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Long Game 7: The Annealing of Luthadel


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Well thanks for whoever Soothed me, I guess! For the record, I did not order anybody from my House to do so, at all. It could have been one of them still trying to protect me, or it's somebody trying to draw attention onto myself. Or heck, I remember with my Rioting shenanigans in LG2, I could have been Rioted, with the person placing the vote on themselves! There's definitely many possibilities, but all we can really determine only one thing for certain: I'm not a Smoker. :P


The reason I didn't remove my vote for Ashette, even after she replied, was I still wasn't completely convinced of her being a Skaa or not. I was leaning more towards not, but even still, getting a lynch off would have guaranteed at least some information as to whether it was really erratic behaviour or not. It's still of course too early to have any solid suspects of any sort, so it was better than not voting and leaving it up to possibly being changed by Vote Manipulation. 

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An extension has been requested and granted. In retrospect, perhaps I should have raised the bar a little due to the whole House thing.


The Night will now end at 9PM BST on Saturday.


This gives the Turn 37 hours left.

Edited by Wyrmhero
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@Kassel I feel like you being a ferring is a better reason for the inquisitors hunting you down than being an Allomancer skaa. If you ever get lynched this game, tell the inquisitors that I would like a spike of my own when they are done with you.

Who do you think the skaa are going to take down tonight? Once again I think that we can break it down into several options.

1) House Lord of infiltrated house

Dangerous, because once only the skaa is left we can lynch him

2) House Lord of uninfiltrated house

This mostly just removed the only person from that house that the skaa know the identity of, so it wouldn't help them that much

3) Random person from a non-skaa house

Just as an attempt to lower the population of a great house

4) Pick someone that arguments were made against in the thread yesterday

To hint towards some of us being skaa that really aren't

If anyone thinks of any other possibilities, I would love to hear them. On a side note, if we run on the assumption that no house has 2 or more skaa, whenever we find a skaa should we ask for the identities of the remaining house members, since 1) the skaa already know that info and 2) based on that previous assumption, they are safe?

Edited by Araris Valerian
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Sorry I haven't been very active. I've been getting distracted with Hearthstone.


Lord Asyr sighed. Lord Heron had started a House War, on the pretext of hunting down skaa. Tuy scoffed at that notion. It was ridiculous that those creatures could pretend to be noble. He sighed again. If there was to be war, he would come out on top. Besides, they might even kill some skaa along the way.

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So, oops. Don't know what the heck I was thinking last night, but I got mixed up and thought I was the one who was soothed. >.< When instead it was Raccine. That means that she can't be a Smoker, not me. :P My bad.


Edit: ....So my new Rep should really help in getting people to start trusting me. XD

Edited by Gamma Fiend
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Yay! The erratic brother has the reins now! I think that saying to not kill me just attracts killers Time for some even more erratic RP!


Jain had problems sleeping. Skaa in the Houses? Mingling with the nobles? Best not concern himself with this. Jain thought. He decided to sneak off in the night and hide in one of the nearby towns and wait one or two days to wait for it to blow over. He also felt uneasy about the toy panda. How had it finished the game of Solitaire? He left a note saying that his brother, Jain Phantomhive, was to take his place for the time. And his toy panda.

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Fien Urbain sat in the back of his carriage, returning home from the anti-climactic ball, his skull pounding from all the wine he had drank, and with each bump his head would jolt and his ferocious headache to pulse even stronger. He pulled back the thick, orange velvet curtains from the windows, letting in small streams of mist that would twist and curl around before slowly dissipating in the warmth of the enclosed carriage. Luthadel at night-time. As a Noble, he had always known better than to fear the mists and believe in the silly skaa superstitions, but he couldn't deny there being something disquieting about the veiled city, with the thick shroud of mists blanketing everything from sight and muffling even sound.


Drunkenly, he tried to recollect the events of the evening, trying to figure what had all happened. Didn't somebody accuse me of being skaa? He tried to remember with a frown. Surely I would not have forgotten such an insult. He continued to stare out over the obscured cityscape of the mist-veiled capital of the Lord Ruler's Empire when the carriage suddenly rounded a corner and his entire vision turned with a disorienting blur, and Fien unceremoniously leaned out of the window and threw-up, spraying vomit all over the outside of the carriage, as dark red rivulets the color of the wine he had been drinking leaked down the sides and misted into the wind.


With a grunt, Fien wiped his mouth his his sleeve and slumped down into the cushioned seat. Maybe he would spend more time at next ball insulting it's Host instead of drinking their wine.


Yeah, and maybe that Cadri Resaal will actually end up being pleasant for an evening. He thought with a laugh. Ha! And the Lord Ruler will give us all puppies, too!

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Maili has a point. What's with the orange, Gamma? :P


Araris: However I die, feel free to get yourself a spike after that ;)


I would say dismissing option 2) is too hasty. I have spoken with the GM and gotten back the clarification (speaking of which; where do you put the fresh clarifications, King, since you said they'll be public?) that when the Lord of a Great House falls, their successor will be publicly announced. So it would, in effect, be possible for the skaa to depopulate an uninfiltrated Great House.

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I would say dismissing option 2) is too hasty. I have spoken with the GM and gotten back the clarification (speaking of which; where do you put the fresh clarifications, King, since you said they'll be public?) that when the Lord of a Great House falls, their successor will be publicly announced. So it would, in effect, be possible for the skaa to depopulate an uninfiltrated Great House.


Ah, sorry, must've forgotten to post that one. I think it's on the original rules, but just in case it isn't... All Great House Lords are publicly known at all times. This includes those who were not the Great House Lords at the beginning of the game but become it through being the heir.

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Thankyou Gamma. I would retract my vote, but...well  :P 

I think we can break the skaa kill into three broad categories:

1) House Power manipulation
Any kill on a House Lord will probably qualify as this. Also, any kill on a non-Lord member of an infiltrated Great House. (Particularly the case for the Semi-Great Houses, since with fewer people it will be faster to take them out.)

2) Power threat
If the skaa have managed to learn of a dangerous metal, via house docs or (somehow) in the thread. This will be most likely someone in an infiltrated Lesser House, as killing someone in a Greater House who has revealed their power will alert all the other members.

3) Political
Either killing someone saying dangerous things, or setting up someone else. To my knowledge, this is the standard day 1 kill.

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I actually thought of something that could be an issue with the informants and the skaa. Since the House Lords probably will use ther powers instead of the informant action tonight, the skaa could ask about them and have a decent chance of discovering what their power is. They only have their metal and power as info that the skaa don't know, so if two skaa asked about 1 lord then that gives them a 3/4 chance of discovering the power. (assuming that their house can't be revealed since we all know that) Even if they are also a misting that "targets" someone then the skaa could still have decent odds if 3 asked about the same lord. Perhaps after tonight we should feed the informants some false info about the Lords so that the skaa can't discover house powers.

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Day 2


Quitania took a carriage home from the Heron ball in less good spirits than she had been when she had arrived. She had hoped to make another useful match at that event, or at least to scope out the competition while she was there, perhaps spark a little interest in the eligible nobles there, but that was completely ruined by that announcement. She grimaced a little as she toyed with one of her wedding rings. Why did he have to go and completely screw up her plans like that?


“Keep Elariel,” she told her Terrisman, who nodded in response and went to the coachmen to give him the orders. It was always best to keep a certain amount of distance from the Skaa, and particularly with the revelations of the night. Maybe it would even be wiser to leave Luthadel for a while, maybe find a husband out in one of the other Dominances – Only briefly, of course.


As she sat down inside the carriage, she saw someone moving closer to the carriage out of the corner of her eye. As she watched, the man muttered something to the driver and the Terrisman. Then he dragged the Skaa off, the man protesting with his slurred speech. These Skaa really did look like animals, flailing around like that. She waved her Terrisman back over through the open window. “What was that about?”


“It would appear that our driver was not in a fit state to drive, My Lady,” he explained. “One of Lord Heron's guardsmen has taken him away to be punished. A new one will be provided for shortly.”


“Hmm,” Quitania nodded, drumming her fingers on the window frame as she thought about it. The man did appear incoherent. “You recognise the man from Lord Heron's guards?”


“He was wearing their colours and uniform, My Lady.”


It was probably not a ploy of some kind then. Skaa couldn't think up a plan that intricate. Perhaps she was just getting a little too paranoid. Taking a break after this would be best. “Very well then. You will ride up front, just in case.”


The Terrisman bowed. “As you wish, My Lady.”


The trip through Luthadel was rather dull, but then it always was. A city of dull colours and duller people. She swung the window closed. Ash was starting to fall, and she didn't want any landing on her. She had enough difficulty keeping her dresses clean without that happening. While the event was over, and she perhaps no longer had to look quite her best today, it was the principle of the thing. You never knew when an opportunity would arise, after all.


Something seemed a little off. House Heron didn't often hold balls, and so she wasn't completely sure of the route that they would be taking. Not that she knew her way around Luthadel in the first place. That was for the servants to know, and her to use. But even so, she wasn't quite sure of where they were heading. Wasn't that the Skaa slums she could see?


She shifted to the other side of the carriage, and knocked on the separating panels between the passengers and driver. There was no response. The carriage didn't even stop for her. She stood up, wishing that she'd had the foresight to bring a knife or something. She at least had a vial of zinc with her, and she downed that. Anything to get a bit of an edge on what might happen.


Throwing open the door, she jumped out of the carriage, tripping as she did so when she hit the ground. She hit her head, but was at least still conscious and able to move thanks to hitting the ash that was piling up around the street. Her dress was completely ruined now, that was for sure. She stood up, a little shakily, her knees hurting from where they'd crashed into the cobblestones.


The carriage stopped as the driver realised that she had escaped from the trap that was set for her. He stepped off the seat, a knife in his hand. Quitania quickly realised two things – Firstly, her Terrisman was not with them, and secondly, the knife was already bloodied.


“Stay back!” Quitania shouted, holding a hand up. They were just like dogs, really. Talk to them sternly and they'd back down. “My name is Quitania Elariel, and if you even take a single step closer, I will kill you.”


The man chuckled. It was a coarse and unpleasant sound that grated on her, and matched his dirty coat, his damaged hat, and his aged look perfectly. How dare this thing laugh at her like that? “Well, you see, if you were a Mistborn, all proper and like, I'd be scared of you, missy. Hell, if you were a Coinshot or a Thug, I'd be worried. But I know that you're just a Rioter. What can you do to me, eh?”


Quitania froze, her hand wavering and lowering slightly. Where had he heard that? She'd told no-one. She even tended not to use it in polite society as much as possible to avoid giving it away to an errant Seeker. “W-Who told you that? I order you to answer me!”


Once again, the Skaa laughed, though it turned into a hacking cough halfway through. “I don't think there's gonna be much point in me telling you that. Since you'll be dead an' all.”


“You think you're going to be able to kill me?” Quitania asked, clenching a fist. “A pathetic Skaa like you?” What she would give for a weapon. Anything, it didn't really matter, just something she could use to kill this insufferable lout. She just wasn't used to a fight; she usually preferred less direct methods. But she could certainly take down a Skaa that was trying to murder her. He didn't even seem to be holding the knife properly.


“Look around you, sweetheart.”


She turned around. When had a crowd gathered? There wasn't anyone else here when she was in the carriage, was there? Wait, wasn't that the guard amongst the half-dozen Skaa there? He was still wearing the Heron livery, but now she saw him close up, she realised that he was definitely of poor stock. Suddenly she realised just what had happened. “...Oh, Lord Ruler...”




Drax dropped a coin from his hand onto the ground in front of an open door and Pushed against it to slow himself down. He rolled as he hit the floor with a little speed and jumped up to his feet inside the shop, cloak springing up around him as he Pushed on the little metal clips he'd attached to the ends of the tassels.


“And the most handsome and most awesome Mistborn in The Final Empire has arrived!” He said, taking a long and sweeping bow to an invisible audience.


Dorran, a very minor member of House Urvon, just continued to read his book behind the counter, and did not, much to Drax' disappointment, rise and applaud his magnificent entry.


Drax sighed and Pulled the coin he had used to slow his descent back into his hand. “You know, if you don't interact with your customers, you won't get that much business. Did you get a new shipment in today?”


At this, Dorran looked up, completely disregarding Drax' banter. “Yes, Lord Erikell,”


“Oh, good,” Drax nodded as he went over to the displays. “I'm in rather dire need of more steel, and of course, as my family's used your services for so long, your place was the first I thought of.”


“Steel is over to the back left,” Dorran said, gesturing in that direction before going back to his book.


Drax walked over, grabbing a pouch from the counter and a small shovel. He opened a polished wooden box near the back, and started to scoop up the fine metal dust into the pouch, all while he tried to ignore the metallic smells of the shop. Then he frowned a little. “Dorran...”




“I don't mean to besmirch you or your trade, but... Are you quite sure that you know how to make Allomancer's steel?” He asked, walking over to the counter.


“You insult me,” Dorran replied, in a tone that suggested that he really didn't care what Drax thought of him.


Drax opened up the pouch so that the tradesman could see the steel he had gathered. “Well, it's just that this steel appears to be green. I didn't even think that mould could grow on steel, but I guess we learn something new every day.”


“I am sure that you are mistaken, Lord Erikell. Mould cannot grow on metal.”


“It's green, Dorran. Not even rusted, but Copper-tarnish green.”


Green's healthy. It just shows that it's better than the normal steel, Lord Erikell." He caught Drax' frown, and winced a little. No-one wanted an angry Mistborn amongst their clients. At least he'd been paid well for this. "It's still a viable compound, even if it isn't as... efficient.”


When you mean 'safe', say it. Don't try to dance around it with different words. What kind of person do you take me for?”


There's one born every minute, Lord Erikell.”


Drax raised a hand to argue, then thought better about it. Besides, it was probably somewhat true anyway. “Well, fine then. But I expect a discount, at the very least.”


Very well, Lord Erikell,” Dorran said, finally looking up and away from his book. “If we can just measure...” Drax had gone, and all that he had left as payment was a single clip.




The Raisaal ballroom was a splendid piece of architecture, even amongst the Keeps of the nobility. It was circular in shape and very large, with the two semicircles split in half by a long red carpet. A few Skaa stayed near the entrance with brooms and brushes to ensure that no ash tainted its colours.


The left-hand side was full of seats and tables, placed close enough that one might have a conversation with people on another table, but far enough away that you could ignore them without it being too much of an insult. To the right, a vast area was laid open for dancing, and a band of musicians played gentle music for those who wished to do so.


The different part of the ballroom, compared to most other Keeps, was the raised dais that the red carpet led up to and away from in the center. This perfect circle almost defined what House Raisaal stood for on its own. Here, they would hold contests between their Hazekillers and trainees for the entertainment of their guests, or they would even open the dueling circle up to the nobility, if any wished to show their Allomancy off. A stern-faced and slightly scarred Obligator stood next to it to officiate.


The guests arrived in a quicker manner than at the House Heron ball, for they knew what was going to be said. However, they did not expect the first words out of Lord Heron's mouth, as he stood on the dais and held his hands up for silence.


Quitania Elariel never arrived back at her Keep last night. Her body was found yesterday in House Kastner's gardens. Lady Cat of House Lekal is now Lady Cat of House Elariel." He sighed. "I am sure that she will not be the first if we do not find them today. So, I ask you – Who killed Quitania Elariel?”


Lady Quitania Elariel was a Rioter belonging to House Elariel. Cat is now Lady of House Elariel!


As ever, any clues you see within this write-up are ones you've placed there yourself, and you should probably see a psychiatrist about it.


The city's supplies of Steel have been poisoned!


Day 2 has begun. It will end in 48 hours, on Monday at 9PM BST (GMT+1)


Player List

House Tuy

Asyr Tuy (a smart guy)


House Elariel

Quitania Elariel (QuiteContrary) - Rioter

Cat Lekal (luckat)


House Seeris:

Sylina Serris (Theorymaker)


House Urbain:

Fien Urbain (Gamma Fiend)


Unknown Affiliation:

  1. Kassel Erikell (Kasimir)
  2. Tonul Venture (Tulir)
  3. Alden Izenry (Aonar Faileas)
  4. Jain Phantomhive (Lightsworn Panda)
  5. Hyrun Tormander (The Only Joe)
  6. Ashette Cett (Ashiok)
  7. Hadrian Penrod (Araris Valerian)
  8. Kaldin Fathvell (Kal Dell)
  9. Finch Fain (QuiteLeftInch)
  10. Wandrin Nuvidas (New One)
  11. Racine Morinthe (twelthrootoftwo)
  12. Cadri Raisaal (Shivertongue)
  13. Mesist A'lees (Metacognition)
  14. Mailu Willen (Mailliw73)
  15. Ren Gardre (Renegade)
  16. Jae Kastner (jaelre)
  17. TelZaan (Kandra NPC)

Edited by Wyrmhero
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Heron was a political genius. First, he killed Quitania in a well orchestrated scheme. Next, he framed the skaa for the murder, so that he could get away scotch free. Third, he let the nobles accuse each other of being skaa, and watched them kill each other. That man had started a house war. Asyr was not going to let him get away with it. "Alright, does anyone want to confess? No? Fine." He sat down, and took a long drink of wine. It was going to be a long day.


I don't have any suspicions right now. Let's see where the voting goes.

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Time for some RP! I have no suspicions as yet.


Jain's younger brother, Jain, stumbled back home drunk from one of the balls. He didn't know which one, as he was so intoxicated. He did, however, see the note on the doorstep. And above it was that blasted panda his older kept. decided to throw it out. He took a quick nap and woke up to find the toy panda sitting on his shelf. Strange, he thought. Didn't I chuck it out? And why is it grinning so widely at me?

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Lets see if I can do some analysis behind the kill.

1) Random Person - I don't know why this would happen

2) The skaa learned within the house what the power was and

i) Were in position to inherit or

ii) Are going to kill 2 people and inherit

3) House is infiltrated but skaa don't know the power

4) The house is uninfiltrated and the skaa want it gone or at least to know all of the members

So either Cat is skaa, her heir is skaa, or neither is. If 1/2 of the houses are infiltrated and that house has 3 people, that's a 1/2 of the first two combined and both are equally likely, although the skaa would probably be setting up one of themselves to die if they killed everyone else in the house. I suspect option 4 but 2i and 3 are also somewhat likely. Unfortunately Lady Quitania didn't really talk much so we don't have much to work with.

Hadrian finished jotting down some notes and posted them on a wall, under the title Penrod's Perusings. He wondered, idly, if he could charge the other attendees, say, 5 boxings each to view his notes. Surely several of them would not last the week without some sort of outside help, although the animosity Hadrian had drawn last week might deter any potential customers.

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So you all know, starting Monday! I'll be out of town until Saturday. There may or may not be wifi. If there is, I'll be able to post but only once or twice a day. If there isn't, I'll still get emails and I'll work out with Wyrm how I can post by proxy.

For now, I have nothing to say. I'll put a vote on tomorrow before I leave.

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Ren blinked in stunned silence, looking over at the other Nobles in the Raisaal ballroom.  Their faces were worn and sullen after hearing the news: another House Lord had been killed.


Ren shook his head, shivering in fear.  First Lord Heron, now Lady Elariel?  Ren glanced around the room, trying to catch the gaze of some of the other Nobles.  Trying to gauge their suspicions.  He couldn’t trust that all of these Nobles were who they said they were.  Not after what that informant had told him earlier.




Ren had never spoken with an informant before.  But, considering that House Heron had decided to invite him to a second ball, he thought that maybe he should get caught up on what the other Nobles were up to.  And the best way of doing so was going to one of the city’s Informants.


Hoid, his name was.  Ren wasn’t sure how the informant had known that he was looking for information, or how the man had found him in the first place.  Ren was walking outside after last night’s ball, enjoying the feel of the mists, when the man hobbled around the corner, saying, “Need some information, young sir?  While I’m almost completely blind, I hear everything that goes around in this city.”


Ren blinked. “Um, sure.  I’d like to know what’s going on with-”


“Woah, woah, woah, hold your horses, pal,” Hoid said, squinting at Ren.  “You give me some information about yourself, first.  Then, I’ll give you the information you want.”


Ren sighed.  “Fine.”




Ren now hoped that Hoid fellow was trustworthy.  He figured that, since the man was practically blind, it was doubtful he could even see who Ren was.  And he shouldn’t even know Ren that well, seeing as he was the distant relative of the Lord of a lesser-known House.  Then again, he seemed to know a lot of things he shouldn’t.  Maybe he was secretly a Tineye or Seeker.  Ren shivered again.  He’d have to be more careful with what he did from now on.


Why? Ren thought, pouting.  Why did Lord Heron bring me into all of this?  Nobody even knew about me before yesterday’s ball.  Is this my father’s fault?  Or… maybe they found out that I’m a misting.  I wouldn’t doubt their House has a few Seekers in it.  Ren paused.  I definitely need to be more careful.


Ren glanced up at Bamin, who was fiddling with one of his earrings, looking distracted.  “Another dead Lord, Bamin.  What do you think it means?”


Bamin snapped out of his trance, looking towards Ren.  “Mmm… the skaa are definitely up to some shenanigans.  Trying to start a House War, my guess would be.  These things happen every hundred years or so.  Skaa kill the important members of Houses, trying to flare up tensions and sow chaos.”


“Who do you think is behind it?” Ren asked nervously.  “Someone in here?”


Bamin shrugged noncommittally.  “I couldn’t say.  But I would suggest you be very careful with what you do, Ren.  Don’t attract too much attention, and don’t trust anyone.  You’re here because House Heron requested your presence again, not to make friends or treaties or anything like that.  Any alliances you make are another reason for someone to stab you in the back.”


“But what of the skaa?  Lord Heron wants us to find them, doesn’t he?”


Bamin nodded.  “Do what you can, but don’t get too involved.  I am here for your protection.  Making yourself a bigger target isn’t going to help either of us.”


“But if we don’t find the skaa…”


“The skaa are a threat, yes.  But the other Nobles here are doing the best they can do deal with them.  You are inexperienced.  I honestly don’t know why House Heron even wants you here.  They should know that you have no place in politics.”


Ren smiled grimly, surveying the room again.  The Terrisman stewards were leaving the ballroom, going to… wherever they went during these balls.  “Guess you should get going, then,” Ren sighed.


Bamin nodded.  “Stay safe,” he replied, walking away.


Ren walked over to one of the tables, trying to focus on the events that had transpired the past day or so.  That informant, the death of Lady Elariel… in House Kastner’s gardens.  Ren pondered that.  Why would Lady Elariel be walking in House Kastner’s gardens?  Seemed like something set-up by the skaa.  It seemed that they were trying to create another House War.  In that case, the Nobles would have to act quickly, but think rationally.  Ren stood up, opening his mouth.  Should I do it? he asked.


“Um… hello!” Ren announced to the ballroom.  Everyone quieted.  “You may not know me that well, but I went to an informant yesterday, and I got something back from him that might be of interest to you.”  Ren stopped, taking a deep breath.  “He said that Lady Racine… is a skaa.”


So, I went to the Informant, and he told me that Racine's a skaa.  My guess is that someone used a Lie action on her.  But, if we do lynch her, it’ll give us some proof as to what the skaa’s plan is.  So is it worth a lynch?  I'd like to hear what all of you think.

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Alright. While this isn't foolproof, I do have one easy way to test if Racine is a Skaa. Fien, does TelZaan belong to House Urbain? (Note to other members of House Urbain: If Fien is lying about this, he's probably a Skaa.) And no, I'm not going to explain how this confirms anything, because I don't want to give the Skaa any more info than they need. Let's just say that my Informant report was particularly... enlightening.


Assuming I get an answer that clears Racine, I'll be voting Ashette for now. I'm not 100% certain, but I he's my best guess. If the answer I get from Fien implicates Racine, and she turns out to be a Noble, I'll be placing my vote on Jain, just so you know. I might actually put my vote on Jain anyway. I'll leave this as it stands for now though.

Edited by AonarFaileas
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I see no reason to lynch her yet. Unless she put that in herself, which, as a skaa, would have been mostly pointless, there should be 2 results from using the informant on her, one true and one that she is skaa. Anyone else do the same thing but get a different result? Maybe Racine should tell us what she told the informant, since somebody probably saw it.

Or, you are skaa and want us to reveal what we learned about Racine, to see if she is in a great house that is uninfiltrated and put that in her informant action.

I personally found some information that seemed to indicate my house is clean, but it wouldn't mean much to people outside my doc.

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There is no Kandra in House Urbain. As I'm pretty sure the Great Houses are already infiltrated, it doesn't really matter me revealing that, since the Skaa would already know or not.


Also, my fascination with the Colour Orange is because it was my first Doc color back in LG2, so I decided to try and stick with the theme as much as possible. That, and I decided for Orange to be House's Primary Color. (Still working on Sigil and Words). :P


Edit: Still holding my vote for now, trying to see where these accusations and plans go. I am looking forward as to finding out how my house having a Kandra or not makes a difference. :P

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