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Mid-Range Game 2: Servants of Honor


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Is it evil if I agree with Aonar's plan just cause it means I won't die? :P


No, as I said in the Squire Doc, this has gone too far.


We've wasted far too much time on this, just like we wasted time on the messaging during the first cycle. If we're not going to lynch me, then we'd have to start arguing over who else is suspicious and we just don't have the time for that. I don't think we'd get that lucky again. 


Just use this Cycle to find the Skybreakers. At this point, I've given all the more information to them as I'm willing to give in thread. At this point, all I can only hope for some justice. 

Edited by Metacognition
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Enough was enough, Wurum decided. Taking his diamond broam in hand, he moved it up to his mouth, and inhaled. Immediately, his eyes became alight. His wounds healed, and his breath left in a misty vapour. He stood up, flexing his arms and torso a little. Satisfied with the quality of his healing, he stood up. What a difference Stormlight made to a broken body. His Spren flittered around him, before eventually settling on his shoulder, invisible to almost all around.


Unfortunately, his reign as the town's Stormwarden was probably over. Technically it was his Spren who gave him all the answers. Honourspren did say they were daughters of the Stormfather, after all. It only made sense that she could tell him when they would occur, and their severity. That was why he could be so accurate. But they would probably stop paying him for it, which was a shame. Well, she did always complain that none of the money was ever sent her way. Maybe they'd employ her as the Stormwarden instead.


At times like this though, no matter how he tried to take his mind off matters, the Second Ideal was always in the forefront of his mind. It was strange, at times, to reconcile the two halves of his life - Slightly illegal entrepreneur and Windrunner - but it wasn't impossible. It just needed a slightly different perspective. Whether this town knew it or not, he defended it from the Lighteyes who would exploit it, and nurtured its growth. The other Windrunners thought small, going around and dealing with the small injustices they saw here and there on their travels. Wurum looked at the bigger picture, slowly building the town up to be a fairer, better place.


And now, he had some Skybreakers to track down. Their own unique brand of justice was flawed, if it could allow the deaths of innocents in their wake. "I will protect those who cannot protect themselves", he muttered. Well, for as long as he could, anyway.


Illuminating Meta might work, and it can be done over one cycle. If everyone does message me, then we have a much lower chance of the Truthwatcher's message being grabbed. They could set up a method in that message to pass the results over in the thread after I give the all-clear. They should not tell me who they are - The thread response would reveal this to me. If I do not receive the message, then we know both that something's gone wrong, and I was unlucky with my being Reverse Lashing. They could then pass extra results on with the same code, potentially.


The issue here is if a Squire does not have a Basic Lashing, and I die. I decided to reveal myself because it's pretty much obvious anyway from the fact that I was protected on the first Cycle, and we need this info out there to help clarify things - I am a Windrunner, and my partner saved me last night. Amusingly, this was not meant to happen, but there was a surprisingly but pleasant change of plans. But obviously, I need a Squire to protect me, as I cannot protect myself.


I also Squired Meta last night, and Full Lashed him at the same time. The idea behind it was that it minimised the risk of bringing him in, as I could softconfirm him on the same Cycle. Meta's too dangerous to leave alone in a game like this, but at the same time, he's too useful not to put in a position of information. I know this all too well from LG7. As we can see, this has at least brought something for us.


But if not Meta, then who this cycle? I was attacked last night, and I'm not sure of whether or not there was a reason behind it. I don't think I had blown my cover at that point, so there are three options - Random experienced player (unlikely, in my opinion, with others still alive), because I voted for Jain (also unlikely unless Jain is a Skybreaker and is being erratic again) or because of my choice of Squire.


I sent a message to that Squire, and while it did not contain my name, it could probably be guessed at from the nature of my message and my speaking style. However, that would require the Squire to be a Skybreaker, already relatively low odds.I am not too suspicious of him currently, so I'm not sure. My partner knows who I am talking about though, so even if I am killed, the truth should eventually come out (unless they die too, but...).


So, who am I suspicious of?

  • Meta, for reasons stated previously of Full Lashings and deaths not happening.
  • Gamma, for voting for Jerric last Cycle. Seemed to me that Jerric was just being helpful. Perhaps Gamma was trying to discourage people using his method, perhaps not. Still something notable.
  • Jain, for popping on to post during this event and not actually saying anything about it, but just RPing.
  • Ashiok, ish. He's being weird, but that's not exactly new. I guess I put him on the same level as Jain there, though he has at least discussed stuff, which is a point in his favour.

At this point, I think Meta would give us the most information, as if he is not a Skybreaker/Eliminator, then it tells us that they didn't use their kill last night, and he was Reverse Lashed. If no Squire reveals that they did it, then we can be pretty sure that it was a Skybreaker/Eliminator who did so. As such, either one of the first two Squires is an Eliminator and a Skybreaker is inactive, or the Skybreakers skipped a kill to Reverse Lash Meta.


I'll admit, Reverse Lashing Meta still doesn't ring true to me, when he could have just been neutralised instead. As such, my vote will remain where it is, for now.

Edited by Wyrmhero
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Wyrm, I really hope there is a Squire that can save you!


As to why you were hit. I do not think a Random experienced scenario as very unlikely, I would put you among the top five most experienced (or well playing)players in this game (as I see it), and Meta being the most experienced makes it probable(?) that he is protected. That's 1/4, and its probably one eliminator among them. So, anyway, about 1/4 OR 1/3 chance of you being hit because of that reason. We should still investigate the other solutions, but we should be aware of that it is not that improbable that this is the case. (And really unlucky)


I do agree that the scenario for Illumination of Meta is a good one, if we can find someone that we are more suspicious of. The problem is that I have a hard time to do that.

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Ignore that.  6 hours and 14 minutes left until the rollover.  I haven't received too many action PMs yet, so if you want to do something, do it soon.


Also, you people are being too quiet.  I am not entertained! <_<

Edited by Renegade
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So, people, who do you find suspicious except Meta? Or Meta too for that matter if you haven't said anything about it.

I'm a little suspicious of Maill because he ignored the thing about Meta completely.

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<p>Fortunately, we're lucky when it comes to eliminator kills. Unfortunately, we&nbsp;can't tell what alignment Meta is, mostly because the Skybreakers will try to frame him if we don't lynch him today. I have to wonder why there wasn't a Second Kill though. There's only 3 options. The second Skybreaker was either inactive, using Reverse Lashings, or stunned. Honestly, we shouldn't wait on this. I vote for red: Meta.</p>

Edited by a smart guy
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Hmm. This whole Cycle really has been a pickle, and I've been unsure myself of how to best approach this situation. Either we take Meta's word, and try to wait it out to see the results of him being Scanned, but then we'd have to figure out another route to go for the rest of this cycle, and let's face it, we've been focusing on the Meta thing this whole time. Can we really start getting any solid suspects and a determined vote within these last 5 hours?

I hate to do this, because if Meta is indeed a villager, then we're going to lose a Squire with a potentially good lashing. But on the flip side, there are no other solid suspects to follow-up on otherwise. In these games, we should never quite rely on just one person's word, and that's basically what this whole debate hinges on -- What Meta is saying, and I know he's accused me of being too paranoid in past games (and this one as well, via a message the first Cycle), but that's just the nature of the beast.

I honestly think we should stop letting ourselves be distracted and just go ahead and go through with the lynch. We know he's not a Windrunner, and unless he's the Trustwatcher, then lynching him won't actually be that horrible of a blow to us villagers.

It just comes down to that Full Lashing, for me. I just keep asking myself what are the chances the SoBs would've forsaken their second kill? To me, it just seems unlikely. So I'm going to follow my gut and vote for Meta.

Sorry, buddy. :/

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Ok... So if all goes well here (AKA Meta being a SoB), there is going to be one kill because Meta would die before using division.

We know the other windrunner can't use a Basic lashing, so what should they do this cycle?

I mean, it doesn't really matter if we coordinate full lashings because the SoBs won't waste a kill to possibly implicate somebody... Right?

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I would say that the other Windrunner should be Full Lashing people this cycle, but I'm not sure whether or not they'll be doing the same as me and Full Lashing whoever they Squire. We didn't get quite into that sort of strategy, though I did suggest it. I think I would suggest that they Full Lash their recruitment target today as I did yesterday, if they get on in time to change their action this Cycle. Don't Full Lash a current Squire though, since I need to be defended today.


Also, to the Truthwatcher, don't bother Illuminating Meta unless he's not going to be lynched today for sure. No point wasting an action like that, after all. If we've Squired you, check the other Squires out. If not, then just continue as you were. I'm sure you have a plan. Maybe send me a code tonight (but not your name, of course), as we discussed for Meta. I will confirm whether or not I received a message from the Truthwatcher in the morning, and we can use that to identify innocents. Don't post that code before I confirm receiving it. It would also be best if there was a signal I could give specific to your PM, so that someone else doesn't send me another code.

Edited by Wyrmhero
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So, people, who do you find suspicious except Meta? Or Meta too for that matter if you haven't said anything about it.

I'm a little suspicious of Maill because he ignored the thing about Meta completely.

I ignored it because I didn't suspect Meta much. Now, the more I've thought about it and the more info that has come to light, the more I am convinced of his guiltiness. I don't discount Aladdin's evilness! but I'm going to vote for Metam. Sorry, Meta.

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Pardon my lack of contribution, but I


A) can't really contribute. I haven't been contacted, attacked, Lashed or anything. What' more, I'm a hopeless vanilla darkeyes. I can't really do anything.


B) I've either been sick or busy.


Also, I'm going to play this game non-erratically (like I've said so many times).


Edit: Huh. B + ) makes a  B) 

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Admittedly, it is smart to begin discussing other things now...


such as codes. if everybody sets up a personal code with Wurum, we can talk to him, and the TW and other WR can convey important stuffs to him.


the only problem there is code cracking...

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Metam watched as the mob against him grew in size. 

This wasn't what was supposed to happen! He was supposed to save them from themselves! They were supposed to repent their evil ways and live by the rules of the law! 




Metam hoped that they would now finally understand how just his cause was. They would see his righteous zeal for what it was; true devotion to the people of Roshar. He was here to save them, not himself.


Instead, his words only seemed to intensify their bloodlust and they tried to approach again. 


Metam scowled and spat at them. He swung again with his sign. They were blind and rather than allow themselves to be led by one of the few people who could see, they were jealous and sought to pull him down. He had failed them, but they had also failed themselves. 




With that, Metam swung one last time to give himself a head start and then leapt into the air, leaving the mob behind.





Well, as you guys can put together, that first cycle was absolutely the worst that could have happened to us! C'est la vie though. We've had enough games now that the villagers were bound to get this lucky eventually! :) 


To my brethren, Aonar, Gamma, and Mailliw are all squires. I'm listing all of them so that you all know instead of just those that are or will be in there in the future. I'm also pretty sure that Ash might be the Truthwatcher, and he already had scanned me. Thus why he jumped on me so quickly and never let go this cycle. And obviously, Wyrm is a Windrunner. :P I don't have a good guess as to who the final one is, but I could see Wyrm voting Jain to cover for him. You guys have your work cut out for you now! Best of luck! We can still stop this Desolation, so don't give up hope! :D


To the rest of you: I hate you all now and I will never forgive you. :P Not really. Good game! I just wish I had had more time to finally be evil! I had such wonderful plans for all of you! Mwahahaha!!! B)

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The Famed Gamin sighed at the crazed man's even crazier declaration. He almost felt sorry for the man. He believed that Metam believed he was in the right of things. What villain didn't?

But he was wrong about one thing. Even if the Final Desolation were truly coming, there was still hope.

"Because they have ME!" The Famed Gamin exclaimed, jumping up and down in his yellow boots, splashing the muck-water of the puddles he was standing in everywhere. "I am the Master of everything, and I tell you we can survive!" He grabbed a handful of spheres he had relinquished off of the claimed-Skybreaker and inhaled the Stormlight contained within them.

"I have been taken as a Squire, as my fellow "squire" was so kind to announce to everybody. So fear not! The Famed Gamin is hard at work to keep evil at bay! I have not fallen for this serpent's tricks! It takes more than that to deceive The Master!"

"And you!" The Famed Gamin said, walking up to the Radiant Wurum, standing proud and tall. "Be more careful of who you recruit!" And with that, The Famed Gamin smacked the Windrunner upside the head with one hand, and stole the large pouch of dun spheres with the other. While they were useless now, within the next highstorm, they'd be useful again. Stormfather knew they would still need all the help they could get in hunting down that other SoB.


Well, that confession certainly makes the rest of this cycle easier. There's obviously no point in hiding Squireship anymore. :P Luckily, we haven't revealed what Lashings we actually have in the Squire Doc, yet, for out of caution against a leak.... (which turned out to be a good idea, apparently) so there's not too much damage done in there. I'll start pouring over what he's all said in there, and what he's posted in-thread, and we should probably take a closer look at those who defended him earlier in the cycle when he still had a hope of possibly surviving the cycle at least.

Good job with the Full Lashing last night, Wurum! (Even if you did invite the enemy into your encampment at the same time....) :P


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That was nice of you Metam.  I was just catching up on what I had missed and was going to post a defence for you when you decide to reveal everything.  Very nice of you indeed.

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I'm sorry I haven't been very active. Now that I've sort of caught up, it looks like I missed quite a bit. On top of yesterday's henchman lynch, there's been the revelation of a Windrunner, a Skybreaker confession, and a list of all the Squires.  :blink:
I'll vote Metam now, since he confessed. I haven't sorted through everything enough yet to add anything else yet. I'll try to be more active, but given how busy I am and how my computer is acting, I can't make any guarantees.
Are we still going to do that bombard Wurum with messages plan for in case the Truthwatcher decides to give him a code so that a Reverse Lashing is less likely to be effective?

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Day 4 - Radiant Glory

Reginar wasn’t too late this time.  He strode into the Eye of the Storm again, a stern look across his face.  Everyone had shown up today, finally.  Reginar managed a smile.  At least they had finally decided what was most important.  Reginar ignored that, however, and focused on the discussion.

“Weren’t those Skybreakers supposed to be able to kill people?” Aladdin asked, confused.  “If there are two of them, what happened with the second one?”

“Hmm, that’s a good point,” Serji nodded.  “And I recall that Metam said he was going to vote against you yesterday, but he never showed up for the vote.  Coincidence?”

Metam looked at the others, aghast.  “It wasn’t fair!  Somebody Lashed me to the top of a pole last night, and I couldn’t get back down until the Lashing wore off!  Storming unfair, especially with the END OF THE WORLD COMING IN ONE DAY!!!”  He gestured dramatically over to the wall again, where there was yet another message.

“One day remains,” the message read.  “Then Odium shall reign, and the Voidbringers of old shall arrive.  You will not survive.  And I’m sorry.”

Tunnib harrumphed.  “I still think that’s a hoax.  And the lack of a second kill makes me think Metam was the second Skybreaker.”

It’s not me!” Metam shouted.  Those nearest him lurched back, frightened by his vehemence.  “I became a Squire last night.  I can prove it.”  Metam inhaled, draining the Stormlight out of Famed Gamin’s spheres, to Gamin’s disappointment.  Metam began to glow.

“That proves nothing,” Wurum scowled, his arms crossed.

“Oh yeah?” Metam asked.  “And how exactly did you heal so quickly from that fight last night?  I hear that you took quite a blow to the back.”

“Why yes, I did,” Wurum said, his voice cold.  “I’m a Windrunner.  And, unlike you, I can prove it.”  Wurum lunged at Metam, clenching his arm, and shoved it onto a nearby table.  When Wurum let go, Metam’s arm remained there, bound by a pool of Stormlight.  “Only a Windrunner or Bondsmith can do that,” Wurum explained.  “And I know that you aren’t either of those orders.”

Metam glared at Wurum.  “You want to kill me, then?  Fine.  Just realize that if you do kill me, you will be doomed.  The Desolation will come.”

“I don’t think so,” Reginar countered, walking over to Metam.  “Not yet, at least.”

“What do you mean?” Metam asked, frowning.

Reginar pointed over to the writing on the wall.  “I came in here earlier this morning, and waited, to see who would show up.  The only person who came was you.  I know you’re not a Truthwatcher; I saw you Lash yourself upwards and fly off after you wrote your little message.”  Reginar chuckled.  “It was a clever ruse, Metam.  You tried to get us focused on the upcoming Desolation, rather than trying to find you.  Unfortunately for you, we figured it all out too soon.”

Metam glanced over at the message that he had written.  “Fine,” he mumbled.  “But you’ve made a huge mistake.  With the return of the Radiants, a Desolation is certain to arrive.  Maybe not yet, but soon.  Very soon.  You’ve doomed yourselves, you must realize it.”

“Well, alright then,” Reginar sighed.  “Let’s make this quick.  Would you like to do the honors, Wurum?”

Wurum smiled mischievously, a Shardblade appearing in his hands.  “Gladly.”

Metam, ignoring the Shardblade, laughed.  “Bwahahaha!  Oh, you think you can actually take on a Skybreaker, criminal?  I honestly don’t know how the honorspren chose you, Wurum, out of all of the lowly people in this town.  Your bond is weak.  I know it.  Unfortunately, I’m quite experienced.”

“Your arm’s stuck to a table,” Famed Gamin noted.  “Seems like you’re already off to a disadvantage.”

“You!” Metam shouted.

“Me!” Famed Gamin replied, grinning.

“Don’t think we’re not onto you, Truthwatcher,” Metam scowled.  “Yes, we figured it all out.  How else could a man be able to speak of kingdoms that haven’t existed yet?  We knew you could see the future the moment we saw you.  Well, it’s a shame, because your future is about to be cut short.”

A Shardblade appeared in Metam’s hands, and he sliced the table that his arm was stuck to, Lashing himself towards Famed Gamin.  The two collided, and Metam Lashed himself back down.

Wurum rushed towards Metam, but he had already succeeded in lopping one of Famed Gamin’s arms off.

“Ha!” Famed Gamin laughed, breathing in Stormlight from one of the spheres he had pickpocketed.  His arm began to regrow, a growing nub of light where his right arm just was.  “That’s not the first time that’s happened, I can tell you that!”

Metam raised his Shardblade for another blow, but Wurum came in, colliding with Metam and Lashing him to the wall several times.  Before Metam could regain his senses, he had crashed through the wall of the Eye of the Storm at a vicious speed.  Wurum Lashed himself through the opening as well.

“It appears that you have underestimated me, Skybreaker,” Wurum said, landing on the ground next to Metam.

Metam just chuckled insanely, and Lashed himself upwards, streaking off towards the white clouds in the midday sky.  Wurum, checking his Stormlight reserves, breathed in some more Stormlight from a couple of spheres in his pocket, and followed.

Metam continued flying, heading towards the ocean.  What is that storming man up to? Wurum thought, frowning.  He shook his head, continuing to chase Metam through the sky, past billowing clouds and laughing windspren.  After reaching the shore, Metam continued flying, faster, dropping down a bit lower to the sea below.

He’s getting away! Wurum thought.  What will we do?

Follow him! a feminine voice said in his mind.  Faster!

“But he’s a stronger surgebinder!” Wurum protested, Lashing himself towards Metam another time, gaining speed.

He’s lying! the voice told him.  You can take him!

“Then why is he…” Wurum stopped, checking his Stormlight reserves.  Oh no…  Ignoring Metam, Wurum Lashed himself back towards the coast.  Hopefully, he had enough Stormlight to get back to shore.  Why didn’t you realize that was his plan? Wurum scolded himself.  He released his Shardblade, and it took the form of a tiny female figure.  She called herself Heran.

“It’s not your fault,” Wurum’s spren sighed, gliding around him, enjoying the breeze.  “The Skybreakers… they are not to be trusted.”

“Tell me about it,” Wurum grumbled, looking towards the coast, which – from his orientation – was down.

“They…” Heran cut off.  “Wurum!  Look up!”

Wurum complied, seeing Metam burst through a cloud, a wicked grin on his face, barreling towards Wurum.  How did he--?  Heran quickly transformed into a shield, allowing Wurum to block Metam’s weight.  Wurum continued flying towards the coast, with Metam directly alongside him.

Metam attacked with his Shardblade, pounding against Metam’s shield.  Heran reverted back into a sword, Wurum’s weapon of choice.  The two flew towards the coast, exchanging strikes and parries.

As soon as Wurum was above land, he Lashed himself downwards, with Metam closely following him.  Before he hit the ground, Wurum Lashed himself partially upwards to slow the fall.  Storms, he thought, I barely have any Stormlight left, Heran.

Then find some spheres! Heran shouted in his mind.

Metam struck, Lashing himself slightly upwards to give him extra height to his attack.  Wurum parried and took off into an alleyway, searching for Stormlight.  Metam, still with plenty of Stormlight raging in him, ran faster and took a swing at Wurum.  Wurum ducked, instinctively using up his remaining Stormlight to increase his reaction speed and block the attack.

Damnation! Wurum swore.  Why didn’t I buy Naihar’s Miracle Stormlight?  That could’ve been storming useful right now!

Metam and Wurum ran into the town square.  “There he is!” someone shouted.  Metam turned, seeing a large mob of people glaring at him.  Metam glared right back.


The mob, only enraged, advanced on Metam.


“Quickly!” Wurum shouted to the mob.  “Give me your spheres!  I have some glowing that needs to be done.”  Several of the mob handed Wurum their spheres.  Wurum held the spheres, breathing in their Stormlight, and Lashed himself upwards, a renewed vigor inside of him.

Metam landed on a flat rooftop nearby, steadying his feet.  Wurum landed behind him, his Shardblade ready to strike at that vile fiend.

“You forget,” Metam chuckled, “that there is a surge that I have that you do not.  Division.”  Suddenly, the rooftop shook violently, and the roof below Wurum cracked and shattered, breaking into thousands of small fragments of stone.  Wurum Lashed himself upwards, and the stone fragments, glowing with Stormlight, followed him.

Wurum swung at the pieces of stone with his Shardblade, destroying great swathes of them.  Metam quickly Lashed himself upwards, aiming his Shardblade at Wurum.  Heran quickly formed into a shield, blocking the remaining stone chunks and Metam’s blade.

Wurum ignored the stones, and formed Heran back into a sword, striking Metam with several brutal blows.  Metam’s Shardblade formed into a shield to block the attacks, and then formed into a spear.

Wurum Lashed himself slightly away from Metam as the two soared higher into the sky.  Metam stabbed outwards with his spear, and Wurum Lashed to the left, dodging the attack.  Wurum Lashed himself downwards, and Metam gave pursuit, his spear out in front of him.  Wurum directed his Lashing, landing softly onto another rooftop, this one slanted.  Wurum climbed to the top of the rooftop as Metam landed.

“It’s finished, criminal,” Metam growled, his spear pointed at Wurum’s chest.

Wurum smiled.  “Unfortunately, you seem to have forgotten that there is a surge that I have that you do not.  It’s called Adhesion.  Seems like you’re in a bit of a sticky situation there, eh?”

Metam looked down at the glowing pool of Stormlight at his feet.  His spear formed into a Shardblade, and he parried two of Wurum’s attacks.  Then, he sliced the roof around him, causing the roof beneath him to crumble and fall.

As Metam fell, Wurum applied a Reverse Lashing to a place at the top of the roof, where it was still intact.  The falling pieces of the roof, including the one Metam was Lashed to, funneled upwards, towards the roof’s apex.

Wurum smiled, seeing the look of horror on Metam’s face as he was drawn upwards, towards Wurum.  Wurum slammed his Shardblade down on Metam, severing his head.

Nodding his head to the fallen Radiant, Wurum Lashed himself away.


Metam (7): Jain, Aladdin, Wurum, Rulit, Mallaw, Famed Gamin, Gart, Lyce

No Vote: Serji, Kaladen, Twlv, Faisan, Metam, Tunnib, Tahrin Resten, Naihar

Day 4 has begun!  The cycle will end in 48 hours.

Metam was a Skybreaker!
Famed Gamin is a Truthwatcher, and survived an attack!

(A note: Metam did not actually attack Famed Gamin or Wurum, as the lynch would’ve killed him before he would be able to use Division.  That was purely for RP purposes.  Famed Gamin was attacked, though.)

Player List


1. Serji (Sir Jerric)
2. Jain (Lightsworn Panda)
3. Kaladen (Kal Dell)
4. Aladdin (Ashiok)
5. Twlv (twelfthrootoftwo)
6. Wurum (Wyrmhero)
7. Madame Quismet (Quitecontrary)
8. Rulit (Tulir)
9. Mallaw (Mailliw73)
10. Jeno (The Only Joe) - Henchman
11. Faisan (AonarFaileas)
12. Famed Gamin (Gamma Fiend) - Truthwatcher
13. Metam (Metacognition) - Skybreaker
14. Tunnib (Binnut)
15. Gart (a smart guy)
16. Tahrin Resten (Theorymaker)
17. Naihar (Alvron)
18. Lyce (luckat)

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The Famed Gamin laughed at the attempt on his life. Like he said, it wasn't the first time such a thing had happened.

"I told ALL of you!" He yelled, jumping up and down in his yellow boots. "Don't you all know who the storms I am? I'm The Master! You can't hurt me!"

"Uh, actually, they can hurt you now...." His spren reminded him, appearing at his feet. "Your secret is out. They won't fall for it a second time."

The Famed Gamin frowned. "Well, I still knew Metam was a no good liar the entire day! I at least tried to warn them, and surprisingly they listened. Now if they could just keep my protected from these filthy SoBs....."


Knew that one was coming. XD But yeah, I am your Trustwatcher and I had scanned Meta on Night 2, so I knew he was lying the whole day, just needed to try and subtly put proper suspicion on him, probably wouldn't have been possible without Wurum's Full Lash on him, so that definitely helped.

If I do die after this cycle, know that
Aonar can be trusted! Since there's really no need for codes or anything, anymore.....

edit: I got the Memo. But since I'm revealed, no need to RP anything in return, Memo Sender.

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