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Just now, Experience said:

The test that wonko told me of, he didn't pass himself when he told me the name of the role? Or I'm getting something wrong. 

Also, if wonko ends up flipping elim I wouldn't be surprised of e!quinn

Assuming we all know the same Wonko, it doesn’t pass. What that means, not sure. 

Just that I sense danger here. And not just because 4 players are probably dying “this” cycle.

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Stick is definitely a strong enough elim to pass whatever test Wonko had, I think.

Sticking to my guns which probably is a bad idea but if so you can blame that on me being out of practice at villaging :P. Probably would have not voted but Exp took his off and I liked the numbers ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ 

If TKN gets flashwagoned I wouldn’t be sad.

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1 minute ago, Matrim's Dice said:

Stick is definitely a strong enough elim to pass whatever test Wonko had, I think.

Sticking to my guns which probably is a bad idea but if so you can blame that on me being out of practice at villaging :P. Probably would have not voted but Exp took his off and I liked the numbers ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ 

If TKN gets flashwagoned I wouldn’t be sad.


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12 minutes ago, Ashbringer said:

Wonko’s gambit makes sense, but it’s obvious that there are exceptions and exemptions. It’s also… a little sketchy. And I think Wonko, technically, doesn’t pass it himself.

I am indeed an exception myself. Only certain roles are capable of passing the test. But I still believe it would have been very difficult to lie through it.

12 minutes ago, Ashbringer said:

I like a TKN exe. Not sure how much I’ll like a Stick one but I see the logic.

I'll acknowledge that I'm not at all certain about TKN myself. There are some small holes in his story to me; however, I think it's worth keeping him alive until I can further interrogate him. But I'll absolutely bow to a TKN exe over Stick, who I'm almost certain is village.

10 minutes ago, _Stick_ said:

Wit hasn’t posted in the last two turns right?  They’re due to get replaced or killed off to the filter I think. 

Unless they've been engaging in the game; taking actions and talking in docs. I don't like that I've seen their name at the bottom of the page like ten times today. They are clearly watching what's happening.

10 minutes ago, _Stick_ said:

apart from that I don’t believe Xino has done anything that warrants a village read so people with killing powers maybe resolve that overnight thnx 

You know, somewhat agreed. He passed the test today, but he notably waited more than 21 hours to respond to me -- he had the opportunity to answer C4, but didn't. If a villager has the Vorpal Sword, please kill Xino for us?

2 minutes ago, DrakeMarshall said:

Not much time to rhyme but what about Ash? Did they pass your test?

Ash passed, but only today -- and he took some prompting first, which further lowers the validity of the test.

Edited by Wonko the Sane
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Tbf I told wonko I would have definitely passed it as elim lol



Aman also exists, probably pressure him tomorrow and I think there’s a good chance he’s not village based on like pure probability and stuff idk 

going to actually sleep now, lol

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3 minutes ago, _Stick_ said:

Aman also exists, probably pressure him tomorrow and I think there’s a good chance he’s not village based on like pure probability and stuff idk

Somewhat agreed. He has played coy and implied he intended a roleswap, but never followed through. Seems like a solid way to throw me off without raising alarm bells.

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Aye, I had to study a bit to understand the questions :P

But, I did find the answer alone. I believe before the talk of tests had truly gone about, and Wonko’s contact can perhaps vouch that we had little in the way of information exchange.

Plus, I think me spending so much time testing and understanding the Curse is enough to understand I’d use that potential a little bit harder. 

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1 minute ago, Ashbringer said:

Aye, I had to study a bit to understand the questions :P

But, I did find the answer alone. I believe before the talk of tests had truly gone about, and Wonko’s contact can perhaps vouch that we had little in the way of information exchange.

Plus, I think me spending so much time testing and understanding the Curse is enough to understand I’d use that potential a little bit harder. 

Agreed. You're cleared of being the Jabberwock, in my book -- but not of being a Bandersnatch. As I pointed out in our PM, there was a way for you to find the answer as an eliminator, which wasn't available to others I tested.

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Just now, DrakeMarshall said:

I don’t track the sudden TKN wagon but I guess the cycle won’t drag on so it’s too late it’s up to fate.

I don't love it either -- TKN has claimed a very important role to me. But I fully trust Stick and don't really trust him, so I'm saving her over him.

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Humpty Dumpty sat on a wall, staring out at the creatures having a ball. Time was amiss, and swords were…

Humpty frowned at the half-finished poem in his hand. However to convey how time seemed to dance around all of them, tripping them up just as they got their feet under them, or perhaps just before? However to convey the way bodies had been collapsed before they had spoken today? But he was a determined bander– egg. A very determined egg, and nothing else, no sirree! 

“Why!” cried a voice from below. “It’s Humpty Dumpty! Hello!”

He looked down. There, standing on the path in front of his wall, was a little girl in a torn, blue dress. “Hello, little girl. What is your name?”

Instead of introducing herself politely, the little girl took a step back. “That’s not what you normally say to me when you see me.”

Oh dear. Someone who actually knew Humpty. Someone who had expectations. “Why, I’m afraid I’ve been having a bit of memory trouble. Falling off this wall, you see. Luckily for me, the king delivered on his promise!”

The little girl frowned. “Well, I don’t see how falling off a wall and being put back together would change your voice. You don’t sound nearly so nasally.”

He relaxed. The girl seemed to be willing to play along. “Well, I had to get a new voicebox. You see, it broke in the fall along with the rest of me, and the little gears and such are far too small for kings and their men to handle. My old one’s in the repair shop.”

The girl nodded slowly. “That doesn’t explain the clothes.”

At this, he truly puffed up. “Whatever do you mean? I’ve got my belt right here!”

“A-ha!” the girl shouted, pointing up at him. “Humpty Dumpty wore a cravat. You’re not him at all!”

“I am!” he insisted, though the jig was probably up by now. “I really am! An egg and all!”

“Humpty Dumpty isn’t an egg!” 

And at that, the little girl scrambled up the wall with great agility and speed, moving towards him. He tried to escape, but he was not yet accustomed to his rotund egg body, and each movement only sent him wobbling. With a hefty push, the little girl sent him tumbling off the wall.


His eggshell shattered, revealing the slimy skin of a bandersnatch. How horrid! They could see him now! He would never be able to eat anyone now.

“I knew it!” yelled the little girl in triumph, raising her hands to the sky. “I knew it! A filthy bandersnatch!”

At this cry, the Creatures turned to look at him. Soon enough, they gave chase. Stunned as he was from the fall, he was in no condition to escape them.

The Known Novel has succumbed to the madness! They were a Bandersnatch!
Sart was killed by the Vorpal Sword! He was a Bandersnatch Tove of the Bandersnatch faction!
Ashbringer was killed in C4 by the Bandersnatches! He was a Village Tove of the Creatures of the Looking-Glass!
_Stick_ was attacked in C4 by the Jabberwock, but survived!

Vote Count:
TKN (3): Stick, Wonko, Experience
Stick (3): DrakeMarshall, Sart, Matrim

WitIsTheBest has not posted in two cycles and has been replaced by @Archer. Welcome, Archer!

Cycle 6 has begun! As the last cycle of the minigame, remember to wrap up those win conditions! It will end on Wednesday 6 September at 9:30 PM EDT.

There is a madness today, with a one vote minimum.

Player List:

  1. The Known Novel - Bandersnatch
  2. Matrim’s Dice
  3. Experience
  4. DrakeMarshall
  5. WitIsTheBest
  6. xinoehp512
  7. Quintessential
  8. _Stick_
  9. Ashbringer - Tove
  10. Amanuensis
  11. Sart - Tove
  12. |TJ| - My Son
  13. Wonko the Sane
  14. Labyrinth - Borogove


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Hmm. Good job, everyone. Especially whoever has the Vorpal Sword. Stick could theoretically still be evil (and that would be an explanation of why she was slow to self pres) but I’ll definitely have to relook before going there again.

I should be clear of being the Jabberwock, as there is no way in heck I try to kill Stick when I left with her up for the exe, but I do look extremely evil from my switch and TKN’s flip :P. Exp looks slightly evil for shading me at the end of last turn in preparation for this one, but as the VC was tied that probably doesn’t actually reflect alignment

Actually, now that I’m thinking about it— Stick probably is just v because of Sart’s push. That would be a really dumb distancing attempt, Sart easily could have just voted me again or something. Maybe they didn’t think he’d be killed and that they could survive today to win, but that feels like one dose too much of paranoia.

Path to victory today is exeing the Jabberwock and Vorpal Blading the last Bandersnatch, so no pressure whoever has that :P. I can fullclaim if it’d help people read me better but hopefully that won’t be necessary.

Edit: wait attacked in C4 0_o

I don’t have time to look at that but someone definitely should 

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1 hour ago, Fifth Scholar said:

No faction has yet failed its win condition.

I see, so the bandersnatches are three (or four! or more! but probably three, if you ask me).

1 hour ago, JNV said:

_Stick_ was attacked in C4 by the Jabberwock, but survived!

Who saved Stick? Tell us quick. There's only one round left anyway and it'd put both of you in the clear of being the Jabberwock (who is next on the chopping block).


Edit, I said it:

Alright, I'll bite, it's now or never ever.

We should mass claim I proclaim.

A Tove, by jove! There, I shrove!

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Village Rath, I outgrabe Quinn C4 (basically whatever actions hit her would hit me) which did nothing and then (get this) I forgot to do anything yesterday. If I had remembered, I would have protected Ash from being rolescanned, which is my normal ability 

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13 minutes ago, Matrim's Dice said:

Village Rath, I outgrabe Quinn C4 (basically whatever actions hit her would hit me) which did nothing and then (get this) I forgot to do anything yesterday. If I had remembered, I would have protected Ash from being rolescanned, which is my normal ability 

During Brillig, a Tove is a trove of unlimited PMs. But my predecessor and past possessor of the role did leave me with none not even one :(

I may also gyre and gimble, which makes me nimble! But then I'll tire.

To lock down the jabberwock, my summation of my process of elimination lies in this quotation:

2 hours ago, JNV said:
  1. xinoehp512
  2. Quintessential
  3. Amanuensis


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