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Quick Fix Game 68: Devil Has Come To Carry Me Home


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7 hours ago, PyroPhile said:

One question: Closed PMs means that I can’t PM anyone also playing the game, correct?

You can't make an in-game PM, no. You can continue to PM anyone you usually talk to out-of-game, but you can't talk about the game to them.

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GM Announcement:

Hi everyone-

If it's alright, I'm going to delay this by one day. It'll start at the same time (2300 SGT/GMT+8) tomorrow - fell sick and I'm at the miserable stage right now. Should be better tomorrow but I intend to spend the entire night passed out if I can!

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Cycle One: Passing the Gun

The members of the Red Band eyed each other warily.

One of them was holding the Sterrion, and—

“Point that thing elsewhere,” Danji growled. “‘Less you want a hole somewhere that ain’t your mouth.”

“And where’d you gonna find the nails?” Adze wanted to know. Best shot in the Band, and Mud’d the scars to prove it. Worst shot, from a certain point of you. Point him at a Lurcher, and Adze never missed. Tough luck for Mud, though.

Danji scowled at him. “Never you mind,” he said.

“Just steal some bullets,” said Doug. “He can push on bullets, right?”

Still, the scoundrel with the Sterrion had at least pointed it at the ground. For now.

“Make a decision,” Warn said, smiling genially. He was toying with the other holstered Sterrion, which made Kern feel nervous. Really, anyone should be nervous when Warn got…twitchy. Still, as erratic as Warn was, no one disputed he was probably the most dangerous outlaw this side of Callingfale, and there was a reason the Red Band was doing so well. He took risks people thought were crazy, and nothing seemed to stop him. Certainly not fear. Maybe some people thought the paranoia helped. “Ain’t right to keep Ironeyes waiting, ‘specially for the turncoat.”

He patted the ruffian on the shoulder. “I’m sure you’ll get around to it…before I lose my patience.”

Cycle One has begun! It will end on Sunday, 15th October 2023, at 2300hrs SGT (GMT +8). All GM PMs should have been sent out. Please check your inbox (the timestamp may be earlier than you expect) and let me know if you haven't received anything.

I don't think I need to say this, but as a pre-emptive reminder to any players in the LG: please don't make any comments that imply anything about your alignment as the IM is still alive in that game. This isn't an announcement to target @Araris Valerian but a reminder to be careful with what you say!

Edited by Kasimir
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Rule Clarifications:

  • A koloss-blooded player who has not burned that extra life and fails to use the Smoking Gun will not die. This is due to how the koloss-blooded survival works.
  • The Smoking Gun will be soft RNGed. If a player who has already received the gun is tipped to get it again, I will reroll once.
  • There are no action limits.
  • The Smoking Gun lets you kill.

Player List:


1. @Matrim's Dice 
2. @Fifth Scholar - Adze, best shot in the Band
3. @Experience - Mud, a Lurcher (RIP)
4. @The Known Novel - Danji, a dirt-poor Coinshot
5. @The Wandering Wizard - ???, an unnamed Aboleth cultist.
6. @JNV
7. @Ravenclawjedi42 - Rajib Urbain, recent refugee from the Set
8. @PyroPhile - The Doug
9. @Sart
10. @Violet


Edited by Kasimir
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The cultist breathed in sharply, the sharp odor of gunpowder and cigarette fumes assaulting his nose. He wrinkled it slightly, disgusting people. They would feed the great mother when she came. She had appeared to him in a dream. She called him by his name and revoked it. And now he had no name. The other however had nicknamed him Bert. He sighed, how long until she came again? Too long…far far too long before she purged all lands and brought balance back to the force. She'd appeared in all her glory and beauty to him and had told him this. He only lived to serve his mistresses demands.


He waited, she would appear soon, ordering him what to do. Like clockwork she appeared, hissing, "Kill them!! Kill them all!!!"

She pointed a long crooked finger at Mud [OOC: Experience]. "That one, kill that one first." Abeloth cackled, "soon I will be free and all will die." She grinned nefarious at the cultist and he shrunk inside slightly. He bowed at her, seeming to bow to nothing at all to any outsiders. "As you command great mistress so it shall be," he whispered as quickly and quietly as he could.

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GM Announcement:

For those who are unaware, this game first passed approval in Feb 2022. This means there are some decisions past!Kas made that now!Kas finds plain weird :P

I have updated the rules after consultation with Araris. The new OoA is as follows:

-Exe/Lawman kill/Smoking Gun kill
-Lookout scan
-Smoking Gun selection

In other words, the ability of the exe to block both the Lawman kill and the Smoking Gun has been patched :P Thank you!

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38 minutes ago, The Wandering Wizard said:

The cultist breathed in sharply, the sharp odor of gunpowder and cigarette fumes assaulting his nose. He wrinkled it slightly, disgusting people. They would feed the great mother when she came. She had appeared to him in a dream. She called him by his name and revoked it. And now he had no name. The other however had nicknamed him Bert. He sighed, how long until she came again? Too long…far far too long before she purged all lands and brought balance back to the force. She'd appeared in all her glory and beauty to him and had told him this. He only lived to serve his mistresses demands.


He waited, she would appear soon, ordering him what to do. Like clockwork she appeared, hissing, "Kill them!! Kill them all!!!"

She pointed a long crooked finger at Mud [OOC: Experience]. "That one, kill that one first." Abeloth cackled, "soon I will be free and all will die." She grinned nefarious at the cultist and he shrunk inside slightly. He bowed at her, seeming to bow to nothing at all to any outsiders. "As you command great mistress so it shall be," he whispered as quickly and quietly as he could.



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10 minutes ago, Violet said:


Okay time to vote on someone random; that seems to be a theme here.


It's known as poke voting since it's the start of the first cycle. And we have absolutely no idea who is evil right now so we poke and some poke and stab :P

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2 minutes ago, Matrim's Dice said:

Sweet sweet rules

We have them, all rejoice!


I’m thinking two elims, due to the increased death count and the tendency of misfiring, but maybe that’s overly cynical of me.

I think 2. Two deaths a cycle is a bit too much to leave a chance for the game to be over that quickly. Let's see how 1 vs 2 elims plays out:

One Elim:


This is worst case scenario 

Cycle 1: 9:1 (10)

Cycle 2: 7:1 (8)

Cycle 3: 5:1 (6)

Cycle 4: 3:1 (4)

Cycle 5: 1:1 elims win

But any interference is basically gg village. The one Elim is just too chance based to be fair for both sides.

Two Elims:


Worst case scenario (again)

Cycle 1: 8:2 (10)

Cycle 2: 6:2 (8)

Cycle 3: 4:2 (6)

Cycle 4: 2:2 elims win

But any interference leads most likely to C5, C6, then who knows.

That's my thoughts.

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