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Who spoke to Kaladin? *spoilers*


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I hope they're just depowered, crazy and/or evil. Dead would be boring.

I agree here.However finding them, then realising they're not heroes anymore THEN replacing them is probably the best option here. ;-)

You know, that's a good idea, I like it.

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You know, that's a good idea, I like it.

Well, once you manage to decipher the very odd nature of Baxil's mistress, it becomes extremely likely that all of the Heralds are still alive. It also seems likely that have become somewhat---eccentric, if nothing else.

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This message is much more like a warning about Odium, so that suggestion seems very strange.

Who's to say Odium isn't one of those annoying guys that refers to himself in the third person? You know, like the Hulk. "odium is coming. Odium SMASH!"

In all seriousness, Mad Scientist related a theory where Odium, Honor and Cultivation were all fighting the same Enemy, meaning Odium wasn't the main enemy they were fighting. Perhaps Odium is the source of the Highstorms, he sees a man riding the storms, the Oathpact that allowed men to do so with Odium's permission is broken, so he calls Kaladin out on it.

Yes, Odium killed Honor, but Odium's, by definition, a d!ck, right? Doesn't mean that whatever rules the Void isn't the actual Enemy causing the Desolations. Odium just wants to be the only Shard. And all of BS's books have been differently themed...Elantris was about a broken Shard-machine, right? And Mistborn was about a conflict between Shards, so as a twist I can see him introducing a grand conflict of an old enemy facing off against all the Shards...after all, we don't know what shattered Andasolium(sp?). Maybe that which killed Andasolium is now trying to destroy Roshar. Honor said it involved "all of them" which I took to mean all the Shards on every world.

I noticed in Dalinar's last vision he never says Odium wants the True Desolation, although taken in context it would seem he does. He always says "it's what he wants"...he always refers to the entity as "he" and only refers to Odium as his killer. Like Mad Scientist said...if Honor had been fighting Odium for eons, why would he not be ready for Odium to come for him?

However, I could be wrong on so many levels it's not even funny. I guess I'll have to RAFO :)

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I think it's some (schizophrenic) fragment of the Almighty, since the sphere is Infused right after the face shows up.

Alternately, maybe it is some sort of "Stormspren" that Honor created to distribute Light when he was gone.

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