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Spiked Misborn Developing Resonances


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Mistborn normally don't have noticeable Resonances due to the large number of powers they have- such Resonances effectively get washed out of their system. But what if you non-lethally spiked a Mistborn of all but two or three of their powers? Would they then develop a Resonance between multiple Allomantic powers?

Perhaps if they found a way to heal their Spiritweb (ahem, F-gold Hemalurgy) they could experiment and discover some new Resonances that wouldn't normally exist (the cost wouldn't be worth the benefit really, but hey, hypothetically I think that it'd work).

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4 minutes ago, Koloss17 said:

Hmmmmmm. This is an interesting question. I think their spiritual aspect would have to be significantly altered through using the two to create a resonance. So if they became a savant, and used both quite a bit, then I think a resonance could be formed.

Hey @Koloss17, I haven't heard from you in a while! Good to see you again :D

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1 hour ago, Trusk'our said:

Hey @Koloss17, I haven't heard from you in a while! Good to see you again :D

Well, don’t count me beck just yet! I am still a busy bee, and haven’t quite regained my spark for theorizing. Expect me to maybe be around, but more like once a week than thrice a day. I should be back in full near the end of the year and onwards, though!

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2 hours ago, Koloss17 said:

Well, don’t count me beck just yet! I am still a busy bee, and haven’t quite regained my spark for theorizing. Expect me to maybe be around, but more like once a week than thrice a day. I should be back in full near the end of the year and onwards, though!

I completely understand :)

Take your time, there's no rush.

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