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Long Game 7: The Annealing of Luthadel


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So even if we don't have a vote at the moment, thread discussion can still continue. :P

So we can look at Raccine's lynch and see who it exactly implicates. Who did she hinge on for her information given? Who backed up her claims and defended her? Who tried to deflect votes onto other people?


Raccine claimed she went to the Informant, but it looks like it was decided that couldn't have been possible from all of the different Information received. So if we assume that all of the information returned were GM Facts, (and assuming everybody correctly reported those Truths)
Raccine was a Tineye (True), Raccine was a Skaa (True) Raccine targeted Finch Fain with her metal Night 1 (??)

And then Raccine claimed that she didn't target anybody. So Finch's silence in this whole matter is still surprising.
Either Raccine did target Fain, and Fain's silence is pretty damning, or, if Raccine didn't target Finch then Cat, the one that submitted that she got back Raccine's targeting of Fain was a lie. It can't be both. If somebody got information on Cat Night 1 about her House Info, that would be really helpful in figuring this out, if we can prove Cat actually submitted a truth or not


So Finch, speaking up would be really helpful if you could speak up. Your silence has almost condemned you at this point, but any sort of defense would help.

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The Eliminators in this game are the Skaa Rebellion. Just like Breeze in Kelsier's group, not all of them are Skaa, but may be Nobles who sympathise with the Skaa. To clarify, Racine Morithe WAS an Eliminator.

The greentext was meant to be a subtle hint towards the fact that the Skaa Rebellion are technically the good guys in TFE, fighting for freedom from oppresion and what have you.

In this game, the Villagers are red, Eliminators are green, Unknown Alignments are blue.

I think I'm going to go with green means "good job, you got rid of one of the rebellion scum" and red means "you have failed the nobles" since lynches are the only deaths that reveal loyalties :)

Does anyone think it would be a good idea to try to coordinate informant information? What happened today, with three different people happening to ask about a skaa and getting different information, was a fluke, but if we keep 2-3 people continuously asking about each of the most suspicious people and if people ask about the same people they have already asked about, then we might find out when people don't submit truths and might be using the skaa kill instead.

Also, since the skaa definitely had a place in Aonar's doc, it might be a good idea for him to tell us what they could have learned from it. It could also help us find out what the skaa did the first night if we know when Racine first mentioned the truths that she supposedly learned and when the clarification about "Night 1" came in.

Whoever has the Kandra probably already thought about this, but Racine's body is an excellent opportunity for us to learn skaa plans.

I hope the skaa don't kill me tonight.

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Luckat: Quick point of order here--kandra cannot use the bodies of people taken off by the inquisitors. Only victims of night kills can be used.


I agree with the idea of informant coordination. And I'd like more clarification from King about this, but it seems that it might actually be better if we get people from the same House checking on each other. Or if we keep asking about the same people we've already asked about, as you've mentioned. In the first case, we would rule out people getting trivial information such as the target's House, as the Informant does not give you already-known information.

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Luckat: Quick point of order here--kandra cannot use the bodies of people taken off by the inquisitors. Only victims of night kills can be used.

Oops, I forgot about that :( There's so many rules to keep track of. I don't know how Wyrm's not going crazy running it all.

Checking within your own house is a good idea.

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Oops, I forgot about that :( There's so many rules to keep track of. I don't know how Wyrm's not going crazy running it all.

What makes you think that I'm not? ;)You'd have to be to run this game...

Edited by Wyrmhero
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As Fien strode out of Lady Cadri's droll and depressing Keep, a brilliant idea struck him. He stopped and turned around instantly, flourishing his hands to flare out his coat, which was a useless gesture as he had forgotten that he had earlier taken it off whilst dancing, and called for everyone to hold up.


"Listen, my fellow esteemed colleagues!" He proclaimed, and then after a pause added, "and Mesist and Lady Cadri. I hereby formally invite you to my Keep for an After-Party! There will be wine, music, and limelight-shows! As a Greater House Lord, I can guarantee even any hasty foray I can throw together will top whatever this uninspired mind calls a Ball." He gestured back towards the Lady Raisall who was standing on her dais watching her guests leave with glaring eyes, prompting her stewards to go and check wherever he had stood during the evening for wine stains.


"Not to mention whatever stable Mister A'lees will end up scrounging up for us. No. I think we should continue our discussion and try and have a little fun. Spooks, I know we all would feel a little better with some company during the night to watch our backs." Fien shrugged. "Besides. What else do we have to do tomorrow besides wake up and go to another Ball? We should make the best out of the evening while we can!

He then snapped his fingers, and from outside the Keep down where the carriages were arriving to bring the guests home, a small team of horses came forth from the mists, with instead of a carriage, was leading an wooden platform with railings on the sides, and music started to pour forth from the team of musicians standing on it that Fien had hired for the evening.


"Let's get this party started!" He declared, conjuring a bottle of wine he had appropriated from Cadri's cellar he had found when rooting around the Keep earlier in the night. "Just don't share the bottle with Mesist. I don't want my wine to smell like horse."

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"So," Drax said, as they trudged through the mist-laden night, "You're not attending Lord Urbain's after-party."

"I'm tired," Kassel said. "A party's too much effort."

Drax whistled. "A party's too much effort, you say?" He'd managed to strip off his suit jacket, and to push up the sleeves of his shirt to the elbows. "Really?"

Kassel shrugged. "Ever planned one of those? I planned a party once. It was awful."

"The party or the planning?"

Kassel fixed him with an annoyed stare. "Both," he said, grudgingly. They trudged on in silence for a while; those were the times, Kassel thought, when it was safer on foot with a Mistborn than in a carriage. Her carriage hadn't saved Lady Elariel, and he'd heard about the Terrisman. And Lady Morinthe a skaa sympathiser--he'd never even thought...

A clip shot through the air, prodded him in the chest. Kassel almost froze, a hand going to it. If Drax had increased the strength of his Allomantic push, Kassel knew, the coin would've shot right through him, and he wouldn't have been able to do anything about it. The clip fell into Kassel's open hand.

"Clip for your thoughts," Drax said.

The mists swept in around them, embracing them; they seemed like a living creature, tendrils of mist twining about Drax and less closely about Kassel. Kassel said, slowly, "Do you ever wonder--are we the good guys, do you think?"

Drax shrugged. "I brought this skaa in for questioning once," he said, "But accidentally coinshot him in the face. It was sad."

"Exactly," Kassel whispered. For some reason, the sight stuck with him still: the old lady being wheeled out by Inquisitors. It was...logical, he had thought, then. And now he found himself staring into the greatest of horrors: a deep pit; a black, mist-wreathed maw, that defied all comprehension and all reason.

Reason had failed him. He felt...nothing, at the thought. He tucked the clip into his suit pocket. "Shall we?" he said aloud. He tapped bronze--just a little wakefulness, he thought. Instantly, he became more alert; the exhaustion weighing heavily on him vanished. But nothing else did.

Edited by Kasimir
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I do apologize for my absences and abstinence from this thread. Real life doesn't really have mercy for me a lot of the time. I'm still catching up on whats going on and reading stuff soooo. Anyway, glad my lack of participation didn't get me lynched. That bit about somebody contacting me was a lie by the way. I haven't gotten anything like that.

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At least three players have requested an extension! Night 2 will now finish on Wednesday at 9PM BST (GMT+1). There are now just under 28 hours left in this Turn.

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...Leftinch, would you mind explaining why you're lying? ;)


With the way the Informant works, you cannot receive two separate pieces of information about someone if there is other information already in the pool. This includes both Lies and Truths. For you to not be lying, then both Ren and Tonul must be. Either that, or you want us to believe that Cat is lying, which is just plain silly. Why would the Skaa purposefully lynch on of their own? Without Cat's info, the lynch never would've gone through. If you'd given out this information then, it probably wouldn't have, with how confused everyone was. 


Let's try and lay this mess out logically.


-Ren reported that Twei was Skaa. (True.)


-Tonul reported that Twei was a Tineye. (True.)


-Cat reported that Twei used her metal action (Tin) on Leftinch. (Unknown. Leftinch claims Lie, Cat claims Truth.)


-There are four people involved, and any one of them could be lying. Ren and Tonul both reported true information. The only way they could have received this information was through the informant, or through collaboration with Twei.


If Ren hadn't put forward his information, we would never have suspected Twei in the first place, so collaboration is out. (Unless Twei was lynched intentionally, but this seems illogical, when there was minimal suspicion of her.)


Tonul could have been lying, to cover for Twei. However, this changes very little, as Ren's fact would still have to come from the GM.


Cat could be lying, but why? She, like Ren, has no motivation (aside, perhaps, from protecting a Skaa House Lord), unless she somehow knew Twei was Skaa, and did not wish to tell us how. (Possible, with the use of certain House Powers. However, engaging Leftinch in the deception would be foolish when there was no guarantee he would go along with it.) 


Now, this leaves Leftinch. Why would you lie? If you were truly not contacted by Twei, then we would have no reason to be suspicious of her. However, our suspicions turned out to be correct. Why? As Skaa, you would gain nothing from lying, other than greater suspicion on you. Unless... unless you don't plan to hit Cat tonight, as many assume you do. In this scenario, Cat is implicated as Skaa as soon as she survives the night, and her efforts to lynch Twei will only be seen as an attempt to prove the veracity of a Skaa House Lord. (Which is a viable option, however unlikely.) 


This is all assuming that these facts are from the GM. Our other possibility is that no less than three separate people gave information about Twei. For a moment here, let's assume that Twei was telling the truth. She said she used the informant and gave out her identity as a Tineye. This means that two other players gave information about her.


So either a Skaa gave a Truth about Twei in exchange for information, (in which case Twei was being used as a scapegoat, giving credence to the above scenarios where Cat and Ren are lying) or someone put a Lie about Twei, saying she was Skaa, (which in fact turned out to be truth). The second of these scenarios strikes me as unlikely, simply because action like that would be directly detrimental to our efforts to find the Skaa.  


If Twei, Finch and Cat all told the truth, then someone also placed a Lie saying that Twei used her metal action on Finch. Why? If Finch could dismiss it so easily, what was the point? Who gains from that? Here, I honestly have no idea.


So yeah. Something funky is going on here, and I feel it's pretty likely that Finch is lying. I'll ask again; would you mind explaining why you're lying, Leftinch? 


I don't think I missed anything, but if I did, feel free to point it out. 

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Aonar's right about one thing. This is really funky. Let's lay out some scenarios:


Leffinch is telling the truth. There was no message.

  • If Cat is lying about the message, she was trying to frame Twei. That can only mean one thing: House politics. She just happened to get lucky, and the person she was trying to frame was actually Skaa.​
  • If everyone else is telling the truth, then there's only two possibilities:


None of the information was from the GM. That would require a very specific lie, which could be easily disproved. Very Doubtful.


All of the information was GM facts. This would only occur if the message didn't go through, which would imply that a Blanket Soothe hit Twei.


If Leffinch isn't telling the truth, it gets more complicated.

  • He might have accidentally deleted the message or Wyrmhero could have messed up. Somehow, I doubt that happened.
  • Twei shot him a note, but he isn't telling us to create confusion. Why? It's unlikely, and it just creates chaos. 
  • He is Skaa, and another Skaa sent him a note. This scenario makes absolutely no sense! The Skaa have a private Google Doc, so they wouldn't need to send messages to each other.

In short, the only reason why Cat or LeftInch would lie is due to politics, which makes me hesitant to trust them. I don't think they would do that this earlier on, but I could be wrong. If they are both telling the truth, someone hit Twei randomly with a Blanket Soothe. So I have three questions.

  1. Who is in House Morinthe? I would guess Aonar based on his hinting, but I would like confirmation of that.
  2. Who targeted that House? If no one did, then we're in danger of splitting apart at the seams.
  3. Also, who shot Twei? Aonar stated that Twei was injured during the day.
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Okay, sorry guys. I'm about to reveal how much of a newb I am. As i've been trying to catch up on everything I figured out that Racine is the other person that was in a pm that Wyrm set up. Nobody said anything in the pm so I had no idea what was going on and I just figured out what was going on. So I guess that was the tineye power? Anyway, sorry again about the confusion. Newb coming through here..........

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I don't think that the person who shot Racine should come forward. That's another weapon we don't want the skaa to know about... Right?


You're probably right. I was just looking for answers, and I figured the shooter knew something. Now that we know that LeftInch did in fact recieve a PM, things are a lot clearer.

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It could also be that Racine just told Alden that she was shot and she wasn't. After all, that would probably help solidify the idea that she was being framed to Alden and since he was her biggest defender, anything to help secure the idea could only help her case, right?

Did she mention it before or after her name started to get brought up, Alden?

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Well before. She mentioned it almost immediately after the day started.


So from the sounds of things, everyone was telling the truth yesterday. The only person we can't be sure about is Tonul.

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Gamad turned his head sharply towards the loud noise off in the distance, his hearing enhanced by the tinmind he was tapping into. Serving Master Fien had been an endless trial for his patience, but it did allow for ample opportunities to store his senses and other attributes into his metalminds. The less aware and attentive one was around the young fool, the better.


He tapped a little bit more of his stored hearing, listening for any follow up sound when he heard the sudden crash of shattering glass. Gamad sighed and stopped tapping his tinmind. It was just Lord Fien in another one of his rages, upset that nobody had decided to come to his party afterall. He suppressed a smirk.


He tapped bronze super quick to give him a jolt of wakefulness, feeling the wet, cool touch of the mists outside of Keep Urbain. Gamad was making another quick round of the grounds and seeing to make sure all was well in the night. Lord Ruler knew that Fien had made more than enough enemies in the courts of Luthadel with his brash and inane behaviour.


The terrisman paused, tapping tin once more for hearing, straining to listen for any faint sounds. He knew that trying to use eyesight in the middle of the night would be useless, for it would only enhance the obscuring mists. He had never understood how Tineyes were able to peer through the mists at night when burning their metal.

He shook his head and went to turn of his metal and turn around to head back and check on the guards at the front gates before retiring for the night when he heard a soft, muffled thump from somewhere behind him. He spun around, tapping large amounts of hearing and touch, for Gamad had learned long ago that moving around barefoot was the best for a properly trained Feruchemist. All Terrisman Keepers had a specialty, something that they specifically trained in and learned. Some studied history, or religions, or economics, or even great leaders. Gamad's specialty was Combat.


With his burst of enhanced feeling from his tindmind, Gamad could feel the dense weight of the mists around him, the gentle tug of the light wind, that felt like a heavy hand pushing on his now sensitive skin. He could also feel the vibrations in the ground of a coin hitting, and the light thump of somebody landing a second later. Without hesitation, Gamad instantly tapped steel for a burst of speed, and ran towards the intruder in a blur, and then let go of his tinminds, started tapping iron and pewter at the last second to increase his weight and his strength, , punching the surprised assassin in the chest and knocking them backwards with the strength of the blow.


With a blast of zinc, Gamad's mental speed increased as he observed the fallen assailant raise his hands up, and with a panic, Gamad stored a little bit of his weight with iron and leaped out of the way with a burst of steel for speed, as he felt and heard the whooshing ripple of coins that barely missed him. He landed in a somersault and sprung back up to his feet, immediately assaulting the coinshot once more as he zig-zagged towards the misting. With him still tapping zinc, Gamad had the mental clarity to survey the scene with a relaxed state of mind, and he saw the man's gesture as his gaze was still focused past him, and with a spin, Gamad spun out of the way as coins flew back past him, being pulled towards the assassin. So it was a full Mistborn, then. Gamad felt his steelmind starting to run low, so he knew he had to finish it soon, so with a sudden yell, catching the man off guard, Gamad burned up all the rest of his steel for a dizzying rush of speed, as within the time it took to blink he was already upon the man and raining a flurry of blows with practiced, martial art precision. The dazed mistborn grappled at Gamad, so the terrisman swept his arms out of the way and embraced the man in a bear hug as he tapped a massive amount of strength and physical weight and spun around, knocking the mistborn off balance with his hip and slamming the man to the ground with a suplex, as he hundreds and hundreds of pounds worth of stored weight, falling down upon the man with a crash and crushing him with a sick cracking sound. Gamad released most of the iron and got to his feet, and with a small jolt of strength, stomped his foot down on the mistborn's head, to make sure the mistborn wasn't still alive and burning pewter.


Gamad stood there panting for breath for a few seconds, still burning zinc, when he had a sudden, horrible realization. He tapped his tin for hearing, only to hear muffled shouts and thumps off in the distance coming from Lord Fien's room.

Lord Ruler! he cursed, trepidation rising up within him......


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As we've mostly sorted out what went on with the Informant action, (tangentially relevant to Aonar's mention of Tulir) I'm curious about the business with the vote on Araris. Tulir/Tonul's mentioned that he's laid off on the Rioting this time. Aonar mentioned he didn't Soothe Tonul. I'm just trying to place if it was skaa Soother action, or someone who was Soothing along House lines, like the business with Ash on Day One.

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Day 3


Cadri Raisaal couldn't help but laugh at the fact that no-one had followed Urbain to his party. So much for showing up House Raisaal like that. And now A'lees was meant to entertain them next. What was the world coming to where rabble like that could be considered 'high society'?


She finished getting changed into her more practical clothes, clothes suitable for an Allomancer and a night prowling Luthadel, and took the vial of metal from beside her bed. That foolish Mistborn Erikell (whatever his first name was) was right, there was something wrong with this set of steel. Well, it didn't take a Mistborn to notice that. Anyone could see it, probably even a Skaa. If some of them even knew what steel was, that is. But regardless, the green gave the impurities away.


Sighing, she replaced it there. It seemed as though she would need to have to purchase some more. She could probably still use this batch, but it was risky. There were horror stories about Allomancers burning impure metals and dying from such a thing. Even if she didn't, she'd at least become weakened from illness by it, and that was a dangerous position to be in when there were rogue Skaa wandering around and attempting to off the nobility. House Raisaal had not reached their status as one of the strongest Houses, martially speaking, by being lax and unprepared.


But it was a poor Misting who didn't have a backup supply of their metal, the thing that set them apart from the lesser nobles and the Skaa. She walked over to a set of drawers and opened one. There were several vials in here, each the same colour with the same poisoned metal within. Sighing she took each of them out, then lifted the false bottom of the drawer. Two spare vials lay there, hidden from even her most trusted servants.


Taking out a vial, she examined it for impurities. Downing it with a slight grimace at the taste of metal filings, she burnt the steel within. The thin blue lines connecting her to the sources of metal in the room appeared in her vision, and she was pleased to note that there seemed to be no negative effects from doing so. No blurry vision or headache that might have suggested it was poisoned.


She smiled and picked up the pouches of coins that had been left there for her and threw open the doors to the balcony. She took a handful of coins out of the pouch and dropped one onto the floor in front of her. Some said that it was foolish for a Coinshot to jump into the mists like this, because they didn't have the backup metal of iron that Mistborn had to help them if they made a mistake. Cadri believed that they were just cowards. She'd been jumping through the mists at night ever since she'd Snapped all those years ago.


She Pushed off the coin and shot into the night. Luthadel was dark, dangerous and foreboding at this time of night, and she liked it like that. She just needed to clear her head a little, to mentally prepare for having to endure a few hours of Keep A'lees tomorrow. Perhaps she could feign an injury, and simply accuse someone of attacking her Keep. No, that would imply a weakness on Raisaal's part, and she would rather die than ever admit their weakness.


Speaking of people she hated and of ballrooms, perhaps she should just have a look at Fien's failed attempt at a party. It'd be a pity if someone had gone to it after all, but just didn't want to be seen going there from her own ball. Such a thing could lose a person all their contracts, after all.


Navigating Luthadel was easy enough from above like this, and generally she didn't have to worry about being seen either. People tended not to look up, particularly since most people couldn't even see through the mists to this height.


She dropped herself down onto Keep Urbain's outer walls and gazed into the grounds. It was quiet out here, it seemed. Urbain's guards patrolled slowly, almost as lazy as their Lord. She shook her head. If even a Coinshot like her could sneak into the Keep, then what stopped a Mistborn from just waltzing in and killing Urbain? Not that she would complain or offer him security advice. Well, on second thoughts, she could sell him the services of Raisaal Hazekillers – at an exorbitant price, naturally.


She took another handful of coins out of her pouch and leapt down onto a hay-filled wheelbarrow to soften the noise of her sneaking in. Moving forward slowly and keeping low and to the shadows, she approached the Keep itself. Another coin, and she was up onto a balcony on the second floor – Fien Urbain's study. It was a room she knew well, considering how often she'd broken into here just to taunt him.


It was at this point that Cadri heard an almost unintelligible scream of anger from the next balcony along. While the words might have been impossible to distinguish, the source was not – Lord Urbain, most likely just raging at the fact that everyone came to her ball and not his. She laughed a little and leapt over to the next balcony with another Push.


From there, she could see a silhouette from behind the curtain, Fien pacing – or stomping – up and down in his rage, making wild gestures. The old fool seemed to be talking to himself, rather than at anyone. He was probably drunk again.


Well, this was too good an opportunity. Cadri took a handful of coins out of her pocket and held them before her. She flared her Steel and shot them forwards into the room. She wasn't intending to kill Fien, or even really hurt him, just surprise and terrify him for a short while. It had the desired effect. The glass shattered and Urbain shouted and dived to the ground, hitting it heavily as he ducked the coins. They missed him by a hair, and thudded into the wall behind him.


She smirked. The idiotic fool probably had no idea what was going on. He probably thought his entire House was under attack. She reached into her coin pouch and found the last coin. No matter, that was why she brought spares. She opened her second pouch, took out a second coin, dropped the first, and shot into the air.


Upon her descent, she dropped the second coin onto the ground and Pushed on it to land on the walls. ...Except she didn't slow down. The coin hit the wall much more quietly than she had expected. It appeared to be metal, still, but there was no blue line connecting her and the coin. She tried not to panic, but it was difficult not to. She fumbled with her coin pouch and, unable to properly get a coin out in time, just let the pouch loose and attempted to push on it – but there were no lines to them either. She hit the perimeter wall feet-first.


Cadri lay there in agonising pain, unable to move. Dimly she was aware that her legs were broken, but she couldn't concentrate on that long enough to realise it properly. She might have blacked out a few times, she couldn't tell. Time meant nothing to her like this. All she could do was lay on the ground, staring in an absent manner at the stoneworks.


Eventually, a shadow fell across her form – a man in Urbain uniform, with a wooden duelling staff, though she couldn't see it. He looked at her and then turned around. “I've found the intruder!” he shouted, raising his voice to someone far away, though she couldn't see who to. The man's voice seemed strangely familiar. Did he used to work for House Raisaal? No, maybe he used to work for Lord Heron...? No, wait, he worked for-


Her thoughts were a jumble. The pain made it impossible to remain coherent. The man turned back to Cadri. “Well, you nobles have always annoyed me, so... let's just pretend that you hit the wall head first,” he said with a cruel smile as the cane rapidly descended on her head.




By noon the next day, three questions had spread across Luthadel's elite – Firstly, who had placed that counterfeit coins in Cadri Raisaal's second pouch (most of the bets were placed on a trick by Urbain that unfortunately went a little too far this time); secondly, why was Cadri was on Urbain property when she died; and thirdly and finally, what was A'lees going to attempt for his ball to make himself appear to be worthy of the status of a Luthadel noble? While they might not have an answer to the first two of these questions, the latter would at least be answered shortly.


Lord A'lees had kept everyone in the dark as to his plans for the House Ball. Rumors abounded about how he was going to fit all of the Nobility inside his tiny Keep. Some said he was building skywalks between the walls of the Keep and the second floor to create more floorspace. Others thought maybe he was tearing the entire structure down to create space, and that he had ordered in hundreds of workers to do it in time.


So it was with great curiosity that the Nobles navigated their way through the streets of Luthadel towards the A’Lees Keep. As the first started to arrive, they found the Keep empty and dark. If there was anyone home, they were not taking visitors. The Keep appeared, to all intents and purposes, to be abandoned.


Suddenly, one of the exits burst aflame with brilliantly lit torches and lanterns. As the Nobles went to investigate, they saw more and more lights turning on, creating an illuminated path through the misty Luthadel streets. Obviously, they were meant to follow.


The golden path snaked it’s way through the city in a bizarre and chaotic pattern until most of them were lost. Finally, they could make out in the distance a set of more brilliant lights that seemed to be their destination. It was only then that they could hear the churning waters of the River Channerel. The path ended at the docks.


There, they were greeted by two raging bonfires on each side and they could see 6 barges linked together to create a large, yet divided rectangle. There were multiple bridges leading to and from each barge. Two of the first barges housed tables and a banquet of food, though most of it was the type of food you might find on a ranch; greasy and handheld, with no washcloths or basins in sight.


The leftmost barge had been equipped with a small tower, where people could climb to the top and see that the path of light that brought them here was in the shape of a stallion’s head, the symbol of House A’Lees.


At the barges set further back, a band played in the right hand corner barge, and the the middle barge had been converted into a dance floor. The final barge had been set up with a gallows, a stockade and other instruments of punishment and torture. An open space was left for people to mill around and talk. A sign greeted people entering this barge as “Heron’s Hunting Grounds.”


Though the place was well lit, there were no walls, no railings, nor any ceilings of any kind. The mist, not much more than a faint ghost of itself, still danced through the entire setting. While it was light, the ash still fell from the sky. Every now and then, some Skaa would come through with wide brooms and sweep it into the river.


Overall, the effect was impressive. That said, there was almost a mocking tone to the entire ordeal. The pristine Nobility were bound to get dirty in such an environment and yet one could not discount that there was a beauty and appeal to the rustic surroundings.


Mesist made sure to greet every person at the dock, just so he could capture every grimace and cringe at having to spend an evening underneath the sky instead of one of their isolated sanctuaries within the city. Being able to do this to the insufferable Urbain was worth the trip and danger alone. A shame that the Raisaal had to die before he could annoy her as well, but it wasn't as though he was really disappointed with that. At least he wouldn't have to put up with her today. And there were more than enough nobles to antagonise here.


Lord Heron hadn't arrived yet. That was curious. Maybe there were two attacks last night? No, he'd know if Heron was dead, that was for certain. In either case, it was certainly something to think about. But that was for later on; for now, he had guests to entertain and annoy. He'd deal with that mystery later.


Day 3 has begun! It will end on Friday at 9PM BST (GMT+1)


Cadri Raisaal was a Coinshot belonging to House Seeris!


As before, the events in the write-up do not imply anything happened overnight. Cadri did not necessarily use Steel last night, nor was Fien necessarily attacked. Also... Anyone else notice that a female character has more chance of surviving through a GRRM novel than this game of Elimination? Just a thought.


And thanks to Metacognition for most of Mesist's part there. :)


Player List

House Tuy

Asyr Tuy (a smart guy)


House Elariel

Quitania Elariel (QuiteContrary) - Unknown Rioter

Cat Lekal (luckat)


House Seeris:

Sylina Serris (Theorymaker)

Cadri Raisaal (Shivertongue) - Unknown Coinshot


House Urbain:

Fien Urbain (Gamma Fiend)


House Morinthe:

Racine Morinthe (twelthrootoftwo) - Skaa Tineye


Unknown Affiliation:

  1. Kassel Erikell (Kasimir)

  2. Tonul Venture (Tulir)

  3. Alden Izenry (Aonar Faileas)

  4. Jain Phantomhive (Lightsworn Panda)

  5. Hyrun Tormander (The Only Joe)

  6. Ashette Cett (Ashiok)

  7. Hadrian Penrod (Araris Valerian)

  8. Kaldin Fathvell (Kal Dell)

  9. Finch Fain (QuiteLeftInch)

  10. Wandrin Nuvidas (New One)

  11. Mesist A'lees (Metacognition)

  12. Mailu Willen (Mailliw73)

  13. Ren Gardre (Renegade)

  14. Jae Kastner (jaelre)

  15. TelZaan (Kandra NPC)

Edited by Wyrmhero
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My immediate thoughts are that Cadri might have revealed her metal in a house doc and the skaa decided to remove her because of her power. Also, the skaa might have that house infiltrated, which means that they can eliminate it without starting at the House Lord. I had thought Cat would be a target due to her house being the smallest with a power, but the skaa may be trying to set her up to get lynched so they can destroy the house power.

Informant info: Nothing currently interesting, although it could be relevant for confirming other info.

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