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Your All-Time Favorite Superhero/Supervillian


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There are a plethora of Supers out there, both good and bad. They range from weird to awesome to even wierder. From Superman to Asbestos Girl (yeah, she's real, look her up).


My favorites would be Deadpool(breaks the 4th wall constantly, has shiny swords, hilarious, eats chimichangas), Nightcrawler(teleportation is awesome),Venom( he's always so happy, just look at that smile), Black Panther(one badchull hombre), Magneto(Epic. could take down Steelheart in a moment), and Frozone(Where is my Supa-Suit!?). 


Which are your favorites?

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My favourite superhero is Raven from Teen Titans. She's just epic.

Favourite villain would be Slade from Teen Titans, because he's just crazy. And pretty scary.


I can back both of these claims.


For myself... I'm pretty partial to any of the Teen Titans or the Avengers. (Well, the Teen Titans cartoon characters and the movie Avengers. I don't read comic books.)


Favorite supervillains include Christopher Nolan's Joker, Slade, and the big man himself, Steelheart.


Overall it's really hard for me to make definite choices, I love so many. :D

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A fan of many of the classics. Superman, batman and such. I really like green lantern, too. Deadpool is always awesome, but overall i'm more of a DC guy than Marvel.


For Villains, i think the Joker is probably one of the most frightening villains, mostly because he's so haphazardly crazy in his dealings. All other villains have a motive (power, money, destruction, etc), joker just does it for the lulz and get batman's goat.


Also a big fan of Darkseid.



My favourite superhero is Raven from Teen Titans. She's just epic.
Favourite villain would be Slade from Teen Titans, because he's just crazy. And pretty scary.



FYI, Slade Wilson is his real name. Deathstroke is his "villain" name.  That's one thing that always annoyed me about that show, how they never used his villain name. :P

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To be fair, Deathstroke the Terminator is kind of a dark name for a kids show.

Favourite hero... Hmm. Depends on my mood, but I tend yo judge by runs more than anything. I love the current Lemire Green Arrow, for instance, but I wasn't a big fan before that.morrisons Superman is a awesome, and his Batman ruined all others for me because I enjoyed it too much.

Honestly, I haven't read a marvel comic in so long, my opinion is worthless there. I've always liked the Fantastic Four though.

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FYI, Slade Wilson is his real name. Deathstroke is his "villain" name.  That's one thing that always annoyed me about that show, how they never used his villain name. :P


I'm probably in the minority here, but I think the name "Slade" sounds cooler and more badchull than "Deathstroke." The latter name feels a little over-the-top.  :ph34r:

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To be fair, Deathstroke the Terminator is kind of a dark name for a kids show.



Yeah, i know WHY they called him slade vs deathstroke, kids show and all, but it was just slightly annoying to me that they would so blatantly refer to him by his normal, non-villain name all the time (not to mention causing potential confusion as to who he was, and causing people to refer to him as "slade" instead of "deathstroke" by not knowing his name).


Really, deathstroke isnt exactly the best choice for a kids show period, despite him being a teen titans staple in the comics.

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I'm probably in the minority here, but I think the name "Slade" sounds cooler and more badchull than "Deathstroke." The latter name feels a little over-the-top. :ph34r:

The creators said they couldn't use Deathstroke because they couldn't make death references on a kids show in some interview I think. But the voice of Slade in the show, Ron Perlman I think , really goes with his character and is serious creepy :P Edited by Queen Elsa Steelheart
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Yeah, the Slade thing was kind of confusing. I didn't realise it wasn't his code name until I started getting into comics, and my brother was convinced Slade was a code name that would eventually get discarded when he revealed his real identity.

For the record; he thought Slade was Batman. Because of the Robin thing.

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Yeah, the Slade thing was kind of confusing. I didn't realise it wasn't his code name until I started getting into comics, and my brother was convinced Slade was a code name that would eventually get discarded when he revealed his real identity.

For the record; he thought Slade was Batman. Because of the Robin thing.


Yep, that's exactly my problem with it. it comes off like its his codename, and confuses people who are unfamiliar with the comics. I've met people before who had exactly this problem with the show, and didnt realize he was existant in the comics because of it (granted, they weren't big comic buffs)

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  • 3 weeks later...

The Hulk has always been my favorite. I also love Johnny Storm. John Constantine has always been a favorite. The Winter Soldier movie made me really like Captain America as well.

My favorite supervillain is probably Thanos.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Spiderman is my favorite clear hero.


Thanos is my favorite villain, though I would say he's probably my favorite character, period. The less overtly evil he is the more interesting he is. Not bad for a Darkseid rip-off.


My favorite recent character - last 10 years - would be Amadeaus Cho, though Bigby or Belleflower or Boy Blue ... oh my. I cannot pick now if I include too many Fables characters. :)

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Thanos is my favorite villain, though I would say he's probably my favorite character, period. The less overtly evil he is the more interesting he is. Not bad for a Darkseid rip-off.



You know, when I was growing up, that confused me; I thought Thanos' design was more in-line with the DC more comic-booky universe, while Darkseid struck me as more like a Marvel villain.


That being said, I don't have any opinions on them. The only Thanos story I've ever seen was the old Silver Surfer cartoon, where he was... eh. Okay, I guess?

I haven't seen much of Darkseid either though, but he generally strikes me as being more... impressive. The only story of his I've read is Final Crisis which is a very strange book in it's own right- and years on, I still don't know if I like it or not- but it's presentation of Darkseid was amazing. Horrifying, overpowering, and full to the brim with great, memetic lines dedicated to how fantastic Darkseid is. Thanos wants to kill people? Darkseid took a good and noble man, broke his soul, and inhabited his body. He was dying, and his response was to drag the entire multiverse into hell with him. He turned Superman into the enemy of all creation, stared into his face with six billion eyes, created a fist with three billion hands.


Thanos is a jerk with superpowers, but Darkseid?

Darkseid IS.

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Like all characters, the current team of artists / writers can really add or takeaway from a character.


Darkseids a Jack Kirby creation after left Marvel. Darkseid is the "evil god" of the New Gods stuff that Kirby setup. And it's really cool. Darkseid is one of my favorite characters as well in the DC universe, but I digress. 


Thanos was used by Jim Starlin as a counterpart to Metron (another New God), but editorially was beefed up to be more like Darkseid. The difference is this. Thanos is entirely "human", in that he is a mutant of the Eternals of Titan (who were from Earth originally). That said, Thanos worshipped Death. In the Marvel Universe, there are the Space Gods (Celestials), but that very top level, you have the following Eternity, Death, Galactus, Infinity and the Living Tribunal. Confused yet? Don't worry.


Galactus is the last survivor from the previous universe. The previous universe, as it was collapsing, chose one person to survive to this universe to act as a random element, siding neither with Death or Life (Eternity). Thus, Galactus is a "brother" to Death and Eternity.


Death is embodied as a female in purple robes. Generally skeletal, but sometimes as a young woman. Thanos fell in love with this embodiment as a teenager. He killed his mother, so the story goes, and from there, turned evil. His goal at various times is generally along the lines of "takeover the universe" and "kill everything in the universe".


Starlin told the stories of Thanos through a comic book staring Adam Warlock. Together, these two characters are friends, allies and enemies. Thanos has gone through various stages where he's going against all of the worlds superheroes, and other times where he fights along side them in stopping some other menace.


The thing about Thanos is that yes - physically powerful. He can simultaneously battle a Thor / Thing level human being, while still having the intellect of a Reed Richards (actually surpassing him there). So he's actually a smart villain that is able to do things. Thanos is generally defeated because he generally doesn't really want the power he's attained. He is, or was, mortal after all originally.


You are right, Darkseid "IS". But Thanos is different nearly every time. He's not just a one trick pony trying to destroy everything, which to me, is why he's such a fun character.


For fun characters that you think you know, reading Fables gives a whole new take on some classic characters. It's hard not to read them and fall in love with the Wicked Witch or the Big Bad Wolf, and entirely loathe Gepetto, for instance.


Hope that helps. :)

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I didn't care for superhero stuff at all until I met my boyfriend-now-husband. He introduced me to manga and comics and I introduced him to Sanderson, so it all evens out right?

I love The Vision: I have a thing for Robots, (or programs if we count Tron.)
Black Panther: Totally epic.
Nightcrawler:  So adorable!!!

Ironfist: Seriously, not enough love here. He needs a movie. it's sci-fi, fantasy, and super hero. Come on, what more could you want?

And I just found Daredevil, which I'm enjoying immensely. I mean, he's a blind lawyer who can kick the crap out of people, and  the newish comics they have for him are just lovely.

Oh, and the name 'Albatross girl', totally makes me think of Firefly. :)

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Awesome stuff Melaan!


Black Panther has had some great stories. He and Black Bolt were favorites of mine some moons ago. They were the more mysterious of characters. The Inhumans short series that had art by Jae Lee being amongst my favorite.


Daredevil has some truly great stories.


In no particular order,


The original run by Frank Miller.


This was followed up by some excellent stuff drawn by David Mazzuchelli.


Then Miller and Mazzuchelli combined for possibly one of the best runs of any normal comic book ever, "Born Again", which is like Daredevil 227 through 232. The version of Captain America shown there is amongst the best ever. There some great Electra stuff that was done in this timeframe as well by Miller.


The relaunch of Daredevil, with Bendis had some truly great stories as well. I recollect one where Matt is in a support group. Just talk, the entire comic book. The ending was amazing. One of the best / original issues I've ever read.


Iron Fist had a great run on some books maybe three years ago now? Really great stuff.

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The thing I like about Daredevil is how balanced his powers are. A lot of superheros are very overpowered but so far what I've read and seen Daredevil is a lot of fun because one minuet he's kicking bad guy's sorry butts, and the next day he's trying not to get short changed at stores. It's cool because he uses a lot of the tricks that blind people really do use, even with his abilities. Then of course, loud noises can really  throw him off his fight, so the same power letting him fight can be a weakness too.

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Favorite superhero: Call me weird all you want, but my favorite Marvel hero has got to be Captain America. Sure, his powers aren't flashy, but he uses them well. On top of that, he's just nice. It's almost like being nice his his primary power. No toying with the Moral Event Horizon for him; he sees evil, hears the temptation, and says "Nope, I'm good" while carrying his shield back down the straight and narrow. 


For DC, it's definitely Batman. Yes, he's the polar opposite of Captain America, but man does he make it awesome! No bones about it: he could have been another Joker, and that is the most fascinating part of his character. He could have been like any of the costumed villains in Gotham, and yet he continually chooses to stand against them. 


Favorite supervillains: I'm fond of the Joker (Heath Ledger's is unmatched, in my book), Harley Quinn, and Steelheart. It's hard not to be terrified of Evil Superman. ;) 

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Favorite superhero: Call me weird all you want, but my favorite Marvel hero has got to be Captain America. Sure, his powers aren't flashy, but he uses them well. On top of that, he's just nice. It's almost like being nice his his primary power. No toying with the Moral Event Horizon for him; he sees evil, hears the temptation, and says "Nope, I'm good" while carrying his shield back down the straight and narrow. 


For DC, it's definitely Batman. Yes, he's the polar opposite of Captain America, but man does he make it awesome! No bones about it: he could have been another Joker, and that is the most fascinating part of his character. He could have been like any of the costumed villains in Gotham, and yet he continually chooses to stand against them. 


Favorite supervillains: I'm fond of the Joker (Heath Ledger's is unmatched, in my book), Harley Quinn, and Steelheart. It's hard not to be terrified of Evil Superman.  ;)




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  • 4 months later...

Green Lantern. More specifically Kyle Rayner. Even before the Blackest Night bit (and therefore the New 52 stuff), Kyle Rayner's creative mind brings out the most in a GL's power, moving an already OP power into the massively OP realm. Add in Kyle's lack of a weakness to yellow, and lack of the 24 hour recharge period, and Kyle is ridonculously powerful. Let's not even mention Ion.


My next favorite is Peter Parker. I love the characters, I love the morals, and most of all I love the fact that Spidey lack OP superpowers and is focused on speed and acrobatics, rather than being a big bruiser (like almost every other major hero).


No list, in my opinion, is complete without the honorable mention of Iron Man. Why do I like him? His origin story. Good on you, Stan Lee. Making a character that everyone should hate, they have almost every reason to hate, yet you made everyone love him.

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You know who was an awesome superhero?


Hawkeye. And no, I don't mean modern Hawkeye, or movie Hawkeye. I mean this guy. 

I mean, his cotume is cool to begin with, but the main reason I love him is because one of the first modern stories I read was him joining the Thunderbolts.


(Spilers for anyone who doesn't want spoiled on a twenty-year old comic, I guess?)


For anyone who doesn't know, the Thunderbolts were a team of Supervillains who masqueraded as heroes following the deaths of the Avengers and the Fantastic Four (they got better). As their series went on, however, the characters started genuinely reforming, and wanting to become the good guys the public saw them as. It was, from what I've hard,a  great story, and I really should pick it up one of these days.


Anyway, eventually the Avengers came back, the Thunderbotls were unmasked as villains, etc. Status quo is restored. The thing that was awesome was that Hawkeye chose to join the Thunderbolts. This was a guy who had been an Avenger for decades at this point, and yet he quit that team- Earths premier superhero team- to join the "bad guys".


The reason I loved that wa shis reasoning for it. The Thunderbolts were former supervillains, and so was he. Hawkeye was introduced as an Iron Man villain. So was Black Widow. Quicksilver and the Scarlet Witch were villains in the X-Men book. But all of them proved that people can change, and all of them became important Avengers. I loved the idea that Hawkeye was giving this team the same opportunity that he got, and becoming their leader felt like a natural progression for the character.

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