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How do you like the games/GM drama so far?  

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  1. 1. How do you like the games/GM drama so far?

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1 hour ago, Canada Lover said:

Darn, Ezrium feels hurt right now. Sage and Ezrium were also heroes.


1 hour ago, Edema Rue said:



…You didn’t die, so Siylna never saw through your perspective. Sorry.

I accept that he was a hero though!!


Sage wasn't much of a hero. The only heroic thing he did was swearing the fourth edgedancer oath and accepting he must die so someone else would have life. But still, he killed... how many people? Four?

Edit: 150 pages!


Edited by The Honorable One
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37 minutes ago, The Wandering Wizard said:

Medea grinned back. "Good good. You'll be perfect for what I have planned."

Siylna raised her chin. "I'm not going to serve you. Not today, not ever."

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10 minutes ago, Kajsa :) said:

“Lilac…” Assah’s frigid heart seemed to melt just a little, and she lowered her guard—on the outside, at least. “I’m sorry you got thrust into the games.” She stepped closer, carefully. 

Doug glances at Assah, trusting she knew what she was doing, because he certainly did not. 

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14 minutes ago, The Wandering Wizard said:

Medea cruely smiled. "Oh you don't get a choice dear."

Her eyes flashed a brilliant violet. A violet hunger lurked behind her eyes. "You will sserve me."

Siylna turned her back on Medea and walked to the far side of her cell. She squeezed her eyes shut. A hero...a villain...I know what I am. But...is...is it possible to become something else? She opened her eyes and glared at the wall. "I will do no such thing." Maybe I'll die here...but I'll die a different person than I've been all these years.

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7 hours ago, SymphonianBookworm said:


Lilac looks at them both.

“Why do we have to betray each other?”

She laughs, then, loud and clear and bright and cruel. 

“For entertainment.”

She shakes her head.

”To please the masses.”

She stops moving, going completely still.

”To preserve power.”

And then her voice lowers. 

“But what of the people who have never had power? What happens to them?”

She smiles.

”We’re told we have to betray and kill each other.”

And then she frowns. 

“In order to live. Isn’t that funny? Do you feel alive?”

Her voice hardens.

”Because I don’t. I don’t feel alive. Not at all.”

And she pauses.

”I want to be alive. I want everyone to be alive.”

Her face slowly sets, completely blank.

”And the only way to do that is by killing those in charge.”

She turns to Doug and Assah, completely different from the person she had been moment before. 

“I am not going to betray you. I am not going to kill you. You may do these things to me; I accept it. But if either of you win, remember what I said. Never stop fighting to live. And never stop living. And know that fighting does not mean death, and living does not mean breath.”

And then that Lilac is gone, replaced by her usual self. 

“Guys, don’t fight. Fighting is bad!”


Now that, is a speech.

The mysterious person nodded at Lilac, even though she couldn't see him.


I'm assuming their are televisions in the prison showing how the games are going? It would be like the gamemakers, (especially Eddie), to show the people in prison, who most likely tried to stop the games, how the games are going, symbolizing how horribly they failed.

@Edema Rue

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12 hours ago, Ravenclawjedi42 said:

“Yes.” Azelea put a tea bag in a mug and poured boiling water over it, but her shaking hand spilled some on the table. “Sorry, sir,” she says, and cleans the spill up after giving the new boss his tea. Was he really the new boss? Better to be safe.

“Where’s Victor being kept?”

“Thanks!” Elan Jr. says. “He’s in the hospital wing. Good luck finding him!” Elan Jr. turns and walks away, sipping his tea.

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3 hours ago, Canada Lover said:

The mysterious person nodded at Lilac, even though she couldn't see him.

@Edema Rue


Y’know, I hadn’t thought about that, but you’re probably right. You can assume there are TV’s on the walls, showing the hunger games.


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12 hours ago, Kajsa :) said:

“Lilac…” Assah’s frigid heart seemed to melt just a little, and she lowered her guard—on the outside, at least. “I’m sorry you got thrust into the games.” She stepped closer, carefully. 

12 hours ago, Scars of Hathsin said:

Doug glances at Assah, trusting she knew what she was doing, because he certainly did not. 

Lilac smiles, oblivious. "Thank you! You too!" She looks around. "So, what do you both want to do next?"

4 hours ago, Canada Lover said:

The mysterious person nodded at Lilac, even though she couldn't see him.


Thank you!!


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On 11/2/2023 at 4:35 AM, Lotus Blossom said:

Callie burst into Saffron's cell.

"You know where Ariadne is, don't you? You know. You know. You know. He took her."

Callie was spinning and uncontrollable and tears streamed down her face. Her mind was glitching and screaming and bleeding all at the same time. So much was happening. So much. None of it understandable. So much confusion. So much rage. She had given Victor that syringe. Yes. It was her venom. And where was the antidote now? Where was Ariadne? Where was her daughter?

Callie gripped her dagger and stabbed Saffron through the chest, collapsing to the floor again as she saw the blood spill over the dungeon.




I think I said I wouldn't be here. 


Losing friends is absolutely terrible for my mental state rn and so I wasn't in the shard for the last day and a half or so 

But anyways, expect something to happen with saffron once I have a few hours


23 hours ago, Edema Rue said:




I hate friends


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11 hours ago, Edema Rue said:

Siylna turned her back on Medea and walked to the far side of her cell. She squeezed her eyes shut. A hero...a villain...I know what I am. But...is...is it possible to become something else? She opened her eyes and glared at the wall. "I will do no such thing." Maybe I'll die here...but I'll die a different person than I've been all these years.

Medea smiled, her violet eyes cold and lifeless. "You won't get a choice."

She turns to slither away to leave Siylna to contemplate that and calls back almost as an after thought. "Victor iss dead."

@Ancient Elantrian @TheRavenHasLanded @Canada Lover

10 minutes ago, TheRavenHasLanded said:

ryn tackles medeas.

Medea grabs Ryn by the throat and slams him into the prison.

2 minutes ago, Aeoryi said:

I think I said I wouldn't be here. 

  Reveal hidden contents

Losing friends is absolutely terrible for my mental state rn and so I wasn't in the shard for the last day and a half or so 

But anyways, expect something to happen with saffron once I have a few hours




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2 minutes ago, The Wandering Wizard said:

Medea smiled, her violet eyes cold and lifeless. "You won't get a choice."

She turns to slither away to leave Siylna to contemplate that and calls back almost as an after thought. "Victor iss dead."

@Ancient Elantrian @TheRavenHasLanded @Canada Lover

Medea grabs Ryn by the throat and slams him into the prison.


Elan freezes. "No... no he can't be... NO. NO!!!"

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8 minutes ago, Aeoryi said:




*very very very very big hugs*


I'm here if you need anything.

6 minutes ago, The Wandering Wizard said:

Medea smiled, her violet eyes cold and lifeless. "You won't get a choice."

She turns to slither away to leave Siylna to contemplate that and calls back almost as an after thought. "Victor iss dead."

@Ancient Elantrian @TheRavenHasLanded @Canada Lover

Medea grabs Ryn by the throat and slams him into the prison.


Siylna stumbled. What?

No, no, no...



She saw his face in her mind, saw a smile, a boy...a boy who was so full of life.

She closed her eyes, mind filling with the memory of his lips...with the memory of her dagger in his back. 

I killed him...

Siylna sank to the floor and, ever so quietly, she began to sing. 

"You are my sunshine...my only sunshine. You make me happy...when skies are gray. You'll never know dear, how much I love you...please don't take my sunshine away."

He's gone. 


I killed him...

"The other night, dear, as I lay sleeping...I dreamt I held you in my arms...when I woke, dear, I was mistaken...and I hung my head and cried."

A single tear rolled down Siylna's cheek. You will never hold him again...

"Please don't take...

"My Sunshine...


I killed him.

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1 minute ago, Edema Rue said:

Siylna stumbled. What?

No, no, no...



She saw his face in her mind, saw a smile, a boy...a boy who was so full of life.

She closed her eyes, mind filling with the memory of his lips...with the memory of her dagger in his back. 

I killed him...

Siylna sank to the floor and, ever so quietly, she began to sing. 

"You are my sunshine...my only sunshine. You make me happy...when skies are gray. You'll never know dear, how much I love you...please don't take my sunshine away."

He's gone. 


I killed him...

"The other night, dear, as I lay sleeping...I dreamt I held you in my arms...when I woke, dear, I was mistaken...and I hung my head and cried."

A single tear rolled down Siylna's cheek. You will never hold him again...

"Please don't take...

"My Sunshine...


I killed him.



Why is this actually adorable 😭


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4 minutes ago, Edema Rue said:

Siylna stumbled. What?

No, no, no...



She saw his face in her mind, saw a smile, a boy...a boy who was so full of life.

She closed her eyes, mind filling with the memory of his lips...with the memory of her dagger in his back. 

I killed him...

Siylna sank to the floor and, ever so quietly, she began to sing. 

"You are my sunshine...my only sunshine. You make me happy...when skies are gray. You'll never know dear, how much I love you...please don't take my sunshine away."

He's gone. 


I killed him...

"The other night, dear, as I lay sleeping...I dreamt I held you in my arms...when I woke, dear, I was mistaken...and I hung my head and cried."

A single tear rolled down Siylna's cheek. You will never hold him again...

"Please don't take...

"My Sunshine...


I killed him.



I don't even know what to do anymore.

Y'all's have such heartwarming depressing stuff.

Why can't ever seem to write that kind of emotion into my stuff?


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1 minute ago, Ancient Elantrian said:




I just...like words!!

The more you write, the more you'll be able to say what you mean, and put emotion into it. It'll come with time.

I like your words :)


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