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46 minutes ago, Xiahida said:

An aviar that protects your mind from things like Deathmaws. This is comparable to A-copper. Can A-bronze detect surgebinging or fabrials like a secretspren? Any others?

Yes, yes, and yes. Those things work on similar principles. They are interchangeable. Life sense from Breaths also works similar to A-bronze but detects different types of investiture (innate, while A-bronze detects kinetic). A-copper is that protection of Aviars you've mentioned, and Sak's future sight abilities are similar to those from Roshar, Scadrial and Nalthis. It's all connected. 



Can a Seeker burning bronze detect a Surgebinder using Stormlight? Do different Surges have different pulses?

Brandon Sanderson

Yes, and yes. Good questions.

General Reddit 2017 (Dec. 13, 2017)




And then is there a connection between Aviars, copperclouds, aluminum, and the yellow spren, life sense, seeking?

Brandon Sanderson

Yeah, yeah all that, there are some relationships there.


So they all pretty much would affect each other?

Brandon Sanderson

Ummm, yes, yes.

Orem signing (Dec. 21, 2017)




Sak, Dusk's non-native Aviar. That ability is very, very similar to Allomantic electrum.

Brandon Sanderson

It is!


And his other Aviar is very, very similar to Allomantic copper.

Brandon Sanderson

It is.


Is there a connection between those two, deeper? Or is it--

Brandon Sanderson

will RAFO that. Let's just say it is an intentional reference, but I'm not going to say whether it's a direct connection to Scadrial magic systems or more that fundamental rules of magics can reproduce one another. We have seen multiple instances of Lightweaving, so-- It's one of those two... That at least narrows it down for you.

Arcanum Unbounded Chicago signing (Dec. 6, 2016)


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45 minutes ago, Xiahida said:

Can use an aviar to protect yourself from someone burning A-bronze? Could Sak help if you were fighting someone burning atium?

This is likely, since we know that any use of Fortune can interfere with other uses of Fortune. For reference, see how Renarin's abilities impact Odium's future sight in Oathbringer Ch 122.

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Huh, I wonder if a feruchemist tapping Fortune would be immune (or less affected by) someone else burning Atium. Perhaps it would make the Atium shadows be closer in time, so an enemy wouldn't get nearly as much information.

That also brings up whether storing Fortune would have the reverse effect. I've often wondered about using nicrosil feruchemy to adjust the power of electrum allomancy, making your electrum shadows appear closer to you in time or further away in the future, but could you do something similar by storing all of your Fortune and then burning electrum to see shadows of you minutes to hours in the future? 

Edited by MistbornMathematician
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1 hour ago, MistbornMathematician said:

Huh, I wonder if a feruchemist tapping Fortune would be immune (or less affected by) someone else burning Atium. Perhaps it would make the Atium shadows be closer in time, so an enemy wouldn't get nearly as much information.

Yes, it would cause some disturbance in Atium shadows, most likely splitting them as your own future becomes uncertain as you have a better feeling of what will happen in the future and can react to it. It would be like if you were to burn Atium yourself. 



Can a person compounding Luck defeat a Mistborn burning atium?

Brandon Sanderson

*Hesitantly* Yes. That is theoretically possible. I would say the emphasis on, "Could there?" But it is plausible that that could get around it.

Legion Release Party (Sept. 19, 2018)


1 hour ago, MistbornMathematician said:

That also brings up whether storing Fortune would have the reverse effect. I've often wondered about using nicrosil feruchemy to adjust the power of electrum allomancy, making your electrum shadows appear closer to you in time or further away in the future, but could you do something similar by storing all of your Fortune and then burning electrum to see shadows of you minutes to hours in the future? 

Yes it would have some effect. Likely. A-electrum and A-Atium use Fortune to show the future, so manipulating your own Fortune should have the same effect as being stronger/weaker Allomancer in those metals. Or at least would help you or "numb" your shadows. There would be an effect, but definitely not in the range of minutes or hours.

Storing all your Fortune might have the opposite effect of what you're proposing - you would be able to see very shortly into the future, less than normally, less then a second, and your electrum shadows would be mostly useless for predicting the future. By tapping Fortune you would see further into the future, several seconds into it. Likely if you compound Fortune while burning those metals, you might reach the point when you peer directly into the Spiritual Realm, just like it can be achieved by burning duralumin with Atium, which you saw at the end of HoA, which allowed Elend to see Preservation's plan.



What would a Hemalurgic spike granting atium do for an Allomancer already able to burn atium? Does it function similarly to bronze, granting enhanced atium-ing? Along this line of thought, would enhancing electrum burning via spike be of any advantage?

Brandon Sanderson

A spike of something you have would enhance your ability, giving your more strength. With atium, more strength makes for a minimal edge--the length you can push out the atium shadows. However, there's a certain breaking point where you kind of crack the whole system, peer straight into the [Spiritual Realm], and kind of have a "It's full of stars" moment.

Electrum could reach this same moment, potentially, though there's more interference to fight through. Extra strength in electrum isn't going to be terribly useful up to that point.


Is that what happened when atium was burned with duralumin?

Brandon Sanderson


Footnote: In his original response Brandon mistakenly said burning atium and duralumin would cause the Allomancer to peer into the Cognitive Realm, rather than Spiritual Realm. He has since confirmed that this was a mistake.
/r/books AMA 2015 (Aug. 1, 2015)


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20 hours ago, alder24 said:

Storing all your Fortune might have the opposite effect of what you're proposing - you would be able to see very shortly into the future, less than normally, less then a second, and your electrum shadows would be mostly useless for predicting the future. By tapping Fortune you would see further into the future, several seconds into it. Likely if you compound Fortune while burning those metals, you might reach the point when you peer directly into the Spiritual Realm, just like it can be achieved by burning duralumin with Atium, which you saw at the end of HoA, which allowed Elend to see Preservation's plan.


I suppose it's a question of whether one future-seeing technique would interfere constructively with another technique if you are the person doing both at once. Do you know if we've ever gotten any word on that kind of double-dipping into Fortune? I'd imagine that the simplest case, burning atium and electrum at the same time, would have the primary effect of giving other people a smokescreen of atium shadows as their future possibilities react to your electrum shadows, but perhaps there would also be some additional synergy.

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