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People you wouldn't want to meet in a dark alley


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Hello Everyone, I shall be joining your magnificent guild. I shall enjoy using cookies to pursue my goal of creating mindless servents by harnessing the changing power of hemalurgy.

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Hello Everyone, I shall be joining your magnificent guild. I shall enjoy using cookies to pursue my goal of creating mindless servents by harnessing the changing power of hemalurgy.

Welcome to our newest Lurker. We'll set up an office for you as soon as we clear out the wails of the damned that got stuck in there.


Have you read Shadows of Self yet? It's not a great example since it may be using a God metal of some kind but the Hemalurgic creatures in that are even more feral than Koloss I'd say, pretty good evidence of the removal of free will to a degree. It's certainly an interesting area of research.

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And how exactly have I been on this forum so long and only just now found out about the Dark Alley? The Fandom Monster is intrigued... What exactly is your policy on soul-rending alternate universes entirely crafted to evoke wailing and despair from all who interact with them?

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And how exactly have I been on this forum so long and only just now found out about the Dark Alley? The Fandom Monster is intrigued... What exactly is your policy on soul-rending alternate universes entirely crafted to evoke wailing and despair from all who interact with them?

this is why no one trusts the DA.

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Tagged: #fluff #hurt/comfort #cutes #happy ending #your OTP finally gets together #feel good #cuddles #happy fic #Tien is Alive


The fic consists of 30K words of angst and tragedy, characters losing everything they held dear and being drawn to the brink of oblivion.

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And how exactly have I been on this forum so long and only just now found out about the Dark Alley? The Fandom Monster is intrigued... What exactly is your policy on soul-rending alternate universes entirely crafted to evoke wailing and despair from all who interact with them?

We had to maintain a low profile from admins and mods so they didn't notice us stealing the spike monopoly :P

We're pretty pro-alternative universes in general, if they evoke wailing and despair then so much the better.  :ph34r:

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And how exactly have I been on this forum so long and only just now found out about the Dark Alley? The Fandom Monster is intrigued... What exactly is your policy on soul-rending alternate universes entirely crafted to evoke wailing and despair from all who interact with them?

*puts a hand over her Moderator badge and pulls her hair in front of her spikes*

Ha... moderators? What moderators? I am but a humble denizen of 17S out with a mutual interest in benefitting fron the anguish and suffering of others baked goods.


We mostly frequent the intro threads and the odd Hemalurgy related thread. 


As for alternate universes, we're huge proponents of both real and non-real Bioverses, Paraverses, and all other abstract constructs of theoretical existence. I'd be happy to give you a tour of our dimension lab and archcreation facilities, but you might want to bring a pair of rubbers. 


We'd be happy to offer you a place here in our humble community dedicated to Science. I'd be honored to have a moderator working with us, especially one who's not squeamish about the shadier aspects of Scientific research.

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  • 2 weeks later...

As for alternate universes, we're huge proponents of both real and non-real Bioverses, Paraverses, and all other abstract constructs of theoretical existence.

we're huge proponents of both real and non-real Bioverses, Paraverses, and all other abstract constructs of theoretical existence.

all other abstract constructs of theoretical existence.

constructs of theoretical existence.

theoretical existence.


Did somebody call me? I felt a disturbance in the Theory.

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What is this place? It is so dark. And cold. And I smell role-playing, though I do not understand it. But also mingled with the fresh scent of baked cookies.

I was offered a cookie upon joining this Shard, I see now that it was wise not to accept it.

Why wouldn't you accept it? I accepted the cookie and now I can summon tacos at will. Of course I was the first lurker so who exactly stabbed me that first time I'll never know. Hopefully in the future I gain time travel and spike myself though.

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Sooooo.... what exactly goes on in this dark alley

Parties, research, unholy screams of damned souls doomed to wander for all eternity after a lifetime of horror and experimentation, Happy hour every now and then.

You know, usual stuff.

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Sometimes we hypothesize, sometimes we fraternize, sometimes tear apart the very fabric of reality simply to replace it with a sock-puppet made from the hands of the deities we have slain, sometimes we socialize.


But in a word, SCIENCE happens here.

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How about i trade you for the cookie? i have 3 and 136 800ths of a melon,a horse with hepatitis named susan, and a bear chewing rootbeer flovoured gum made of baby. and a half drunk gonzo gulp. 


Is it a deal?

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How about i trade you for the cookie? i have 3 and 136 800ths of a melon,a horse with hepatitis named susan, and a bear chewing rootbeer flovoured gum made of baby. and a half drunk gonzo gulp. 


Is it a deal?


I'm afraid you didn't meet a single one of the requirements, and even my dead uncle knows that no one wants half of a gonzo gulp.

Each denizen has their own price. Things I will accept include:

Spoons(metal, wood, bone)

Stolen dreams

Pieces of the Moon (the real moon, not the replacement that's currently floating in the sky)

Live tree frogs

The Hungarian Revolution

1000 books with nothing written in them

A cool fish

The last memory of a dead man

Sandwiches. Always sandwiches.

And more!

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