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My Attempt to finally finish a story (Ancient Elantrians writing thread)

Ancient Elantrian

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  • 5 months later...

Behold, my newest work:


NOTES from the ELANS


Library of Possible Words:

MTF: Multiversal Testing Facility

ADE: After Destruction of Earth

Multist: Multiversal Scientist



Universe EO1759827, Planet LTT9779b, MTF, 1840 ADE

Hi. My name is Elan. I’m not sure where it came from, probably a weird nickname based on the code the multists assigned me at birth. I am, to my knowledge, 15 (Earth) years old. I live on a planet that is hot and should be inhabitable. This planet has a large facility, one for multiversal testing. Not a very happy place, people die all the time. They rip entities from their universes and then study them, eventually ending with them dead. I’m not sure what universe I came from. I’ll never know. I’ll be dead before I ever get the chance.

I had a friend once. Guy named Roy or something. I don’t know where he went. Probably dead. I hang out alone. People are scared of me. I don’t know why. It might be the magic. They consider it magic, at least. And magic is frowned upon here. I can’t use it to escape, but I know I have it. They force it, like hitting your knee with a hammer, every time we go through tests. The first multist to do that didn’t feel anything when he was vaporized. I did though. Guilt, most likely. I’ve been nulled though, I don’t feel that anymore. I don’t feel much anymore.

People have tried rebelling before.

People are dumb. 

People ended up dead. 

I didn’t. I was rewarded. You do what you have to do to survive. 

As a kid I thought it was fun to run through the halls, there were so many and it was so easy to get lost. Even the multists couldn’t effectively find their way through without the maps set up throughout the building. 

It would be a Saturday when we finally killed them. 

A month before, we had come under new rule. A new, more cruel multist had been put in charge. He was barely human, not in being but in acts. That day I was tortured, studied, and put in pain and agony I had never felt before. 

By the next afternoon, everyone had. That was when it was decided something needed to stop. We were reported soon after. The person who reported us, instead of being rewarded, never came back. We continued planning, after the punishment.

Weapons were stockpiled. Computers hacked. We had to use the most primitive of technology, iPhones, laptops, the works. 

When the day came, we were ready. We burned the maps set up throughout the building, shut down magic inhibitors, and barricaded ourselves in the MVTF room. The multists came in droves, armed with crazy weapons. People around me died, and I was shot. I ignored the pain. I screamed, accurately shooting down hundreds of scientists in white lab coats. Our rebellion was working, actually working. I didn’t know what to do after we succeeded, but I knew this was actually feasible. 

Then the strange group came in. A hodgepodge of people who looked out of place. No jumpsuits, not lab coats. One of them came towards us and was punched down. I started attacking, surely this was a defense by the multists. One of them, a strong man,  pulled out a sword, nearly six feet long. I snapped it in half. It was hard, and drained the magic I had. I didn’t quite know how to use it. 

The man attacked me ferociously. I fended him off as he ripped at skin savagely. Some of the others from the weird group started messing with the settings on the large contraption at the center, a multiversal vacuum. I turned, and as I did something slammed me in the back.

A powerful, experimental weapon. Something new, I had heard about but hadn’t seen. It was made to fracture reality, and it hit the man on my back and I head on.

My world splintered, and I was ripped apart. The man disappeared from my view.

I blinked awake on a strange new world. Green stuff covered the ground, nothing like the bright, sterile white place I grew up. What the heck? I thought to myself.

The same thought was echoed back into my mind from someone. Someones. Lots of them. I shuddered. This was going to get very interesting…


It's real rough, I wrote it in less than an hour, but it's a start.

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40 minutes ago, Ancient Elantrian said:

Behold, my newest work:

It's real rough, I wrote it in less than an hour, but it's a start.

ooh... prolouge to the elans... i need to see more. might try something similar with roy but might not. if I have time.

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10 minutes ago, RoyalBeeMage said:

ooh... prolouge to the elans... i need to see more. might try something similar with roy but might not. if I have time.

Don't worry, once AP Tests are over I will write more!

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1 hour ago, Ancient Elantrian said:

Behold, my newest work:

It's real rough, I wrote it in less than an hour, but it's a start.


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6 hours ago, Ancient Elantrian said:

Don't worry, once AP Tests are over I will write more!


6 hours ago, Edema Rue said:


is that a good one or a bad one?

5 hours ago, Edema Rue said:


that is definitely a good one!

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Posted (edited)

2nd Chapter!


Universe EO1111111, Planet ETH0003x, Dimension XZ, 2015 CE

This is Elan. On Earth. Kinda. I somehow ended in a void-dimension connected to Earth. I woke up with a ton of echoing voices in my head, surrounded by a dry, barren landscape. In the distance pale mountains rose up. Beneath them sat what looked like a city, based on what I thought those looked like. It was bathed in shadow. With nothing better to do, I began venturing towards the city, working to ignore the voices. 

Night quickly fell, and so I decided to converse with the voices in my head. Hello? I thought cautiously. The other voices quieted. Hi. My name is Elan. I’m alone, who knows where, who knows when. And I keep hearing voices. If you can, please respond.

Immediately a concourse of voices piped up noisily. No, no, no. I thought at them. One at a time. I felt out with my mind, picking out a single entity. You. I sent, Who are you.

I’m Elan. The voice sent. I’m stuck in a maze. I don’t know why. The world is dark and everything is dead. I swear this place is trying to kill me. I swear it. Whoever it was was stressed beyond belief. I’m going to die. I can’t stop running but I can’t move much farther. My legs are going to give out. I don’t know what to do. Help. Please, he- The voice cut off, and there was a void where the entity once was. 

Immediately thousands of voices began speaking up, shouting over one another. I didn't understand what had just happened and I couldn’t get them to quiet down, so I tried the best I could to sleep with a bunch of screaming things in my head, the cries for help echoing, phantomly, among them.

When I woke up the next morning the mountains and city were gone. I balked, swinging my head around, but there was nothing there. I suppose this would be a good time to explain where I was, though I wouldn’t figure out for a long time. In the middle of a void, there is a place called the Lands of Death. Formed of three moving islands, it is ruled over by an egotistical maniac emperor. The Empire of Shadow was the true name for the kingdom, and it had stood for thousands of years. I arrived just in time to see it fall. 

But that would happen just a bit later. For now, the island with the city had drifted away, leaving no other land visible. I ventured forwards, nervously, when the land beneath me fell away. A tunnel opened, and the land crumbled like the fragile sand chunks you find on the beach. I had fallen into a sinkhole, which pock the surface of the desert area of the empire. Unlike normal sinkholes, however, these sinkholes don’t end. They fall, releasing their contents to float in the void.

I tried desperately to cling to the sides as sand fell around me, but the walls were smooth as marble. So I dropped into the void, to starve or die in some horrible way. And that could’ve been the end.

Except at that moment something grabbed me by the feet. It pulled me up as I stared down into the void and falling sand that could’ve been the last thing I saw. During the flight back up I noticed the voices had, at some point, gone quiet. I wondered why, but didn’t try to find out just yet. I attempted to look up at the thing carrying me, but it was bathed in shadow by the floating islands. Just as my legs began to burn unbearably, we landed in what looked like a cave.

I would soon be told that these caves stretch through most of the underside of the floating islands, and are inhabited by a race of which my savior belonged to. She was a person, but on her back was a pair of thick, feathered white wings.

“Greetings, stranger.” She said to me in a solemn voice, “I am Vennis. We have been waiting for you.”


I decided to use this multiversal story to use the old stories and worlds that I don't have time to write. 

This chapter includes 2:

1. The Lands of Death. The second book I ever wrote, it was novel I started at 7 and quit on at age 13, with 26ish pages. It's about two siblings whose parents are killed, and how they get lost in a different dimension while they're hunted down by the king, who killed their parents. Their father is also a character, he was lucky to have survived by an accident. The Prince (Who was actually a girl, forced to pretend to be a guy by her because of my 7-year-old fight against sexism) is nearly killed by his father and joins the two siblings. And there's a whole bunch more stuff. I restarted it last year, changing the name to The Empire of Death, sticking it into my super complicated interdimentional multi-series story and I might finish it sometime. Probably not. Ask if you have any questions.

2. The Maze of Death (I had something with death as a kid). I wrote this before the Lands of Death, it was the first book I remember writing (Not sure when I started the Meat-Eating Pigs, so I'm not counting that). As one of the only books I finished, it holds a special place in my heart. I don't know where it went, but it was about a kid who designed a killer maze (after a horribly written conversation with the president of the U.S involving dancing and destruction of child labor laws), and a person in the future who gets stuck in said maze after it was abandoned (with a twist ending that I cringe at every time I hear). It was only like two pages long (I think), so here I just used it as a tiny look into that world, and am leaving it at that.

@Edema Rue

Edited by Ancient Elantrian
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10 minutes ago, Ancient Elantrian said:

Aww scud I’m out of rep

Elan it’s so good!! I don’t know why but beings in one’s head is one of my favorite tropes *cough Malevolent* *cough thanks @Elf*

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12 minutes ago, Edema Rue said:

Aww scud I’m out of rep

Elan it’s so good!! I don’t know why but beings in one’s head is one of my favorite tropes *cough Malevolent* *cough thanks @Elf*

Unfortunately it makes me want to write more in that world not less.


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