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Long Game 7: The Annealing of Luthadel


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Haha, actually, Aonar, Kas was supposed to protect Meta this last Night Turn, but he instead decided to Lurch you instead, just on the off chance you were randomly attacked, he wanted to make sure you survived an actual game. ;)

Oh, and also, I did tell the chain this, but I also had the Metal Poisoning House power along with the Loyal Terrisman. Unfortunately, I didn't realize the Terrisman power gave actual Truths from the informant until Night 2, otherwise I totally would have used that the first night, as that was when it was most effective against the skaa. I did coinshot Nath (Theorymaker) on Night 1 on just a dice roll, basically (and also because taking a shot at someone had much better odds of trying to Lurch a random Night 1) (sorry about that >.<) and used Steel Poisoning that night, just so if I did lose my power it couldn't be used against the nobles later on.

Also, at one point, if you guys read the Docs that are now up, it was around Day 3 or so where I went on a rampage in my doc accusing my own house members of being skaa. It was pretty brutal, and I think almost shut down any teamwork me, Ren, and Kas had going forward. And of course we all joked the entire time on what if Newan was actually our skaa. XD


You're a funny guy, Wyrm. Real funny, funny guy. :P


Edit: Wow. 127k words, huh? And that's with quite a few cuts and edits (and not to mention the behind the back talks that went on and were deleted before other people hopped on ;) )

Does that mean House Urbain wins the Talking Heads Award? :P

Edited by Gamma Fiend
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Also, at one point, if you guys read the Docs that are now up, it was around Day 3 or so where I went on a rampage in my doc accusing my own house members of being skaa. It was pretty brutal, and I think almost shut down any teamwork me, Ren, and Kas had going forward. And of course we all joked the entire time on what if Newan was actually our skaa. XD


You're a funny guy, Wyrm. Real funny, funny guy. :P


Edit: Wow. 127k words, huh? And that's with quite a few cuts and edits (and not to mention the behind the back talks that went on and were deleted before other people hopped on ;) )

Does that mean House Urbain wins the Talking Heads Award? :P


The very first chuckle moment of the game was Kas complaining about being with you and Ren via PM when he first received his Alignment, and then joking about New One being Skaa and you two being totally legit :P


House Urbain, winner of the Talking Head Award this year and every year.

Edited by Wyrmhero
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Haha, actually, Aonar, Kas was supposed to protect Meta this last Night Turn, but he instead decided to Lurch you instead, just on the off chance you were randomly attacked, he wanted to make sure you survived an actual game. ;)

I wish I could grab all my PMs... 


Kas was always set to Alden, Fien (sorry. habit throughout the game. I came to recognize the players by their characters) for this last night. Your paranoia made us suspect you up to the end. I had Fain on me this last night. Kas was supposed to be on Alden so to make sure we got both of our Genealogy results. :/


Paranoia is a good thing, but when you withhold information (I had to literally drag your House Power out of you), just because.... well, it makes you suspicious. 

Next we'll find you living in a tinfoil house and telling people to get off your lawn! :P

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Heh, like I said, can you really blame me in these games for being so cagey? You've shown us all what we're capable of! I was completely honest about the whole bit of "if I see something and that makes me go, 'huh, they must not be Eliminators because they did that', I automatically slightly suspect them of being Eliminators. After all these games, I don't rule anything out anymore. And the fact I've been very outspoken against Chains and Trusts in these last few games, because even though it still basically happens every game (which is a natural result of how these games play out with these roles), I am always wary of the potential of infiltration.

And actually, you can ask Wyrm. I've been joking in PMs with him all game about how if I were everyone else, I'd totally have suspected myself of being skaa, as well. Especially once we had the other Mistborn be Scanned. >.< And honestly, that was one of the main reasons I didn't trust The ChainTM. Because the fact there was a second noble Mistborn, I just couldn't wrap my head around that. :P Also, the fact that it was all doc-based, the only experience I've had with Docs so far was when I was the Eliminator (Spiked in LG2, Sharder in MR1) so I think I just kicked into that sort of mentality during the game. I did try using that, to try and "think like a skaa", but it failed pretty hardcore. XD

I will say, with the level of inactivity in the game overall, especially with the hand the skaa were dealt and the overall inactivityfrom a lot of people overall, the Skaa did do quite a great job of lying low, for the most part.

The Information aspect of the game was quite interesting, and it was pretty awesome how it led us to a Day 2 skaa lynch, I was very skeptical of it for the most part, and was sincere in my arguments against us relying on that and the genie (and I apparently will eat my words, as the Genie helped lead us to victory. Great job, Hadrian).

And about my House Power(s), I definitely stand my reluctance to share that information! Metal Poisoning would have been devastating in the hands of the skaa, I think. Them poisoning Iron would have wrecked havoc for a cycle. Or Pewter, just for the lulz. The Loyal Terrisman power (which I did keep a secret, for the most part, even if people probably did begin to suspect it once I revealed I was actually going to the Informant, myself) was a good help though, as I realized I could actually trust those results. Like I said, I wish I had figured that out on Night 1, as that would have been the best for catching any lies, but still worked out pretty good.
And my RP with Gamad worked out perfectly with that house power. XD Gamad didn't have to be happy and agree with Fien's action, but rust-it, he was the most Loyal Terrisman I ever had! :P


Next we'll find you living in a tinfoil house and telling people to get off your lawn! :P


Thanks for the idea for my next character! :D

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I will say, with the level of inactivity in the game overall, especially with the hand the skaa were dealt and the overall inactivity from a lot of people overall, the Skaa did do quite a great job of lying low, for the most part.


I really should've expected the somewhat sporadic playtime of some people, considering my post about not punishing inactives got seven upvotes :P


The Loyal Terrisman power was sadly not that useful in this game - We had one Lie only, from smart when he claimed to hit Mailliw.


And with regards to whether or not a Mistborn would or would not have been Skaa, the answer is that if there were five Skaa, I would've almost definitely made one of you Skaa. Probably Kaldin, because before the rearrange, that would have put a Skaa in charge of a Great House, one hidden in the second, and three in Lesser Houses, one or two of which who would've been the House Lord.


Incidentally, before things got rearranged due to luckat and jaelre joining up at the last minute, Kaldin was on his own in a Lesser House with the Kandra - And Kas was an Eliminator for three Long Games in a row ;)

Edited by Wyrmhero
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Well, sorry, Great Lord (Gamma), I lied about having to Lurch Meta, mostly because I couldn't immediately think of a good reason--at least with regard to why I would be asked to protect Aonar. :P


So I basically lied that I'd had enough and was swapping targets to Lurch Aonar because the poor guy deserves it (which, incidentally, is true, and congratulations on surviving a full game, Aonar!) which avoids the awkward talk about his House power. I just thought it was better to be safe on that front--Aonar was to be scanning Ashette with Genealogy initially (he had Broad Investments) but then, as the plan changed, I figured it was still better to keep that hidden in the worst-case scenario of a fifth skaa as he could still go for a two-shot (Genealogy and Obligation) to clear players :) Not to mention Hazekillers!


I'm very glad to have finally been on the good side for an Elimination game--and congratulations to the skaa for leading us on a merry chase, despite the disadvantages of inactivity :)


In addition: Maili--no worries; I'm slightly miffed you messed my stats of survival but I already knew from the start that King'd mentioned he would be killing me whether or not I was killed by the skaa, so it was only a matter of time. He'd set up for this a few nights back with the message to Lord Heron, so there was no way in Braize I was surviving this game! :P I did pretend to be a Thug for the heck of it since I decided to troll you given that blatant question. As I almost trolled Ash too but held back on that. To be honest, I'm slightly relieved you "killed" me since I can reflect that rather than have Kassel die by the Inquisition, which was King's plan. And it was the outcome I had hoped for, and anticipated. So I guess that doesn't give me a Lurch success of absolute zero (Gamma and myself were trying to anticipate where the skaa kill would go for purposes of dual-Lurching.)


Still though, I swear I've been the most useless Lurcher this game :P I've never once succeeded in saving a person from a kill or Coinshot! :P


Edit: I am also (relatively) proud of the organisation of the Urbain doc. The chaos made it hard, but the structure at least gave us some chance of figuring where important stuff were, even if we'd sort of stopped doing things intensively since the Urbain Inquisition, and then again, after Ren's death--which, I have to say, really killed the doc :P

Edited by Kasimir
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As I said in our PMs, I'll say it here now, you were exactly where we needed you to be, Kas. If the Skaa had hit any of the targets we had you on and you weren't on them, we'd be in a world of hurt. Just because the Skaa didn't hit those targets (shame on you guys! Look what you did to Kas! :P ) doesn't mean that you weren't helpful. 


I keep repeating myself, as I know I've said this before, but it's not the role that makes you or anyone else special. It's all about how you use the abilities given to you. It doesn't matter if you have a role or not; you can still be a force to be reckoned with. I need no better example that Aonar and his Doc. By the time I contacted him, he had 80% of the game figured out and I had the benefit of having information from multiple Houses to help me out!


Just because you didn't save anyone doesn't make you a bad Lurcher. Just because you kill a lot of Villagers doesn't make you a bad Coinshot. Just because you... well, you get the idea. It's all about the situation and if you were where you needed to be for the situation, then you're a good [insert position here] in my book! :)

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I know that, I just wanted to have saved someone once :P Being in Gamut's House sure seems like it raises the standards! :P

Yes, skaa, killing me was a mercy, after you sent me into a state of extreme existential crisis about being a Lurcher who never Lurchers! :P If it wasn't for myself Lurching myself on Night 5, I'd have been the most altruistic Lurcher ever (?) too, having pretty much never Lurched myself, for all the good it did! :P


Also, I should add that I ought to be an Honorary Tineye this game, given all the times I was directly relaying messages between Meta and Gamma! Transcribing those was, at times, a pain >>

Edited by Kasimir
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In addition: Maili--no worries; I'm slightly miffed you messed my stats of survival but I already knew from the start that King'd mentioned he would be killing me whether or not I was killed by the skaa, so it was only a matter of time. He'd set up for this a few nights back with the message to Lord Heron, so there was no way in Braize I was surviving this game! :P I did pretend to be a Thug for the heck of it since I decided to troll you given that blatant question. As I almost trolled Ash too but held back on that. To be honest, I'm slightly relieved you "killed" me since I can reflect that rather than have Kassel die by the Inquisition, which was King's plan. And it was the outcome I had hoped for, and anticipated. So I guess that doesn't give me a Lurch success of absolute zero (Gamma and myself were trying to anticipate where the skaa kill would go for purposes of dual-Lurching.)

Yeah, you pretended to be a Thug, but I was hoping that by asking if you were, I would seem more clueless. We knew you were a Lurcher from the day before we hit you. We just didn't want to double up on you because Asyr would suddenly become more suspect. But, in hindsight, he became suspicious anyway and we would've been better off if we had killed you.

Edit: Wow, House Tuy. You guys were dead silent, but very trusting. You gave up your metals instantly and then stopped talking almost completely.

Edited by Mailliw73
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I think it's important to note that this game has a couple of firsts that are pretty special:

  • First Elimination game where Mailliw73 was an Eliminator.
  • First Elimination game with AonarFaileas surviving the whole thing.
  • First Elimination game in which someone voted for Gamma Fiend

However impressive Aonar's survival was, I am really shocked by the fact that no-one had voted for Gamma before in any other game :P.

Edited by Wyrmhero
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King: I'd jokingly suggest that TuyDo, the intrepid Doc-Hopper, should count as well, if it isn't a painful moment for you :/


Maili: Actually, that was what tripped a flag for me. You seemed too entirely interested in what I was and coming up with the obviously wrong conclusion, for me to be quite comfortable with it >> I'd already assumed you guys had known I was a Lurcher from Newan, because I told Gamma I was a Lurcher on Day One, and then I told Ren again, on Day Three. As such, I pretended to be a Thug strictly for trolling purposes.

Edited by Kasimir
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Newan knew?! He never told us. I don't know if he missed it on the doc or if he didn't read it or what, but he never said anything. We pieced it together from the I for we had gathered.

Aonar, wow. Reading Morinthe's doc, I see now why you're so good on Team Good.

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Three months after he found himself standing over his half-brother's corpse in closed carriage, a bloodied steel knife in his hands, Drax left Luthadel by horse.


His life, thought Drax, was bisected by the edge of that knife--and he'd known, even as he went to make his report to Lord Heron, his half-brother's blood still warm on his mistcloak, that things weren't going to be the same again. That one did not displease a Lord such as Lord Heron, with his connections to the Canton of Inquisition, was the least of the reasons why.


Something had broken inside Lord Heron; Drax wasn't sure about himself. It had taken him a week before he could enter Kassel's room to clear out all the things, forbidding the skaa to touch the notes his brother had carefully laboured over, or the contract Kassel was last working on--now complete. It took him even longer when he found the copy of Iosanth--the bindings cracked--hastily stuffed into the shelf with Kassel's neat, imperious hand making notes of inconsistencies in the margins; one or two quiet critiques of Iosanth's thought.


For all of that, Drax thought, this was the last book he'd touched before he died, the obsidian reading pointer still hanging awkwardly between the pages where Kassel hadn't quite set it back right. He'd been preoccupied...


Sometimes, said Iosanth, on the page Drax had found the reading pointer on, in careful, painstaking excavation of the bones of the dead, we may find something--a point of interest. The cautious scholar, however, knows better than to press such a point beyond the support of his evidence; this exercise is not unlike a detective's investigation--


It was about as far as he got before he closed the book, feeling the knife-sharpness within. Books, the dronings of dead men--they'd always been Kassel's interest. Never his. He rubbed the intricate ring in his pocket, feeling his vision prickle and blur, even now, not daring to put it on--not yet, with the spires of Kredik Shaw still in sight.


He spurred the horse on. It would be a long journey to the Southern Dominance--from there, he intended to find a ship that would take him to the Southern Islands and then past the tip of the Remote Dominance itself. Into...what was there, waiting to be found? Emptiness? He would travel to the very edges of the world, and then beyond: beyond maps, beyond words, beyond memories.


And then one day, when Death caught up with him, he had someone to hold to account.


Drax rode on.

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Yeah. We of House Tuy did not say anything after the first day. :P Can we have a Reverse-Talking Heads award? We tied for the House Win and we only broke three pages because of the GM. :P


I said I was Mistborn when it was just Jae and I; I rolled the dice and figured it wasn't too likely I'd have a Skaa for a House-mate. Then Asyr joined our House, and I got worried. I decided after two nights of me living that Asyr must be good, since I wasn't dead yet. (QUICK QUESTION FOR THE SKAA. WHY DID I LIVE. YOU KNEW I WAS MISTBORN THE WHOLE TIME!) I was actually kinda shocked when he ended up being Skaa.

Edited by Kal Dell
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Yeah. We of House Tuy did not say anything after the first day. :P Can we have a Reverse-Talking Heads award? We tied for the House Win and we only broke three pages because of the GM. :P


I said I was Mistborn when it was just Jae and I; I rolled the dice and figured it wasn't too likely I'd have a Skaa for a House-mate. Then Asyr joined our House, and I got worried. I decided after two nights of me living that Asyr must be good, since I wasn't dead yet. (QUICK QUESTION FOR THE SKAA. WHY DID I LIVE. YOU KNEW I WAS MISTBORN THE WHOLE TIME!) I was actually kinda shocked when he ended up being Skaa.


Because you were pretty inactive and you weren't hurting us at all, so we decided we had bigger priorities. I did suggest you once, if you check. But we decided not to hit you. If we had chosen a Tuy to kill, it probably would've been you.  

In the dead doc Wyrm confirmed that the Blanket Soothe hit Shiv that Night, so you didn't die.

oh yeah. I think that was the one time Asyr used that power. XD
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House War Post-Mortem


So, the important thing to ask about all of this is was whether or not the game was balanced. Unfortunately, I'm sure that it was not. While disappointing, it's not surprising on the first run-through of a set of rules, particularly rather different ones such as these.


However, I wouldn't have said that this unfairness was the direct cause of the Skaa loss here. Most of the leg-work was done by the Genealogist picking good targets, and while the Informant definitely helped them pick likely ones, it's quite possible this could have been avoided if played differently or the players had different Roles (such as Meta not being a Tineye). The Skaa were also somewhat inactive at the start, and were pretty much permanently operating with a man down with Wandrin's absence. This meant less information going to them and less misinformation could be spread.


I also thought that people would lie a lot more than they did, and be a lot less free with their information. I suppose you can't really predict what the players will do in games like these though. But it does show that tweaking needs to be done here, as the Informant definitely gives away too much.


Despite the flaws though, I think it showed that these rules have potential. It's important that each aspect is examined to see what did and what did not work. Even if this game is not run again (though it would be disappointing if it was not at some point), it's important that the flaws are pointed for any future new game ideas.


The Informant mechanic was what punished inactives, because they had no defensive information. The problem here though was that it heavily punished Skaa who went inactive, but not Nobles, since they didn't have the same sensitive information available, i.e., their Skaa-ness. I might consider removing the Alignment from the Informant entirely, since ideally it should be practically impossible to discover this through the Informant. But then that removes a level of possible subterfuge, even if it wasn't used this game. So I'm not sure.



I am not really pleased with how Pewter worked, that game. Its current implementation is fine thematically and fits with how it works in the books, but it might be too complicated for a game like this. I got more questions about it than anything else. It also doesn't really work with Mistborn.


Having 100% Roles also doesn't seem to work in a game like this. The metagame shifts dramatically to being able to cross Roles off and guess the GM, rather than working them all out from the information at hand. While this will always be a problem, simply because balance can always be guessed at, it is a lot easier when everyone has one.


In addition, it makes it fundamentally harder to balance. So in this game, we had four protective roles, for instance, but the Skaa only had 1.5 kills. The Nobles had 1.5 kills floating around as well, but these were less used, of course. I had balanced the kills against the protective Roles, but the Nobles were a lot less bloodthirsty than expected, which led to an imbalance in practice, if not theory.


In the future, I would probably maybe give out 50% Roles, and therefore non-Allomancers could be used to get a small amount of truths, or lie, or even use House Powers if they were House Lords and report that to the Informant. I would probably also remove atium from the Mistborn. It makes them too hard to kill other than in lynches, and three defensive roles are too many.


With regards to the Skaa, I definitely think that there should have been 5, with two doubling up on one House. The distribution used in this game meant it far too easy to clear the other members of a House when a Skaa was found there. This is something else that should be noted with people hiding in factions. I am also starting to be of the opinion that 25% is about the right about for long games like this.


I would probably also revert back to Coinshots being kills rather than injuries. It was a nice idea, but not one that would be wholly necessary if there are less kill Roles. If this happened, then Pewterarms could have the unique mechanic of becoming 'injured' on the first hit (as long as they burnt their metal), which would have the same negative effects.


The House System

This worked well enough, but the house war aspect never came into focus. People were rather surprisingly open to their House about their own powers and what they discovered, despite the possibility of a Skaa getting hold of that info.


I don't think the 'Lesser House' idea worked, really. I should have stuck with 4-people Great Houses (or maybe 5), rather than split them up more. This would have allowed more of a balance within the current system, as I could have given a much more even spread to each House, with the four 'Role types' that I classified them as: Offensive Role, a Defensive Role, an Information Role, and a Voting Manipulation Role. It's not perfect, as Steel is the only Offensive one (I classified Mistborn as offensive as well to compensate) and there are three Defensive ones, but it's near enough.


House Powers were used often enough at the expense of other options, but most of the time though, this was just Genealogy and Loyal Terrisman. Neither of these show that they were a more useful choice than the Informant though, since both were already 'better' than it in some or all ways.


Genealogy is pretty much a classic example of a Deputy Cop Role. The question here is whether the combination of it with another Role is too strong. The answer is probably no, if there are not 100% Roles. If there was only one Pewterarm, one Lurcher etc, then it should be alright. Pewterarm Cops might still be too strong, however. It would be difficult to say, as arguably it is just the same as a protected scanner. The difference here though is that you can't target someone else instead to try and take them out. So... It's difficult to say. Something for more experienced minds than me to think about.


Broad Investments seemed to do its job of allowing players to be diverse, so it probably does not need changing.


Blanket Soothing, I may just make target a player and cancel an action at random rather than a metal action by a player in that target's House, if there are <100% Roles.


Metal Poisoning was a very flavourful mechanic, but it only really benefits the Skaa or a House trying to win on their own. It was very useful to discourage Coinshots killing the wrong person early on, but that was about it. Suggestions to change this would be nice.


Overall, I think I would change it so that the House Powers, and the Skaa kill as well, could be used as either a Metal or Special (renamed Informant) Action.


I was also highly disturbed by House Urbain, for the reasons I have already stated. Let this be a lesson to you, people who try this Faction Doc stuff in their games - try to balance the talkative people as well as the roles.


The Informant

The Informant was obviously a bit too strong. I expected it to be powerful at the start and weaker as it continued, but as mentioned I wasn't quite prepared for the sheer number of people telling the truth in this game - One person lied, and that was Asyr late on in the game when he had to lie about hitting Mailu. It was also unfortunate that so many people looked at Racine on the first night, though it was only 50% more than the average that could be expected if everyone chose randomly.


Because of this, a lot more information was in the public domain, since people were freely sharing it all as well, due to the fact that it didn't implicate them as a certain Role in any way. This heavily punished the Skaa, as they visited him less due to their Kill (which as previously noted would be changed to allow them to Kill and visit the Informant), and they also could have their Special Actions and alignment discovered this way.


As such, I think the best option to decrease the amount of information floating around and make lying more viable would be to make True Info return only one bit of information, making it half as effective. While Truths may still be more attractive, the main benefit here is that there aren't twice as many bits of info coming out each day as players. I would also consider giving out the same GM Information on a person to each player who receives some that night, to make it utterly indistinguishable from information put on that person by a player.


In addition, because of the lack of lies, the Loyal Terrisman was almost 100% useless in this game. Under this set of rules, it would be the same as the normal Informant role, but still with the 'Truth-only' rider. The main benefit here would therefore be that you could use it as a Metal Action, getting twice the information each Night.



The Kandra seemed to fall under 'a nice idea in theory, but not useful in practice'. The Kandra came up once, with Jain's vote on Day 5. The corpse-devouring aspect was never used as for the most part only Skaa Kills happened at Night, and I believe Theorymaker specifically didn't vote so the Kandra's House didn't become obvious.


I would probably scrap the Kandra in the second version of the Rules, or make them into a House Power. As their own mechanic, they just add unnecessary complication to the game, and don't return enough to make them worthwhile.


In summary:


  • 100% Roles is very difficult to get right.
  • 25% Skaa would have been right for this game rather than 20%, as House War aspect didn't come up at all.
  • Larger Village Factions work better than smaller ones for balance purposes and causing people to think more about them.
  • Metal Poisoning could probably be redesigned (I'd prefer to keep it mostly the same though, since it's really nice thematically) to be as useful to nobles as the Skaa. Would need extra testing though, to see how it would work with the other suggested tweaks first.
  • The Pewterarm mechanics were confusing and should probably be rebuilt or re-explained somehow, particularly if injuries were done away with (injuries could be a Pewterarm-specific mechanic, perhaps?).
  • Atium should be scrapped, or at least redesigned.
  • Meta's a hell of a lot better at organising people than he is at killing them.
  • Gamma Fiend, Kasimir and Renegade should never be in the same doc ever again.
  • The Actions that can be taken each Cycle should be one Metal and one Informant, with Skaa/House Actions classified as either. Loyal Terrisman should be changed accordingly.
  • The Informant should be half as strong as it was to decrease ambient information in the late game. I would also be less kind with it second time around - No asking if information is viable before deciding. Probably less ambiguous information as well.
  • Kandra are complicated and don't add enough to justify their inclusion as anything other than a House Power.


The link at the bottom of my sig has the current redesign of the rules. Is there anything else that the players think should be changed?

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I was also highly disturbed by House Urbain, for the reasons I have already stated.




  • Gamma Fiend, Kasimir and Renegade should never be in the same doc ever again.


But...but...the House T-shirts! The bonding session! THE URBAIN INQUISITION :(

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Yet ANOTHER GAME where I'm on Team Good. Ah well. And Yet another Game that i have not survived.


Good game, everyone. Great GMing, Wyrm.


Edit: Btw, I decided to add two awards to my name in Sanderson Elimination. Any objections?  :D

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and I believe Theorymaker specifically didn't vote so the Kandra's House didn't become obvious.


It was a little bit of that but it was also if there ever was a close vote and my vote got changed the double vote might lead to the wrong person getting lynched. Either way it was a very good game and thank you Wyrm for GMing.


I also thought it was funny that both times I voted, I voted for Skaa, but not because I thought they were Skaa.

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Yet ANOTHER GAME where I'm on Team Good. Ah well. And Yet another Game that i have not survived.


Good game, everyone. Great GMing, Wyrm.


Edit: Btw, I decided to add two awards to my name in Sanderson Elimination. Any objections?  :D

Goodie two shoes? I had eight games of good before I got Team a Evil. And only then on the third time Wyrm distributed roles. :P
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Edit: Btw, I decided to add two awards to my name in Sanderson Elimination. Any objections?  :D

Actually, us sub-forum Mods are working with Wyrm and his stats and are about to try working up some (Semi)-OfficialTM sort of Award System. This will of course take quite a while to work out, but I just want to say, it is a Work-in-Progress! :P

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