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Mid-Range Game 65: Set on Infiltration


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9 minutes ago, Araris Valerian said:

Guess that's all for now, folks. Please exe DeTess next cycle.

When I die to the nk, DeTess will give you the information I need.

I'm almost certain that raven is elim now. 

We'll be at 1:2 Elim vs village hopefully 

I'll supply you with my reads list

-Fifth: Strong Village. We already knew that JNV couldn't have submitted the NK anyways

-Araris: Mild Village: After reading other blackout games with Araris as village, I can say that they are acting very similar. Not Elim imo, but if PMs are not open tomorrow and fifth is alive... well it's gonna end badly for fifth

-TKN: Mild Village: TKN will hold the most power next cycle. TKN please make sure to exe the right person. If TKN is elim, well, it's gg next cycle.

-Raven: Elim: With no one to hide behind, Ravenclawjedi42's past votes have been exposed. They always have been voting with majority (probably to get those free village points) and they haven't been giving great reasons.

-DeTess: Strong Village. They have mechanically proven their role, and have been pretty good with reads and voting with reason.


Role Claims:



DeTess: Lurcher. Can role-block one action taken against a target, cannot target same target twice.

Aeoryi: Thug. Can change the alignment of one player on the alignment list. No extra life.

Ravenclawjedi42: Vanilla. No role.

TKN: Soother. Can either add one vote at the cost of their own vote or surpress one vote.

Fifth: Tineye. PMs stay open so long as one Tineye lives.

Araris: Tineye. PMs stay open so long as one Tineye lives.



Archer: Tineye. PMs stay open so long as one Tineye lives. Village. Wins when all elims are dead.

Mat: Tineye. PMs stay open so long as one Tineye lives. Regretful agent (neutral). Can change one name on the alignment list to become the opposite color the next cycle. If the list is all green, becomes village, if list is all red, becomes Elim.

STINK: Soother. Can either add one vote at the cost of their own vote or surpress one vote. Set. Wins when all elims are dead.

Labyrinth: Vanilla. No role. Set. Wins when all elims are dead.

Wandering Wizard: Soother. Can add a vote at the cost of their own or surpress a vote. Infiltrator. Wins (probably) by reaching parity with village faction.

To prove my role, I will try to turn Fifth RED for tomorrow's alignment list.

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29 minutes ago, Aeoryi said:

DeTess: Strong Village. They have mechanically proven their role

This is false. DeTess could be an elim with any role that just didn't send in a kill C1. I've been arguing for this since the elims never tried to remove her "charges" with Wiz's Soothing and never tried to attack her again.

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29 minutes ago, Araris Valerian said:

This is false. DeTess could be an elim with any role that just didn't send in a kill C1. I've been arguing for this since the elims never tried to remove her "charges" with Wiz's Soothing and never tried to attack her again.

DeTess bused Wiz (without regret) though, and either was a distancing god or village.

Araris. sorry bud.

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The Members of the Set had figured out who the traitors were. Of course, they didn't know that. And so it was on the last day that the final Infiltrator fought for their life harder than ever before. They even managed to convince one of the loyal members that they weren't the traitor.

He decided that he had to kill the one with the most influence over the group. They had so much power over who was voted out each day.

Sadly, the lurcher was thinking along these same lines. So when night fell, and the Infiltrator snuck up to his victim, knife in hand, she pulled. The traitor was caught and his plan had been spoiled. 


"Well, well, well," a voice from the balcony above called out. "You actually passed the test. It seems that you really can tell if someone is unloyal. After a little bit of trial and error, that is. And you even managed to get the Regretful Agent as well. I really am impressed."

Muttering in the crowd.

A voice finally speaks up, "Are…are you saying you knew who the traitors were this whole time?"

"Why, of course I did."

Another voice in the crowd asks accusingly, "Then why wouldn't you just take care of them instead of having us kill each other?!"

"I had to test your worth, of course. If you aren't able to sniff out the poison in your drink, how are you ever going to live?"


Araris was killed! They were an Infiltrator! They were also a Tineye!

The game has ended, and the Members of the Set have won the game! Congratulations!

I'm on mobile rn, so the lists are really hard to do. You can check the sheet for player's roles/alignments.



Rules: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1OalRC4vYr5kjGQBFD-i5JYTlRBWyBlNsXNAmSJj85Xo/edit?usp=drivesdk

Dead Doc: https://docs.google.com/document/d/18iHGqTyc_hXQTROPGAtvKyzJleHJkFzT605epnXkkHM/edit?usp=drivesdk

Elim Doc: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1MlB60dbx_xG5SqULt7NgmS633imz3ZZqUYRF3ALTL08/edit?usp=drivesdk

Spreadsheet: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/18hyHI8eQpXoDCLMMR7VqppxaQ0NmmTyV5DDa8Z8n_c4/edit?usp=drivesdk


Also thanks @Devotary of Spontaneity for IMing and basically coGMing thx <3

I'll post my thoughts on the game a little later. 

Edited by Experience
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6 minutes ago, Araris Valerian said:

I had a lot of fun this game, especially the last cycle. Was pretty sure I was doomed but felt it was worth a go. Thanks Experience and Devo for running things!

You actually convinced me. If it wasn't for fifth telling me that you unapologetically bus teammates I would've felt sympathy for you.

@Matrim's Dice it was really fun to conspire with you. And Archer. And fifth later on, if that counts. 

DeTess, thank you for teaching me some stuff, and you were really nice to me. 

And of course, thank you to Experience! The game was really fun, and better than I expected! Even with such a small group, it was still really fun.

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13 minutes ago, Aeoryi said:

You actually convinced me. If it wasn't for fifth telling me that you unapologetically bus teammates I would've felt sympathy for you.

Hey, I'm not that person anymore. I've resolved to only bus my teammates when I have their permission :P. But check out LGs 71 and 72 if you want the full story there.

But yeah, I'm generally a pretty ruthless murder-bear.

Edited by Araris Valerian
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1 hour ago, Experience said:

The Members of the Set had figured out who the traitors were. Of course, they didn't know that. And so it was on the last day that the final Infiltrator fought for their life harder than ever before. They even managed to convince one of the loyal members that they weren't the traitor.

He decided that he had to kill the one with the most influence over the group. They had so much power over who was voted out each day.

Sadly, the lurcher was thinking along these same lines. So when night fell, and the Infiltrator snuck up to his victim, knife in hand, she pulled. The traitor was caught and his plan had been spoiled. 


"Well, well, well," a voice from the balcony above called out. "You actually passed the test. It seems that you really can tell if someone is unloyal. After a little bit of trial and error, that is. And you even managed to get the Regretful Agent as well. I really am impressed."

Muttering in the crowd.

A voice finally speaks up, "Are…are you saying you knew who the traitors were this whole time?"

"Why, of course I did."

Another voice in the crowd asks accusingly, "Then why wouldn't you just take care of them instead of having us kill each other?!"

"I had to test your worth, of course. If you aren't able to sniff out the poison in your drink, how are you ever going to live?"


Araris was killed! They were an Infiltrator! They were also a Tineye!

The game has ended, and the Members of the Set have won the game! Congratulations!

I'm on mobile rn, so the lists are really hard to do. You can check the sheet for player's roles/alignments.



Rules: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1OalRC4vYr5kjGQBFD-i5JYTlRBWyBlNsXNAmSJj85Xo/edit?usp=drivesdk

Dead Doc: https://docs.google.com/document/d/18iHGqTyc_hXQTROPGAtvKyzJleHJkFzT605epnXkkHM/edit?usp=drivesdk

Elim Doc: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1MlB60dbx_xG5SqULt7NgmS633imz3ZZqUYRF3ALTL08/edit?usp=drivesdk

Spreadsheet: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/18hyHI8eQpXoDCLMMR7VqppxaQ0NmmTyV5DDa8Z8n_c4/edit?usp=drivesdk


Also thanks @Devotary of Spontaneity for IMing and basically coGMing thx <3

I'll post my thoughts on the game a little later. 

Wait, who was protected that last cycle? Was it me or DeTess? Or tkn?


22 minutes ago, Araris Valerian said:

Hey, I'm not that person anymore. I've resolved to only bus my teammates when I have their permission :P. But check out LGs 71 and 72 if you want the full story there.

But yeah, I'm generally a pretty ruthless murder-bear.

Amazing elim performance tho

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9 minutes ago, Araris Valerian said:

It was TKN. Really didn't want the vote manip floating around. I was betting on being able to exe DeTess.

thank goodness u got exe'd you mighta won.

also, the dead doc :skull:

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1 minute ago, Araris Valerian said:

Maybe if I'd been in PMs with Raven and Aeoryi it could have happened. And I'll echo Mat about @Aeoryi, great first game! Hope you stick around for awhile.

Let me re-echo that as well! @Aeoryivery good game!

Also, quickly scanning through the elim doc and it was nice to see my complicated BS claim actually got the response there I wanted. Archer basically immediately doubted it in our PM, so nice to see I convinced someone at least.

Though now I want to design a role around that mechanic. Maybe luck feruchemy, but with the option to store to gain extra charges, but while you do actions get redirected to you.

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29 minutes ago, Matrim's Dice said:

I lose :( 

GG village! @Aeoryi, you played like someone with more than zero games under your belt. Well done!


6 minutes ago, Araris Valerian said:

Maybe if I'd been in PMs with Raven and Aeoryi it could have happened. And I'll echo Mat about @Aeoryi, great first game! Hope you stick around for awhile.


Just now, DeTess said:

Let me re-echo that as well! @Aeoryivery good game!

Also, quickly scanning through the elim doc and it was nice to see my complicated BS claim actually got the response there I wanted. Archer basically immediately doubted it in our PM, so nice to see I convinced someone at least.

Though now I want to design a role around that mechanic. Maybe luck feruchemy, but with the option to store to gain extra charges, but while you do actions get redirected to you.

Wow! I did make a couple of mistakes tho, (most of which were outlined in the dead doc) but somehow pulled through. I didn't know how to really play SE that well but I suppose it sorta worked out. 

(btw Brass [stores wakefulness] would be good for the luck feruchemy thing.)


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50 minutes ago, DeTess said:

Also, quickly scanning through the elim doc and it was nice to see my complicated BS claim actually got the response there I wanted.

I wish I’d made the leap from “this seems overpowered” to “this is probably a lie.” I have a bad habit of trusting villagers too much :(.

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That was really fun! I’m sorry I wasn’t as active in the end of the game. Experience and Devotary, thank you so much for doing this game, Archer, it was fun scheming with you, Aeoryi, thanks for not voting me out last-minute. I’ll definitely do more SE games in the future.

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  • 2 months later...

Thank you, Experience, for running this game! And congratulations again to the Members of the Set for their victory!

As always, if anyone would like to try their hand at running a game, please get ahold of Wilson, Devotary of Spontaneity, Elbereth, Araris Valerian, Elandera, or StrikerEZ, or post in the GM Signups & Discussion ThreadNot only will we get you added to the list, but we'd also be more than willing to help out in any way we can. 

You can also ask questions and get some hints and feedback from everyone in our Art of Game Creation thread. With all the games that we've run so far, we have plenty of experienced GMs that can help you refine any game you're thinking about. If you would rather keep some detail secret, or are self-conscious about posting in thread (there's really no need to be; while we do slaughter each other, we are very polite about it), then I'm sure one of our fantastic committee members (Amanuensis, STINK, Sart, Fifth Scholar, Straw, Archer, and Kasimir) would be more than willing to help you out in private.

Thanks again to everyone that played, and we look forward to killing seeing you in future games! :ph34r:

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