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Long Game 7: The Annealing of Luthadel


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Whew, just want to say thanks for all work on keeping us updated, Wyrmhero! GM'ing is definitely a lot more work than it seems! Also, I went through and updated the rules for Iron in the OP for the Game, for you. (Saw you say you couldn't edit it). Hope you don't mind!

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Well, can I say this changes everything. 


Had to get the party started somehow, Gamma! ;) 


Though the fact that you were so slow to respond, even though I saw you were on and checking the thread, does make me reconsider whether or not I might have been right from the beginning. 


I'll retract from Fien for now, but I urge everyone to stop focusing on their Docs and at least check in! I'm honestly surprised and disappointed. It's been almost 12 hours (not counting the extension) and we've had less than 50% of our players that deem the thread itself not worth their time. And I've seen more of you checking in than that (yes, I had no life today :P ). That means we can't count on you when it matters; which makes you suspect. You might be cleared in your Docs, but remember that the majority of players don't know that.


If you need another way to look at it, when you do finally decide to come out of your holes, the Skaa will be able to tell which Houses you likely belong to based on when you start to speak up and who you defend! 


After all, I can't be the only one who saw Maill's Tonul's defense of Gamma and went, "hmmm...." 


You're not doing yourself, your House, or the Nobles any favors by staying quiet.


What you are doing is making it easier on the Skaa. You're making it that much easier for them to hide. They only have to fool the people in your Doc rather than everyone. We need to concentrate on the larger goal first and foremost; Killing the Skaa.

I will come out right now and say that I'm of a Lesser House. I'm not a threat to the Skaa, other than my deductive abilities. I'm not a threat to the Houses, as I'd have to kill off most of a Greater House to stand a chance (which should likely be obvious to everyone within that House well beforehand). 


I'm not asking you to all make declarations of your roles and status. What I am saying is that staying silent isn't going to help anyone other than the Skaa. 

We need to make them talk. We need to make them have to juggle not only what they say within the Docs they're involved with, but also the other players in other Houses!


*Sorry, no time for RP, but I'll try to stay as much in character as possible from here on forward*

Edited by Metacognition
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In blue:(Stupid mobile 17S and it's lack of color! Admin? Please fix my colors?)

"I don't trust this  Ashette Cett character...she's Way too pretty and nice and talented to be a noble..." Ashette said.

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Hey! Got an idea! I think it was in Peng's game where everyone voted for Peng instead of an actual player. I'll copy that and vote for Lord Heron!  :D  :D  :D 


The Inquisitors will be round shortly. ;)


Just because I've not yet made enough mistakes, I realised I missed removing something from the Rules. A player may use a Metal Action and a Special Action (which may be Informant, House, Skaa or Kandra Actions), this is true. The error is that I have said that you can turn the Metal Action into a Special Action and thus have two Special Actions each Cycle. This used to be true when the Informant Action was weaker, but should not be true now. It's a good thing we have another 24 hours, huh? I've asked a mod to edit/let me edit that post.


Also, obvious rules patch: You cannot go to an Informant and say 'I am not able to burn metal X', or what have you. It would take eight cycles for you to have to give away your actual metal like this, and everyone could do it. So I have decided that 'I can burn metal X' is useful and will get you info, but 'I cannot burn metal X' is not. This will also apply to other 'easy' and almost universally applicable truths, same way as 'There are Y people in my House' is not useful information. This also goes for 'I am not aligned with the Skaa'. However, as with the metal thing, saying 'I am Skaa' is useful truth. These non-specific options can still be used as a [Lie] action, though you will get no information back, even if it is the truth. You can also lie about other players being Skaa if you want - Nothing’s stopping you doing that. Information granted to players from the Informant from the GM can include their Skaa-dom.

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Well it appears that my silent little accusation helped stir up some activity, I'll be retracting Alden. :P

Lifeguard training is eating up more of my time/energy than I thought it would, so I'll try and keep up with everything but I probably won't be able to participate very actively at all.

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Ren tried to remain calm.  Unfortunately, he was quaking noticeably in fear.  So the skaa were assassinating the Nobility.  Even though Ren knew he, of all people, would be unlikely to be targeted, he was still very worried.  The skaa wouldn’t be that bold, would they?  The Lord Ruler condemned the skaa as the lower class; a mindless race of slaves for the Nobility.  Surely, a thousand years after his ascension, the skaa would know their place in society.  Apparently, though, they were now trying to kill the Nobles.  What could they possibly gain from this? Ren thought in frustration.  The Lord Ruler will just kill them all either way.  How do they not realize this?


Ren made his way around the ballroom, but could tell that many of the other Nobles were just as nervous.  A few introduced themselves, and Ren replied with his own name and a faint smile.  As Ren walked around, a few names he heard popped up several times: Fien Urbain, Mesist A’Lees, Cadri Raisaal.  It seemed as though these three had a certain animosity going for each other… well, mostly towards Fien.  Either way, Ren thought it'd be a good idea to stay away from those three, as to not get involved with something he shouldn’t.


Ren sat down at an empty table, his head in his hands.  Would it be best to stay an anonymous, lesser Noble, or should he try and do something to stop this?  Ren flinched.  No, getting involved so early was crazy.  He didn’t even know a tenth of the people in this room yet, no way could he try to figure out who was skaa.


Ren stood up, thinking carefully.  Well, I’ll see what I can do.  I don’t want to make any enemies, but getting some strong House ties could be useful at this point.  Ren sighed.  Ah, where’s Bamin when I need him?


Sorry I took so long to post this.  I do unfortunately have a life outside the Seventeenth Shard. 


Anyhow, I agree that we need to be as active in this thread as possible, as it should help us determine who is skaa and who is not.  The good news is that we now have over 48 hours to get some information and suspicions in order.  However, we still need to make the most of that time frame.  As with MR 1, I’m definitely advocating for House unity.  It’ll give us the best chance of taking out the skaa, which is our priority right now.  I’d rather end up as a weak House in the end than one ruled by the skaa.  I'll post some more later, once I get some more information from the rest of you.


A House divided against itself cannot stand.


-Some tall guy with a top hat.

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I'm currently packing and preparing for a flight to an event. Will RP a little later when I'm done with this and cast my vote.

I do agree though that we should not lose sight of the real goal which is Nobles vs. Skaa. The docs are all good, but will only fuel what the skaa knows if they are in our Houses.

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After all, I can't be the only one who saw Maill's defense of Gamma and went, "hmmm...." 


Well, for someone who is on the thread so much, I don't see how you got this. Where did I defend Gamma?


But to the rest of your post, I agree. That's what made us all lose so badly in MR1. We all sat in our huge docs and let the 17S pick us off.

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Well, for someone who is on the thread so much, I don't see how you got this. Where did I defend Gamma?

​I think Meta got confused, as I defended Gamma in RP.  To be clear, that was purely RP, because Tonul thought it was a little odd that the first person to vote votes for the House Lord.  I acknowledge that skaa might be House Lords, but Tonul doesn't see how that is possible.  I will hereby retract my vote for Mesist, and change it too Kalden, to try to get some more people posting

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Mailu wondered why the Lady Seeris had just sat and watched the proceedings silently. Not a word came out of her mouth. "My lady, Sylina, do you have anything to say?" Mailu asked. He was suspicious of her. She wasn't like the ones in the back who hadn't had a chance to hear or see everything yet. She was right in the front, watching everything. Curious. Especially since she was the leader of her house.


I'm keeping my vote on Sylina until she decides to speak. 

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Although the gathered nobles had been slow to pledge themselves to Lord Heron's cause, some were swift to turn on each other, throwing loud accusations to and fro of being skaa or harbouring skaa. Kassel shook his head, slowly. Already, this had become a mess. Fear drove them; fear and greed. Lissel would've told him that there was a logic there, nonetheless, driving their actions. He couldn't see it.

He was terrible at reading people. They weren't as open as logic formulations set out on a sheet of paper. In those, you could trace the flow, feel the elegance of a single proof that spanned pages. Truth, Kassel thought, could be so elegant. So simple. And there was none of it here. Not for the first time, he wished it wasn't him at the Heron house ball. That his uncle had sent Lissel instead. And then he shoved away that feeling, pushed it into a tiny room in his mind and locked the door. It wasn't helpful.

He uncapped his fountain pen, shifted the tablecloth around, and careful not to smudge the half-finished Telian square of opposition, added what he'd heard of the exchange so far. Besides all the names, he examined the nobles who'd remained silent so far, closed his eyes, and jabbed his pen at one of them.

Hadrian Penrod. He added the name to the list, with a question mark beside it.

Fien (0): Mesist

Alden (0): Fain

Mesist (0): Tonul

Fain (1): Fien

Sylinia (1): Mailu

Lord Heron (1): Jain

Ash (1): Ash

Jain (1): Hyrun

Kalden (1): Tonul

Hadrian? (1): Kas.

It would be poor of me not to practise what I've preached. And at this point in time, I'm placing a vote on Hadrian (partly at random, as Kassel has done), but more importantly, because I've learned from King the value of lighting up a name in red when you'd like to encourage some discussion and in-thread activity. I've said it, and a few others have said it: hiding in our 40k docs gets us nowhere.

I'd like to drop a gentle PSA/reminder: as Meta has clarified with King, only lynches give us certified information about a dead player's allegiances. The victims of all skaa kills show up as skaa unconfirmed, nonetheless. Coinshot kills show nothing at all (yes, I know they have to stack, etc.) Could it be a big deal? Maybe. I don't think it's likely, but then again, I suppose I've never considered Wounded Princess Gambits to be worth the risk. But as King has acknowledged: this means that this time around, a WPG can be done. Just for much higher stakes.

Make what you will of this.

Edit: Sigh. Never going to youtube and type on this forum ever again. Brb burying face in shame.

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It would be poor of me not to practise what I've preached. And at this point in time, I'm placing a vote on Hadrian (partly at random, as Kassel has done), but more importantly, because I've learned from King the value of lighting up a name in red when you'd like to encourage some discussion and in-thread activity. I've said it, and a few others have said it: hiding in our 40k docs gets us nowhere.



Only you would have a 40k doc already, Kas. :P


Edit: and only stuff out of game needs to be in blue, not non-rp stuff.

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"Lord Kassel?"


"You might want to try one of these." Hadrian handed the lord a pen that he had recently designed, built with a fabric tip so as to not destroy any soft cloths used for writing on. " While I applaud your efforts to evoke conversation, surely you wouldn't seek to destroy me and My reputation so soon after the trauma I have gone through! If any of my "relatives" had showed up instead then you'd be completely justified in targeting the accursed skaa. That red:Jain though, he seeks to remove Lord Heron, who presented me

with a final opportunity to redeem the illustrious name of House Penrod. Surely you can see the benefits of removing those in opposition to our honored host so we can discover any spies in at least a stable environment?"

Blue: I may or may not have access to a non mobile device but for now I will do my best to make it clear which of my posts are RP and which are simply discussion.

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Sylinia was still staring at where Wilson's body was. She still couldn't get over the fact that Wilson was Skaa. They had been friends for years now, even helping to set up good contracts between their Houses. Sylinia was taken out of her thoughts by a tap on her shoulder by her Terrisman. He informed her that Lord Willen had twice accused her of being a Skaa. Sylinia immediately got out of her seat after hearing this, and went to go yell at Mailu Willen. No, wait. She had to stay calm. Calming down she went over to him, only to see him smirk at the rage still on her face. "You dare accuse me of being a Skaa!" That smirk had utterly destroyed any calmness Sylinia had tried to hold. "Are you really so desensitized that deaths, even of Skaa, mean nothing to you!" She pointed right at Mailu and said to Lord Heron, "If you are looking for the Skaa, look no further. The first one is right here!"

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I really regret asking for questions sometimes... (joke, joke, keep them coming if needs be)

  1. Smokers must declare that they are using Copper during a Night Turn. They do not need to protect their allies, nor do they need to protect someone else at all. The only stipulation is that they must protect those who cannot protect themselves.
  2. Blanket Soothing occurs before Copperclouds are turned on, and so a Blanket Sooth can stop a Smoker from using their metal. A Smoker cannot protect their target from it either because of this.
  3. Blanket Soothing affects Houses rather than alliances, so unlike Kandra searches, it cannot affect the people a Skaa is allied with.
  4. All House Powers cannot be role-blocked. Only metals can be role-blocked, and then only with Blanket Soothing.
  5. Upon death at night, a player's House and Role are revealed. After a lynch, the player's House, Role and Alignment are revealed. If you visit an Informant for a dead player, you may discover any information that they have put into the system, barring the already revealed House, Role and possibly their Alignment. This could include, for instance, their actions on previous Cycles. If there is no new information you have not discovered, you will not get a fact from the GM.
  6. Information from the GM can include Houses, Roles, House Powers, Kandra knowledge, Alignment or previous Actions taken.
  7. Seeking occurs before Attacks, and so if the Smoker dies at Night, the Seeker will not discover their target's Role if that Smoker was protecting the target. If a Smoker dies at Night, their protection does not persist into the Day. If a Smoker dies during the Day, nothing special happens as the Smoker's protection starts on the Night Turn and continues only to the next Day. It must be reactivated by another Metal Action during the next Night Turn.
  8. Seeking detects metals used during a Night Turn and the next Day Turn, to match up with how the Smoker works. The Seeker's results will not be delayed; During that Night Turn, they will discover all the Metals used on or by their target, and during the Day Turn, they will discover if the player has either used or had used on them Brass or Zinc. They receive no information about metals used by players who are affected by a Coppercloud. To the Seeker, it's as if it never happened, and they are not informed about the Coppercloud.
  9. A Mistborn that is forced to burn Atium does not use up an Action, and their orders that Night will go through as normal. This use of Atium also cannot be prevented by a Blanket Soothe.
  10. A Kandra's vote will stay with the House Lord's original target, even if that House Lord's vote is Rioted or Soothed. The Kandra cannot be Rioted or Soothed themselves.
  11. A Kandra will report on a player, one of their Actions that Day/Night Cycle, and who it was used on (if any). They will not report the result of that Action. A Kandra that targets a player who took no action that Cycle will fail to discover anything. If a Kandra reports on an information action, you will be informed as to whether they told a Truth and which two players it targeted for information or a Lie, and who the lie was about.
  12. Kandra can indeed be owned by a Lesser House.
  13. There are eight House Powers, and each Great House will have either one or two to start off with. All I can say as to whether all the House Powers are in or not is that there are at least four in the game, and at most eight.
  14. One Cycle is a Day Turn and a Night Turn of the same number. Copper, Bronze and Pewter all have effects that last between the Night half of one Cycle, and the Day half of the next.
  15. Being protected by a Coppercloud does not inhibit your ability to use Brass or Zinc.
  16. Mistborn metal pairs are Push/Pull pairs: Tin/Pewter, Iron/Steel, Copper/Bronze, and Zinc/Brass.
  17. Kandra cannot have their Contracts moved to another House, just as players cannot change House.

Phew... After all that, I also have a clarification as to how a Lynch on the last player in a House with one or more House Powers works: The House Powers will be randomly distributed between the people who voted for that player. Players will only get one each, unless there are more House Powers to give away than there are players who voted for the lynched player (could happen). Using Brass or Zinc on a player does not change who that player voted for, only the effect of their vote. As such, players whose votes have been Soothed or Rioted away will still be eligible, and players who were Rioted onto the lynched player will not be able to get a power in this way. Oh, and Kandra votes do not raise the probability as to whether a player gets a Power or not.

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Mailu chuckled at Lady Seeris's reaction. "Calm down, don't get your feathers in a ruffle. I just want to know why you were so silent when you obviously had seen the body and heard Lord Heron. Can you answer that? But since you spoke up finally, I'll vote for Jae instead." Mailu waited for answers from both the lady and the silent man. Meanwhile, he began watching the crowd, trying to figure out any connections, they might be hiding.

So, Theory, I am still curious as to why you didn't post anything for so long. You obviously saw it. Were you too busy on the skaa doc?

Jae, you haven't said anything yet. You flew under the radar so well in QF2, so I'm prodding you to speak up too. Wandrin, you too. You're my next vote once Jae posts something.

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Bah, like most other people, don't have time for a big RP right now. just getting my vote retracted for Fain.

And tossing up
Ashette Cett. Voting for yourself really is quite odd behaviour, and even if you're not skaa, I'm not sure how that will help us right now.

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Joe, there isn't really anything to discuss. Except for Ash's erratic vote, which occurred after my post. Let's discuss it then.


Ash in Game 6 was almost as erratic as I was. I think he's just trying to wild-card it by voting for himself. That does, however, bring up the possibility that Ash is trying to alleviate suspicion. Hmm...


(What? I don't like to do massive rants and analysis! I'm terse and brief.)  B) 


Edit: BLUE

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Blue: Jain voted for nobody, which indicates that he is active yet doesn't want a lynch, while most people who are posting are making guesses. Are there any ramifications to anyone knowing what house we belong to? All I can think of are that the skaa would be able to time their kills and lynch votes to destroy house powers, but the skaa probably have most of that information already anyway if they are spread between several of the houses.

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Why I didn't post anything? Good old fashioned procrastination, plus a million other tiny things that I needed to do in real life. And no, I'm not plotting in my House doc either. (That would make too much sense and we don't make sense). :P


Telling Maliu that she and Wilson had been friends would cast immediate suspicion on her, so Sylinia gave her a stern look and walked away knowing that she couldn't follow her and stay near Lord Kastner.

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