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People you wouldn't want to meet in a dark alley


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"Excuse me? I'm totally not scared. I'm not a puppy." Winter dropped down, smashing through the air while Compounding Iron and Pushing off of something. She rocketed through Morzathoth's face. "And I wasn't talking about you, recall my specific words. I included you as one of the extremely rare informed consent. I'm not going to kill anyone who volunteers, just because you're making a terrible choice doesn't mean I'm going to murder you."


Winter paused. 

"It's the other ones here who should be afraid." She slashed her fingers through the air with Compounded steel and Aon Tia glowed just as she vanished. Her feet were also moving and she'd scratched the words Dramatic exit into the dirt.

Edited by Winter Cloud
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The Stranger sighed. Give an individual the ability to vanish and they think the world wonders how they do it. No one appreciated the fine art of Mysterious Vanishing. The just vanished and expected everyone to stare in awe. 


"Tsk, tsk young lady. You should show respect to the puppeteers who run this show."


He reached into his pocket and pulled an ornate pocket watch out. He stared at it for a moment, then grinned and whipped a glass spike from his pocket. He raised the spike aloft and said,


"That which would be, shall no more."


He rammed the spike through the watch and Everything stopped.


Everything disappeared 


"Excuse me? I'm totally not scared. I'm not a puppy."


The Stranger opened his eyes. The Test Subject jumped from the roof and Pushed herself towards Morzathoth. The Stranger snapped his fingers and a net shot out of the wall of the Alley they were standing in. Winter ran right into it and was inescapably tangled at once. There was a strange buzzing noise as an electric current ran through the net, paralyzing her completely. The Stranger stepped up and rammed a thin silver spike into her back.


"Ah but you are. You are no more than  a small puppy yapping at an Elephant. an elephant that can fly, breath fire, and is in fact a dragon in disguise. You should be aware that the dragon is patient and kind, but that if it wanted to it could eat you oh so very fast."


He pulled the thin glass spike from his pocket and held it to her eye level.


"Now tell me, do you know what this is?"

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The Dark Alley Inc. would like to formally deny that it possesses the capability to rend reality as we know it a remold history to suit our whims.

And if you're not buying that we'll have to use our reality-rending spikes to make you buy it.

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Xanas looked at the potato and placed it in a temporal-spatial loop. "I was needing a new alarm clock."


He smiled at Winter, then held up a thin metal spike coiled in on itself like a doorstop. He flicked it and it vibrated, seemingly in two places at once. Then he rammed the still-bouncing spike into her Spiritual Aspect, directly between the wolf stapled on and her soul. "Then he flicked it again. The girl's form vibrated along the spike, splitting into two afterimages, one morphing into a wolf's ghostly form, the other her regular self, albeit a bit indistinct and ghostly. He inspected each individually, making notes on the new wolf.

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Xanas 2 watched his counterpart. Apparently, only one string's Xanas could exist physically at any time, and Xanas 2 was not it at the moment. It had been hard to splice his soul with himself; only with Fatebreaker's spike had he been able to spike out his own Essence and graft it on to a different timeline self, before his own timeline was dissolved. You could say Xanas 1 was the scientist, prodding at variables, experimenting. Xanas 2 was the observer, making notes, watching,  calculating. The Sproing Spike seemed to have finally separated Winter and the wolf temporarily, allowing one to be worked on without affecting the other. Xanas 2 imagined a Cognitive bead to be a taco, and ate it. It wasn't real, but it was the thought that counts.

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We go by lurkers or denziens usually but we're not too fussy about terminology, compounding Zinc tends to lead to the increasing realization that verbal language is simply a barrier to the expression of pure thoughts, theories and ideals. We prefer to express ourselves through science.

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The Stranger watched his illusion watch the girl's illusion disappear. Then he snapped his fingers and reversed her teleport. She appeared, dazed and confused, surprised to see herself back in the Alley.

"Where was I? Oh yes, this spike. This spike holds within it the memory of a timeline that no longer exists. I destroyed every life that was, that could have been, every idea and dream and hope, I denied them their existence. This was simply to illustrate a point. We here at the Alley like to call this Dedication. I want you to understand the gravity of the current situation."

He smiled at her

"Indeed, how can you even be certain that this is real? This could all be another test we're running on your mind?"

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Voidus strolled over to a section of alley wall apparently no different from any other and stuck a small pin in it, completing the Alleys protections against illusion and teleportation magic before pulling one of his inventions from a pocket which disappeared in a flash, teleporting to Winter with a note.

Greetings and apologies from the Dark Alley,
Compensation for the use of time altering technology on you shall be arranged for 3 months ago.

We hope you will continue to associate with the Dark Alley in the future in a more voluntary capacity.
Regards, Voidus, Eldritch abomination first lurker of the Alleys and taco chef extraordinaire.

This message brought to you by the Dark Alleys Snarky remark and last word haver*

*Official name pending


Edited by Voidus
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