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Long Game 7: The Annealing of Luthadel


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Rust. Alright, here's what I know (since Racine already knows all of this):


Yesterday, Jain was Rioted. As there is (apparently) no Kandra in House Urbain, he must be a Smoker. Now, what was our only missing vote last cycle? Twei's vote for Gamma. This means that Twei must have been a Rioter who tried to force a lynching. Now with a bit of planning, it would be possible for this to have been set up by Jain and his Skaa cohorts. However, the simplest solution is usually the best, so Twei is most likely a Skaa Rioter. I don't know if it's worth pushing for a lynching, but Twei or Jain must be Skaa.

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(I really wanted to wait for the chance to have time to do up some RP as well, but I need to get this in so we don't go off on tangents)


I have conflicting information, Aonar. I have it on good authority that Tonul used a Metal on Jain on Day 1. This still means that Jain is likely a smoker, but that Twei might not actually be a Rioter (besides, wouldn't his vote not get canceled since he couldn't switch Jain's vote?).

Edited by Metacognition
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Gah, you're right Meta. Apologies to Twei (for the unfounded suspicion, you aren't completely off the hook), and Skaa, if anything I said was useful to you, please ignore it. :P 


However, knowing that Tonul used a metal on Jain, and that Jain was Rioted is interesting. That puts some suspicion on Tonul now, but there's another possibility I noticed that I'd like to draw everyone's attention to. The information I received on Jain wasn't known to him, and thus had to came from the GM. The only things that can take the place of Informant actions are House Powers, and Skaa kills. Jain is not a House Lord. So, Jain (or Jain's brother), why didn't you use your Informant action? Were you perhaps too busy making the Skaa kill?

Edited by AonarFaileas
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First, I am actually more erratic than my brother. Second, I never did anything to do with the Informant as my brother was the one who PMed the GM about it. Finally, as my brother says, he's had a spotless history of being in Team Good.


I'm thinking that the Skaa want to either get rid of House Elariel or to reveal its occupants, both probably because the house was unoccupied. Maybe it was a random kill, but nonetheless, kind of expected.


I'm also quite curios by your sudden outburst, Aonar. What busied you into not saying anything on Night 1 and hardly saying anything on Day 1? Discussing with your Skaa friends on the doc? Or just PMing Wyrm for the kill?


Edit: Colour

Edited by Lightsworn Panda
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Honestly, I'm rather busy with life in general. I have far to many things to do, far to little time to do them in, and I'm trying to analyze this game and how the players are voting at the same time (those of you who I've worked with in the past know I keep very extensive Lists), and if you can't tell, I'm slipping a bit because of it. :P There wasn't much discussion going on in the thread, (aside from Meta's analysis of the Informant role, which I didn't feel the need to comment on as I fully agreed with it) so I didn't post. 
I couldn't have made the Skaa kill, as I used the informant action last night. (I have already proven this.) You did not use the Informant Action, and your first response to this being pointed out was deflecting guilt onto your accuser with weak reasoning. You do say that you act more erratically than your brother, but how are we to know this, and if this is true, why should it be taken into account? We have only your word. 
My outburst, as you put it, was because I held information I felt I needed to share with the group. It wasn't quite as immediately important as I originally thought, (in part due to the relatively little thought I've been able to put into this game) but it was still useful, and I wished to make it known before I was unable to post again. 


(Just as a general disclaimer, I'm a tad stressed and have a major headache right now, so no offence is meant if any of this post sounds like it could be taken that way.)

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Fine, fine. I am two years younger than my brother and not that bright when it comes to this. But I will say something. My brother did in fact use the Informant action. The only other thing I'm going to admit is that I am not a Skaa. Please don't kill me. My brother will strangle me if I die like right after he left. Anyways, your logic seems a bit far fetched for me. It's like your a Skaa who used their Informant action instead of killing and now your trying to lynch me.

I would kill you if I was a coinshot

Edit: Blue

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Well I'm glad the clarification about the Kandra really helped got things going. I want to say that Jain's Brother, you aren't making too many good defenses right now. It would help if you could tell us what Information you (or your Brother) received from last night, it's as easy as checking a PM.  (Although if Jain sent in a lie, then wouldn't of course have received any information back, but then looks rather suspicious)


I want to place a vote for Jain right now, but I'm really just not sure if it's just pure erratic behaviour or not. So I'm still going to wait for a little bit and see what more comes from the discussion.


Edit: Actually, I want to get a vote placed on Tonul to get them talking as to why it appears they tried to Riot Jain.


Also, not trying to derail the conversation, there was also the Information Renegade posted earlier about hearing back that Raccine is a Skaa. While this could of course very easily be a Lie, I would like to also hear a possible defense, and maybe any Information they have to report.


Edit 2: Retracted vote.

Also, that White Text isn't helping you much right now, buddy.

Edited by Gamma Fiend
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Yes yes, I am more erratic than my brother. :D 

And I'm way more short-tempered and hot-headed. :angry:  :angry:  :angry: 

I'm also not a very good writer either. :P  I am a Sanderfan though. I'm just trying to keep myself alive. Now that I think about it, whoever Rioted me seems like the want to put the blame on me. Perhaps the Skaa are trying to kill us quicker.

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I'm posting this, and I am obviously saying that I am not a skaa, and I believe writing this out will help.

Yes, I did use a metal and it was zinc on Jain.  I did this because Hadrian was fairly suspicious to me, so I tried to change the vote.  After the voting that had looked to stay the same, I initially thought that Racine was a Rioter that Rioted someone from Hadrian to Ashiotte, as that would account for the missing vote.  However, I did also go to the Informants, and I learned that Racine is a Tineye, which disproves my idea. Having the Kandra in Fien Urbain's house was another way to account for the missing vote, but apparently that was incorrect.  I would like to know if my Riot was merely blocked, or someone voting for Hadrian was Rioted or Soothed by someone not voting, like I did, so Jain, if you are willing, would you tell us if you are a Smoker?

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My brother said to the Informant that I cannot kill. That's all I'm saying.

I think that the Skaa are actually just standing at the sides watching as we pull each other's throats out. Also, Aonar, your logic sounds good enough, though I have no idea who to vote.


Edit: I swear it was blue

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Why are we glossing over the fact that Ren supposedly got information back that specifically named someone as Skaa and going after someone else? 


I would think that there would be more discussion at this point about whether or not we could trust said result. Depending on a few questions I have for Wyrm, there's compelling evidence for his informant actually being accurate. 


Honestly, the fact that Ren's claim isn't even being considered makes me think that this is an attempt to distract from it, especially since it seems like Jain was being acted upon on Day 1, not the instigator. 


Tonul, I'd like a bit better explanation for why, if you're a Noble, you would sabotage the idea to let the Skaa emotional allomancers influence the voting so we could identify them easier. Right now, the only explanation that comes to my mind is that you're actually not a Noble emotional allomancer.

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Fair enough, Jain, that helps a little, but not that  much.  Gamma, I tried to Riot Jain to target Hadrian because through this game he hasn't seemed trustworthy to me.  I know this is his first game, but in his situations he has detailed there have been several things left out.  This could just be a mistake, but they have been things that direct someone's attention in a certain direction, which seems to me like he is trying to pull an Aether from Game 1 with misinformation.

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Okay, fair enough. You've at least come forth and made a defense. So I'll switch my vote to Raccine now, then. Because we've heard that she's both a Tineye and a Skaa from the Informants. So one of them (or both) could be a lie, but more likely is that they are actual GM facts.


If she can get on and let us know what she got back Information-wise (assuming she visited the Informant, and told the truth), then that could help us figure this out more.

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Wow. Racine must've done something yesterday to attract a Soothing and get two people to find info about her. :P

I'm not sure that Ren's information is correct. I believe it may be a lie that was told. Someone in the same house as me had that very idea of trying to blame a player, which would benefit the skaa and certain Houses. So that's a possibility.

Also the more I think about this, the more I think it may be a set up. It reminds me of what happened in QF2 with Jene and myself. Racine had her vote Soothed, or is a Rioter(in which case, Tonul's info is incorrect), then a possible Lie placed on her to convince people to kill her and then the fact that another person (Tonul) asked about her and is revealing it. It just seems too coincidental. For now, I'm voting for Tonul. It may change tomorrow.

Mailu, upon arrival at Keep Raisaal, was surprised to hear Lady Racine's name instantly called out as a spy. Apparently Lord Ren had talked to an informant and learned this secret. She had also been Soothed the day before. Things were lining up too perfectly. Mailu didn't think that Racine could be a skaa. She didn't seem that dumb. But, who knew, maybe she was. For now, Tonul had caught his eye as a potential suspect.

Edit: Wyrm has confirmed that I can proxy post and send in actions through email.

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Here I am. For the record, I put in my metal (Tonul is correct, I'm a Tineye). I'd prefer to limit the informant information I give out in public, but I will say that I asked about Kas and got back that he used his metal on Gamma.

I'm surprised at the amount of attention that's been thrown on me. We've established that I didn't mess with my own vote, and you now know I gave truth to the informant. Not sure what else you would like me to offer.


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Rust and Ruin. I forgot to put in a Night Action. I'm afraid I'll be of little help today, my friends. D:


I'll get on earlier tomorrow, I should be free most of the day.

Edit: Blue

Edited by Kal Dell
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I am rather interested to know why, when deciding to be cautious about Informant information received, Racine considered it unproblematic to reveal information (I neither confirm nor deny this) about my metal action. Considering that Gamma has reported to neither being injured nor is he (rather obviously) dead, it seems to me I don't quite follow her reasoning for choosing to favour one piece of information over the other.

Gamma, would you please confirm that you have not been injured? (Assuming, of course, that you are in fact uninjured, and that you are inclined to report an injury.)


Edit: Colour changed because I would really like to hear an answer, and so I will make it worth Racine's while to answer.

Edited by Kasimir
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Small bit of clarification on Informant results:


  1. GM information will not be specifically noted.
  2. If two people ask and no information has been provided, they will each get a GM fact. They do not necessarily get the same GM fact.
  3. If two people ask and there is information, they will get a result from amongst that information. It may that they get the same information, or they may not. If there is only one piece of new information to them, they will both get that piece.
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Fien slowly walked up the stairs leading into the Reisaal Mansion, feeling the night before still weighing heavily on him. He had a small hangover, and after emptying his stomach first thing in the morning, had felt marginally better throughout the long and boring afternoon. As night fell once more, and the Mists descended over the land once more, Fien found himself once again associating with a room full of people he could care less for.


"How lovely to have a host who doesn't even show her own face." Fien remarked, as he reached the top of the stairs, and tossed his coat towards a skaa waiting right inside of the doorway. "No really, I mean it. It'd be lovely if she doesn't show her face the entire evening."


As he entered the room, Fien had noticed the entire right side of the ballroom, set aside for dancing and mingling, was completely void of people, and instead, everybody had gathered on the left side of the room, staying near the tables nor breaking away from their groups much. There was only a small handful of people who had broken away from the pack, and it was on the Dias they stood, staring at each other and batting accusations back and forth.

As Fien got closer, he caught a snippet of conversation as young Kassel pointed towards him and cried out, "Tell them Fien! Let them know you're uninjured!"

Fien stopped in his tracks, mildly confused, "Well," he began, "my stomach felt a little upset this morning, and the rug in my bedroom isn't in the best of conditions, but I'm feeling rather fine." He remarked, and then grabbed a glass of wine from a passing by skaa servant. "In fact, I'm feeling almost well enough to start drinking again."


"And no!" He declared, rounding on an Obligator that he had noticed sneaking up on him from behind. "For the last time, I do not have a Kandra!"


(Heh, had to sneak in some RP about the kandra bit earlier, as well.) But as I had Fien say, I was not attacked last night, and am uninjured. Hope that helps going forward in getting some of these lies/truths sorted out.

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About 3, so does that mean if I said, for example, "I am in house X" and no one else gives information about me, both people who ask about me will get that for sure and not a GM fact?


Unless they were in the same House as you (because they'd already know this for sure), correct.

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My apologies, Kas. I felt I had to reveal at least one of the facts I'd learned for collective scrutiny. (My initial reaction was to reveal both, which is what I meant by limiting what I gave out.) I thought there was more sensitive information contained in the other fact, but Wyrm has refuted this (not in public) between my original post and this one.

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I was going to try to write an RP post, but nothing’s been coming and I figure I should mention this before I go to bed.

I know this might be hard to believe (really, another one?), but I also went to the Informant and asked for information about Racine. The information I received was not one of the two things that have already been mentioned (that she is Skaa or that she is a Tineye). What I learned is that she used her Metal on QuiteLeftInch. It is possible that this is a second lie that was spread about her. However, that would mean that the Skaa used two of their night actions to spread lies specifically about Racine without knowing how many people would ask about her, where one of those lies is a bit odd of a lie to tell. I think it is more likely that all three of the pieces of information we have learned about her are true. I would like QuiteLeftInch to tell us whether the information I learned is true so that we know if those of us who asked about Racine received two lies and a truth or three truths.

Also, I am curious as to why Tonul gave the information that he received about Racine instead of asking her to tell us what information she gave first so that we could try to catch her in a lie.

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"What are you doing here?" Kassel hissed.
Drax looked supremely pleased with himself as he juggled a small pouch. Carrying his metals, no doubt. "Keeping an eye on you. Can you believe Dorran?" He held out the pouch.
Kassel raised an eyebrow. "I hardly need a nursemaid."
"It's green," Drax said. "I've never even seen steel that colour before." He worked open the pouch and spilled a little fine metal dust out onto his palm. "See that?"
Kassel winced. "Lord Ruler," he muttered. "I've seen mould that wasn't half as green as this."
"Exactly!" Drax announced, brushing the metal dust from his hands and tying the pouch shut again. Then the pouch was gone; secreted about somewhere. Kassel knew Drax's ill-fitting suit was one of those meant for Mistborn: sewn with multiple hidden pockets and straps for metal vials and glass knives.
"So, is there a reason you have that with you?"
Drax's expression was not reassuring. "I thought it'd be fun."
Kassel barely hid his sigh. "And my uncle thought you'd be a great nursemaid."
"Well," Drax said, with a beatific smile, "I suppose he just thought I'd be great at taking care of my baby brother."
"Younger half-brother," Kassel insisted, folding his arms across his chest. This, he thought, was shaping up to be a very long evening and the night hadn't even started yet. Probably, Drax's rare public presence meant that his uncle had heard of the murder of Lady Elariel, and had decided to take...precautions. It also explained his uncle's insistence that he attend the ball, rather than dispatching Lissel. He doesn't want to risk his heir. He, on the other hand, was perfectly expendable. As always.
"Mmhmm," Drax said, unbothered. "Also, if you're curious, Lady Monrinthe--" he glanced, for a moment, across the ballroom at the person of whom he was speaking, "rather old for a ball, don't you think?--is telling the others that she knew what you did last night. Really, Kas, I didn't know you were that bored--"
"I was ironing out the Renoux contract," Kassel said, hurriedly, before Drax could start on one of his tangents. "Lord Ruler, that old lady!" He frowned. What was her game?
I'm just getting some RP in first. I'll contribute later, after one or two clarifications I've run past our GM come back. Thanks for the response, Racine. However, I am, for now, keeping my vote in place until I get responses from King and can assess the situation better.

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Unfortunately, I will be out of wifi until the cycle ends, so i won't be able to contribute more to the discussion.  I am casting my vote for Hadrian, because I don't trust him.  

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