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Insanity Clinic: Season Two


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Just now, Weaver of Lights said:

“I tried. I can’t succeed. It makes me stronger, yes. Strong enough to do what needs to be done.”


"Addison, don't. Do you think removing yourself will help us?"

Just now, TheRavenHasLanded said:

He's passed out drunk, probably high.

She sighed and sat down next to Pic.


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2 minutes ago, Spark of Hope said:

"Addison, don't. Do you think removing yourself will help us?"

She sighed and sat down next to Pic.



1 minute ago, TheRavenHasLanded said:

Jar Man grabs Addison's leg. "Don't go Ma... we need you..." then he relaxes his grip and falls silent.

“No you don’t.”

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2 minutes ago, Weaver of Lights said:


“No you don’t.”

"You said yourself that you trying to help hurts people. And this would hurt us. Because we care about you."

Just now, TheRavenHasLanded said:



I do know someone named Addison and she is a... very interesting person. She doesn't have a death wish or anything, but she is very unique


Edited by Spark of Hope
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10 hours ago, Weaver of Lights said:

“But aren’t you also supposed to succeed sometimes?”

Tal watched their conversation and gritted his teeth, trying to keep from saying anything, knowing that something different would come out.

1 hour ago, shortcake said:

Lundyn hesitated. "Lundyn. Who are you?"

"Why are you doing this?" she sent to the voice.

Lundyn was visibly nervous. She was worried she was going to make things worse by trying to talk to the voice, but she didn't want to seem weak, so she kept quiet and fidgeted with the cuffs of her jacket.


Lundyn… The voice only cackled louder. 

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1 minute ago, Edema Rue said:

Tal watched their conversation and gritted his teeth, trying to keep from saying anything, knowing that something different would come out.

Lundyn… The voice only cackled louder. 

Jar Man's eyes flip open. "Say whatever you were gonna say and leave the consequences for late-" then he falls back to sleep.

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17 minutes ago, Spark of Hope said:

"You said yourself that you trying to help hurts people. And this would hurt us. Because we care about you."


“I…I…” she sank to the floor. What now? If being with them hurt them and leaving them hurt them…?

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Just now, Weaver of Lights said:

“I…I…” she sank to the floor. What now? If being with them hurt them and leaving them hurt them…?

"Just..." She put a hand on her shoulder. "Don't make any reckless decisions, okay?"

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29 minutes ago, Spark of Hope said:

"Addison, don't. Do you think removing yourself will help us?"

She sighed and sat down next to Pic.


Pic gave her a strained smile. 

18 minutes ago, Edema Rue said:

Tal watched their conversation and gritted his teeth, trying to keep from saying anything, knowing that something different would come out.

Lundyn… The voice only cackled louder. 

Pic's humming intesified, and the staves between the two began to pulse. 

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1 minute ago, Cash67 said:

Pic gave her a strained smile. 

Pic's humming intesified, and the staves between the two began to pulse. 

She shifted her hand. Her ring and pinky fingers covered his.

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29 minutes ago, Cash67 said:

Pic gave her a strained smile. 

Pic's humming intesified, and the staves between the two began to pulse. 

Tal backed up into the cell, and the voice cut off. He winced at the headache that followed. 

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32 minutes ago, Edema Rue said:

Tal backed up into the cell, and the voice cut off. He winced at the headache that followed. 

"Tal?" Worry was evident in her voice.

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49 minutes ago, Spark of Hope said:

"Tal?" Worry was evident in her voice.

“I’m fine,” he mumbles.

15 minutes ago, TheRavenHasLanded said:

Jar Man rolls over to Tal. "Bleh" he says.


There are…um…bars in the way?


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1 minute ago, Edema Rue said:

“I’m fine,” he mumbles.


"Maybe... maybe it would help to tell us more. If we know our enemy better, we have a better chance at defeating it."

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Just now, Spark of Hope said:

"Maybe... maybe it would help to tell us more. If we know our enemy better, we have a better chance at defeating it."

Tal nodded. Head bowed, he started speaking, and then the words tumbled out, too fast and yet not fast enough. “On…on my world, magic isn’t a secret. Everyone knows that it exists. It chooses its servants young; never older than 15, sometimes as young as five or six. It usually manifests as little tricks, at first. Magic gives before it takes. You can suddenly light a fire without matches, and it’s wonderful, and then all at once your town is in flames and you can’t stop it and-” He stopped. “That’s not how it was for me. It took a while to understand, but it feeds on two different kinds of destruction. Internal, and external. The magic it gifts you with is based on the kind of destruction you’ll be able to do more thoroughly. It only wants the most efficient servants, see.” Eyes closed, Tal fell back into another time. Into a sturdy cabin in the woods, into a place where, just for a while, all was well. The only time he’d ever tried to understand the magic that had ruined his life…and Ace’s. 

“My magic was always more internal. At first, it was wonderful. I was so young…I didn’t realize what was happening…I could ask my parents for anything, and they’d listen. They’d do what I said. And then I started to hurt them, and I didn’t want to but I did it anyway. When they realized that I had the magic, they took me to the city and left me. That’s how it works. Magicians, sorcerers, witches, we had hundreds of names. I survived. When I got older, I started working as a mercenary. That’s what most of us do. Find a place where you can feed the magic, try to survive. And then…” he blinked, remembering where he was. “I met Ace.” A faint smile danced across his lips, a sparkle returned to his eye. For a moment, he looked more alive than they’d ever seen him. 

“Her magic was external. Fiery. She…she destroyed her town. Killed her entire family. For years, she couldn’t even remember her own name. I met her on a job. She was trying to kill the man I was working for. I caught her. Then let her out. We met on various other jobs, now and then. Then all at once we started working as partners.” A bitter chuckle. “I should have known better than to get close to someone. Sometimes it worked. We were almost people…but we were always puppets.” Tal’s eyes were wet. “Always dancing to the tune of this thing that lived inside us. I hurt her so badly…I tried. I tried so hard, but when she was at her weakest, it would overcome me. I broke her heart, again and again. But we kept trying.”

“We shouldn’t have.”

Tal stood up abruptly, pounding a fist into the wall. “A friend of ours, someone we met on jobs, it overcame him. He started to love the destruction. He looked for more power and he found it. I don’t know how. He was killing so many people…I would have let him. I’m no hero. The magic was letting us be, it didn’t need us so much anymore. But Ace was…she always thought so much of everyone else. She insisted that we save them. He was too strong for either of us, so…she passed her magic to me. I told you that you need to know someone better than you know yourself for the magic to be passed between you.” He shrugged. “I knew her so well. We went, but he…he caught her. She was fatally injured. I was so full of magic. I could have saved her. But she…she just begged me not to waste it on her. To use it to kill him.” Slowly, Tal sat back down. He blinked rapidly. “I don’t need your pity. But…there it is. I have two types of powerful magic inside me, and so it can control me completely.”


*loud sighs of satisfaction* I wrote Ace’s death scene way back when, it was heartbreaking, I also have several absolutely LOVELY scenes of heartbroken Tal if you need them :D


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