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Long Game 7: The Annealing of Luthadel


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I'm still sorting through discussions but I thought I'd add some stuff I learned from the Informant.

One is information we already have stated in the threads several times, so it's kinda pointless to bring up again.

The second one I cannot recall being mentioned before, though I could just be forgetting it. What prompted you to use that particular power on Night One, Fien Urbain?

Edit: Blue

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You skipped my vote for Tonul, Asyr. 


This plan of Ashette's seems focused on the idea that the person who inherits the House Power will be able to tell if some/all of the House Powers are lost. Problem with that is that we'd learn whether they manipulated the House Powers anyways, as we'd find out if Cat is Noble or Skaa. As such, it doesn't do us much good, IMO. 


But we need to stop focusing on it and work on other avenues, as I don't think anyone else thinks that this is a good idea in and of itself. 


EDIT: I thought of a question I'd like to ask Tonul as well: Why did I get that you used your power on Day 1 from the Informants? That sounds like a GM fact, as that just reveals a lot. Like that you were more willing to play House Politics, that you're an emotional allomancer, and that it makes you look like a Skaa. Since you've already stated that, yes, you did use your power, that confirms the information at truth, but not why I got that. Was that what you put in, and if so, why put that in? Or is it a GM Fact and if so, why did I get a GM Fact when you said you went to the Informant when you found out that Racine was a Tineye?

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The problem I see with lynching Cat is that it incentivizes the Skaa to finish off House Elariel, and this lessens the amount of information we can gather. I might agree if we had guarantees that a Lurcher defended the remaining Elariel, but I'm not so sure it's a gambit I'd undertake: Skaa and politics could way too easily undermine that.

If Ashette's plan was directed at anyone else I feel I'd go with it, all else being equal.


Unfortunately I'm not confident that revealing that information I have on Cat is beneficial, but I'm still waiting on her to do one specific thing that in my eyes would exonerate her almost completely. Not that I'm asking her to, not now, but for the moment I'm going to defend her. That will include swaying votes, so be warned.


I'm more curious about Tonul though. I realize my previous attempt at seeing voting activity is flimsy evidence, but the circle of votes does really strike me as suspicious. Call it a hunch if you will.

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I wanted to keep my Rioting a secret for a little bit longer, so I put in that Jain was Rioted Day 1 as my Truth.  This worked, because I knew for a fact it happened, so the informant gave me pieces of info.

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I have no idea what the Calamity is going on here (and I don't have the time right now to try and figure it out), but I feel I have something I should contribute this to the discussion: Ash used his metal action on Twei the first night. Make of this what you will, and let the Lord of Chaos rule. :P


(Seriously, don't read too much in to this. My off the cuff reaction is that Ash's plan is bad, and we should try to confirm Cat through other means, but this information has about an even chance of being condemning or exonerating, depending on what Ash's metal is.)

Edited by AonarFaileas
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You wanted to keep your Rioting a secret by putting in information that proves that you have Emotional Allomancy? What sense does that make?

I didn't put in information that proved I had Emotional Allomancy.  That was revealed when someone else combined the fact I targeted Jain with my info that I put in, which was Jain was Rioted.  I didn't put in info that directly revealed that I was a Rioter.

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It seemed that the elongated route Mesist had provided for the Nobility had caused many to show up later than usual, but show up they did. 


After all, Mesist thought with a smirk, they wouldn't dare miss out on a party! 


After most of the Nobles had made their way in and Mesist was content with the number of scowls and frowns he received (Fien's being his favorite) from throwing his Ball in the open air, he made his way to Heron's Hunting Grounds. The name still gave him a chuckle, even if Lord Heron wasn't here himself. His bet was that, after last night's performance, that Wyrmie had tried to burn some of the ineffective steel he had heard was being passed around. 


When he finally got there, it seemed that most of the Nobles were more than willing to discuss in little groups. 


Typical, he thought with a shake of his head. They'd rather play their games than get down to the real issues. 


Finally, that fool Fie-... no, the other fool, Tonul jumped up onto the platform for the gallows and started directing everyone's attention away from their little circles. First of all by calling out the cat lady. That wasn't surprising. What was surprising was that, somehow, she was able to keep her cat relaxed while being on a barge! 


That someone was finally called out seemed to spark people's interest. Looked like they just needed a target. Names were thrown around, Mesist even included Tonul's name to the ever-growing list. They didn't need Heron here to turn on each other, he was just the catalyst. 


Eventually, Mesist found himself in a shouting match against the upstart Venture. 


"My information says you've been tryin' to sabotage us."


"Have not! I did what I could to save my House!"


"Right, you've admitted to such, but only after I made mention of it at the last party and against the wishes of all the Houses together. Now what I want to know is why, a supposed clever fellow like yourself, would let my informants find out about such. Don't seem like the kind of thing you'd want spread around; that you'd be actin' in such a selfish manner."


More and more words were shared, not all of them kindly, as the two seemed to circle each other. Other names were tossed about, but Mesist had found his mark. As his father would say, "Once branded, the deal is done." 


They both wound up glaring at each other; the Southern Horse-Breeder and the Central Noble. It seemed that it would depend on the rest of the crowd.




The information I got from the first night was that you used a metal action on Jain on Day 1. It said nothing about you being a Rioter or a Soother, but those are the only two possibilities based on the fact that they were used on Day 1. Would you like to provide another explanation other than Soother or Rioter? So again, you basically revealed that you were willing to go against the wishes of the group to only possibly save your House. Either you were playing politics, which is something that I thought we were going to try to avoid, or you're Skaa. 

I'm leaning heavily to the latter, since your reasoning doesn't stack up. You revealed that you did something during the day as a means to cover up the fact that you were an Emotional Allomancer. That doesn't make sense. 

Your idea that people put two different ideas together is wrong too. I was the one that revealed you as an Emotional Allomancer. It was from there, and your own admission, that we figured out you were a Rioter. 

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Well, first off, @Kel, thanks for the tact of keeping the nature of the power used confidential for now. And the reason I did such was because it was Night 1, and it's better to do something than nothing, and I'll even admit that it was basically a random choice (die-roll), because night 1, what information does anybody have to solidly work off of?

As for where the vote stands, I'm not sure where the vote stands, exactly, but it seems like it's been narrowed down to two people, Cat or Tonul. So until I can analyze the threads more and try and get caught up, I'm going to throw a vote on
Newan right now. Just because he's been inactive, and I doubt the vote will matter much right now against him.


Edit: Retracted vote from Newan. Didn't see somebody had already voted for him for inactivity. I'll place one on Sylinia Seeris (Theorymaker) for now instead. They've been silent ever since having whoever come forward as the coinshot.

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Fien swayed ungracefully with the gentle rocking of the barge he was standing on, staring daggers at the back of Mesist's skull for the previous nights insult. After his immediate dismay at discovering the location of the the horse-breeder's "ball", he had ceremoniously he was going to get immensely wasted, even if he had to drink wine that tasted like the urine of the beasts Mesist peddled.


Fien gulped down the last of his glass' contents and took a bewildered look around, as if just remember where he was. A barge, of all places! He cursed inwardly, why the only other person I know who has worse taste is--, he cut off his thought, with the sobering reminder that Lady Cadri had been found dead in his yards last night. He swayed on his feet again and looked out at the crowd that had reluctantly gathered for the evening, as if the threat of the gallows on the distance barge titled "Lord Heron's Hunting Grounds" wasn't a reminder enough, even if the Great Lord had been mysteriously absent the entire evening.


He thought of all the jokes and japes he had wanted to toss at her, to try and humiliate the lesser noble into the proper shame that befit her station. He realized, startled, that he was going to miss mocking her. The easy sport of mocking her had been a favorite hobby of Fien's, and now without it, he was going to have to concentrate even more effort on Mesist.


A sudden thought struck him as he looked around. "Say, has anybody seen Wandrin, what's his face, around lately?"

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Mesist, I think you are misunderstanding what Tonul said. The thing he said he revealed to the informants was about another person, not himself, so presumably the information you received about him was from the GM (not what Tonul put in) because there was no information about Tonul in the pool. Apparently, the Alden learned what he did about Jain because Tonul put it in the pool (I'm not claiming that this is true, just that this is what Tonul implied). Tonul didn't put in information that directly confirmed that he was a rioter (although it did happen to help lead us to that conclusion). He didn't reveal that he had done something during the day. He left himself open for that to be found out. The strange thing that I would ask Tonul about is why he didn't put any information about himself in the pool if he had information he wanted hidden. It left him open so that any fact from the GM could be revealed, and I believe two of the few possible facts about him at that point would have revealed him as an emotional allomancer. Why not just put in his house if he didn't want others to learn his metal?
Here's the most recent vote tally:

Cat (2): Tonul, Ashette
Wandrin (2): Ren, Fien
Tonul (2): Mesist, Jae
Ashette (2): Hadrian, Alden
It's a four-way tie at two votes each! We really need to change this before the cycle ends. I think I'm going to get some sleep before I decide how it should be changed. Also, these people haven't posted yet:
Hyrun and Mailu have already notified us that they would be absent, but the others have been on. In particular, Wandrin seems to be on a lot but has been noticeably absent from the discussions.

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That is a valid point, Cat. I've been considering that the information put in is about you; not that you could put in information that you know about another person. That makes things a lot more difficult. 

I'm still sticking with my vote for now, due to the fact that no new information has been added that points us in a clear direction and even if Tonul is telling the truth, he jeopardized us getting clear cut information off of the first day (again, I was one of the ones that could've been killed and I still feel this way). We wouldn't even be having this discussion if he had followed through with the plan to allow the Skaa to influence the vote (that is, if he isn't Skaa himself). 


So thank you, Tonul. Either you're Skaa and deserve this attention or you're not and, similar to Ashette's plan, you're making us waste time going over all this. Luckily, it's still early and we have a leg up since we got one yesterday! 

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I think this is a misunderstanding caused by the informants:

I don't think that saying somebody was rioted can be put into the informant. Rather, you can say that you targeted someone with your metal. If Tonul told the informant that Jain was rioted, the GM might have changed that to the valid truth that Tonul targeted Jain, which is what Mesist pulled out of the pool.

So, Wyrm, is it a valid truth action to say someone got targeted by a metal without including the person who did the action?

Also, we need a lynch, and I'm gonna be offline for the rest of this cycle probably, so

Green: Ash

Red: Tonul

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If Tonul told the informant that Jain was rioted, the GM might have changed that to the valid truth that Tonul targeted Jain, which is what Mesist pulled out of the pool.

So, Wyrm, is it a valid truth action to say someone got targeted by a metal without including the person who did the action?


It is a valid truth to say that someone was targeted by an action without including who did it. The only person who can do that, however, is the person who did that action, or a Seeker who notices it through their action.


For example, if a Seeker discovered that someone was able to burn a metal, they can put that metal into the Informant before the other person can, as a truth. They do not need to add who they are - The information can be added anonymously. The danger there is, of course, that someone else will put that in first.


The person targeted cannot put in that they were Rioted or Soothed though, because they have no idea which it could have been - or even if they might have lost that vote (or not) due to injury.


Also, to answer your question, while I may change how peoples' truths are phrased just a little to ensure that none stand out as more or less likely to be GM truths, I do not alter the content of the information people put in.


There are six and a half hours left in this cycle.

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Meta is right. Tonul oddly changed the votes on Day 1, and gave the skaa information that they shouldn't have learned on Day 2. Plus we're running the danger of vote manipulation. Therefore I vote Tonul Venture is in fact a Skaa.

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Alright, guys. I'm just back from a uni department event, exhausted, and I have a 37.9 degree celcius fever, which is probably not a big deal, but I'm feeling miserable. I don't want to be making a hasty decision in this state so I'm going to pop some meds and see the doctor first thing tomorrow morning. I may or may not be able to make it on in time to place a vote, and I cannot make any promises. But my current perspective is that if I make a vote, I want to be making one where I'm thinking and endorsing the arguments placed forward about someone's likely skaa-ness, and a Kas on meds is not a Kas who is in a good position to do that.

Just thought I'd check in to say that :/

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Thanks, Cat, that is what I was trying to say.  For providing that, I will retract my vote on Cat, as it also seems that it won't matter.  Tuy, how did I oddly change the votes?  I was trying to save a house member, which I do agree is against the point that we were trying to achieve.  And what info did I give the skaa Day Two that they wouldn't have learned anyway?  The info that others got was enough to assume that I was a Soother or a Rioter, I just mentioned I was a Rioter.  Seeing as I am probably going to be lynched, I will not use my Rioting on anyone today to try to save myself.  At this point, I am starting to suspect Ash and Hadrian, but that is only gut feelings.

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I'm back!

Sorry I have been so busy this week.  I want to be as involved as I was the last two games, but at the moment I'm struggling to stay active. Every time I manage to get back on, I have a bunch of stuff to catch up on.  I really want to do great big posts with charts and stuff, but at the moment I'm just skimming what everyone says.  


Also, I'd like to say that monitoring when people are on the site is pretty dang annoying.  It almost never produces anything useful.  There are so many reasons that somebody might look at the thread but not post (they looked at it on mobile, they were about to post but had to leave, they didn't have anything revelatory to add to the current discussion, etc) that when you condemn people for looking without posting, it makes me want to not look at all unless I have an hour to read up on everything, think of something useful to say, and find a nice way to say it.  I want to stay active in this game, and the best way to do that is to keep reading posts when I have a chance.  That way, when I actually have time to sit down at a computer, I can go straight to posting rather than having to read everything first.  

tl;dr when you guys say "he looked at the thread but didn't post" it makes me not look at the thread, meaning I post even less.



So for now on, I will look at the thread without posting WHENEVER I GOSHDANG PLEASE, thankyouverymuch.

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Tonul watched as the discussion he had tried to start moved to him.  It looked like there would be no dissuading them from this course of action.  Ah, Rust.  This turned out well didn't it.  He spoke up so he could be heard by the crowd.  "I apologize if I've wasted precious time through my Allomancy.  The skaa have shown themselves to be more intelligent than we have given them credit for, and they have sown chaos throughout this group.  Mesist, I you have done a great job in trying to root out the skaa, and as such, I trust you will do a good job further.  I wish the rest of you good luck in finding these skaa, and killing them mercilessly"

Heh, the games in which I survive the longest are when I am evil, examples being the Pahn Kahl game and the 17th Shard game

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