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Issues after 2023 site upgrade


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If you're experiencing any issues after our substantial site update, please report them here. Please provide the following information with each report:

  • Platform: Are you visiting the site from a mobile device or from a desktop/laptop?
  • Browser: Which browser are you using to visit the site?
  • Affected Page(s): Where does the issue occur? If possible, provide links here
  • Expected Behavior: What did you expect to happen? What should be the correct behavior?
  • Actual Behavior: What's actually happening? What's going wrong?

Thank you all in advance for providing us valuable feedback so we may make the best of this upgrade!

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I can't enable push notifications - when I try, it displays this message. Refreshing the page does no good. I'm using Firefox on an Android phone.

EDIT: Notifications do actually work (I got one just now) and the setting is turned on in Firefox, but it still asks me to enable them.




Love the update, btw! Everything looks fresh and new, and I'm super happy about the new features. The site works much faster and smoother too.

Edited by Robin Sedai
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@Robin Sedai, thanks for reporting this! I am unfortunately unable to reproduce that issue on my phone in Firefox and interestingly I do not even get that prompt in the notification list 😅 I am able to enable push notifications under "Notification Settings" just fine, however. Could you try resetting your cookies and see if that helps?

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Poll Icons seems to be missing/different (please see screenshot). Checked in both Cosmere Discussion and Entertainment forums. Instead of a Poll Icon, it shows a gray ? circle.

  • Platform: PC
  • Browser: Firefox 118
  • Affected Page(s): Possibly everywhere, checked Cosmere Discussion and Entertainment
  • Expected Behavior: Poll Icon to show in thread title
  • Actual Behavior: ? icon showing instead


Already cleared cookies and refreshed pages.

Edited by Treamayne
Cookie Update
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This isn't a bug so much as an design concern, but while on the forums page, the forum category text (17th Shard, Brandon Sanderson, Spoiler Zone, The Cosmere, Non-Cosmere works, etc.) are smaller and less visually distinct than the board titles (Introduce Yourself, 17th Shard Discussion, Cosmere Discussion, etc.). This just seems like a font size formatting issue and hopefully relatively easy to change, but presumably you want the categories to be more visually distinct than the sub categories.  I'm on a PC running Chrome at the moment and confirmed that the relative size of the category and board names are the same regardless of if I was zoomed in or out on the page. Using dark mode, if it wasn't blantantly obvious, which is nice.


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14 minutes ago, Treamayne said:

Instead of a Poll Icon, it shows a gray ? circle.

So this is actually the intended look for polls, I think the idea is that since you ask a question of people, it should show a question mark. I can see how that can be confusing, though. Previously, polls didn't have any distinguishing icon in the forum listing as far as I can tell. We'll think about maybe changing this, but we also want to keep theme changes to a minimum as upgrading becomes a nightmare otherwise.

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26 minutes ago, Paleo said:

@Robin Sedai, thanks for reporting this! I am unfortunately unable to reproduce that issue on my phone in Firefox and interestingly I do not even get that prompt in the notification list 😅 I am able to enable push notifications under "Notification Settings" just fine, however. Could you try resetting your cookies and see if that helps?

It works! Thank you very much!

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48 minutes ago, Paleo said:

So this is actually the intended look for polls, I think the idea is that since you ask a question of people, it should show a question mark. I can see how that can be confusing, though. Previously, polls didn't have any distinguishing icon in the forum listing as far as I can tell. We'll think about maybe changing this, but we also want to keep theme changes to a minimum as upgrading becomes a nightmare otherwise.

Copy all. I would say that a gray ? is (in most computing environments) indicative of a missing icon. At least in my experience - from a Network Admin/CyberSecurity perspective. Most forums, again in my experience, use some form of a "bar graph" icon to indicate polls (because the poll results are almost exclusively shown as a bar graph).

Easy to adjust to, but confusing if you do not know ahead of time that it is purposeful.

  • PS: New edit location is going to take a lot of adjustment - already hit "Quote" many times when I want Edit. . .
  • PPS: the Delay on the main menu (News Forums Shardcast etc) seems way too short on PC - getting near it or passing the mouse over it at all makes it pop-up and block the interface below - so I keep trying to go to a thread or forum and accidentally clicking things I don't want because it popped up under my mouse without requiring a hover
    • This requires me to go below the pop-up and hover on something empty to wait for it to disappear every time I change tabs (by mouse)
Edited by Treamayne
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I encountered a minor bug. This is Google Chrome on a Windows laptop. It seems that if you look at someone's posts by hovering on their name or pfp and hitting the "Find Content" button, you go to the page you'd normally get from clicking "See Their Activity." However, that button is still there. If you click it, you just get sent to the same page you were already on, and then the "View Profile" button in changes into does not work.

It also seems that when making a new post, sometimes the posting field just freezes and does not visually send, even though it has actually posted. This has only happened with SU replies so far, so I don't know if it could happen anywhere else.

The profile box that appears when you hover on someone's name now also only shows either if someone is online or when they were last online, not when or where they were last seen when they were online. No posts have a visible rep count, except when they are posted as embedded links, apparently. I can also not see my own exact rep count.

Also, I was wondering about a couple features that were mentioned in the update thread that haven't appeared. Specifically, a pronouns field on the profile and updated contact methods. I guess this is less of an issue than a small confusion, but I figured I'd mention it.

Edited by The Aspiring Archivist
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42 minutes ago, The Aspiring Archivist said:

It also seems that when making a new post, sometimes the posting field just freezes and does not visually send, even though it has actually posted. This has only happened with SU replies so far, so I don't know if it could happen anywhere else.

This also happens to me in SU replies, I just reload the page after which it can be viewed as posted.


42 minutes ago, The Aspiring Archivist said:

Also, I was wondering about a couple features that were mentioned in the update thread that haven't appeared. Specifically, a pronouns field on the profile and updated contact methods. I guess this is less of an issue than a small confusion, but I figured I'd mention it.

I believe those were mentioned as features that would be implemented in future updates, which I assume are easier to do now.

Edit: I don’t think this was intentional, but in the unread content area it shows small versions of images, even if they are spoilery and put in spoiler boxes. Did that happen with anybody else?

Edited by Ravenclawjedi42
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32 minutes ago, The stormfather said:

How do you get to dark mode?

Dark mode is a later feature addition that we are working on. I believe it was under "future things" we will be doing.

8 minutes ago, Frustration said:

This isn't a problem so much as a change that I do not believe to be intentional, but clicking on the site logo at the top used to take you to the forums page but now it sends me to the news page.

This is actually how it will work now due to some background stuff.

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1 minute ago, Chaos said:

Dark mode is a later feature addition that we are working on. I believe it was under "future things" we will be doing.

But then how does Duxredux have it?

5 hours ago, Duxredux said:

Using dark mode, if it wasn't blantantly obvious, which is nice.



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9 minutes ago, The Sibling said:

But then how does Duxredux have it?


His browser or something is auto creating it.; that is NOT an official dark mode. That's why he is having some issues, because it's auto generated and not specifically designed for dark mode. @Duxredux our official dark mode will have better contrast for that there.

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1 minute ago, ΨιτιsτηεΒέsτ said:

And are there going to be different contact methods on profile pages?

Yes. Please note that was under the future and planned changes section in our news post. That will be a thing, yes, but not immediately.

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10 minutes ago, Experience said:

It would also be nice if you could see exact numbers when you hover over them for things like number of posts, rep, etc.

 Rep count on a post - That's in my top three "things lost to the change"

PS: Is there a change feedback thread (as opposed to this "issues" thread?

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57 minutes ago, ΨιτιsτηεΒέsτ said:

Quick question, what are push notifs?


Just like you can configure the website to send you an email or a website notification when certain things happen (e.g. you get a DM), you can have the browser send you a push notification - which is like a tiny pop-up if you are on desktop, or a regular phone notification if you are on a smartphone. 

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34 minutes ago, Experience said:

Is there a reason that you can't see how much rep (likes) a post has?

It would also be nice if you could see exact numbers when you hover over them for things like number of posts, rep, etc.

We know why this is happening; there are some background things where Upvotes were changed to Likes, which had some effects. We agree you should be able to see this, we just have to change some things.

On the plus side, this will let us have multiple reactions in the future.

24 minutes ago, Treamayne said:

 Rep count on a post - That's in my top three "things lost to the change"

PS: Is there a change feedback thread (as opposed to this "issues" thread?

This is the feedback thread, in my opinion, don't take the name too seriously. There are a lot of settings we can do, but do note we will be very cautious at altering the actual site functionality to make site updates easy in the future. The previous one was too customized, which lead to issues.

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3 minutes ago, Experience said:

So there's an option to hide a post when posting it. Is there some function with this that I'm just not thinking of? It seems somewhat useless.

i think it's basicaly how we delete a post.

at least, that's what it was before the update.

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