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What are some real resons between eyecolors

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I was frolicking through the internet when I found a website that talked about a study showing several scientific differences between eye colors. Some of the differences included blue eyed women can endure more pain, as well as making you better at studying. And dark eye people are better at tennis. I just though it was important to show the people at 17th shard.




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I take it upon myself to be the cynic here and wonder if this is another one of countless studies that confuses correlation and causation. It looks impressive, but almost everything like this does at first. If I were a real scientist instead of a depressed pessimist, I'd go and find another five sources to back this up, and I'm skeptical any of this is as directly related as it seems.

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I read the article and there might be some merit to this, but both the title and the conclusions drawn by the reporting party (Daily Mail) are misleading and oversimplified. The scientists who conducted the actual study (warning flag: no citation in the article!) seem to know what they are doing, reporting potential links between eye color and certain traits, but the Daily Mail blows them out of proportion. If there is about a dozen genes responsible for eye color, and if one of them (e.g. NCX-4) is also related to (but not solely responsible for) a certain physiological trait (e.g. pain tolerance), you can't really claim that causation - not fully, at least. To save you the time, if you haven't read the article or are not terribly knowledgeable in genetics, here's one of the things the Daily Mail suggests - in simpler words: "Dark eyes are determined by certain combinations of a dozen genes, but one of the forms of one of those genes is one of the many deciding factors for pain tolerance, therefore people with dark eyes have higher pain tolerance." That's like claiming that people who did well on their chemistry midterms during high school get paid more after college - there is some precedence for this to be true, but it's not a good conclusion to make.

Edited by Argent
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I take it upon myself to be the cynic here and wonder if this is another one of countless studies that confuses correlation and causation.


Since its in the Daily Mail it is probably not worth the electrons it was printed on.


The Daily Mail has slightly less respect for scientific rigour than it does interracial harmony.


c.f its ongoing campaign to divide the entire world into things that cause or cure cancer.


The Daily Mail likes clickbait.

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