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People you wouldn't want to meet in a dark alley


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No. But this is.

I Devote myself to Hate. I sow chaos and anger. I bring the rage.


I lie, yet I promise to lie. Which is the lie? Hate the truth or the lie? 

The rage, I devote myself.

Hear, hear. For the oath is words and words are wind. 


Listen to the wind. It whispers hate. 

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Voidus appeared once again, Realmatic realignment finished for now.

"You may see her now Elsa, the danger's been minimised as much as we can but we'll need further study to determine the exact nature of what happened. Unfortunately as part of our safety precautions the Alleys have been dimensionally separated so leaving will be impossible for now without some adjustments. Just contact one of our Acolytes if you need to leave or allow someone to enter. I'll be in my Alley testing some solutions."

Voidus assigned some acolytes to show Elsa in to see Winter then left to go to his personal Alley, the Stranger seemed to have immediate matters in hand for now, Voidus was more interested in retracing the Investiture signals to discover what exactly had happened.

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"Thank you Voidus." 

Elsa followed the acolytes into the Alleyway to see Winter. 

As they were walking, she moved her hands and created a ice bouquet of flowers. She still carried her shard blade in her other hand, just in case.


In a all silver room, she found Winter picking herself up on the floor.

"Winter!" The Queen said, rushing towards her friend, "You're finally awake! How are you?"

Edited by Queen Elsa Steelheart
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Winter grabbed them and shook. "They... want... to destroy." The flowers melted away, turning red and disintegrating. 

DEVOTION? WHAT ARE YOU DOING? One of the Shards demanded.

Oh, seriously. You thought to trust someone with such a vague intent as Devotion? One can easily be Devoted to hate.

"Oh no. Devotion's not on our side." 

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