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The Great Houses - RP

Channelknight Fadran

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1 minute ago, Unintelligenius said:

The ships dock and hundreds of Min'oTaars rush out of the transports onto the land platform. They meet up with King Adonis and run into the building, this time not putting aside there huge axes. the King notices a few ships flying off into space and mutters "Darn it they must have seen all the transports amassing here." The Min'oTaars secure all exits and slowly go through the building door by door capturing prisoners and taking some lower tech devices that have been stashed away. Thankfully only one attendant had tried to fight back but after a well placed axe blow by one of the High Shezen no one else fought back. King Adonis lets out a long held sigh of relief and pride at having captured the hub planet of the galaxy.

Nexus is officially the Min'oTaars


Sorry what


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2 minutes ago, Unintelligenius said:

The ships dock and hundreds of Min'oTaars rush out of the transports onto the land platform. They meet up with King Adonis and run into the building, this time not putting aside there huge axes. the King notices a few ships flying off into space and mutters "Darn it they must have seen all the transports amassing here." The Min'oTaars secure all exits and slowly go through the building door by door capturing prisoners and taking some lower tech devices that have been stashed away. Thankfully only one attendant had tried to fight back but after a well placed axe blow by one of the High Shezen no one else fought back. King Adonis lets out a long held sigh of relief and pride at having captured the hub planet of the galaxy.

Nexus is officially the Min'oTaars


1 minute ago, Matrim's Dice said:



I vote to undo this decision 


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Just now, Unintelligenius said:

I mean I captured the capitol building of the capitol planet of the galaxy soooooo......


(OOC stuff goes in quote boxes btw)

I mean, yeah, but as this is something that majorly affects literally everyone, I think that general RPing ettiqute suggests that consulting before having your guys do something like this would be a good idea. Like, I could write a post that says "Anders pushed a button, summoning the rigget army. They wiped out all the Min'oTaars, saving Nexus" but that wouldn't be very fun and/or nice to anyone else.

You could publically have them charge, and have everything go from there. Dunno how we'd RP a war but it'd be better than you saying that you won it in the same post you started it.


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7 hours ago, Ancient Elantrian said:

The ship sped onward towards the planet. It didn’t slow. It entered the atmosphere. It kept at full speed. It’s course altered, and it flew toward the most important governmental building on Fiioss. The ship kept going at full speed, and the man flying it jumped out, a small pack on his back activating and shooting him away from the ship. The ship slammed into the building at full speed, and the explosives packed inside detonated.



I come to this a few hours late, and all the sudden I GOT BOMBED!

The Senator fumed with rage. He was not a military man, even more than 90% of the population was. He was a leader. So he wasn’t supposed to fight. He wasn’t supposed to get enraged. But he was enraged. They had had no intention whatsoever to fight, and this is what they got in return a blatant insult. Fighting was in the nature of Fiisoss build. They had managed fir years afreindly attitude to all. But after this…Power that had been cooped up, was going to be released.

The Senator walked up to the curtain. Then he opened it, and passed through.

Thousands on thousand of Fiisoss stood before him. He held up his hands to calm them. As they settled, he cleared his throat.

“It is true we have been attacked.”

The crowd erupted. He held up his hand.

”They did not send spies. They did not send assasins. They did not even march an army. They blatantly flew their ship straight into our capital, blowing up and killing a third of our senate. This is not ucceptable. They are cowards.”

The crowd once again erupted in agreement. The senator felt himself getting more angry. They were cowards.

” We will not stand for this! We will not be bombed! Taunted! They seek our wrath, and they shall have it! The FULL force of House Fiisoss will get their revenge. They will know that YOU DO NOT MESS WITH HOUSE FIISOSS!”

Crowd began chanting as they roared their fury. “Revenge”

As he turned back the wag to go, he thought wil firm resolution and unbridled anger:

They will regret this day… 


Minotaur is ancient elaborando right?


Edited by ΨιτιsτηεΒέsτ
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Just now, ΨιτιsτηεΒέsτ said:

The Senator fumed with rage. He was not a military man, even more than 90% of the population was. He was a leader. So he wasn’t supposed to fight. He wasn’t supposed to get enraged. But he was enraged. They had had no intention whatsoever to fight, and this is what they got in return a blatant insult. Fighting was in the nature of Fiisoss build. They had managed fir years afreindly attitude to all. But after this…Power that had been cooped up, was going to be released.

The Senator walked up to the curtain. Then he opened it, and passed through.

Thousands on thousand of Fiisoss stood before him. He held up his hands to calm them. As they settled, he cleared his throat.

“It is true we have been attacked.”

The crowd erupted. He held up his hand.

”They did not send spies. They did not send assasins. They did not even march an army. They blatantly flew their ship straight into our capital, blowing up and killing a third of our senate. This is not ucceptable. They are cowards.”

The crowd once again erupted in agreement. The senator felt himself getting more angry. They were cowards.

” We will not stand for this! We will not be bombed! Taunted! They seek our wrath, and they shall have it! The FULL force of House Fiisoss will get their revenge. They will know that YOU DO NOT MESS WITH HOUSE FIISOSS!”

Crowd began chanting as they roared their fury. “Revenge”

As he turned back the wag to go, he thought wil firm resolution and unbridled anger:

They will regret this day… 


Huh yeah the war was declared on the same post it was over

House Skyvivid offers support to House Fiisoss through a message

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They rely: Yes. And all are welcome to share on their revenge.

Skyyviid( @Aeoliae) and Aliances my see 1 and 2


Hidden 1 


Aoe, can I use your ships a bit?


Hidden 2


The ships will only hold a minor part of my army.


Hidden 3


My own ships will come In a wave after.





Edited by ΨιτιsτηεΒέsτ
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7 minutes ago, ΨιτιsτηεΒέsτ said:

They rely: Yes. And all are welcome to share on their revenge.

Skyyviid( @Aeoliae) and Aliances my see 1 and 2

  Hide contents

Hidden 1 

  Hide contents

Aoe, can I use your ships a bit?

  Hide contents

Hidden 2

  Hide contents

The ships will only hold a minor part of my army.

  Reveal hidden contents

Hidden 3

  Reveal hidden contents

My own ships will come In a wave after.






Response: Allies of wit is the best can see


Of course, they are probably headed all around the nexus



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okay maybe I was a little to sudden with my RPing so lets rewind a little bit and forget everything else that happened after King Adonis left the meeting 

Hundreds of Min'oTaars pour out of the ships and line up in huge lines. King Adonis rushes over to meet them and orders them to march forward.....

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30 minutes ago, Unintelligenius said:

The ships dock and hundreds of Min'oTaars rush out of the transports onto the land platform. They meet up with King Adonis and run into the building, this time not putting aside there huge axes. the King notices a few ships flying off into space and mutters "Darn it they must have seen all the transports amassing here." The Min'oTaars secure all exits and slowly go through the building door by door capturing prisoners and taking some lower tech devices that have been stashed away. Thankfully only one attendant had tried to fight back but after a well placed axe blow by one of the High Shezen no one else fought back. King Adonis lets out a long held sigh of relief and pride at having captured the hub planet of the galaxy.

Nexus is officially the Min'oTaars


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*Earlier in time cause I got hung up*

The Grand-Emperor disconnects his holo and leaves. He climbs into his ship and fires up to leave.

After exiting the atmosphere, the ship turns around, and the Grand-Emperor analyzes the planet. —One blast. Just one blast and hierarchies of every House would be devastated.—

His heir, the strongest claimant to his name, stepped forward. —Are you suggesting what I think you are suggesting Sire?—

—No, Warsinger. Now is not the time. But perhaps eventually.—

The Tentaculum ship turned to leave, and detected a fleet approaching. He opened communication to send them a message.

—Radio Transmission—

—From the Great House of Blood to House Min'oTaar—

(Unintelligenius can read free)


We see what you are doing. 

Good luck. You'll need it.

The Tentaculum leave without further comment. 


I personally am fine with Unintelligenius having the Nexus, under the understanding that means basically half the universe will declare war on them.


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Visable to Allies and Aeo:1-2




House fiisoss sends 20 ships out to space. They are not the newest models but they are quick, and big. 


Hidden 2 


House fiisoss sends them half manned, and full of heat figures so that it is undetectable. They send another 20 ships out. Fully staffed. 


Hidden 3 


House fiisoss send another armada of small ships, 30 or so they are stacked with warriors, and senators.

Hidden 4– 


The rest of the Senators hide under ground invisible.


If you made it this far, nice and this doesn’t count as a spy move.








You have nonidea when this ends.


Give me a pm if you make it this far.




Wait is there a limit


If you’re on noble, your eyes are dead.

















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I have stated my thoughts there @Channelknight Fadran and I think it is fine



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1AB3D - DELIVERED - S(71) - 1.9X[NA;9C0

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DENIED: 183A17292AB64392C759D


DELIVERED: 49281A34929AB27831C25219D

DELAYED: 7628A3516AB82C7948D



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As Emresse Marianla saw the frantic escape of the houses around her, she knew what was happening. They would be destroyed.

The Ancasian guards burst in, not even heeding the metal detectors, and rushed to her, but she just waved them silent. She knew.

She just calmly picked up her radio transmitter, and sent this to House Ancasia:

Nexus is no longer safe. We may not return home.

Then she glanced over to her cousin, Emresse Xandin. He was shooting worried looks to the officials. She lowered her voice into the transmitter, tears almost forming in her eyes.




Emresse Marianla set down the transmitter. She surveyed the room, then looked outside one of the windows. Armies were marching to the capitol, attacking. Something bright was approaching the planet. Of course. Nukes.

She abruptly stood up, and grabbed Xandin. They had to escape. There was a small window of time before they all were obliterated. They had to escape now.

"There's a chance..." She muttered to herself as she rushed him outside the building. The gates were closed, so she turned around and took a back exit. There were armies surrounding the building. She couldn't go out from any of those exits. Emresse Marianla saw a staircase. Though some assistants tried to hold her back from accessing the higher levels, she pushed them away, dragging Emresse Xandin with her. He tried to keep up as she ran to the top of the building. Alarms sounded. A few Ancasian guards tried to follow them, but fell behind. The other guards tried to take the Ancasiam government officials somewhere safe. There was no where to hide.

Emresse Marianla made it to the top and opened a hatch, breaking out of the building. She transmitted an emergency message to the ship, letting the pilot know of her location. The ship quickly approached and the pilot grabbed her, lifting her inside with one hand, keeping the other on the controls. Emresse Xandin was clinging on to Emresse Marianla's hand. He was hanging onto Emresse Marianla as she struggled to pull him inside as well.

All of a sudden, the nukes hit the planet. the entire capitol shook. The air was filled with smoke and toxins. Emresse Marianla tried her best to keep her grip on Emresse Xandin.

But then...

He slipped.

Emresse Marianla watched Emresse Xandin fall down to Nexus. Helpless. She tried to jump down from the ship, which had already been launched, but was pulled back by the pilot.

"No. It's too late." The pilot said.

Emresse Marianla could do nothing but watch from above as the Ancasian guards and government officials screamed. Most importantly, she watched as Emresse Xandin, her own cousin, fell, awaiting his fate. They were partners for this meeting. He had trusted her. Why did she think she could save him?

She took the pilot's transmitter.

Marianla to Ancasia.

I am the sole survivor.

She hesitated.


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The Tentaculum ships move into position around their target. Slowly, one by one, squadron by squadron, they go into stealth mode. By no means undetectable, but hard to notice in a casual search. 


They begin analyzing the worlds they surround, searching for any information they can, but especially weaknesses.


They are in orbit around House Griffin. 


They are finding any information they can to prepare for a possible attack.



Simultaneously, the expedition arrives at the base of one of House Durral's mountains. 

@Matrim's Dice

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Undisclosed planet, Tau cluster



What a funny thing.

Nexus invaded, the other houses caught by surprise. They were already messaging on the hyperwaves, swearing allegiance to one side or the other.

This would work itself out quickly enough, but the fighting would be intense. Soldiers would die, missiles would be fired - it would be a brutal, bloody, mess.

The other houses would need weapons. They would use up all of their resources, all of their fighting potential, and still want more. More than their economic networks could provide.


What an excellent way to make a profit.


House Thlf'phhmrth sends a message on the public hyperwave network:

Due to the unprecedented circumstances at hand, House Thlf'phhmrth has decided to sell advanced bio-weapons to any parties that need them for costs as low as 3,000 credits for ship armaments, planetary defense systems, systemwide defense systems, and planetary armaments; 1,000 credits for bulk personal armaments including infantry weapons, personal armored plating, etc; 2,000 credits for bulk armored ground, water, and air craft, and 4,000 credits for fully outfitted spacecraft, complete with oxygen generation and state-of-the-art weapons systems. Payments accepted in resources, currency, Maxim, and Axiom. If interested, contact House Thlf'phhmrth via private message (PM).


A ship is sent from the Tau cluster. TKN can read this


Classified 1


The ship is the envoy promised to meet up with @The Known Novel.



Edited by NerdyAarakocra
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