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7 minutes ago, Matrim's Dice said:

Bold of you to assume you know where or who the King is

Bold of you to start a sentence with “Bold of you” in a game where you’ve lost nearly half your team without taking a piece. :P 

Also, bold of you to assume you have any idea what we do and don’t know, given that you’ve seen practically nothing of our team until this round — and you still don’t know where half of us are.

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7 hours ago, Wonko the Sane said:

Bold of you to start a sentence with “Bold of you” in a game where you’ve lost nearly half your team without taking a piece. :P 

Also, bold of you to assume you have any idea what we do and don’t know, given that you’ve seen practically nothing of our team until this round — and you still don’t know where half of us are.

All part of the strategy, all part of the strategy 

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A Writeup Shall Come. Results…Shall Come First.

The Chess Minigame is over! Though neither King was captured, the Red Team possesses a significant material advantage of 7 points, and carries away the trophy!

Final boardstate will be edited in when I’m not on my storming phone >>


Your victory points, as promised:




Ashbringer: 12

_Stick_: 11

DrakeMarshall/Scars of Hathsin: 9

Amanuensis: 8

Experience: 7

Wonko the Sane: 6

Sart: 6

Archer/WitIsTheBest: 2

Matrim’s Dice: 1

xinoehp512: 1

|TJ|: 1

Labyrinth: 1

And some doc links!

Fully Spoiled Rules

Spec Doc

Cards Doc

Bandersnatch Doc

White Pieces

Red Pieces

GM Master Spreadsheet

Finally, the true reward of this game, the Paper Plate Awards! Step forward onto the podium and claim yours!

THE KNOWN NOVEL: You are already a Victor, but I must award you the designation of Fiercest Competitor. Never content with the victory points lying about, you went your way to garner as many as you could for yourself, playing the game like a true FFA, and saw your efforts bear fruit. You were a valiant Knight in the garrison of the Red King. Additionally, by spreading your Time curse to both Alice and the Dormouse, you also win the dubious honour of Typhoid Mary!

MATRIM’S DICE: Your longsuffering and patience as you were hit with the Madness early in Cards, suspected in Jabberwock, and given a disjointed team in Chess, has earned you the Truest Stoic award. Thank you for giving it your all throughout the game, even though it didn’t go your way much. 

EXPERIENCE: While you excelled in the Red Doc strategising with your teammates, your most outstanding effects on the game certainly came in the Cards game. Though you fell willingly upon your Pepper-laced sword during C2 to ensure that Alice or the Knave would not be exposed, your time as the Duchess was laden with significance, helping you to roleblock the Queen who was hunting you during C1. As such, I award you the title of Doughtiest Scapegoat. 

DRAKEMARSHALL/SCARS: There is no question as to what you deserve. You quite obviously receive Cutest Murderpuppy for your Vorpal Sword assassination of Sart, and your ruthless planning in Chess.

WITISTHEBEST/ARCHER: In the grand tradition of our great IM watching over this game, you were in several important positions, but due to a quieter thread and PM presence, managed to mostly evade watchful eyes until the last cycles when it could be borne no more, flying under the radar with aplomb! As such, I grant you the title Most Devoted Adherent to Araris Valerian.

XINOEHP512: After receiving largely standard roles in this game, you were nonetheless subjected to a withering barrage of suspicion from all corners, particularly a very confident Wonko. As such, you receive the Most Remarkable Citizen award!

QUINTESSENTIAL: Your return to SE was a swooping and triumphant one, seeing you snatch the matriarchy of Wonderland for yourself and use it to set your realm back in order, and granting you co-Victor status. However, it came about from the efforts of others as well, whom you trusted and who did not fail you. As such, you are awarded the Most Benevolent Monarch prize! Try to avoid taking too many more heads, wouldn’t you?

_STICK_: You were adrift at sea for much of the game, and were in the centre of the time cursing without yourself being cursed. Nonetheless, you steeled yourself and, though doubtless cursing my name by the end, etched out two hard-won victories for yourself. You therefore earn Ordinary Time’s Strongest Soldier.

ASHBRINGER: You came in at exactly the right time in the Cards minigame, performing a perfect kill on the only player not sitting to Tea and securing victory for your faction. And in Chess, though you seemed quiet as the Dormouse you had been, you were another instrumental part of Red’s victory. I therefore award you the Clutch Gene award. Sorry for all the headaches I gave you. (Not really. :P)

AMANUENSIS: Ever the joker in these games, you received three difficult roles one after another: the Knave of Hearts, the Jabberwock, and the White Knight. Despite being cursed unexpectedly, you rose to the challenge of each, and gave the difficult wincons I assigned you your all. I therefore present you with Most Dwimmer-Crafty Third Party. May the Sun ever shine on your swords.

SART: No suspense here either: you had ALL the time shenanigans happen to you. You were Cursed, kicked out of a Party thanks to a curse, resurrected yourself as a Bandersnatch using your curse, and were the scariest time-travelling bishop to ever cross a chessboard. If Stick is Ordinary Time’s Strongest Soldier, you are Daylight Saving Time’s Strongest Soldier. 

|TJ|: Bro I’m sorry you just got piled on this game. Especially as My Son. You win Most Feared Spectre, and also Most Interrupted Queen (your poor actions :’))

WONKO THE SANE: You get the trophy case. Most Prolific PMer, Most Dastardly Schemer, Puppet Master Extraordinaire, Complimenter of GMs, Most Dedicated to His Craft, Best Confidence Level in Blackout, Most Likely to Fall For Fifth’s Silly Traps, Quinn’s Strongest Soldier. You deserve every last award. Thanks for making this game your own.

LABYRINTH: I think you just straight-up get Most Unlucky. Your Alice role could have done so much, and you just hit the very few wrong people with it. Thanks for being the prime Guinea Pig in this Wonderland world. 

Thank you, thank you, to everyone who played. This is in my top 3 GMing experiences (and I’ve run a lot of games, with a lot more free time usually). Y’all made this your own and I loved it.

GM retrospective, a decent writeup, and fuller thoughts are coming. And possibly some parodies. :)

Edit: I NEARLY FORGOT TO THANK @JNV SPECIFICALLY! Go shower the best co-GM I could have asked for with all due upvotes, praise, and adulation 

Edited by Fifth Scholar
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