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Stormlit Hunger Games - RP

Edema Rue

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4 minutes ago, SmilingPanda19 said:

"You know what I'm talking about Eddie." His tone changes, its very clear he is irritated about this. If anything he is more than irritated, he is furious.


Thanks Panda!

I'm having so much fun :) 

Everyone loves Eddie!!!

"Terribly sorry, dear, I'm afraid I don't. Must be the old brain, these things just happen when you age! Could you explain?"

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14 minutes ago, Edema Rue said:

Eddie’s voice whispers to you, “The highstorm is over, and easy prey is nearby…give me blood and prove your worth.”

Oradin slowly made his way through the chasms. He held his sword in one hand and Quill as a Shardshield in the other. "Supposedly a game maker wants me to prove myself by killing someone," he said. "I guess I'll have to do it then. But something about it doesn't feel right."

Obviously not, Quill said. But what can you do about it now? This way, you make sure she dies without suffering.

Oradin looked out from behind a corner. There was Aekalohan.

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2 minutes ago, Edema Rue said:

"Terribly sorry, dear, I'm afraid I don't. Must be the old brain, these things just happen when you age! Could you explain?"


Of course… *whisper* but they love Anansi and Cassian more- 

He grits his teeth. “My son, Eddie. How you treated my son.” It’s taking everything for him to not blow, but he knows these calls are monitored. They are watching. Always watching. 

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6 minutes ago, Authorspren said:

Oradin slowly made his way through the chasms. He held his sword in one hand and Quill as a Shardshield in the other. "Supposedly a game maker wants me to prove myself by killing someone," he said. "I guess I'll have to do it then. But something about it doesn't feel right."

Obviously not, Quill said. But what can you do about it now? This way, you make sure she dies without suffering.

Oradin looked out from behind a corner. There was Aekalohan.


3 minutes ago, Lotus Blossom said:

Amyra heard someone else approach too.

She was very apprehensive as she crouched down, another figure coming into view behind Aekalohan.

Blood! Aerie whispered, excited.

My blood, Amyra muttered, a little more nervous than her spren.


2 minutes ago, SmilingPanda19 said:

He grits his teeth. “My son, Eddie. How you treated my son.” It’s taking everything for him to not blow, but he knows these calls are monitored. They are watching. Always watching. 

"Oh!" Eddie says. "Yes. The brat. Would you like tips? I know you could use them, the way you let him run about, and I'd be more than happy to show you the best way to treat such a child."

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Sorry about not posting didn’t realize this would move so fast

Cthaelth pokes her head out of her shelter and takes a few wobbly steps. Heart racing in her chest, she picks a direction and starts walking, moving quietly as possible. Eventually she finds herself at the sand dunes, where she stops to break, desperately looking for food or water.

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Fen paused. She didn’t know how far she‘d run but was almost certain it wasn’t far enough. 
As soon as the games began, so did her sprint, first towards the cornucopia but as she saw the violence erupt she thought whatever measly supplies she expected getting there weren't at all what the cornucopia really had inside and the trampling she'd undoubtedly receive was best to be avoided. Fen turned and ran the other way. She’d only stopped her run once. When that blasted highstorm had begun, thank the Stormfather she’d been near a cave. She’d used some Stormlight infused gems that lined the cane to Lightweave an illusion over her hiding spot and had stayed there thinking and chipping away gems for future use. Even when that Storming Gamemaster Anasi had appeared in the sky and announced that nonsense about their pins and had tempted her sorely to curse at the hologram and throw rocks, she stayed still. As soon a the storm was over, she dropped her illusion and grabbed her handfuls of gems, now recharged with Stormlight, and had begun to run once again.

Now she stopped. Exhausted. She sat, tucked her braided eyebrows behind her ears and got to work gathering wet sand. The ground was rich with it after the highstorm and she needed as much as she could get. Pottery was the focus of her Lightweaving and although she had no clay. This wet sand would have to do. This seemingly useless and dirty substance was almost as important as Stormlight or food to her. Fen continued to gather it. Her Spren, Insignia, hummed at her side. Soon she’d get to work creating the faces of her competitors and of course an illusion for tonight’s shelter. 
“I can’t believe this is really happening” she muttered under her breath. Then louder she yelled to no one in particular “Storm you! Storm you all!”

Edited by Cinnamon
Fixing canon
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2 minutes ago, The Sibling said:

Cthaelth pokes her head out of her shelter and takes a few wobbly steps. Heart racing in her chest, she picks a direction and starts walking, moving quietly as possible. Eventually she finds herself at the sand dunes, where she stops to break, desperately looking for food or water.


You’re good, just make sure you go and check the first post, the sixth page, and I highly suggest tuning into the Gamemaker calls. 


3 minutes ago, Edema Rue said:



"Oh!" Eddie says. "Yes. The brat. Would you like tips? I know you could use them, the way you let him run about, and I'd be more than happy to show you the best way to treat such a child."

“Don’t you teach me how to raise my son, swine.” He snaps at her. “I know my baby boy more than anyone. It’s not your job to raise him.”

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Sage cursed as [Redacted] disappeared into the ground. Then he turned to Flylf. "Sorry for not catching your guy. Is it all right if I go chase mine? We can meet up again later."

Sage was about to leave, then paused. He summoned Wren as a large blade, then turned toward one of the walls of the diamond hut. He cut out a small piece, which was infused with a lot of stormlight after the highstorm had passed through. Sage tucked the small diamond into his pocket, then set out to look for Rayan.

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3 minutes ago, Cinnamon said:

Fen paused. She didn’t know how far she‘d run but was almost certain it wasn’t far enough. 
As soon as the games began, so did her sprint, first towards the cornucopia but the only blasted thing she’d managed to grab was a loaf of bread and one storming sphere. Still, that could definitely be something. She’d only stopped her run once. When that blasted highstorm had begun, thank the Stormfather she’d been near a cave, she’d used her sphere to Lightweave an illusion over he hiding spot and had stayed there thinking. Even when that Storming Gamemaster Anasi had appeared in the sky and announced that nonsense about their pins and had tempted her sorely to curse at the hologram and throw rocks, she stayed still. As soon a the storm was over, the dropped her illusion and grabbed that on precious sphere, now recharged with Stormlight and had begun to run once again.

Now she stopped. Exhausted. She sat, tucked her braided eyebrows behind her ears and got to work gathering crem. The ground was rich with it after the highstorm and she needed as much as she could get. Pottery was the focus of her Lightweaving and this seemingly useless and dirty substance was almost as important as Stormlight or food to her. Fen continued to gather crem. Soon she’d get to work creating the faces of her competitors and of course shelter for tonight. 
“I can’t believe this is really happening” she muttered under her breath. Then louder she yelled to no one in particular “Storm you! Storm you all!”


Hey Cin...I love ya mate...did you read the first post? No crem, no spheres, no food...sorry. But the caves are covered in gems that are full of stormlight, and there's lots of sand that's wet! 



2 minutes ago, SmilingPanda19 said:


“Don’t you teach me how to raise my son, swine.” He snaps at her. “I know my baby boy more than anyone. It’s not your job to raise him.”

"Is it?" She asks sweetly. "I just want him to have a good female influence in his life. You know, what with him not having a mother and all." Then she pulls a mic down and presses a button. "Tributes," she sings, "Day One is nearly over, and I'm horribly bored up here. Do be good little children and put on a better show tomorrow." Her voice echoes across the entire arena. Then she lifts the mic and says into the phone, "you're raising a weakling and a coward."

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2 minutes ago, Edema Rue said:

Hey Cin...I love ya mate...did you read the first post? No crem, no spheres, no food...sorry. But the caves are covered in gems that are full of stormlight, and there's lots of sand that's wet! 




Oh, alrighty! No problemo! I’ll edit my post :P 


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9 minutes ago, Silver Phantom said:

There are beasts roaming everywhere that can be eaten, no sign of Sharp since I don't remember where he is.


7 minutes ago, Cinnamon said:




1 minute ago, The Honorable One said:

Sage was starving. He turned a corner deep in the caverns, and found...

@SmilingPanda19 @Edema Rue @Ancient Elantrian

A creature that looked like a giant squirrel (about the size of a golden retriever) stared back at him.

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16 minutes ago, The Honorable One said:

Sage cursed as [Redacted] disappeared into the ground. Then he turned to Flylf. "Sorry for not catching your guy. Is it all right if I go chase mine? We can meet up again later."

Sage was about to leave, then paused. He summoned Wren as a large blade, then turned toward one of the walls of the diamond hut. He cut out a small piece, which was infused with a lot of stormlight after the highstorm had passed through. Sage tucked the small diamond into his pocket, then set out to look for Rayan.

"Wait! Is it okay if I help you? You probably have a better chance of beating your opponent with another Edgedancer on your side"

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Just now, Experience said:

"Wait! Is it okay if I help you? You probably have a better chance of beating your opponent with another Edgedancer on your side"


3 minutes ago, Silver Phantom said:

Komadori hears a noise and looks down seeing Sage. “Sage!” He shouts

@The Honorable One

"Komadori? Give me a minute and I'll climb up there," Sage replied

3 minutes ago, Edema Rue said:

A creature that looked like a giant squirrel (about the size of a golden retriever) stared back at him.

Sage stopped, and summoned Wren as a dagger. If he could catch it... food! Sage walked forward tentatively until he was a few feet away. Then, he charged the large squirrel, slicking along to become faster. He raised his dagger to cut it's throat as he approached.

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2 minutes ago, The Honorable One said:


"Komadori? Give me a minute and I'll climb up there," Sage replied

Sage stopped, and summoned Wren as a dagger. If he could catch it... food! Sage walked forward tentatively until he was a few feet away. Then, he charged the large squirrel, slicking along to become faster. He raised his dagger to cut it's throat as he approached.

It started trying to escape up the side of a chasm wall.

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Sorry, I’ve been at soccer practice.

Rolen carves his way out of his shelter, thankful that he survived. “Novel, go find me some people to kill,” he says. “And if you don’t mind, find my allies for me. Thank you.” Novel forms the letter O, then the letter K in a quick sequence, then leaves.

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