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Why is bronze and copper savantism different?



Why don't bronze and copper savants suffer the same consequences of savantism? It never made sense to me when savantism warps the soul in a way that is harmful except for these two metals.

I know that it could just be because it's something Brandon decided that, but I'm curious if there's some kind of mechanic or reason I missed. 

Edited by Atlas333
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9 minutes ago, Atlas333 said:

Why don't bronze and copper savants don't suffer the same consequences of savantism? It never made sense to me when savantism warps the soul in a way that is harmful except for these two metals.

I know that it could just be because it's something Brandon decided that but I'm curious if there's some kind of mechanic or reason I missed. 

I think it is because those powers are not physical. No part of your body makes coppercloud or hear via bronze. They are more cognitive or even spiritual in nature, and won't really disturb you in such a way. Like you don't feel the effects of a Coppercloud at all. With bronze you're hearing spiritual rhythms, so it isn't really something that affects your life that much. Tin or pewter savantism are the most drastic examples of savanthoods, because they affect your body the most. Savanthood is still warping your soul, but there aren't any noticeable effects of this because of the nature of those powers (but there are some effects). 



Hero of Ages, Harmony in the epigraphs says that brass and copper Allomancers can become savants and never even notice. I know that generally savantism is supposed to have really extreme effects, so how does that work that they do not notice?

Brandon Sanderson

So, most savanthoods have extreme effects, some of them it's just not as noticeable. It can warp your soul without you really even paying that much attention to it. I kind of have a push and pull on how debilitating it is in some ways versus others. In this case, those are two that you can become that it would not be very debilitating in your life.


What effects would that have for that?

Brandon Sanderson

I'll RAFO that.

JordanCon 2021 (July 17, 2021)


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1 minute ago, alder24 said:

Yes, but on Scadrial. I didn't want to bring up non-Scadrial examples as I don't know which books Atlas read. 

The OP didn't mention Scadrial, so I didn't consider that limitation. I just figured that, like many others, they might not realize that Kaza's interlude was a Soulcasting Savant. 

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