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Long Game 7: The Annealing of Luthadel


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Hyrun sat at his desk, reading a missive from Home. It was not good news. "Steward, Prepare my Carrige. The Southern Dominance needs me. "


Just Got on* to say that I won't be back on until Saturday, And I don't have a little brother or Phone service, So Hyrun Will be taking a cycle off.


*Yes, I've been on for a while, and I will be on for a While. 17th Shard (Specifically, What Happened in Oregon) is one of my Homepages.

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Bah! Hopefully I have some time for some RP, but I want to get this in now.

Earlier, Tonul claimed to have tried to Riot Jain to switch the vote, who's he's been suspicious of (or at least just saying, "I don't trust him" without any real elaboration). And now just above, we have Ashette claiming that Tonul only tried to Riot the vote to save him, his teammate. Now, it could have obviously been both reasons in one, and there was reason for Tonul to hold that excuse back earlier to not reveal potential teammates, but it still stuck out at me as a slight inconsistency.


But the whole mess with Raccine seems like a headache. Unfortunately, there is one way to get to the bottom of the truth or not. The inconsistencies of the Information given and the number of Informants just doesn't add up. I'm going to keep my vote with Raccine for now (I still have it coloured from my earlier vote, so I won't colour it here and confuse poor Wyrm.). If this ends up being wrong, then of course I will feel pretty horrible, but this is the best way just to get down to the truth of it, as far as I can tell.



Fien watched the Lady Cadri make her grand entrance. If petty intimidation tactics could be considered 'grand', that was. She certainly knew how to make a spectacle of herself, although she didn't need armed guards to pull that off. Her inane presence was usually all that was required. The evening's Ball had continued on at a steady pace, with  the intermingling and festivities all put on hold while the Nobles insulted and accused each other back and forth, spilling precious family secrets.


Fien himself had a specific suspect in mind, and had been horrified to find himself is slight agreement with Mesist, of all people!. Before he had started drinking for the evening, he wrote down on a piece of paper to remind himself to keep an eye on the Raccine Morinthe, who had been rumoured to have accused Fien of being a Skaa the night before. So that's why Fien wrote himself the note, so he wouldn't forget again when he was drinking later in the evening.


Lady Morinthe had actually found herself the center of attention, it had seemed, with everybody blabbering the information they had learned about her, and even openly claimed she had been found out to be a skaa! Fien didn't know exactly what to make of it, but he figured it would be best just to let the Inquisitors do their job. Nobody could hold back the truth from those ruthless, effective monsters.

And besides, he thought rather coldly, she is only a Tineye, allegedly. What big of a loss would that be, losing a known Allomancer? He shook his head and looked for the wine glass, burying any dark thoughts of being wrong and condemning an innocent to torture.

He noticed a small commotion as a Noble was seen trying to leave the Ball, claiming they had business down south to urgently attend to. Wait, is that Lord Hyrun? Fien thought, trying to remember the man's obscure last name. Wonder what's so urgent that he could let us know he's leaving, but not let us know what he had potentially learned last night?

He probably caught a whiff of Mesist, Fien thought with a smile, turning back to the party at hand. He walked up to the band that Lady Reisall had hired and slapped down a handful of boxings on the stage at their feet.

"Play the most ridiculously upbeat and sassiest songs you can think of," He said with a wink. We're only contemplating murdering each other. We might as well make it a cheery affair.


Huh, well I was able to come up with some good RP reasons as to why Fien wouldn't care about a Raccine Mislynch. But that's not the real reason. As Meta pointed out, there's just a little bit too much different information floating around on Raccine right now. If there was a mass-influx of Lies spread about her from the Skaa (leaving the rest of them open to have been sought out for information), then that could possibly explain it, but it really looks like the Skaa would have had to completely commit to setting her up. Either way, getting information from this lynch will really help figure it all out, one way or another.


Edit: Added a Vote-tally (could be inaccurate, of course. Counting errors always happen)


Raccine - Fien, Hadrian (2)

Hadrian - Tonul (1)

Cat - Aonar, Mailu (2)

Aonar - Ashette (1)


Edit 2: Fixed list. .....and really, people?! 3/4 of a Turn with all of these accusations and information flying around, and there's only four votes up there??? *bigger facepalm than Gamad gave in response to Fien dancing to Yakety Sax music below*

Edited by Gamma Fiend
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A million upvotes for you sir! Basically exactly what I was thinking of!


Encouraged by the dangerously danceable tune, Fien lost his inhibition and started dancing maniacally  by himself, with his arms and legs flailing about wildly, spilling the rest of the contents of his wine glass all over himself in the process.


Lord Ruler! He exclaimed to himself in the frenzy of fun. I didn't know we were even allowed to have music this happy!




Gamad watched on in horror as Lord Fien, that oh so prestigious head of his household, started flailing about and making an even bigger fool of himself. With a grimace, Gamad started storing some of his eyesight in one of his many Tinminds, trying to completely blur the shame away from his vision. Now if only he could remove all of the other unsightly, embarrassing  other memories from his Copperminds.

Edited by Gamma Fiend
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The band, unsure what to make of Lord Urbain's request, just shrug at each other. Then they begin to play this.


Sorry, couldn't help myself! :P


And then, Cadri had them beheaded. :P




Cadri watched the Lord of Urbain dance. She didn't want to. She didn't think anyone wanted to.


"Ranvi," she said softly. She swirled the wine in her glass, and a moment later, the Terrisman was at her side. "Check the wine for tampering."


"My lady, the wine was tested for poisons, hallucinogens, and every other form of behavior-altering substance before the ball. It is clean."


"As I suspected," She said, knocking back the entire glass. "Lord Urbain is just an idiot. If he gets any wine on the carpet, have him executed."

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Yes I agree. Time for something even more trolly and modern!


Jain's brother, Jain, joined the party a bit late into the night. When he saw Lord Fien dancing around like a fool, a brilliant idea came into his head. Being the person who listened to the latest tracks, he set down a box of boxings for the band to play this after.

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Fien noticed the weird man, who was claiming to be his brother instead of his actual self, walk up  to the band and try to explain to them some song to play, even though their instruments could not produce those kind of noises at all. And Cadri think's I'm a fool?


He walked up to the band and pulled out a large bag full of boxings from his coat. "I will pay you double not to play that. I am a House Lord, and thus, can obviously afford such silly expenditures. Although I will triple it if you play this song instead, and dedicate it to Mesist."


If anybody thinks any of this post is a bit too rude, just let me know and I'll remove it. I'm just trying to build a theme where Fien gets quite snarky when he drinks. ;)

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13 hours to go, and all you can do is play music? :huh:


Just a quick public service announcement, since some people seem to be confused by this - When receiving information from an Informant, that information does not leave the pool. It remains that and other people can receive that same info.


I will be absent for the next 7 hours or so from this edit.

Edited by Wyrmhero
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Yes, music, before we cut each others throats out. :ph34r: Very pleasant, isn't it? :P  :D  ;) 


Jain then decided to play this.


It held its ears in annoyance. The humans were listening and dancing to music at a time like this? The paranoia and distrust was suddenly covered up by humans and laughing at each other dancing. Really. It thought. I'm evacuating.  


Edit: Hyperlink error

Edited by Lightsworn Panda
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Hmm... I believe I can prove that Racine went to the Informant, which, I also believe makes it very likely that Cat Lekal is Skaa. When Twei first contacted me at the start of day two, she said that the information returned to her was: Kas targeted Gamma with his metal, and [redacted]. Wyrm later clarified, saying that the info about Kas should have specified that it took place on Night One. Now, I don't know if this was a slight error of Wyrm's part, or if this was how Kas phrased his request for information, but either way, Twei must have used the Informant. Ergo, if Cat had truly sought information on Twei, it would have returned her status as a Tineye. (Unless the Skaa spread two Lies, in which case Finch is more likely to be Skaa.)


I might be totally wrong (it's 3:30 my time and I can't sleep :P), but I think you'd best be coming up with a strong defence, Cat. 

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Hmm... I believe I can prove that Racine went to the Informant, which, I also believe makes it very likely that Cat Lekal is Skaa. When Twei first contacted me at the start of day two, she said that the information returned to her was: Kas targeted Gamma with his metal, and [redacted]. Wyrm later clarified, saying that the info about Kas should have specified that it took place on Night One. Now, I don't know if this was a slight error of Wyrm's part, or if this was how Kas phrased his request for information, but either way, Twei must have used the Informant. Ergo, if Cat had truly sought information on Twei, it would have returned her status as a Tineye. (Unless the Skaa spread two Lies, in which case Finch is more likely to be Skaa.)

I might be totally wrong (it's 3:30 my time and I can't sleep :P), but I think you'd best be coming up with a strong defence, Cat.

I'll vote for Aonar (red) because he said Twei contacted HIM, while Twei said they contacted QuiteLeftinch. Of course, I probably just forgot how tineyes work...

Edited by Ashiok
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In the vote count you missed my vote for Ren, which is hard to see because I wrote it as red:Ren. Killing Cat right now is a really bad idea because we will lose her power from the skaa kill on the last Elariel. We should only vote for her if we get confirmation that she lied about what the informant told her. The skaa only needed one lie, the skaa alignment, and one other person to lie in chat about receiving a truth to create our situation.

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Right, except the last bit.

We were told that she PMed Leftinch, we haven't seen evidence of that yet. She said that she PMed nobody, and Aonar says that he was contacted by her.

Edit: she=Racine/Twei

Web of contradictions dictates that we lynch her in attempt to get more info, right?

Edited by Ashiok
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Huh, that is quite a web of lies surrounding Raccine, especially considering the three different claims of how her alleged Metal was used. (Not used, contacted Leftinch, contacted Aonar). But with the vote as it currently stands, tied at 2-2 between Raccine and Cat is NOT good!

We're just leaving it to be decided by Emotional Allomancers again, people!




Fien tore his coat off, having worked up a good sweat while dancing, revealing his brightly colored dress shirt underneath, another bright orange shirt, with dark purple embroidered lacing worked up and down the seams. At first, the seemingly clashing house colours of House Urbain -- orange and violet -- had displeased Fien, but after a while he had learned to grow and accept the colours as distinctly him. He winked to a slightly smiling Gamad who was still standing in the corner, eyes glossed over with boredom.


He walked up to the band again and pulled out yet another sack of boxings, wondering how him and all these other Nobles could just keep reaching into their pockets and pull out endless bags of money. "looks like things are starting to die down around here. We almost have a reached a decision," he said, and then frowned after taking a brief look around, "Or an indecision, it's starting to look like again..."


He shook his head. "Either way, when this is all over, we're going to need a Moment of Silence." Followed by a Moment of Violence, he finished the thought, grimly.

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Theorymaker: I wanted to reply, but my laptop randomly shut down. I need to have it looked at. I've switched to a different computer for right now. To answer your question, I shot Meta. I wasn't sure of his allegiance, and I didn't want such a powerful player with the skaa.


Ashiok: I think Twei is in the same house of Aonar. It would explain how he knew the results of the night action.


I'm voting for [color: red] QuiteLeftInch [/color]. Cat and Twei could both be innocent, and be getting set up by him.

Edited by a smart guy
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Hmm... I believe I can prove that Racine went to the Informant, which, I also believe makes it very likely that Cat Lekal is Skaa. When Twei first contacted me at the start of day two, she said that the information returned to her was: Kas targeted Gamma with his metal, and [redacted]. Wyrm later clarified, saying that the info about Kas should have specified that it took place on Night One. Now, I don't know if this was a slight error of Wyrm's part, or if this was how Kas phrased his request for information, but either way, Twei must have used the Informant. Ergo, if Cat had truly sought information on Twei, it would have returned her status as a Tineye. (Unless the Skaa spread two Lies, in which case Finch is more likely to be Skaa.)


I might be totally wrong (it's 3:30 my time and I can't sleep :P), but I think you'd best be coming up with a strong defence, Cat. 


Depending on whether Racine told you before or after Ren mentioned what he received from the Informants, she could have just been giving information that a different skaa found out. They might have had one skaa get information for in case someone had to use it while others did other things (skaa kill, house power if there is a House Lord among them, spread lies). It's also possible that you're conspiring with her.


I don't have much of a defense beyond what I've already provided. I told what information I put in and most of what I got out. If anyone asked about me, they could verify that what they got out matches what I put in. Apparently no one did though. Unfortunately, Joe is not going to be on to verify the information that I received about him  :unsure: so we're left with my word against Racine's or Leftinch's, depending on what Leftinch would say about the information I received. Leftinch, to all appearances, is either inactive in this game or is remaining silent to sow confusion. If he isn't skaa, then he at least is helping them more than he is us. I am going to vote for Finch Fain in hopes that seeing his name in red encourages him to reply. If he really is inactive, then we don't lose much if we kill him. I still am not disregarding the possibility that what I received was a lie to set up Racine.


The other thing that I might have possibly been able to use as a defense is probably useless to say now, but I don't know how I would have been able to use it anyway. That is that when I received the information about Racine, it just said who she used her metal on and not when she used it. I asked Wyrm whether the information was supposed to refer to Night 1, partly because that sort of information needs a time on it on future nights, partly to see if it referred to Day 1. He told me that the information was supposed to say that it was on Night 1 and that he had said that for the others (I guess there was another one where he didn't say Night 1 though), and he edited the original to include the extra information. I suspect the fact that it is supposed to say Night 1 has more to do with keeping a standard format for the same type of information so that we can't tell if something is from the GM or from a player than about how a player phrased some information.


Edit: And I'd like to mention that Hadrian is right that killing me might just be playing into the skaa's hands. It just makes it easier for them to get or destroy my house power.

Edited by luckat
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Lol, really people? Of that whole post, the thing you have the most trouble with is how I phrased it? :P I've already told you several times that we're part of the same House, if you read between the lines. Had she contacted me as a Tineye, that would've been my first evidence, and this whole fiasco wouldn't even be happening. I just didn't want to out and out say it, on the off chance the Skaa didn't figure it out. It seems my clues should've been a tad clearer, I guess.


From a game-focused perspective, we should lynch Twei, there's no doubt about that. However, if we do, I reserve the right to say "I told you so," if she's innocent. :P Cat Lekal

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Okay, thanks for the explanation Asyr. I know I should probably vote for someone to break the tie, but there's just way too much info going around.


Vote Tally

Racine (5): Fien, Hadrian, Kassel, Mesist, Cat

Hadrian (1): Tonul
Cat (1): Mailu, Jae
Aonar (1): Ashette
Leftinch (1): Asyr, Cat
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...Wyrm could both be innocent, and be getting set up by him.


...I'm the GM, so I guess I am technically innocent? I'll confirm that I have access to the Skaa doc though >>


Two and a half hours left. Rust, you guys can post a lot while I'm having dinner.


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