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Scadrian navigational awakened computers


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Sitting was too easy. And that made it hard.
Head tipped back. Eyes closed. Breathing even. It let Nomad hear the small sounds: the persistent, ubiquitous—yet oft inaudible—sounds of life. Fingers tapping on touchpads. The deep, musical voice of the ship’s Awakened Steelmind giving a status report. People chuckling softly—the aftershocks of a joke that had been too quiet for him to hear.

This one get my attention. Mainly:

Why Steelmind? From feruchemical properties, I would suspect that best metalmind for using as computers woild be either Copperminds (memory storage) or Zincminds (mental speed storage). Is this simply convinience? Steelmind stores Speed, so will be vital part of ship's drive, but why use it also as computer?

BTW, when I learned about Scadrians Space Ships, many years ago, my theory was that ship itself is sort of alive, having hemalurgic spike in his main computer and.this is why can use Metaloc Arts. Seems like I was partialy right (they use Awakening, not Hemalurgy, but effect may be the same).

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41 minutes ago, Bzhydack said:

Steelmind stores Speed, so will be vital part of ship's drive, but why use it also as computer?

The book didn't say they were using it as a computer, just that it was Awakened. More than likely, the Ship's Network Mesh requires each subsystem to be awakened to the purpose of it's stored properties - that would allow the Awakened Computer too coordinate and communicate with each system and subsystem. 

Edited by Treamayne
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8 hours ago, Bzhydack said:

This one get my attention. Mainly:

Why Steelmind? From feruchemical properties, I would suspect that best metalmind for using as computers woild be either Copperminds (memory storage) or Zincminds (mental speed storage). Is this simply convinience? Steelmind stores Speed, so will be vital part of ship's drive, but why use it also as computer?

BTW, when I learned about Scadrians Space Ships, many years ago, my theory was that ship itself is sort of alive, having hemalurgic spike in his main computer and.this is why can use Metaloc Arts. Seems like I was partialy right (they use Awakening, not Hemalurgy, but effect may be the same).

It was probably some form of radar system.  A store of Alimatic still sight. Any an large enough amount of  investiture will become self aware it doesn't need to be a specific thing. 

Edited by bmcclure7
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18 hours ago, Bzhydack said:

This one get my attention. Mainly:

Why Steelmind? From feruchemical properties, I would suspect that best metalmind for using as computers woild be either Copperminds (memory storage) or Zincminds (mental speed storage). Is this simply convinience? Steelmind stores Speed, so will be vital part of ship's drive, but why use it also as computer?

BTW, when I learned about Scadrians Space Ships, many years ago, my theory was that ship itself is sort of alive, having hemalurgic spike in his main computer and.this is why can use Metaloc Arts. Seems like I was partialy right (they use Awakening, not Hemalurgy, but effect may be the same).

I don't think "awakening" has to mean using Biochromatic Breath here. It could very well be through Hemalurgy or something. I think in a WoB about SP3 Brandon said that


When they refer to the activation of the father machine they are not referencing Endowments investiture. But that the term awaken aquires a broader use. like fabrial.


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21 hours ago, Bzhydack said:

BTW, when I learned about Scadrians Space Ships, many years ago, my theory was that ship itself is sort of alive, having hemalurgic spike in his main computer and.this is why can use Metaloc Arts. Seems like I was partialy right (they use Awakening, not Hemalurgy, but effect may be the same).

2 hours ago, Shaukan-son-Hasweth said:

I don't think "awakening" has to mean using Biochromatic Breath here. It could very well be through Hemalurgy or something. I think in a WoB about SP3 Brandon said that

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When they refer to the activation of the father machine they are not referencing Endowments investiture. But that the term awaken aquires a broader use. like fabrial.


Here's the WoB:



There's smoke involved, there's eating of souls, there's a whole bunch of things. So what I do want to ask is: one, was the father machine Awakened using Breaths, using Nalthian Awakening? Or are you using Awakening as Lightweaving or Bondsmithing which is an overarching system in the Cosmere?

Brandon Sanderson

It's the second. This wouldn't exist in the pre-space-age as much; by space age there's a certain terminology that is going between... basically it's starting with the arcanists and moving to the general population. What certain themes in the Cosmere magics mean. And so when Hoid says "this is an Awakened machine" his audience understands what that means. It does not necessarily mean Breaths Awaken, but Breaths are one of the main ways that people see things be Awakened. 


Edited by Treamayne
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