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How do you like the games/GM drama so far?  

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The day of the games has arrived…

The Gamemakers all sit in the gamemaker headquarters. The front of the room is filled with flashing lights and beeping noises. Keyboards click and peoples chatter takes up the majority of the air space. The room is booming with action. It's 7 am. The games are about to begin and everyone is giggling with anticipation. The arena has appeared on the multiple screens on display throughout the room so everyone can get a clear view. . 

The back of the gamemaker room has been redesigned. Its previous blue, white, and gray theme has been changed to a more sophisticated look. The walls were redone into a fine African Blackwood with black and gray painted sections covered in priceless paintings of all shapes and sizes, and Black Marquina marble flooring installed along the main floor. Dark brown leather chairs sit on a circular raised platform in the center back of the room around an oval shaped African Blackwood coffee table that’s encased in clear resin. The front of the room is covered in technology and busy gamemakers working away at the games, and yet the back of the room has a pool table and bells to ring for tea. Nobody is allowed here except for the top six gamemakers. Golden chandeliers hang and warm flickering candles rest on the walls to light the side of the room with a more old fashioned feel. One could call it, for lack of a more descriptive word, charming. 

Along in each of their fancy leather chairs with their fancy cups of tea and their expensive clothes sit the gamemakers. Each in order of importance from left to right around the table. Siylna takes the far left and then Victor, Herman, Calliope, Kaa, and finally Elan on the far right. The clink of fine china sounds throughout the whole room as the gamemakers settle into their seats, practically dripping with excitement.

Victor sits uneasily in his chair, shifting at every squeaky sound and every clank of a cup. He pulls his head back a little bit towards his shoulder uncomfortably as his hands fidget with the bounce of his leg. 

Siylna looks up from behind several screens. She continues tapping buttons, but winks at Victor. “We’re doing this,” she says, “and we’re going to do it right.”

Victor nods half heartedly. “I know, you're right, love. You’re always right.” He looks over at the other gamemakers, it is way too loud in here and way too chaotic for such an early hour, at least for Victor.

Callie laughed and stood up, walking over to pour herself another drink. She picked up the cue stick next to the pool table, and leaned over casually to hit in a few billiard balls. “This will be fun,” she said to the other gamemakers, smiling as she set down the cue stick.

Siylna laughed and followed her over. “Oh, I know.” She grabbed her own stick and carefully hit a ball.

Kaa stares blankly at the screens, watching that everything goes according to plan while the other gamemakers dilly dally with their silly games. 
“Tell them to come sit down, the games are about to begin.” He mutters to Elan. Elan is sitting sipping his tea next to him with a way too wide grin on his face. 
“There’s not much to see… nothing at all. Nothing to call them for.” He breaks our into a giggle only a madman can produce. Of course the blind man is going to be useless to him. Kaa rolls his eyes and just looks back to the screen, if they were going to be children he’ll throw them in with all the rest unless they start acting like the adults they are. 

Everyone finally settles down into their seats after a few minutes of bickering and chitter chatter. Practically sitting on the edge as the countdown finally begins.





Just as Callie was about to sit down, she noticed Herman wasn’t there. Drink in hand, she briskly walked to the door. All the others were so invested in the countdown. Before she turned around, the gamemakers caught the hint of a smile. Then, in a moment, it disappeared, and she slammed the door behind her.








    Calliope broke out into a run. She made it to Herman’s room, and knocked on the door. 






    No answer. Calliope banged on the door with her fists.





The tributes are raised through the tubes in the ground,  trackers implanted into their arms as they enter the arena. 






    It wouldn’t open, so she turned to her side and tried to push through, fidgeting with the handle. No movement.






Their platforms lock in place, giving them a perfect view of the Cornucopia in the middle of the ring of tributes. The cornucopia glows faintly green in the darkness. And oh, it is dark. There are no stars in the sky, no moon. Dark trees are faintly visible, and it’s obvious that shades are moving between them. The cornucopia itself is full of packs and weapons. A single, scythe stands tall and straight at the center, glittering dangerously. Knives, an axe, and several spears are also visible. And there are clubs, weapons designed to break bones without drawing blood.











Calliope tried to work through the lock, but it was stuck. She sighed, and collected herself. “Mister. Sylvester?” No answer. “Mister Sylvester, we need you in the headquarters.” Was he ignoring her? She pulled out a tension wrench and paper clip, beginning to pick the lock.






Around the cornucopia, several figures flickered into existence. Faceless, featureless mannequins with daggers, swords, knives. They drew their weapons, prepared to defend the supplies.





    With a click, the door was unlocked and swung open.



A single shade floats into the circle, meandering between the tributes, caressing faces and playing with hair. And then it floats back into the trees, disappearing into the crowd. 




The loud countdown rings over the gamemaker room and everyone is on the edge of their seats. Siylna has a tight smile, eyes bright.




Footsteps came from down the hall, heels tapping quickly on the marble, and all the gamemakers whipped their heads around. Victor jumped up from his seat and looked down the hall, Siylna following close behind.

Calliope came to an abrupt stop once she saw the other gamemakers. She composed herself, and looked each one of them in the eyes. “Gamemakers,” she said, calmly, “There seems to have been a murder.” Calliope stepped to the side, revealing the limp bloody body of Herman Patrick Sylvester VI lying on the doorway of the hall, dead.

Screaming immediately follows her announcement, lesser gamemakers running around in a panicked frenzy. The head gamemakers, though, are silent. They know what this could mean for them.  Victor stands in shock, his face filled with horror, not for the rotten old man, but for his own life and reputation. Kaa and Elan just stand back by the door, their expressions hidden behind the shadow of the far end of the hall, their shaking breathing however proves how horrible this is. Siylna is the first to step forward. She prods his cheek. “How…unfortunate.” 


A loud blaring horn sounds and Siylna’s prerecorded voice sounds over the arena.

“Let my games begin!”


Any questions, concerns, comments, or opinions should all be sent to @Edema Rue @Lotus Blossom @Ancient Elantrian @Witisthebest or @SmilingPanda19

@The stormfather @Ravenclawjedi42 @Lightweaver2 @Lord Spirit @The Wandering Wizard @Silver Phantom @Argenti @Master if Magic @Scars of Hathsin @DefiantAllomancer @Experience @SymphonianBookworm @TheRavenHasLanded @Kajsa :) @Wittles of Shinovar @The Honorable One @Szeth's Facepalm @shortcake @AN020C @jerps @Justice_Magician @Aeoryi 

Edited by SmilingPanda19
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Me physically out loud with Defiant Allomancer: HA- HAHAH- YOU THINK YOU CAN JUST WALK UP CALMLY- HAAHAHA-

The faceless creature whips its head around unnaturally, a complete 180. It holds up its dagger, a swift almost robotic bend of the elbow and it starts charging towards you to defend its treasures. The closer it gets to you the louder it gets, starting to draw the attention of the shades.

@Lord Spirit

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Ζωή steps timidly off her platform, and very nearly has her head knocked off by a flying pack. She screams and leaps to the side, breath coming in ragged pants. 

Have to get to the Cornucopia. 

She takes another step, and another, and then begins walking as fast as she can without drawing the shade's attention. But the further she walks, the further away the Cornucopia seems. 

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Ephraim stands, watching as one of the faceless creatures lunges toward Rask. Ephraim takes a deep breath. "As good an opening as ever." Cautiously and with as much haste as he can muster, he approaches the cornucopia, snatches a spear, slips off the platform, and heads for the river.

Edited by AN020C
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Assah’s mind races with useless information. I’m going to die, I’m going to die… After a few moments of merely standing on her platform, she decides she’d rather try to survive than die completely helpless. With this in mind, she sneaks over to the cornucopia, shakily grabbing a backpack and a club. 

Edited by Kajsa :)
Scudding past tense lol
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Airgid reaches the cornucopia, he grabs the synth and a promising looking pack. He starts moving north waving his allies towards him, Arma and Avalon.


So i got to get to work soon. I won’t be able to get on until this after noon. If it becomes necessary ask @Wittles of Shinovar or @Master if MagicTo take control of Airgid


Edited by Silver Phantom
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1 hour ago, SmilingPanda19 said:


The day of the games has arrived…

The Gamemakers all sit in the gamemaker headquarters. The front of the room is filled with flashing lights and beeping noises. Keyboards click and peoples chatter takes up the majority of the air space. The room is booming with action. It's 7 am. The games are about to begin and everyone is giggling with anticipation. The arena has appeared on the multiple screens on display throughout the room so everyone can get a clear view. . 

The back of the gamemaker room has been redesigned. Its previous blue, white, and gray theme has been changed to a more sophisticated look. The walls were redone into a fine African Blackwood with black and gray painted sections covered in priceless paintings of all shapes and sizes, and Black Marquina marble flooring installed along the main floor. Dark brown leather chairs sit on a circular raised platform in the center back of the room around an oval shaped African Blackwood coffee table that’s encased in clear resin. The front of the room is covered in technology and busy gamemakers working away at the games, and yet the back of the room has a pool table and bells to ring for tea. Nobody is allowed here except for the top six gamemakers. Golden chandeliers hang and warm flickering candles rest on the walls to light the side of the room with a more old fashioned feel. One could call it, for lack of a more descriptive word, charming. 

Along in each of their fancy leather chairs with their fancy cups of tea and their expensive clothes sit the gamemakers. Each in order of importance from left to right around the table. Siylna takes the far left and then Victor, Herman, Calliope, Kaa, and finally Elan on the far right. The clink of fine china sounds throughout the whole room as the gamemakers settle into their seats, practically dripping with excitement.

Victor sits uneasily in his chair, shifting at every squeaky sound and every clank of a cup. He pulls his head back a little bit towards his shoulder uncomfortably as his hands fidget with the bounce of his leg. 

Siylna looks up from behind several screens. She continues tapping buttons, but winks at Victor. “We’re doing this,” she says, “and we’re going to do it right.”

Victor nods half heartedly. “I know, you're right, love. You’re always right.” He looks over at the other gamemakers, it is way too loud in here and way too chaotic for such an early hour, at least for Victor.

Callie laughed and stood up, walking over to pour herself another drink. She picked up the cue stick next to the pool table, and leaned over casually to hit in a few billiard balls. “This will be fun,” she said to the other gamemakers, smiling as she set down the cue stick.

Siylna laughed and followed her over. “Oh, I know.” She grabbed her own stick and carefully hit a ball.

Kaa stares blankly at the screens, watching that everything goes according to plan while the other gamemakers dilly dally with their silly games. 
“Tell them to come sit down, the games are about to begin.” He mutters to Elan. Elan is sitting sipping his tea next to him with a way too wide grin on his face. 
“There’s not much to see… nothing at all. Nothing to call them for.” He breaks our into a giggle only a madman can produce. Of course the blind man is going to be useless to him. Kaa rolls his eyes and just looks back to the screen, if they were going to be children he’ll throw them in with all the rest unless they start acting like the adults they are. 

Everyone finally settles down into their seats after a few minutes of bickering and chitter chatter. Practically sitting on the edge as the countdown finally begins.





Just as Callie was about to sit down, she noticed Herman wasn’t there. Drink in hand, she briskly walked to the door. All the others were so invested in the countdown. Before she turned around, the gamemakers caught the hint of a smile. Then, in a moment, it disappeared, and she slammed the door behind her.








    Calliope broke out into a run. She made it to Herman’s room, and knocked on the door. 






    No answer. Calliope banged on the door with her fists.





The tributes are raised through the tubes in the ground,  trackers implanted into their arms as they enter the arena. 






    It wouldn’t open, so she turned to her side and tried to push through, fidgeting with the handle. No movement.






Their platforms lock in place, giving them a perfect view of the Cornucopia in the middle of the ring of tributes. The cornucopia glows faintly green in the darkness. And oh, it is dark. There are no stars in the sky, no moon. Dark trees are faintly visible, and it’s obvious that shades are moving between them. The cornucopia itself is full of packs and weapons. A single, scythe stands tall and straight at the center, glittering dangerously. Knives, an axe, and several spears are also visible. And there are clubs, weapons designed to break bones without drawing blood.











Calliope tried to work through the lock, but it was stuck. She sighed, and collected herself. “Mister. Sylvester?” No answer. “Mister Sylvester, we need you in the headquarters.” Was he ignoring her? She pulled out a tension wrench and paper clip, beginning to pick the lock.






Around the cornucopia, several figures flickered into existence. Faceless, featureless mannequins with daggers, swords, knives. They drew their weapons, prepared to defend the supplies.





    With a click, the door was unlocked and swung open.



A single shade floats into the circle, meandering between the tributes, caressing faces and playing with hair. And then it floats back into the trees, disappearing into the crowd. 




The loud countdown rings over the gamemaker room and everyone is on the edge of their seats. Siylna has a tight smile, eyes bright.




Footsteps came from down the hall, heels tapping quickly on the marble, and all the gamemakers whipped their heads around. Victor jumped up from his seat and looked down the hall, Siylna following close behind.

Calliope came to an abrupt stop once she saw the other gamemakers. She composed herself, and looked each one of them in the eyes. “Gamemakers,” she said, calmly, “There seems to have been a murder.” Calliope stepped to the side, revealing the limp bloody body of Herman Patrick Sylvester VI lying on the doorway of the hall, dead.

Screaming immediately follows her announcement, lesser gamemakers running around in a panicked frenzy. The head gamemakers, though, are silent. They know what this could mean for them.  Victor stands in shock, his face filled with horror, not for the rotten old man, but for his own life and reputation. Kaa and Elan just stand back by the door, their expressions hidden behind the shadow of the far end of the hall, their shaking breathing however proves how horrible this is. Siylna is the first to step forward. She prods his cheek. “How…unfortunate.” 


A loud blaring horn sounds and Siylna’s prerecorded voice sounds over the arena.

“Let my games begin!”

  Reveal hidden contents

Any questions, concerns, comments, or opinions should all be sent to @Edema Rue @Lotus Blossom @Ancient Elantrian @Witisthebest or @SmilingPanda19

@The stormfather @Ravenclawjedi42 @Lightweaver2 @Lord Spirit @The Wandering Wizard @Silver Phantom @Argenti @Master if Magic @Scars of Hathsin @DefiantAllomancer @Experience @SymphonianBookworm @TheRavenHasLanded @Kajsa :) @Wittles of Shinovar @The Honorable One @Szeth's Facepalm @shortcake @AN020C @jerps @Justice_Magician @Aeoryi 


You forgot me and [Redacted].

@Canada Lover @[Redacted]

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22 minutes ago, Kajsa :) said:

shakily grabbing a backpack and a club. 

You get the club, but a creature tears the backpack away from you. You may choose to attack or escape, but the creature is snarling at you intimidatingly.


It is dark right now.

And perhaps the sun may never rise....

@Lord Spirit

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3 minutes ago, Lotus Blossom said:

A faceless creature is seen barreling towards you, gathering shades.

Alder groans and runs at them and tries to dive under their outstretched weapon


700th post!


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Just now, Lotus Blossom said:

You get the club, but a creature tears the backpack away from you. You may choose to attack or escape, but the creature is snarling at you intimidatingly.

She swings, landing the club squarely on the creature’s head. 

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