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Anything and Everything Role Play

The Honorable One

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11 minutes ago, Edema Rue said:

Eventually, the puppy vomited and Xi flew out of it. “The puppy ate too much,” she said sadly. “But I’m still hungry.”

"You could eat some investiture?" Ezrium suggested, unsure how it worked. He led her to the perpendicularity in the basement.

Edited by Canada Lover
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38 minutes ago, Canada Lover said:

"You could eat some investiture?" Ezrium suggested, unsure how it worked. He led her to the perpendicularity in the basement.



Actually I am curious though, where are we and what are we doing?


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1 hour ago, Edema Rue said:

How is it the wrong RP? Anything and Everything can happen. Sk there can theoretically be a perpendicularity in the basement!

Ezrium looked at Xi, wondering if she would follow.


Also, any like, I dunno, like art or anything of Xi? I've gotten a little accustom to everyone creating their characters in AI. *Cough Edema Rue, SmilingPanda19, Ancient Elantrian, and everyone else*


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1 hour ago, Canada Lover said:

Also, any like, I dunno, like art or anything of Xi? I've gotten a little accustom to everyone creating their characters in AI. *Cough Edema Rue, SmilingPanda19, Ancient Elantrian, and everyone else*


You haven't made yours.


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12 hours ago, Canada Lover said:

Ezrium looked at Xi, wondering if she would follow.



Oh that’s true, and Xi’s existed for longer than any of them except Rue (woah that’s scary)…hmm one moment.

Xi does, sobbing loudly.

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12 minutes ago, Canada Lover said:

Ezrium comforted Xi, and fed her some investiture, however that's supposed to work.

Xi slurped it up. Her vapor started glowing a bright blue and she shrieked with joy, zooming in circles and giggling. “Yummy!” She made a fireball, then it turned blue, then pink, then back to orange. “Yummy yummy yummy!”



Remember the days when Xiylna was a fearsome wraith who haunted a forest and joined a quest out of boredom?


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