.


As I chilled I loved to read. I come from a pretty sheltered home and I read anything I could get past my parents. I always had an interest in fantasy but never really got to read much of it. The extent of my fantasy reading was Harry Potter and Lord of the rings. I read both in middle school.
Since my teen years, when smartphones became a thing and with 3g, streaming became possible anywhere and everywhere, I pretty much dropped reading (recreationally) by and large for many years. 
In late 2019 I had a friend who got deep into fantasy. He had finished wheel of time in a few months and was moving on through different authors. He came upon the stormlight archive (an obvious choice after WOT) and he kept swearing to me that if I ever did anything with my life I must start reading Brandon’s works.
Well then came the pandemic. In early March of 2020 I caught the virus and was bedridden for two weeks. 
Thank god I was lucky enough that I avoided any hospital and recovered soon after. 
However, those two weeks I was living in constant pain. naturally in a desperate attempt to keep my mind off the pain I binged tv and movies at every waking hour. 
Once I recovered I found that even the logo of netflix on my phone would bring back a feeling of nausea and thoughts of those terrible two weeks. 
For the first time in my adult life I was completely uninterested in anything to do with Hollywood.
(That stage has since passed and now I eagerly pray that any of Brandon’s works see the screen. May it be thy will of thy holy Hollywood excs aman) 
I found myself in a public library for the first time in years (well technically outside one speaking to the librarian over the phone). To no one's surprise (except my own) I would need to wait at least three weeks for a copy of TWOK. 
I drove directly from the library to the closest book store.
In the months since then (it’s been a year and some now) I’ve read all 4 archive books, edgedancer, the mistborn trilogy and a few days ago I finished elantris. Today I’m starting warbreaker. 
I also began reading so much more, dabbling in other fantasy authors (Erickson, JRRM, abercrombie to name a few) as well as picking up some books I’ve had on my “must read before I die” list. I even started to read some great non fiction as well.
(Don’t get me wrong, I still struggle to put my phone away. I still don’t read as much as I should. But reading is now definitely a part of my life. A part I don’t ever want to lose again.)
Yet every time I pick up Sanderson again I’m reminded why I love reading him so much.
I’m no bookworm and I definitely am no authority on the subject of literature, but hear me out, Sandersons magic system’s may be the best, most thought out and detailed on earth. His reflections on a host of real world topics from religion to mental health may be deep and relevant, his pros may not be the most beautiful Shakespearien lines put to paper,
But to me what I keep coming back to and what I’ve come to fall in love with is Brandon’s ability and gift of storytelling. From the moment I open his books until the moment I begrudgingly put them down (always begrudgingly. Even at the end. Wishing there was more.)  I’m captivated. I want to know more. I want to read more. 

To me, long lost to the world of storytelling by way of an ancient method we know as books. Brandon’s gift to tell a story will never be outshined by any TV show nor by any other form of media. 
The written word will forever in my mind be linked with Brandon Sanderson.

Brandon has restored my childhood love for reading. The world of reading has been brought back to me. O what a beautiful world it is.

Edited by MattLeon
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  • 1 month later...
19 minutes ago, Szeth Facpalm said:

Y'all i had a running joke where when i was with my cousins, i would call Brando "Sandon Branderson" just to annoy them because every time i saw them they would beg me to to read his books. (Less so you, fish. But i can't find E's @ so you get tagged.) I just thought they were being annoying but now i do the EXACT SAME THINGS to all my non-sanderfan friends. Thanks @I Am A Fish and whatever my other cousins @ is, i now (dare i say it?) may be even more obsessed than you!

Wait you're Fish's cousin?

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  • 1 month later...

I started out as an avid reader in middle school. I had finished the Hunger Games series, and asked my father for any suggestions. He recommended some of the young adult books from Sanderson. I read a few of them and then moved on, but they were still some of my favorite books. 
About a month ago, I started reading Sanderson again since one of my friends @Channelknight Fadran was also an avid reader (I have a lot to catch up on as my dad has finished every non-young adult Sanderson book and my friend has finished almost all) so I decided to read some more of his works.

As of now I’ve read The Rithmatist, Alcatraz and Evil Librarians (both around 2017) and Skyward (as of a few days ago) and want to finish this series and read a few more of Sanderson’s works, as they all sound so fun.

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  • 1 month later...

My mum recommended this series called Mistborn. Initially I didn't really like it, thought it was too dark for me (you have to admit, that prologue is pretty grim.)

But I kept reading, and pretty soon I was hooked. I went on to read Stormlight, and then all of the Cosmere.

Edited by Ookla the Pendragon
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My family recommended reading Elantris, I started reading it and stopped during the first few chapters.  I didn't pick it up again until I was backpacking several months later and left with no books but this.  I throughly enjoyed it but didn't feel compelled to read anymore of Sanderson.

Then later over Christmas I was given Mistborn, I read it all day and all night. I became obsessed and read everything else of his available at the time.


Edited by Brightness Windrunner
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My dad and older brothers had read many of his books before I started. My dad read The Wheel of Time before Brandon took over, so that's how he was introduced, but he's the only one who's read it still. I started on The Way of Kings, then I read WoR and Oathbringer. I believe I read The Rithmatist after that, but it could have been Elantris. 

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  • 2 months later...

There's a hardcover copy of Elantris that my family has had for as long as I can remember. At a time when there weren't many new books that I was interested in coming into our house, I started to read Elantris. My older sister told me I couldn't skip the "boring" chapters until I read it the second time. She also said they were important and got more interesting. So I didn't skip them.

It was beautiful. Elantris immediately joined the ranks of my favorite books, never to be overthrown. At this point I remembered only the book title, not the author's name.

A few years later my oldest sister got a book for her birthday. The cover looked fun and the back looked fun, and the name was interesting. It was called The Way of Kings. So I (with permission) read it.

The thickness of books wasn't something to scare me off, it was something to be glad of. If the book's thicker, you can read more story before having to wait for or get the next one.

After that I didn't forget who wrote Elantris anymore.

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Hi, I came across this forum quite accidentally, which I have already described in another thread. Now I have a lot of free time, because I stopped smoking and smoked a lot, and so whole days passed. I'm looking for some light reading for a change (the one I'm reading now is very hard). Which book should I start with? What's the chronology? There is such a thing, does each series take place in a different universe?

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32 minutes ago, Randomed said:

Hi, I came across this forum quite accidentally, which I have already described in another thread. Now I have a lot of free time, because I stopped smoking and smoked a lot, and so whole days passed. I'm looking for some light reading for a change (the one I'm reading now is very hard). Which book should I start with? What's the chronology? There is such a thing, does each series take place in a different universe?

So there is Cosmere which is the biggest interconnected universe, but there are some other series that aren't a part of that if you want those.

If you want some light reading I'd recommend the Mistborn trilogy.

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  • 4 weeks later...

I lied, it was Steelheart.

It was given to me as a book I should read. I enjoyed it, but never was able to get the next one, so I forgot about it. Years later, Mistborn was suggested to me and the Cosmere as a whole, so I looked Sanderson up and started reading his first Cosmere book. That is why I put Elantris.

I then read every Cosmere book he wrote, the rest of Reckoners and some of his other short stories in half a year, Leading me to now.

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Have I really not posted here yet? Huh.

I consider my first Sanderson book to be Elantris, but it really was Steelheart, in third or fourth grade. I have some recollection of thinking it was okay but being real confused at the ending, and I kinda forgot about it.

Flash forward to late 2019/early 2020 (2-4 years later) where I'm tired of rereading Fablehaven and Percy Jackson over and over and over again (which, don't get me wrong, are both fantastic series) and I find Elantris on my bookshelf, where it had been sitting (alongside Mistborn 1) my entire life. I finished it within a week, and Mistborn immediately followed.

I wish I remembered more of my experience reading Sanderson for the first time. I know I liked the books (hello, I'm here :P) but my first go-through of MB, SA, etc I just don't remember too well. After I read Mistborn, Stormlight and everything else followed, cosmere and not- I can't remember at which point I figured out that the guy who had written Steelheart also wrote these other things, but it was definitely after I read Elantris and Mistborn. At some point I made my way here, after researching the coppermind to learn more about the cosmere, and now I'm more than halfway through the Gathering Storm.

I remember rereading the cosmere, and some books (Warbreaker, RoW) I can recall my first time, but for the most part I just... know that it happened. And that I'm extremely grateful that it did.

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  • 3 weeks later...

If I remember correctly, my first Sanderson series was Alcatraz when I was in maybe 3rd or 4th grade? I absolutely LOVED it, and after I read it, I completely forgot Sanderson existed for a year or two until my cousin recommended Mistborn to me. I then proceeded to read the entire series plus all of Wax and Wayne up to BoM. I was devastated when I discovered that the next Wax and Wayne book wouldn't come out until... I think the copy I have said the Lost Metal would release in 2019? (that ship has sailed.) I then forgot about his existence for a few more years.

Then I decided to re-read Mistborn maybe a year and a half or 2 years ago and loved it just as much or more than my first time.

I think I read Stormlight after that, and then Elantris and Warbreaker sometime after Stormlight, as well as the Cytoverse. 

Now I anxiously await Mistborn 7, Skyward 4, and Stormlight 5.

Regardless of the order I read the Cosmere, I know it's the most brilliant and vast fantasy universe I will ever encounter, and my own writing would certainly be much duller had I not discovered Brandon, who I can confidently say is now my favorite author ever.

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  • 2 weeks later...

My first was Mistborn, which I got for Christmas. My parents had read most Brandon Sanderson books and I remember my mom telling me about Kaladin and Shallan when I was about 10. Since then, I've gotten dungeons at my school as well as my sister to read his books!

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First book? It was When I was about 12-13 and I was obsessed by infinity blade, all three games and I was more interested in the story then the game so I read the two books between  games and I liked his writings style but payed no mind to the authors then about 2 years later I found steelheart finished the series and was disappointed trying to reread other authors so I looked up who wrote the books I liked so much. Saw that he wrote the infinity blade books and decided to tackle the most epic named book ever. “The Way of Kings” was big (good I’m a fast reader) and looked magnificent. Struggled at first with the book but after kaladins first “big” scene I was hooked and it started to feel like watching an action movie. Started reading more online stuff about the books and author, how to write, and it was just a blast. Now that I actually have a stable income I’m starting to buy a book a month to catch up with the cosmer

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November. 2017.

I'm carpooling with a friend, and he's raving about a book called 'Oathbringer' that came out a few days ago. The name intrigued me, so I asked after it. He began to speak of an author named Brandon Sanderson, who wrote High Fantasy like it was nothing.

I asked if he had a book I could borrow to read.

He supplied me with a battered copy of The Way Of Kings. I started reading it as soon as I got home. I was in middle school at an IB school, so I didn't have much homework.

Because of this boy, I have read Stormlight 4 times, both Mistborn Era's twice, the full Arcanum Unbound, Elantris, Warbreaker, and the Skyward series (sans novellas)

Thank you, friend.

5 years.

Of Sanderson. Let's freaking go boys.

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