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Insanity Clinic: Season Two


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1 minute ago, InfiniteInsanity said:

Ash typed ‘Turing’ into the search bar and waited for the results to load.



Well, you could look it up for real if you wanted. In brief, Alan Turing was basically the father of modern computing. He also proposed the concept of the Turing test (or imitation game), a way to determine if a computerized intelligence could match a human's. So relations to computing, artificial intelligence, and such.


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55 minutes ago, Spark of Hope said:

@Ancient Elantrian @Exotic Almond

Aventine carried the sleeping boy to her room, where his brothers still slept, and where Almond and Lyndon were. Not saying a word, she slid the boy into the bed between his brothers. 

She laid down next to the four, laying her arm over all of them. 

Oh, kid… I wish I could convince you to stay. I want to. You can be safe here. You have a family. 

But you feel as though you need to go. I wish you could stay, if not just for your brothers’ sakes.

She quietly began to hum a lullaby, not taking long to fall asleep herself.


Awww cute


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4 minutes ago, Ancient Elantrian said:



If the two of us want to time skip, we can and let Insa and Archie do their thing and timeline shenaniganery


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3 minutes ago, InfiniteInsanity said:

Ash scrolled through the results.

”It’s mostly about this guy. Did some computer stuff that helped us reach all the modern stuff. He’s from the early 1900s. Died by suicide. Anything of that stick out to you?”

@The Aspiring Archivist

"I don't know. Maybe I was named after him? I was given this name..."

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*thunk* "meeh"

*Thunk* "meeeh!"

*Thunk* "MEEEH!!!"


Mead bush keeps hitting things with the door around his neck. This really stings.

Dragons only mimic sheep sounds when in extreme stress.


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11 minutes ago, Spark of Hope said:

When any of the boys wakes up, Ave isn’t in immediate view, but the closet door was cracked open. 

Almond awakes slowly. He sees the door open a crack but is too tired to investigate. He falls back into slumber, awkwardly knocking over (Insert large, loud crashable object here) with a crash with his tail before falling asleep.

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Just now, Exotic Almond said:

Almond awakes slowly. He sees the door open a crack but is too tired to investigate. He falls back into slumber, awkwardly knocking over (Insert large, loud crashable object here) with a crash with his tail before falling asleep.


Um... I don't know if she has anything like that? The only things she brought with her to the Clinic she keeps in her pockets and she doesn't have much else... maybe a lamp, but glass shards + small children = not great...


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1 minute ago, Spark of Hope said:



I just assumed the room had some small, dense paperweights or something (I know I said large but size doesn't matter). I always imagined the rooms to be furnished and have stuff in them, although it does make sense that maybe they wouldn't. It's magical, you decide if it's plausible. 


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1 minute ago, Spark of Hope said:



If that works.

The book thuds to the floor "thud" says the book. The book doesn't feel pain for it is a book but it does feel betrayal at the furry creature for smacking it off it's home.

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