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Quick Fix Game 68: Devil Has Come To Carry Me Home


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Warn dropped the strongbox on the ground of the hideout. The broken lock clinked to the stones, and the lid fell open.

“Well,” he said, deceptively calm. “Would you take a look at that?”

Boxings glinted inside in the lantern light. None of the paper notes the Red Band’d been expecting, but large denominations nonetheless.

“It’s what we came for, Chief, isn’t it?” Garm muttered, giving voice to what the rest of the Band’d been thinking. “Nice, easy raid on the coach, grab the strongbox, and go.”

“You ain’t paying attention,” Warn growled. He reached into the box, allowing some of the boxings to trickle through his grasp. Finally, he selected one, and scraped his thumbnail against it. Some of the glinting metal came off, leaving a dark, dull streak behind. “We got euchered. They’re rusting counterfeits.” He flicked the lead coin at Garm, who fumbled but caught it, staring dumbfounded at the fake.

“Survivor’s spear,” Kern cursed. “We’re s’posed to lie low for a while. Word is the lawmen’re getting a posse together in Callingfale, and the stunt with the coach ain’t gonna make them any happier. So you’re saying we drew all that lawman heat for nothing then?”

“Well, we learned something all right,” Warn said, grimly. “We were s’posed to get the shipment of boxings. Instead, we got this.” He nudged at the strongbox with the toe of his boot. “We know the good ol’ sheriff of Callingfale put a bounty on our heads. And they got that hotshot lawman trying to get the stones to go after us. That ain’t worrisome. This is. It ain’t boxings. Which means, for those of you lunks who ain’t thinking, that they knew we were gonna be there and knew when we would strike.”

“Maybe it ain’t us,” Kern said. “Maybe they changed all the shipments to try to catch us out—”

There was a loud, sharp report, and the stench of gunsmoke.

Warn was fast on the draw, but he wasn’t that fast. One hand came out from inside his jacket, where he was holding a Sterrion already. Smoke still drifted from the muzzle.

Kern slumped to the ground. His hand came away from his stomach, glistening with blood. “The rusts you doing, Chief?” he snapped.

“Rust,” Warn spat. “Put a hole in my best jacket for nothing.”

“You only got the one jacket, Chief,” Garm said. 

“That’s why it’s my best jacket,” Warn said, dismissively. He turned to the rest of the gathered Band. Some of them looked like they wanted to go over to Kern, but hesitated. They weren’t going to do it though, not without knowing where he stood with the Chief now. “I don’t like talk like that,” he said, loudly. “Makes my trigger finger itchy. See, I figure there’s a turncoat here. No way they figured we were going for that particular shipment. So the way I see it, no one’s leaving. Anyone coming in, we keep a close eye on. And I’m gonna hand this gun to each one of you, and ask you to point it to someone and shoot. And we don’t stop until we beefed every last lawman or turncoat or mole.”

“The hells, Chief?” 

“But how are we gonna know if—”

The Sterrion, still smoking, pointed over at Rais, who quickly wised onto it and clammed up. Warn fished out a second Sterrion, and levelled it at Garm.

“Figured I’d give you all a little incentive to get things right now,” Warn said, smiling. “If you ain’t gonna shoot, that’s fine. I’ll shoot you.”

He looked over at the rest of the band, and his smile grew wider. “Well, get to it, will you?” He holstered both guns with mercurial swiftness and kicked Kern in the side. “And get up off the floor and clean that up.”

“I spent months storing up that health!” Kern growled. “And you just, you went and just—”

“Now you meet Ironeyes like the rest of us, if we don’t find the turncoats. Fair’s fair.”



QF68: Devil Has Come To Carry Me Home

“Ironeyes comes for every one of us, in the end. Even you, Kade. And I plan on looking him in the eye and laughing.”

As people in the Elendel Basin tell it, the Roughs are a hive of scum and villainy. This far out in the Northern Roughs, by Callingfale along the Tyrian Sea, the law is not so much iron as an impolite suggestion.

Outlaw gangs steal horses and cattle, and rob the supply trains that pass through the region. Often, the lawmen seem to be just a step behind, choking on their dust.

The Red Band has risen in prominence to become one of the most daring outlaw gangs in the region: their leader, Warn, has personally murdered five lawmen and three bounty hunters who took contracts on him, and left their heads in the Callingfale sheriff’s office by way of warning.

No one messes with the Red Band.

Until now.

A veteran lawman by the name of Kade has come up with a daring plan.

Infiltrate the Red Band. Shut them down for once and for all. Bring the survivors to justice.

Will the long arm of the iron law finally catch up with the Red Band for once and for all?



General Rules:


1. This game is a standard QF, with 24 hour cycles. PMs are closed.

2. Voting is to be done in the thread. There is no minimum vote threshold for execution to take place. Ties will result in RNGesus deciding who gets executed. Please colour-code your execution votes as follows: Wyrmhero [red and bold]. Retract your execution votes as follows: Wyrmhero [green and bold].

3. The Lawmen know who each other are, and will have access to a faction doc to coordinate. Every cycle, they can submit a faction kill.

4. The Smoking Gun is given to a player at random each cycle (possibly even a Lawman). If a player who gets The Smoking Gun does not use it, then they will die instead. This ‘inactive’ death cannot be prevented in any way.

5. Write-ups will be minimally informative. At this point, the only thing the write-up will announce accurately are the roles and alignment of the deceased. Otherwise, the write-up should not be regarded as an accurate guide to what actually happened. I intend to take full creative liberties and will not be held responsible for any confusion, false assumptions, or damages resulting from treating the write-up like the Holy Word of Wyrm. There may be gunfights.

6. Kill types will not be distinguished for you. As you are a band of outlaws and this is not an episode of CSI, you’re just left with the obvious: “he’s dead, Jim.”

7. There will be an inactivity filter in this game. Players who do not post for two cycles in a row, and do not communicate with the GM will be killed by wolves. Or possibly other sorts of dangerous local wildlife.

8. The Order of Actions is as follows:

-Execution/Lawman kill/Smoking Gun kill
-Lookout scan
-Smoking Gun distribution

9. Please @ me for clarificatory questions in thread, and bold them so I will pick them out. For clarificatory questions in PM and doc, please bold them. While I will do my best to get to all questions in a timely manner, my priority will be to address rule clarifications asked in the stipulated manner. (This also guarantees I won’t derp and miss them.)



Win Conditions:

  • The Scoundrels are members of the Red Band, a gang of drifters and thieves and outlaws led by Warn. They win when they can identify and kill all the Lawmen among them.
  • The Lawmen have infiltrated the Red Band and seek to shut them down. They win when they outnumber the surviving Scoundrels.





Scoundrel: You are a regular member of the Red Band. You’ve spent most of your life staying a step ahead of the law, and if you play your cards just right, you’ll avoid the long arm of the law yet again.

Koloss-Blooded: Your koloss blood marks you as different, but also makes you tougher and more able to take punishment than the others. For one cycle, you survive any and all deaths targeting you that cycle. This is a passive ability.

Lookout: With your trusty vials of tin, you serve as the outlaw gang’s lookout, and nothing escapes your eye. Every cycle, you can watch a player and learn what action they took. This does not distinguish between the Lawman kill and the Smoking Gun.

Lawman: You are a sworn lawman infiltrating the Red Band, with the ultimate goal of taking them in or shutting them down. Of course, many of the Red Band are hardened criminals. Can you ensure that justice finally prevails?



Quick Links:


This is a re-run of QF7. @Wyrmhero has kindly agreed to let me rerun this provided I remind everyone that the madman is in charge, hence I've retained Warn. I've expressed to him my relief that he finally acknowledges he is a madman :P Write-ups will be light as usual since this is a QF and my priority is getting the next cycle up.

Sign-ups are open now and will close on Friday, 13th October 2023, at 2300hrs SGT (GMT +8). Rollovers will take place at the same time. The IM for the game is @Araris Valerian.

Please also be reminded to desist from posting in the thread until I can reserve the next post. I will always do so in order to collect both the current player list and the most recent set of rule clarifications for easy access.

Edited by Elandera
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Rule Clarifications:

  • A koloss-blooded player who has not burned that extra life and fails to use the Smoking Gun will not die. This is due to how the koloss-blooded survival works.
  • The Smoking Gun will be soft RNGed. If a player who has already received the gun is tipped to get it again, I will reroll once.

Player List:


1. @Matrim's Dice 
2. @Fifth Scholar - Adze, best shot in the Band
3. @Experience - Mud, a Lurcher (RIP)
4. @The Known Novel - Danji, a dirt-poor Coinshot
5. @The Wandering Wizard - ???, an unnamed Aboleth cultist.
6. @JNV
7. @Ravenclawjedi42 - Rajib Urbain, recent refugee from the Set
8. @PyroPhile - The Doug
9. @Sart
10. @Violet

Spec List:


1. @_Stick_
2. @ΨιτιsτηεΒέsτ


Edited by Kasimir
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3 minutes ago, Aeoryi said:

finally, we get something that isn't complete blackout. I'll sign up for this

Yeah there have been a lot of blackouts lately. Don't remember seeing so many in such a long while.

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Just now, The Wandering Wizard said:

What if she gets free though :eyes:

Then play my high-power, low playercount, Dark Side corruption mechanics Star Wars LG to find out :eyes:

Then you write that, I sure ain't :P QF = low effort write-ups!

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1 minute ago, Kasimir said:

Then play my high-power, low playercount, Dark Side corruption mechanics Star Wars LG to find out :eyes:

Then you write that, I sure ain't :P QF = low effort write-ups!

I might just do that :P

I'll sign up as an unnamed Aboleth cultist. :P

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59 minutes ago, PyroPhile said:

I’ll join as Doug.

(also this is my first game of SE)

There is a Doug at last! :o


The Circle is Now Complete- The Vocabulary Roundabout | Teach Like a Jedi

Edited to add: Oh, and welcome to newer players - do remember to check out this thread as well before kick-off!


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