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Adolin in book 5


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So being that every book has someone dying who’s it gonna be in the 5th?

its hard to explain the whole thought process, but its gotta be one of the main characters- cause that’s just what Brandon does lol… kills someone to prove the point of the book mistborn spoiler alert:


(i.e. vin)

so kaladin, dalinar, navani, renarin, adolin, shallan….

cant be kaladin cause his whole arc was about learning to live- obvious not.

dalinar- he’s becoming more of staple power in the world and it just wont fit his arc for him to die- too obvious and cliche so that’s a no!

shallan- also a no cause her arc is about living with the past and not running away from it and dying would be the ultimate hiding from her past.

renarin uh uh- he’s way too important now and essential to the plot plus we haven’t really seen his viewpoint on his personal struggles so it wouldn’t make sense to kill him.

which leaves navani and adolin…

navani is super important to dalinar so her death would be a huge impact plus she’s bonded to the tower which is interesting in her own right so just some food for thought too explore that idea…

but adolin is a for sure death!! My theory is that he’s going to sacrifice himself to somehow Restore his Spren maya back from being a deadeyes- he’s the only one in history who has brought some sentience to his spren and he did this by giving her something from himself (go read those chapters you’ll see what i mean) and his arc is about how he doesn’t know his place… by giving up his life for maya he will find himself plus bring her to life… also notice that he’s more attached to maya than anything else- even shallan- pay attention to how he talks to her and the care he has for her…


all in all just some food for thought lemme hear what you guys think!!!!

Edited by Zackarcanum
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Do Szeth, Venli, Rlain, or Rock count as Main in this case?  


(Personally, I dont think it's Adolin because I think his means of Restoration of her is going to be a Connection thing that he'll need to be alive to maintain, while also unlocking Cultivation's version of the Surges for one or both of them.)

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1 hour ago, Zackarcanum said:

its hard to explain the whole thought process, but its gotta be one of the main characters- cause that’s just what Brandon does lol… kills someone to prove the point of the book Mistborn spoilers:


(i.e. vin)


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55 minutes ago, Zackarcanum said:

So being that every book has someone dying who’s it gonna be in the 5th?

its hard to explain the whole thought process, but its gotta be one of the main characters- cause that’s just what Brandon does lol… kills someone to prove the point of the book (i.e. vin)

Which main character died in WoK?

56 minutes ago, Zackarcanum said:

cant be kaladin cause his whole arc was about learning to live- obvious not.

I see it very likely that he will die - he's always one step away from death.

56 minutes ago, Zackarcanum said:

dalinar- he’s becoming more of staple power in the world and it just wont fit his arc for him to die- too obvious and cliche so that’s a no!

Dalinar made himself a deal that forces him to fight in a duel - Taravangian spotted a loophole - it's very, very likely he will die.

57 minutes ago, Zackarcanum said:

which leaves navani and adolin…

And Lopen, Rock, Sizgil, Gaz, Shallan's brothers, Oroden, Gavinor, Szeth, Lift, Jasnah etc. There are a lot of characters to pick from. Was Teft a main character in RoW? No. Was Elhokar a main character of OB? No. Was Eshonai the main character of WoR? She had a few pov chapters but she wasn't really a main character.

1 hour ago, Zackarcanum said:

navani is super important to dalinar so her death would be a huge impact plus she’s bonded to the tower which is interesting in her own right so just some food for thought too explore that idea…

Her importance to Dalinar is actually an argument for her death.

1 hour ago, Zackarcanum said:

but adolin is a for sure death!! My theory is that he’s going to sacrifice himself to somehow Restore his Spren maya back from being a deadeyes- he’s the only one in history who has brought some sentience to his spren and he did this by giving her something from himself (go read those chapters you’ll see what i mean) and his arc is about how he doesn’t know his place… by giving up his life for maya he will find himself plus bring her to life… also notice that he’s more attached to maya than anything else- even shallan- pay attention to how he talks to her and the care he has for her…

How would his sacrifice restore Deadeye? Maya needs him and his bond to get restored. This is already happening, they are forming a bond and without that bond Maya would return to the state of total Deadeye. She needs him. In my opinion they are forming a reverse Nahel Bond, where Adolin's soul is filling cracks in Maya's soul, restoring her mind in process and linking her back to all three Realms. Adolin gave her his strength and breath during the trial, she is getting powers from Adolin, not the other way around. Without that bond Maya can't function. Adolin dying won't bring her back to life, it would reverse all of that they've achieved.


I think that if somebody will die in KoWT, that death must be impactful, not just for readers, but to the world and characters. I believe Dalinar will die or become Odium's Fused, as that presents us with the most impactful death, changing the entire conflict and affecting everyone on Roshar and even beyond. Kaladin is also very likely to die - he became almost a deity, his struggle and presence affects everybody, and everybody knows him. He is always there to fix problems, his absence would change a lot. Szeth might die but for different reasons - as a compilation of his arc. I don't really see anything in Adolin that would make me believe that his death is coming. He just started his own arc, but he isn't that important to the greater story, his death would impact few characters, mainly main characters and that's it. It would be just death, just somebody had to die. I don't feel it - but that's my opinion.

Of course, everything is possible.

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I believe Dalinar will die or become Odium's Fused

I second this. I also think it would hurt the reader more if Dalinar turns into a bad guy, so I just don't think someone has to die for it to be impactful and sad.


Szeth might die but for different reasons - as a compilation of his arc

I think it makes a lot of sense for it to happen but I rather it not.

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2 hours ago, Awakened rock stacker said:

I second this. I also think it would hurt the reader more if Dalinar turns into a bad guy, so I just don't think someone has to die for it to be impactful and sad.

I think it makes a lot of sense for it to happen but I rather it not.

I third it!

4 hours ago, Zackarcanum said:

renarin uh uh- he’s way too important now and essential to the plot plus we haven’t really seen his viewpoint on his personal struggles so it wouldn’t make sense to kill him.

Renarin is actually a PRIME candidate for death now with TOdium more than ever before IMO

  • Taravangian KNOWS what Renarin's powers do to his own foresight and would want that removed post haste.
    • I would if I were TOdium anyway. For me Renarin would be target #1 for my assassins
      • if I didn't have assassins, I would get some of those stat as well
    • it's unclear that Rayse was aware of the "why" or if he could even see those sections (at least to me)
  • Renarin is actually redundant in a way from a power perspective now that Rlain has bonded an Enlightened Mist spren
    • yes, this doubles the area/people they can mask/blank, but if Renarin were removed it would leave Rlain able to fill the gap near Dalinar as well
  • He is a "top tier" (my words) character in that his death would be a huge blow to... well everyone of our main characters. Far more impact on characters than Teft
    • Adolin/Dalinar/Jasnah/Bridge Four/Kaladin would all esp. be crushed by his death
    • Navani & Shallan likely would as well, but I could see reasons why they'd be less impacted than the list above
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Hmm...I think Adolin is high up on the list, but I think it'll be Szeth or no one will die. I think Kaladin will Ascend to Honor, Dalinar will pull some Connection shenanigans that allows Team Honor to win but leaves him as Zellion, and Adoin will lead a charge of newly revived Spren (and willing-to-bond Spren) as a "Big Storming Heroes" moment in the climax. 

Yes, Szeth has already died before, but I can't see a purpose for him in the second half of the series or the Cosmere as a whole. (Although him joining a Cosmere-hopping group would be hilarious. I can see him joining the Seventeenth Shard or other Cosmere-Aware groups as a sort of Ultimate Cop thing, but that's really it.)

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On 9/1/2023 at 3:37 PM, Quantus said:

Do Szeth, Venli, Rlain, or Rock count as Main in this case?  


(Personally, I dont think it's Adolin because I think his means of Restoration of her is going to be a Connection thing that he'll need to be alive to maintain, while also unlocking Cultivation's version of the Surges for one or both of them.)

Szeth hasn’t really been a main character in regards to a growth arc neither rock or rlain so their impact by dying wouldn’t be such a game changer…

As to venli i hear more but I feel she’s too important in the plot to let her die- she’s the proof that even “evil” parshendi can be good and that the “original gods” have forgiven them like leshwi said


and in regards to adolin read the part where he’s in shadesmare- it seems like he’s giving her his own strength… not sure though… read it again and try to see what i mean

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On 9/1/2023 at 7:27 AM, Zackarcanum said:

So being that every book has someone dying who’s it gonna be in the 5th?

its hard to explain the whole thought process, but its gotta be one of the main characters- cause that’s just what Brandon does lol… kills someone to prove the point of the book mistborn spoiler alert:

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(i.e. vin)

so kaladin, dalinar, navani, renarin, adolin, shallan….

cant be kaladin cause his whole arc was about learning to live- obvious not.

dalinar- he’s becoming more of staple power in the world and it just wont fit his arc for him to die- too obvious and cliche so that’s a no!

shallan- also a no cause her arc is about living with the past and not running away from it and dying would be the ultimate hiding from her past.

renarin uh uh- he’s way too important now and essential to the plot plus we haven’t really seen his viewpoint on his personal struggles so it wouldn’t make sense to kill him.

which leaves navani and adolin…

navani is super important to dalinar so her death would be a huge impact plus she’s bonded to the tower which is interesting in her own right so just some food for thought too explore that idea…

but adolin is a for sure death!! My theory is that he’s going to sacrifice himself to somehow Restore his Spren maya back from being a deadeyes- he’s the only one in history who has brought some sentience to his spren and he did this by giving her something from himself (go read those chapters you’ll see what i mean) and his arc is about how he doesn’t know his place… by giving up his life for maya he will find himself plus bring her to life… also notice that he’s more attached to maya than anything else- even shallan- pay attention to how he talks to her and the care he has for her…


all in all just some food for thought lemme hear what you guys think!!!!

Part of living is dying and choosing life is also choose death I think kal will die in book 5. (He is too big not too). Same with Jasna.

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On 9/2/2023 at 3:01 PM, Zackarcanum said:

and in regards to adolin read the part where he’s in shadesmare- it seems like he’s giving her his own strength… not sure though… read it again and try to see what i mean

Oh, yes, that's precisely what Im thinking of what I say I think there's a more specific Connection happening there, and a more specific goal to the deadeyes. Especially in light of the WOB that says there are as many as 30 surges, implying a Cultivation set of Surges similar to the Honor/Radiant and Odium/Void variants.

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What About Syl? In Row we found out Ishar made spren physical and somehow killed them. So couldn't it be possible for one of the Radiant's spren to die? If Ishar attempts this could he kill Syl. The deaths in the last two books really affected Kaladin the most so whoever dies in the 5th book might as well be very damaging to Kaladin.

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11 hours ago, Stormlit Shard said:

What About Syl? In Row we found out Ishar made spren physical and somehow killed them. So couldn't it be possible for one of the Radiant's spren to die? If Ishar attempts this could he kill Syl.

Yeah, I hate this. I totally understand that it's possible, and the books are clearly moving in a direction that will involve more spren deaths. But I really don't want this for Kaladin. This would just break him, and if he's going to swear the fifth ideal I don't know how he'd do it without Syl. Maybe he'll swear it and then she'll die. That would break my heart.

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I don't think Adolin will die because he hasn't completed his arc and killing him would kind of throw away everything he built up with Maya. If he dies and Maya lives then either Maya would need to leave the story or have her bond with someone else(most likely a new character). Unless it was done with extreme care it would come off as a wasted character. 

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  • 1 year later...
On 9/1/2023 at 3:27 PM, Zackarcanum said:

So being that every book has someone dying who’s it gonna be in the 5th?

its hard to explain the whole thought process, but its gotta be one of the main characters- cause that’s just what Brandon does lol… kills someone to prove the point of the book mistborn spoiler alert:

  Reveal hidden contents

(i.e. vin)

so kaladin, dalinar, navani, renarin, adolin, shallan….

cant be kaladin cause his whole arc was about learning to live- obvious not.

dalinar- he’s becoming more of staple power in the world and it just wont fit his arc for him to die- too obvious and cliche so that’s a no!

shallan- also a no cause her arc is about living with the past and not running away from it and dying would be the ultimate hiding from her past.

renarin uh uh- he’s way too important now and essential to the plot plus we haven’t really seen his viewpoint on his personal struggles so it wouldn’t make sense to kill him.

which leaves navani and adolin…

navani is super important to dalinar so her death would be a huge impact plus she’s bonded to the tower which is interesting in her own right so just some food for thought too explore that idea…

but adolin is a for sure death!! My theory is that he’s going to sacrifice himself to somehow Restore his Spren maya back from being a deadeyes- he’s the only one in history who has brought some sentience to his spren and he did this by giving her something from himself (go read those chapters you’ll see what i mean) and his arc is about how he doesn’t know his place… by giving up his life for maya he will find himself plus bring her to life… also notice that he’s more attached to maya than anything else- even shallan- pay attention to how he talks to her and the care he has for her…  Kaladin will survive and I am 100 percent sure of that. Dalinar is a complicated case. He plays a central role in the events and his struggle with the consequences of the past. I blogged about these books using https://ca.papersowl.com/blog and there I said that everything can turn out spontaneously. Therefore, our speculations can remain speculations. It cannot be as simple as we imagine. We will live and see how everything will happen.


all in all just some food for thought lemme hear what you guys think!!!!

Maybe no one will die in this book? The thief will be a surprise. 🙄

Edited by Fanerdinag
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