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The Sacrifice RP


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Just now, The Aspiring Archivist said:

He spawned into the world? I figured he wouldn't really know much about it just because he grew up isolated/ostracized.

And up to you whether you want it to start coming up in her mind at all. I just don't really know how to go forward with this power thing because there isn't really any worldbuilding around this.


…wasn’t sure about his backstory, sorry. Let’s pretend she instead said “I forgot you know nearly nothing about this world.”

 And yeah, this power thing, I’m not really sure either. How does he feel about it?


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Just now, The Aspiring Archivist said:

Pretty mixed, but he probably would remove himself from it as soon as it started to go too far.


Ok, well it’ll probably start going far soon. She’s going to try to take out the equivalent of a duke or something like that.


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1 minute ago, The Aspiring Archivist said:

I could have him make that decision now, to maybe avoid some of the extra fluff. She could try to restore the man she stole the body from and fail, and he gets upset about it?


That should work, where would he go after they part ways?


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Just now, The Aspiring Archivist said:

I don't know. Would she go after him eventually? Maybe we can skip forward to that, and he'll just be... somewhere?


At this point, she wouldn’t. He’s a useful tool but she also values other’s choices.


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Just now, The Aspiring Archivist said:

I mean, some time after they split ways would she seek him out for some reason that does or doesn't have to do with the power thing?


I don’t think so, with how I’ve written her so far. I guess maybe to thank him?


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12 hours ago, The Aspiring Archivist said:

I don't know, I imagine he'd find work somewhere, particularly somewhere where he can use his near-immortality to his advantage.


I’d assume so, I’m just not sure how the storylines would connect. Maybe he could work for another or something?


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