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SF Debris just posted part 1 of his review of Elantris


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Hey guys, I hope you are well well :) I know I haven't been very active on the forum for some time (including the delay on the post for the general religious discussion thread on the Seven Days of Creation, and a few PMs I still have to respond to, and some ideas I have for the Flexiprompts), though God willing I'll be more active soon. However, I felt I should point out that SD Debris, my favourite reviewer, just posted part 1 of his review of Elantris, and implied he'll be covering more Cosmere books soon. I'm rather excited!

Here is a link to his website and the review there, followed by a link to the YouTube video directly.






Anyhow, hope you guys are well, and God willing in about a month I should be posting here again slightly more often. Take care, and God bless!

Edited by Ixthos
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Welcome back

3 hours ago, Ixthos said:

Here is a link to his website and the review there

Does the review have a text-only format?

Is it possible to please encase the video link in a spoiler tag?
   (the image flickers significantly; and, if it bothers me, I know it's enough to trigger a seizure in some epileptics like my sister)

Have a great day.

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5 hours ago, Treamayne said:

Welcome back

Thank you, though I'm not quiet back yet ;) :)


5 hours ago, Treamayne said:

Does the review have a text-only format?

Unfortunately no, or at least I don't think so. Chuck apparently originally started out doing text reviews, but all his stuff over the past several years as far as I can tell is video only, though I usually listen to them rather than watch them, especially when he covers books.


5 hours ago, Treamayne said:

Is it possible to please encase the video link in a spoiler tag?
   (the image flickers significantly; and, if it bothers me, I know it's enough to trigger a seizure in some epileptics like my sister)

Gotcha, and done. Sorry about that!


5 hours ago, Treamayne said:

Have a great day.

You too :)

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