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Anything and Everything Role Play

The Honorable One

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1 minute ago, Invisible said:

Weaver suddenly jerked awake. His eyes were glowing black. His voice isn't... his own. It sounds strange... raspy, ethereal. 

"There will be beings,

They answer the call.

Life held weakly by fragile strings,

In the darkest hour, many will fall."

Clay jerked up next to him. His eyes glow white, and his voice is breathy and strange.

"Of those who join,

Though many shall die,

A hero ascends,

A life-giving cry."

The two of them both look at each other, speaking in sync,

"If they fail, the world will burn,

If they don't, some never return."

Their eyes fade, and suddenly they gasp for breath. "Not... good..." Weaver says.

"Not... at all..." Clay says in response.

They turn to the dragon. "The dreamer... it'll be dangerous..." Weaver says, "Some of you will die."

"Who will take upon them this task." Clay says.

@ΨιτιsτηεΒέsτ @justice magician @RoyalBeeMage @TheRavenHasLanded

"Im in!"

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7 minutes ago, Invisible said:

Weaver suddenly jerked awake. His eyes were glowing black. His voice isn't... his own. It sounds strange... raspy, ethereal. 

"There will be beings,

They answer the call.

Life held weakly by fragile strings,

In the darkest hour, many will fall."

Clay jerked up next to him. His eyes glow white, and his voice is breathy and strange.

"Of those who join,

Though many shall die,

A hero ascends,

A life-giving cry."

The two of them both look at each other, speaking in sync,

"If they fail, the world will burn,

If they don't, some never return."

Their eyes fade, and suddenly they gasp for breath. "Not... good..." Weaver says.

"Not... at all..." Clay says in response.

They turn to the dragon. "The dreamer... it'll be dangerous..." Weaver says, "Some of you will die."

"Who will take upon them this task." Clay says.

@ΨιτιsτηεΒέsτ @justice magician @RoyalBeeMage @TheRavenHasLanded

Dragon listened silently.

14 minutes ago, RoyalBeeMage said:

"to where do we go?"

“The dream realm, quickly!”

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15 minutes ago, Invisible said:

"Are you... sure?" Weaver asks, "You could die..."

“I am in.”

13 minutes ago, ΨιτιsτηεΒέsτ said:

Dragon listened silently.

“The dream realm, quickly!”

“Sure thing. Just you or the whole party here?”

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4 minutes ago, TheRavenHasLanded said:

He gives weaver a flat look. "So?"

1 minute ago, RoyalBeeMage said:

“I am in.”

“Sure thing. Just you or the whole party here?”

"All of us. Please. We'll need it to awaken him. I just hope we can do it without the knowledge of the One gone Mad..."

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8 minutes ago, RoyalBeeMage said:

“I am in.”

“Sure thing. Just you or the whole party here?”

“All of us..” dragon looked at sleeper. “Yes all of us.”

5 minutes ago, RoyalBeeMage said:

“The one gone mad? Anyway anywhere specific?”

“As close to the palace as you can without breaching it.”

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7 minutes ago, RoyalBeeMage said:

“The one gone mad? Anyway anywhere specific?”


1 minute ago, ΨιτιsτηεΒέsτ said:

“All of us..” dragon looked at sleeper. “Yes all of us.”

“As close to the palace as you can without breaching it.”

"In the dream realm... he's asleep... I hope he isn't having nightmares..."

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1 minute ago, ΨιτιsτηεΒέsτ said:

“Quickly Wizard! We must go!” 

Weaver is muttering to himself, "Why did he fall asleep? Why did he fall asleep? Liae, help! Why did he fall asleep? Someone wake him up... Why did he fall asleep?"

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58 minutes ago, Invisible said:

Weaver suddenly jerked awake. His eyes were glowing black. His voice isn't... his own. It sounds strange... raspy, ethereal. 

"There will be beings,

They answer the call.

Life held weakly by fragile strings,

In the darkest hour, many will fall."

Clay jerked up next to him. His eyes glow white, and his voice is breathy and strange.

"Of those who join,

Though many shall die,

A hero ascends,

A life-giving cry."

The two of them both look at each other, speaking in sync,

"If they fail, the world will burn,

If they don't, some never return."

Their eyes fade, and suddenly they gasp for breath. "Not... good..." Weaver says.

"Not... at all..." Clay says in response.

They turn to the dragon. "The dreamer... it'll be dangerous..." Weaver says, "Some of you will die."

"Who will take upon them this task." Clay says.

@ΨιτιsτηεΒέsτ @justice magician @RoyalBeeMage @TheRavenHasLanded

"Alright, I guess I'm coming too, just be careful m'kay? Your still hurt." He says, addressing Weaver.

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30 minutes ago, ΨιτιsτηεΒέsτ said:

“All of us..” dragon looked at sleeper. “Yes all of us.”

“As close to the palace as you can without breaching it.”

“Ok ok fine let’s go.” Roy snapped his fingers and the arrived right outside a palace 

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Just now, RoyalBeeMage said:

“12 what? And I thought wizards were criptic.”

"Twelve... a child... we barely made it out alive... never made it back..."


For you, I shall repost my lore Roy.


On shadow binders

In an ancient time, forgotten by even the most ancient power began. It was was split not violently not ripped apart, shattered, but like that of light splitting through prism. The one who held it may or may not still be alive, it is up to debate. The power was given, and thus came about the shadowbound.

(I might write more of this later. For now this is all)



There are five known shadowbound. Philosophers debate over how many there truly are. Some claim there are hundreds. Others claim there are only three, and that the Twin Shadowbound really hold a single one. 




One of the twin Shadowbound, his brother is Clay. Weaver holds the power of time, he sees prophecies of doom, and solely that. Other names: Fate, Death.



The other twin Shadowbound, his brother is Weaver. Clay holds the power of vision. Some say this is a separate power from Weaver, other say they’re the same. prophecies of those who will be heroes. Other names: Destiny, Proclaimer. 



A very young boy holds this. He has power over the realm of Dreams. He is stuck in an infinite sleep, legends say. The area around his location is strange, it is impossible to tell the difference between dreams and reality. None who enter have returned.



This woman had the power over the mind. She had infinite knowledge. She was attacked by the One of Worlds. Before anything could happen to her mind she sacrificed her sanity in order to save the knowledge she had. It is stored in the hidden vault somewhere kept secret from the One of Worlds.



K’ach’ü’liae, The One of Worlds, is the final Shadebound. She has power over reality. She has massacred many worlds. Motivations are unknown. 



All shadows bend towards the Shadebound. They can all teleport through shadow. Each of them has multiple intricate abilities revolving around their power, but they keep those secret. NOTE: Shadebound are not gods. They are still people, they just have incredible power. They cannot see everything, they can’t be everywhere at once. They each have a SINGLE BODY. 

Aaaand a random post about the STRONGHOLDS, for you:

“We have to leave when it gets dark to live,” Weaver said. “You see, in ancient times people build five strongholds to keep themselves safe from the powers of the Shadowbound. Over time four of the five were forgotten or destroyed, their locations lost to time. This, the final stronghold, is all that remains. It keeps whoever is in it safe from the outside, using complex magic no one understands. Unfortunately something strange happened when The One Gone Mad and the One of Worlds, our enemy, fought. They were here, in this courtyard. Now, whenever night comes strange things happen. I’m not sure what, but I don’t intend to find out. Because if we find out we won’t come back.”


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Arranis glances at the palace, it was an immense structure, built of mother of pearl, shining with an inner luminesce. He gasps in awe of the building. Before ripping his eyes away from the building, and walking over to his friend. 

"What has happened while I have been asleep, Penn?"

'I don't remember anything, and suddenly there is mythical beings spouting prophecy., not that I want say Yes to an adventure. " 


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45 minutes ago, Invisible said:

Weaver gasped "Asleep... Here... He's trapped... Never awoken... Can't be awoken... Only twelve..."


38 minutes ago, Invisible said:

"Twelve... a child... we barely made it out alive... never made it back..."


“Twelve what?”


Here are some info on Dragon this is copied and pasted from page thirteen when this started.

Here are my rules, I’ll use my dragon as an example.


They have been around for a long time. There are three generations. The first’s origins are unknown by all except themselves, the second generation is actually the dragon’s second generation, so they are children. They are not as powerful, but that will be explained later. The first generation looks down on the second, as they do semi justly. The second generation, like the First generation, has a mindset of depression from other beings, especially humans. They will accompany them, but they do not think of themselves as with them. The third generation is different. Because of they’re later and newer experiences, they are much more involved with people. They are seen as below the second and third mostly because of this, and are the least powerful. The third generation has been alive for about four thousand years. 

Life style: Dragons sleep for about five to three centuries at a time, then stay awake for as long as one and a half Melinia. First generation can stay for two. They sleep in caves, which are proptected by powerful magic. The cave usually acts as a portal for a larger apace. They are immortal naturally. So they do not die, but they can be killed. They do not need to eat or drink. They can communicate to other powerful beings telepathically. Dragons sleep in their dragon form, but while in human form they are limited. They can do spells, but can act elementally with a powered sword or in dragon form.

Magic: A third generation dragon is the least powerful. All dragons have an element that they are only potent in.that applies to all dragons. They only have one element. But sometimes they can do certain non elemental magic, but it is specific, like binding. Also they are very creative with the manipulation of their element. Anyways, third gens are the lowest powerful, they can form a sword in human form but it is not powered, and They have no armor while in human form. While a dragon they are about thirty feet wingspan.

second generation at not powerful. They can form armor and a sword not powered while in human form. They are creative with using their element, and make interesting things. When it comes down to straight element though, they are very powerful in raw blasts. They can only raw blast as a dragon. They are usually forty to fifty feet wingspan, and can change sizes within ten feet.

The first generation of dragons are by far the most pwerful. While in Dragon form, They can fly at inconceivable speeds. They can grow up to 100 feet wingspan, and shrink down to 30. While in Dragon form, they are masters of their element. They are extremely creative, and bend and stretch rules constantly. Their raw elements are unmatched. They have nearly unpeircable armor. While in human form, their skin acts as their scales as armor. They are nearly unpeircable. They can summon a powered sword, meaning that it channels what they can do as a dragon pertaining to elemental abilities. They are very strong phisically. They are also incredibly strong minded.

11 minutes ago, Scars of Hathsin said:

Arranis glances at the palace, it was an immense structure, built of mother of pearl, shining with an inner luminesce. He gasps in awe of the building. Before ripping his eyes away from the building, and walking over to his friend. 

"What has happened while I have been asleep, Penn?"

'I don't remember anything, and suddenly there is mythical beings spouting prophecy., not that I want say Yes to an adventure. " 


“Well it has been a long time. My slumber has muddled my thoughts as well.”


Elan, would the Dragon be able to recognize Weaver as such a powerful being? Or is Weaver duguising it?


Edited by ΨιτιsτηεΒέsτ
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26 minutes ago, ΨιτιsτηεΒέsτ said:


“Twelve what?”

“Well it has been a long time. My slumber has muddled my thoughts as well.”



1 hour ago, Invisible said:

"Twelve... a child... we barely made it out alive... never made it back..."



any more lore i should know off. what powers would a wisard have that might be defined by whats alredy created? i think roy teleported everyone to where you wanted to go in the dream realm. 


Edited by RoyalBeeMage
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25 minutes ago, ΨιτιsτηεΒέsτ said:


“Twelve what?”

“Well it has been a long time. My slumber has muddled my thoughts as well.”



2 minutes ago, RoyalBeeMage said:




1. No, Weaver isn't disguising it. The dragon would definitely notice.

2. Most of the magic isn't related, you can build your own system. However, if you want it to be related to mine PM me.

3. The One of Dreams was supposedly locked at the end of the Final Stronghold. I don't know if anyone was around for that nightmare, but... it was horrifying. We can go wherever to find him

"Twelve... twelve years old... just a kid... maybe younger... was he nine? I don't... remember..."

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4 minutes ago, RoyalBeeMage said:




I think your good. It is named the everything and anything rp. Lore that I know of are also the lightspurts. And there is some history stuff. I think your name retry free though. 

1 hour ago, RoyalBeeMage said:

“Ok ok fine let’s go.” Roy snapped his fingers and the arrived right outside a palace 


“Good we are here.” the dragon stared intently at the palace. The  doors opened and he led the way in.


Elan has anything changed since they went here at the beginning?


On 9/22/2023 at 5:32 AM, The Cowardly One said:

This might not get any posts. This might get hundreds of posts. I don’t really care what happens, I just want to see that happen. Make sense?


Wnated to point this out. Pretty sure he didn’t consider thousands of posts. 

@The Cowardly One

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1 minute ago, Invisible said:

3. The One of Dreams was supposedly locked at the end of the Final Stronghold. I don't know if anyone was around for that nightmare, but... it was horrifying. We can go wherever to find him


why did we want to go to the realm of dreams then.

1 minute ago, ΨιτιsτηεΒέsτ said:

“Good we are here.” the dragon stared intently at the palace. The  doors opened and he led the way in.

oh did we go to the final stronghold? 

"yes i told you we would get there quickly."


well i want to make a magic system so let me think...

a wizard of my type pulls power directly from a god or collection of gods that exsist in the world.

the divine source

a wizards power comes from the divine Source, the driving force of creation, the force the gods made to move the sun through the sky and change the seasons. Ar, the male half of the True Source, and An, the female half, work against each other, and at the same time together to provide that force. The divine Source cannot be used up, any more than the river can be used up by the wheel of the mill. The Source is the river; the wizard, the waterwheel.

there are 7 elements that can be manipulated by pulling a thread of the divine power directly from the coresponding god. the elements are as follows, fire, water, air, earth, spirit, time and light. these threads of power can be woven together to create a spell (also known as a weive.) the divinve power can acomplish any feat if the knowlage is known and the skill is possesed. 


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18 minutes ago, ΨιτιsτηεΒέsτ said:

“Good we are here.” the dragon stared intently at the palace. The  doors opened and he led the way in.


@The Cowardly One



We still also have this prophecy:

Heroes. Alone. Fail. Bring them back, bring them back, bring them back. 
Death. Upon. All. Bring them back, bring them back, bring them back.

Reality. Apart. Broken. Bring them back, bring them back, bring them back.

"You're just... going in..." Weaver said, creasing his eyebrows, "Oookay...."




Just now, RoyalBeeMage said:

"yes i told you we would get there quickly."




I'm guessing this palace is the Final Stronghold's reflection in the Dream Realm.


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