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The Sacrifice RP


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2 minutes ago, Edema Rue said:

“No!” She says back. “No. No, no, no. I don’t want to join your little club, I don’t want to go on a quest, and I definitely don’t want to be sacrificed to your goddess. We good?”

“We don’t need to do that. Not right now. For now we need to talk. Just talk, and then I’ll let you go.”

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11 minutes ago, Edema Rue said:


Ignoring both Lil and her father, Eddie looks straight at the ghost. “I’m going to fall in love. I’m going to go home. I’m going to let the world mind its own business and I’ll mind mine.”

Lilyana reds at this and emits a tiny happy squeak.

3 minutes ago, Edema Rue said:

Eddie shakes her fist at the sky. “You’re not funny, Eras! This isn’t funny!”

Lil's eyes widen and then harden and she grasps the dog by the ears and commands him to take her to Eddie.

Rand does so and Lilyana emits a cooling aura around all of them and smiles at Eddie. "I did say I wouldn't leave your side, Lady."

@Edema Rue

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1 minute ago, Ancient Elantrian said:

“We don’t need to do that. Not right now. For now we need to talk. Just talk, and then I’ll let you go.”

“No!” Eddie says. “I promise, I’m not interested in anything you have to say.”

1 minute ago, The Wandering Wizard said:

Lilyana reds at this and emits a tiny happy squeak.

Lil's eyes widen and then harden and she grasps the dog by the ears and commands him to take her to Eddie.

Rand does so and Lilyana emits a cooling aura around all of them and smiles at Eddie. "I did say I wouldn't leave your side, Lady."

@Edema Rue

“Thanks, Princess.” Eddie says. 

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4 minutes ago, Edema Rue said:

“No!” She says back. “No. No, no, no. I don’t want to join your little club, I don’t want to go on a quest, and I definitely don’t want to be sacrificed to your goddess. We good?”

The Arbiter appeared nearby, watching but not speaking or moving.

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1 minute ago, Edema Rue said:

“No!” Eddie says. “I promise, I’m not interested in anything you have to say.”

“Thanks, Princess.” Eddie says. 

Elan 1 sighs. His face is sad. “Just tell me one thing. You love her, I know that. Just tell me about her, why do you love her so much?”

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9 minutes ago, Ancient Elantrian said:

Elan 1 sighs. His face is sad. “Just tell me one thing. You love her, I know that. Just tell me about her, why do you love her so much?”


Fishes I know nothing about Lilyana…WIZ HELP ME!!

Eddie shrugged. “I don’t…I mean…I don’t know if I’m…like, in love with Lil…she’s my best friend, mate, that’s all. Not that’s all, I mean, best friends are important, but I…I don’t…I…” Eddie flushed and ran a hand through her hair. “Look, mate, she’s always had my back. She cares. And that’s worth a lot, you know?” 

8 minutes ago, The Wandering Wizard said:

Lilyana smiles, "always for you my Queen."

Eddie smiles back.

3 minutes ago, TheRavenHasLanded said:



Yaaaayy we’re all here.


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Just now, Edema Rue said:

Eddie shrugged. “I don’t…I mean…I don’t know if I’m…like, in love with Lil…she’s my best friend, mate, that’s all. Not that’s all, I mean, best friends are important, but I…I don’t…I…” Eddie flushed and ran a hand through her hair. “Look, mate, she’s always had my back. She cares. And that’s worth a lot, you know?” 

Eddie smiles back.


Aster was very quiet for a very long while, then answered, "Good friends are nice."

Just now, The Wandering Wizard said:



Okay. Aster follows Eddie autopilot from now on when I'm not here 


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5 minutes ago, Edema Rue said:

Eddie shrugged. “I don’t…I mean…I don’t know if I’m…like, in love with Lil…she’s my best friend, mate, that’s all. Not that’s all, I mean, best friends are important, but I…I don’t…I…” Eddie flushed and ran a hand through her hair. “Look, mate, she’s always had my back. She cares. And that’s worth a lot, you know?” 

Eddie smiles back.


Elan 1 nods. He doesn’t say anything more, he just sits there, sadly staring into the distance.

4 minutes ago, The Bookwyrm said:



We’re sacrificing Eddie to her friend Athena! To understand, there are 2 SUs, some posts in Sharder Quotes, 2 Forums, and a PM. 


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3 minutes ago, Edema Rue said:

Eddie shrugged. “I don’t…I mean…I don’t know if I’m…like, in love with Lil…she’s my best friend, mate, that’s all. Not that’s all, I mean, best friends are important, but I…I don’t…I…” Eddie flushed and ran a hand through her hair. “Look, mate, she’s always had my back. She cares. And that’s worth a lot, you know?” 

Eddie smiles back.



But I really don’t know much about her either except she accidentally flooded her home village one too many times and was kicked out :P

Hmmm she loves animals. She prefers to wear dresses but with change to fighting wear if needed. She has very strong control over ice but terrible over water and air...anything else specific you need? I can come up with it if you need it. 

Lilyana's dress swishes as she steps up beside Eddie. "Eddie’s kind and she has always had my back. She's been my best friend for as long as I can remember and I trust her with my life and all that I am."


Ack I don't know anything about Eddie either!!!! Halp!!


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Just now, Ancient Elantrian said:

Elan 1 nods. He doesn’t say anything more, he just sits there, sadly staring into the distance.



Basically people try to eat edema rue and you can pick a side but trust me most stuff here is random


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3 minutes ago, The Wandering Wizard said:

Lilyana's dress swishes as she steps up beside Eddie. "Eddie’s kind and she has always had my back. She's been my best friend for as long as I can remember and I trust her with my life and all that I am."


“You have it good, you know that right?” Elan 1 says. “You have a friend who’ll always be there to help you. You have it really good. Just… remember that. I know you hate me, but… remember that.”

Edited by Ancient Elantrian
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Just now, Ancient Elantrian said:

“You have it good, you know that right?” Elan 1 says. “You have a friend who’ll always be there to help you. You have it really good. Just… remember that. I know you hate me, but… remember that.”

"Thank you," blushed Lilyana. "You know I wouldn't hate you if you weren't trying to sacrifice my love."

@Edema Rue

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Just now, Ancient Elantrian said:

“You have it good, you know that right?” Elan 1 says. “You have a friend who’ll always be there to help you. You have it really good. Just… remember that. I know you hate me, but… remember that.”


Just now, The Wandering Wizard said:

"Thank you," blushed Lilyana. "You know I wouldn't hate you if you weren't trying to sacrifice my love."

@Edema Rue

Aster coughs loudly from behind. "Uh, this is nice, but we shouldn't idle for too long, cause, you know..."

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