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2 minutes ago, Kajsa :) said:

Assah was dead.

Boris yowled at the TV. He didn't understand quite what happened, but suddenly his girl's body was slumped against the ground, crumpled, disfigured. It was wrong.

She didn't move, and he howled again. Maybe it would wake her up.

It didn't.

Boris' little heart hurt in a way he hadn't felt for a very long time, and even then, it was something different. Now it hurt like somebody was squeezing him until he couldn't breathe. He didn't understand why.

He jumped from his perch on the counter and clawed at the TV, yowling as loud as he could.

Why wouldn't his girl wake up?

And then it hit him. 

She was dead. 


If he'd been human, he could have told her. She was already enough, and she should have stopped trying to be the best, because in the end, it killed her.

Who would he wake up in the mornings with his fluffy tail and wispy whiskers? Whose coffee would he spill, whose papers would he chew on?

Whose hand would be as gentle as his girl's had been? Whose warm body would he curl against in the winter chill, purring softly while she read a book, watched violent projections on the TV, or even just stroked his soft orange fur?

Whose meals would he share?

Little Boris felt something terrible inside. He stopped crying and clawing at the screen, and just curled up on the blanket his girl last used. Her scent was still there.

Sweat and metal and leather, smothered in lavender and fresh air.

He could almost feel her warmth beside him. He closed his eyes, imagining that his girl was right there beside him.

And he decided that he would never leave.


*shivers violently*

Absolutely beautiful ❀

Felt that one through my whole body


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2 minutes ago, Kajsa :) said:

Assah was dead.

Boris yowled at the TV. He didn't understand quite what happened, but suddenly his girl's body was slumped against the ground, crumpled, disfigured. It was wrong.

She didn't move, and he howled again. Maybe it would wake her up.

It didn't.

Boris' little heart hurt in a way he hadn't felt for a very long time, and even then, it was something different. Now it hurt like somebody was squeezing him until he couldn't breathe. He didn't understand why.

He jumped from his perch on the counter and clawed at the TV, yowling as loud as he could.

Why wouldn't his girl wake up?

And then it hit him. 

She was dead. 


If he'd been human, he could have told her. She was already enough, and she should have stopped trying to be the best, because in the end, it killed her.

Who would he wake up in the mornings with his fluffy tail and wispy whiskers? Whose coffee would he spill, whose papers would he chew on?

Whose hand would be as gentle as his girl's had been? Whose warm body would he curl against in the winter chill, purring softly while she read a book, watched violent projections on the TV, or even just stroked his soft orange fur?

Whose meals would he share?

Little Boris felt something terrible inside. He stopped crying and clawing at the screen, and just curled up on the blanket his girl last used. Her scent was still there.

Sweat and metal and leather, smothered in lavender and fresh air.

He could almost feel her warmth beside him. He closed his eyes, imagining that his girl was right there beside him.

And he decided that he would never leave.





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Lilac fell to the ground, her body blackening.
She started to hyperventilate.

"Lilac. We're dying. We're dying. We're-"

"Shh. You're okay. We'll be okay."

Lilac took a few deep breaths.

"Thank you. But... we're not going to be okay. I want to live. Lilac... I want to live. And we're dying."

"I know."

Lilac's voice got quieter.

"This is it, huh?"


"I wonder what happens next."

"I think we'll go somewhere exquisite. But that doesn't matter. We'll be together, no matter what."

"I like the sound of that."

She paused.

"They sky is beautiful today, isn't it?"

"Yeah. It is."

"Maybe we'll go up there, and we can fly."

"That would be nice. Let's go there. Let's go there and fly, Lilac."

Lilac smiled softly.


She hummed a forgotten tune.

"This isn't as painful as I thought it would be."

"It just hurts that we won't get to live. We're... we're going to die. We are dying."

"Lilac, Lilac, Lilac." She smiled. "Can't you see? We did get to live."


And she started to cry.

She cried for the life she would never have, and for the life that she did.

But she also cried, because

above all else,

in the world that hated her,

in the family that confined her,

by the people that belittled her,

in the arena of those who did not care for her,

surrounded by death and fear and pain...


She had lived.


And that was how Lilac Slindebron, of District 11, died.
She was called many things by many people. Weak, powerless, incapable, beautiful, independent, strong.

But there was one thing they all agreed on.

Lilac Slindenbron had lived.
She had truly lived.

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5 minutes ago, SymphonianBookworm said:

Lilac fell to the ground, her body blackening.
She started to hyperventilate.

"Lilac. We're dying. We're dying. We're-"

"Shh. You're okay. We'll be okay."

Lilac took a few deep breaths.

"Thank you. But... we're not going to be okay. I want to live. Lilac... I want to live. And we're dying."

"I know."

Lilac's voice got quieter.

"This is it, huh?"


"I wonder what happens next."

"I think we'll go somewhere exquisite. But that doesn't matter. We'll be together, no matter what."

"I like the sound of that."

She paused.

"They sky is beautiful today, isn't it?"

"Yeah. It is."

"Maybe we'll go up there, and we can fly."

"That would be nice. Let's go there. Let's go there and fly, Lilac."

Lilac smiled softly.


She hummed a forgotten tune.

"This isn't as painful as I thought it would be."

"It just hurts that we won't get to live. We're... we're going to die. We are dying."

"Lilac, Lilac, Lilac." She smiled. "Can't you see? We did get to live."


And she started to cry.

She cried for the life she would never have, and for the life that she did.

But she also cried, because

above all else,

in the world that hated her,

in the family that confined her,

by the people that belittled her,

in the arena of those who did not care for her,

surrounded by death and fear and pain...


She had lived.


And that was how Lilac Slindebron, of District 11, died.
She was called many things by many people. Weak, powerless, incapable, beautiful, independent, strong.

But there was one thing they all agreed on.

Lilac Slindenbron had lived.
She had truly lived.




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8 minutes ago, SymphonianBookworm said:

Lilac fell to the ground, her body blackening.
She started to hyperventilate.

"Lilac. We're dying. We're dying. We're-"

"Shh. You're okay. We'll be okay."

Lilac took a few deep breaths.

"Thank you. But... we're not going to be okay. I want to live. Lilac... I want to live. And we're dying."

"I know."

Lilac's voice got quieter.

"This is it, huh?"


"I wonder what happens next."

"I think we'll go somewhere exquisite. But that doesn't matter. We'll be together, no matter what."

"I like the sound of that."

She paused.

"They sky is beautiful today, isn't it?"

"Yeah. It is."

"Maybe we'll go up there, and we can fly."

"That would be nice. Let's go there. Let's go there and fly, Lilac."

Lilac smiled softly.


She hummed a forgotten tune.

"This isn't as painful as I thought it would be."

"It just hurts that we won't get to live. We're... we're going to die. We are dying."

"Lilac, Lilac, Lilac." She smiled. "Can't you see? We did get to live."


And she started to cry.

She cried for the life she would never have, and for the life that she did.

But she also cried, because

above all else,

in the world that hated her,

in the family that confined her,

by the people that belittled her,

in the arena of those who did not care for her,

surrounded by death and fear and pain...


She had lived.


And that was how Lilac Slindebron, of District 11, died.
She was called many things by many people. Weak, powerless, incapable, beautiful, independent, strong.

But there was one thing they all agreed on.

Lilac Slindenbron had lived.
She had truly lived.


I'm kinda crying mostly because of How to train your dragon music tugging on my heart strings but that also was an absolutely beautiful death ❀


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4 minutes ago, Kajsa :) said:





1 minute ago, The Wandering Wizard said:



that moment when the *perfect* song comes on when you're reading something.



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2 minutes ago, SymphonianBookworm said:



not rly but thanks đŸ„ČđŸ„°

2 minutes ago, SymphonianBookworm said:

that moment when the *perfect* song comes on when you're reading something.





mostly billie eilish during super depressing poetry i wrote but we don't talk about that--


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28 minutes ago, SymphonianBookworm said:

Lilac fell to the ground, her body blackening.
She started to hyperventilate.

"Lilac. We're dying. We're dying. We're-"

"Shh. You're okay. We'll be okay."

Lilac took a few deep breaths.

"Thank you. But... we're not going to be okay. I want to live. Lilac... I want to live. And we're dying."

"I know."

Lilac's voice got quieter.

"This is it, huh?"


"I wonder what happens next."

"I think we'll go somewhere exquisite. But that doesn't matter. We'll be together, no matter what."

"I like the sound of that."

She paused.

"They sky is beautiful today, isn't it?"

"Yeah. It is."

"Maybe we'll go up there, and we can fly."

"That would be nice. Let's go there. Let's go there and fly, Lilac."

Lilac smiled softly.


She hummed a forgotten tune.

"This isn't as painful as I thought it would be."

"It just hurts that we won't get to live. We're... we're going to die. We are dying."

"Lilac, Lilac, Lilac." She smiled. "Can't you see? We did get to live."


And she started to cry.

She cried for the life she would never have, and for the life that she did.

But she also cried, because

above all else,

in the world that hated her,

in the family that confined her,

by the people that belittled her,

in the arena of those who did not care for her,

surrounded by death and fear and pain...


She had lived.


And that was how Lilac Slindebron, of District 11, died.
She was called many things by many people. Weak, powerless, incapable, beautiful, independent, strong.

But there was one thing they all agreed on.

Lilac Slindenbron had lived.
She had truly lived.


My storms




You all write such beautiful deaths

12 minutes ago, Canada Lover said:

Next time we’ll definitely try to do more of that. For this one
we’ll just have to see how quickly things move, now.

1 minute ago, The Wandering Wizard said:

Medea slither's back into the dungeon. "Well it sseemss it'ss finally time. Come with me Ssilyna, my pet."

@Edema Rue



Siylna stood up, eyes empty. They were a blue so pale they almost seemed white. “I’m not your pet,” she mumbled tiredly. 

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1 minute ago, Edema Rue said:

Siylna stood up, eyes empty. They were a blue so pale they almost seemed white. “I’m not your pet,” she mumbled tiredly. 


*giddily giggles*

Medea cackled, "girl you can't even see yourself right now."

She wiggled her clawed fingers tauntingly at Siylna and forced her to obey. She unlocked the cell smiled sickly sweet at her.

"Ssoon, sso very ssoon we sshall meet in persson and you'll bow before me," she crowed.

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10 minutes ago, Silver Phantom said:



Those alliances are no longer in effect, especially since there are so few of you left. Kill whoever you like!!

Thanks! It’s Siylna :lol: I used FY! Studio (Panda’s recommendation)

7 minutes ago, The Wandering Wizard said:

Medea cackled, "girl you can't even see yourself right now."

She wiggled her clawed fingers tauntingly at Siylna and forced her to obey. She unlocked the cell smiled sickly sweet at her.

"Ssoon, sso very ssoon we sshall meet in persson and you'll bow before me," she crowed.

Siylna gasped as she felt herself take a step
a step that she hadn’t intended to take. She felt a cold dread seeping through her as she took another step, gritting her teeth. “How

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Just now, Edema Rue said:

Siylna gasped as she felt herself take a step
a step that she hadn’t intended to take. She felt a cold dread seeping through her as she took another step, gritting her teeth. “How

Medea cruely smiles at her and points at Siylna's lips.

"It'll be just fine."

The sound comes from Siylna's lips.

"Ssee nothing to worry about. You're in good handss with me," Medea cackles.

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1 minute ago, The Wandering Wizard said:

Medea cruely smiles at her and points at Siylna's lips.

"It'll be just fine."

The sound comes from Siylna's lips.

"Ssee nothing to worry about. You're in good handss with me," Medea cackles.

No, no, no!


Siylna raged inside her mind. A prisoner in her own body

She couldn’t cry out.

Couldn’t stop walking.


Couldn’t do anything.

She was well and truly controlled. 

And it was terrifying.

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7 minutes ago, Edema Rue said:

No, no, no!


Siylna raged inside her mind. A prisoner in her own body

She couldn’t cry out.

Couldn’t stop walking.


Couldn’t do anything.

She was well and truly controlled. 

And it was terrifying.

Hello, whispered a voice in her mind.

My name is Emma and I'll be your guide on your wonderful journey to be reborn as my child.

2 minutes ago, Aeoryi said:




It's hard sometimes. Just keep breathing. And I hope life gets better.

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1 minute ago, The Wandering Wizard said:

Hello, whispered a voice in her mind.

My name is Emma and I'll be your guide on your wonderful journey to be reborn as my child.

Let me go, Siylna thought at the voice. I will never be your child.

5 minutes ago, Aeoryi said:



I’m so sorry. I promise it won’t last forever. I’m here if you need anything, even just an ear.

You are loved. There is a place for you.


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