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People you wouldn't want to meet in a dark alley


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Xanas watched the ice crystals float past with the spectroscope. Darn. Epic powers are not electromagnetically radiating. He switche don the Geiger counter and watched the snowflakes drift by. "Alleys are under lockdown," he said with a tsk, drawing an Aon Tia to bring them inside the barricades. He watched as two made their way towards Winter, then stopped as the Aviar's influence began to cut them off from their maker. The third ran repeatedly into the door frame, seemingly unable to move around it. Sighing, he picked up a spanreed and wrote a quick note to Voidus.

Elsa's got snowflakes drifting in - the Aviar appear to cut them off cognitively though. If Elsa can get here, we may not be as distanced as necessary. Perhaps initiating a temporospatial anomaly that cuts us off from the physical realm altogether unless one Elsecalls? Also, there is precedent for spiking bloodless entitites (kandra); however, we do need some way to concentrate the Shard into a corporeal form.

P.S. I also added inverted and white text to the disclaimer.

Edited by 18th Shard
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The Stranger filled a needle with a silver liquid as he spoke to Xanas,


"No need to initiate a Jump just yet, but have one prepared. Temporospatial movement can wreck havoc with ones eating habits."


He turned to the test subject as he calibrated a strange handheld device with a sapling growing out of it.


"Nothing, nothing at all. Anyway, now that you're somewhat cognizant, we need to discuss your immediate future. You have two options:

One, we perform some ground-breaking science and remove the Essence Spike. Our analysis of the projected data assures us that you will survive, healthy, happy, and free of shardic influence. Relatively. 

Two, we leave it in there, and you can hang out with all of your "friends" while we study you. It might be unpleasant, but it would be..." 


A grin spread itself across his face and his eye shone as brightly as the spike sticking out of the other socket.


"For Science."

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  • 2 weeks later...

The newest development from the well- hated loved DA! The spike home defense system. Not only can you protect your house from nefarious thieves, you can also gain power to further expand your protection. It comes in many varieties and comes with a defini-spike guarantee. Order now!


The spike home defense system is not meant for personal use. All articles in the DA disclaimer apply except for when they do not. The SHD is meant for defense only and is not (contrary to popular belief) a "deathtrap". Spiking effects and strengths vary. Nonrefundable. 

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I, on behalf of the Dark Alley, would proudly like to present the latest development in Hemalurgic science: the QuadruSpike!  The Quadruspike is an easy way to transfer Feruchemical charges to Spikees.


The Quadruspike utilizes both Feruchemy and Hemalurgy.  It consists of four parts: the main Metalmind containing the Feruchemical charge to be transferred, the Hemalurgic component containing the appropriate Feruchemical ability for the Metalmind, the Aluminum Metalmind containing the identity necessary for the recipient to access the main Metalmind, and the Duralumin Hemalurgic component containing the Feruchemical Aluminum.

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Alas, it is time for me to take my leave. I have learned all I need about Hemalurgy, and the high iron content outweighs all other supposed benefits of cookies. And besides, you never can be sure if Ruin is controlling you or not.


*cue aluminum hat, and a question for Brandon*


*Runs quickly in the opposite direction*

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Alas, it is time for me to take my leave. I have learned all I need about Hemalurgy, and the high iron content outweighs all other supposed benefits of cookies. And besides, you never can be sure if Ruin is controlling you or not.


*cue aluminum hat, and a question for Brandon*


*Runs quickly in the opposite direction*

Sure you can, just spike yourself a bunch and then get an important position. Then you can be sure that Ruin is definitely controlling you.




No good?

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I have a formal Announcement to make: As of Today, I am leaving the Dark Alley. I have seen the Error of my fruitless pursuit of the Perfection of Science, and have realized that the souls of people are far more valuable than collecting data. And so farewell Alleyways and Corridors of Darkness, a reformed man leave you today to walk among lighter paths. Today I stop following Ruin, today I follow Preservation.


The Breaker of Fate is no more.

Edited by Old Man Magoo
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Don't listen to that fiend! He's a clone I created in the lab, but I accidentally left the Ethicator on! My acolytes will dispose of him.

Leaving the Alley, renouncing cookies AND science. He's a maniac, that clone.




Or am I the clone?

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A Denizen has ascended, clones have started rising, and the new oven seems to be eating the left half of random people.

Just another week here at the Dark Alley

Yeah, next time we restock remind me not to go to denziens and demonic appliances for our ovens. Prices are good but they keep adding weird features like that.  <_<

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Yeah, next time we restock remind me not to go to denziens and demonic appliances for our ovens. Prices are good but they keep adding weird features like that.  <_<


I know, I'm a sucker for a big sale. It was 30 souls cheaper that the older model. Who'da thunk it'd be inhabited by a demonsquid?

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I know, I'm a sucker for a big sale. It was 30 souls cheaper that the older model. Who'da thunk it'd be inhabited by a demonsquid?

Yeah but demonsquid or no it's still better than the one we had before that kept tearing holes in spacetime and causing time-paradoxes that threatened to destroy the universe. Baked like a dream but we kept having to go back in time to stop acolytes from killing their own grandparents.

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Yeah but demonsquid or no it's still better than the one we had before that kept tearing holes in spacetime and causing time-paradoxes that threatened to destroy the universe. Baked like a dream but we kept having to go back in time to stop acolytes from killing their own grandparents.


 yeah, that model really had some kinks in it. Remember that time where it opened the rift into the 1800's? With the octofrogs and Android-Lincoln? It was one of the better batches of cookies, but I'll never look at amphibilopods the same way...

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