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Mid-Range Game 2: Servants of Honor


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1714618314910. This is a code for someone trusted who I was lucky enough to send a message to previously. I'm defending it now, since I know I'll be asked. No need to reply, recipient.

Wow. We're doing good. One henchman and one SB down. That's as good as LG3 and I think a new record! Ash is still suspect, but with his accusation of Meta, I don't think he is a SB anymore. I don't know who my next guess would be. Rulit and Naihar, I am watching too. Those three are my biggest suspicions so far.

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"A Skybreaker?!  Storms, this might be easier than we thought!" Rulit said half-seriously as he stared in awe at Wurum.  An actual Radiant had just helped them.  Well, Gamin was one as well, but Rulit didn't have that high of an opinion of that man.


Ok, really, this is by far the best for a Long Game, as Mallaw said.  No innocents dead and it is Day 4!  I am going to vote for Aladdin, as Meta's point still is valid if he was trying to throw us off track.  You didn't try to defend yourself last Cycle, will you this one?

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Aladdin walked past Twilv, hawking his wares.

"So... Mr.Truthwatcher... I'm coming under suspicion now, I think you can help me out."


Jeez tulir, and we were housemates last game. I even gave you a code to use to contact me and everything.


I'm being extremely helpful to the village right now, I pointed out a discrepancy in the votes, and used that to find a skybreaker. Would I lose the second kill just to hide myself, then point it out?


Now, we have to coordinate Lashings so our power roles can survive. I'll let the Truthwatcher and known Windrunner dictate what to do, but if you want them, I have ideas.

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Ashiok, really? Since when is it ever the right idea to let trusted roles dictate everything and give up on providing your own input? More talking is always valuable.
I'm behind on my reading through the game thread. Got busy with other things, so I've got about 90% of the previous day's posts to ponder over again. I sent no message last night, but I did receive one. A rather odd one at that. Unsigned, but I suspect Ashiok based on yesterday's conversation between him and Tulir.
”?emal uoY
.tsop siht egasseM .desrever egassem siht tosP"

What do you think? Am I too literal? ;)
Interesting events. Looks like my decision to trust Gamma based on his reply was justified. I'll come back to offer thoughts once I've had a chance to ponder everything properly, which might not be until after work tomorrow.

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Wow, Ash. Nice one. :P

I sent a message and received none.

Mallaw watched the scene unfold. A Skybreaker and Windrunner and Truthwatcher all in this one town! He began to glow softly. Without realizing it, Mallaw had sucked in some Stormlight. He could help! By the time he realized what he could do, Metam was dead and the other two were alive. He decided then and there to hunt down the other Skybreaker and kill him. An arrow should do the job. Or maybe a knife. Mallaw grinned.

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No messages from or to me. I've decided to go out of my way (I don't normally do stuff like this) and analyze the votes. Here goes:


On Day 2, the voting results were:

Jain (1): Wurum

Kaladen (1)

Aladdin (0): Metam

Jeno (2): Tunnib

Naihar (1): Mallaw


On Day 3, the results were:

Metam (7): Jain, Aladdin, Wurum, Rulit, Mallaw, Famed Gamin, Gart, Lyce


The votes every player made are as follows. Note how I have highlighted the non-lynched/evil players:


Wurum: Jain, Metam

Aladdin: 0, Metam

Tunnib: Jeno, 0

Mallaw: Naihar, Metam

Metam: Aladdin, 0

Rulit: 0, Metam

Jain: 0, Metam

Gamin: 0, Metam

Gart: 0, Metam

Lyce: 0, Metam


No Vote: Serji, Kaladen, Twlv, Faisan, Tahrin Resten, Naihar, Jeno, Quismet


Hmm... can't see much. Right, I might as well analyze the statistical odds of what role people could have if we lynch them.


We have 3 confirmed Squires, a (tentatively) confirmed Windrunner and Truthwatcher, that leaves 11 people in the pool of people that we don't know the roles of. Assuming that the Windrunners recruited 2 again,  then we have a pool 9 vanillas (including Henchmen) to pick from (there is a possibility that the other SB is a Squire).


We have a 1/14 chance of voting a SB

We have a 2/11 chance of accidentally voting a Squire.

We have a  9/14 chance of voting a vanilla (this includes Henchmen).


Umm... That's it. I feel like I've missed something.

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Alright. My two cents on lashings are this.

First: do we know how many henchmen there are? If there are two or less in total, we are fine.

Second: The second WR has a basic lashing available. Let's keep him on wurum for the time being. Therefore, squires, it's up to y'all not to Full lash him, and to basic Gamma.

Edit: nope, not my message Jerric

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Aladdin walked past Twilv, hawking his wares.

"So... Mr.Truthwatcher... I'm coming under suspicion now, I think you can help me out."


Jeez tulir, and we were housemates last game. I even gave you a code to use to contact me and everything.


I'm being extremely helpful to the village right now, I pointed out a discrepancy in the votes, and used that to find a skybreaker. Would I lose the second kill just to hide myself, then point it out?


Now, we have to coordinate Lashings so our power roles can survive. I'll let the Truthwatcher and known Windrunner dictate what to do, but if you want them, I have ideas.


Of course I can neither confirm nor deny I will be scanning you tonight, as any indication of who I will actually be scanning can not be relied upon publicly. There a quite a few viable targets for me to chose from. Also, from past games and arguments people have made against Trusts/Coalitions, you really shouldn't just wait around for Trusted people to dictate to you what to do. This is still going to be a group effort, and I am going to try my damnedest to prevent "Horde Mentality" in how this game will be moving forward. As Gamut in LG3,, and one of the bystanders in LG4, I know first hand how sour of a taste that can leave in players' mouths to just be told what to do, and I will try and avoid that as much as possible. Your input as an individual is still just as valid as mine, and actually, I will be relying on everything everybody has to say going forward to make my decisions. The less people just sit around waiting for orders, the better, IMO.

Also, there is no way you are cleared simply because you were the first to point out the discrepancy in the number of votes and the lack of SoB kills. Also, since Meta was the Skybreaker, you pointing out that missed kill doesn't clear you from being the other Skybreaker at all. Not saying that I suspect you, but if that's your best argument against being a SoB or Henchman, that's not very strong at all. Meta's kill was the only kill missing last Cycle, and that's already been accounted for with the Full Lashing.


And just what would Tulir being a housemate with you last game have to do with this game, exactly? As far as this game is concerned, absolutely everything that has happened in this sub-forum so far is completely irrelevant.  So I really hope you can come up with a better argument than that before this cycle ends.

To everybody else: Now don't take my addressing of Ashiok specifically as any sort of sign of guilt or suspicion. It was just me responding to a few statements in thread. I completely encourage the continued discussion of everything that has happened, and everybody's opinion and input is equally valid right now. I implore all of you to not just sit around and wait for orders to be handed to you. This is a group effort.

Also, Jain, what point was bolding those names in your post? The only confirmed Evil players in this specific game are Meta and Jeno, so I don't see why you selected those names specifically at the moment.

Oh, and to answer Wurum's accusations earlier (now that you know I'm actually legit and on the villagers side), the reason I voted Serji at first was because of his message to me. It just totally sounded like potential recruitment to me from the SoBs, and even if his argument is legit about him wanting to test me for my response, I was still wary. And the fact that, even though his Codes were an attempt to try and help Villagers out with the Reverse Lashing mechanic this game, I just felt like all of his effort was geared towards those Message Codes, which I had come forward and declared that I felt they were a distraction this game. Why should people spend all of their efforts sneaking around with Messages this game, when most of the foot-work will be done in-thread? I was just wary that he was trying to distract all of us with that. I of course could be very wrong, given Jerric's previous play style, but it was something that I was cautious of, coupled with his message.

One interesting thing to note, is Meta in the Squire Doc had basically given his own "all clear" of Serji so far in the game, from Jerric's attempts with the codes and his defense on when being called out Cycle 2. Now the thing to consider with that is, when Meta had decided that there was no use playing any games or not anymore, as he was clearly the top suspect that Cycle. But this was still early on when he said this, so I am not positive if it was a potential distraction from him or not. (The possibilities are that Meta tried easing suspicion off of his team-mate with his "logical" clearing of Serji, or if he wanted to try and be seen defending Serji for when he was eventually lynched so people would look at him next).

I, along with the other Squires, and with the help of everyone else in thread -- pouring over what Meta has all said so far -- will need to determine what the actual intentions of those declarations are. Reminder: We will still need everybody's help figuring this out.

Disclaimer: I am pretty drunk right now, so I hope that everything above makes sense, and there was something else I wanted to bring up, but forgot it. >.< But I just wait to reiterate, do not feel like your opinion is useless going forward, everybody. This is a group effort.

Um.... Trustwatcher (AKA The Master) signing off for now. O.o


Edit: I remember now! I meant to say, I hopefully don't need to worry about being Full Lashed now for the rest of the game, as I highly doubt that the Windrunner's would do such a thing to me now, and if I were to be Full Lashed, that would leave only the Squires as possible perpetrators, which would help narrow down the field on who is a Henchman. (Although my paranoid side does tell me that a Henchman could still do such a thing, if they want to draw attention towards themselves and away from any possible SoB). Either way, I just wanted to say something about that.


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Wurum held his arm out in front of him, and his Shardblade burst into mist, only to be replaced by the small figure of a Spren. He smiled a little as he walked away from Metam's body. He pointed at one of his more trusted enforcers, and then back behind him. The man scooped up the dead Shardblade with something akin to reverence in his eyes, though he knew he would probably not be allowed to keep it.


No, it wasn't just him. All the townsfolk were staring at him with that sort of look, when they weren't giving the same treatment to the now-appropriately-named Famed Gamin. Breathing in the last of his current Stormlight, he lashed himself away in a somewhat selfish fit of showmanship. It's good to be The King.


I believe I know who got Full Lashed this cycle, and will eliminate them from my considerations, considering the second kill went through. Nope, no idea.


At this point, I'm surprised that Meta was a Skybreaker. I was starting to doubt, near the end. In addition to that, the futher I read that (excellent) writeup, the more I was convinced it was going to be a 'mutual' kill (i.e, we lynch Meta, Meta's ally kills me).


And they hit the Truthwatcher as well, which means that over two Cyles, they hit almost half the Roles they needed to kill. I'm not sure whether that's luck or not. I'd be most interested in who Meta tried to attack last Cycle.


Kind of a shame that you'd already checked Meta out, really. Would've been nice to have a different player confirmed. Ah well, we're doing well enough that that's not a problem for us. Even if we have got 2/3rds of us revealed.

As for who should be Basic Lashed... That's a difficult question. Both myself and Gamma need protecting, but for different reasons. Gamma has lost a life and is the only way to prove guilt or innocence in this game for definite, whereas if a Windrunner dies, then we lose a guaranteed pair of Lashings every pair of Cycles, and won't be able to protect him the next time. Still, there are currently 5 Squires, 4 Squires not including Gamma, since he shouldn't need to use a Lashing if possible. That means we are likely to have a Full Lash in the hands of a good Squire (though they should probably target Gamma, since he's in there with them, and my ally Basic Lash me.


Finally, I got five messages last night. One from Gamma, berating me for picking Meta as a Squire (In response, I was so Storming careful that I stopped him from doing anything the same Cycle :P), one simply saying 'spam', one bit of actual spam (Though at least it wasn't from an Alethi Highprince with 1,000,000 diamond broams locked away in his bank account...), and two other bits.


As for analysing the previous votes... It's difficult to say. We're still really early into the game, so we don't have much information to go on. The only reason we got Joe was due to inactivity and luck, and the reason we got Meta was because he's a high-profile player which, sadly for him this game, makes people test his loyalties.


People who voted for Metam before he revealed himself, in order: Wurum, Famed Gamin, Mallaw

People who didn't vote for Metam until he revealed himself, in order: Rulit, Jain, Lyce

I can't find Aladdin's vote for Metam in the previous thread? But he voted for Metam at some point too.


One of these seven other than myself and Gamma (since he cleared Aonar) was also Full Lashed by my ally and hence declared innocent of being a Skybreaker. Unfortunately, I'm not sure who my ally picked, since they never mentioned it to me first.


I can also possibly discount a few people who sent me messages last night, I think. Obviously, I'm not certain, nor did the other Skybreaker necessarily bandwagon a vote. But considering we have so few votes this game, I don't think a straight vote analysis will help us much here.


I won't vote yet, but I 100% agree with that Gamma says. We should not rely on Illumination or Full Lashings to reveal anything immediately useful. While we could use it to get up to two confirmations each day, it will take us a long time to get this done right, and it is vulnerable to disruption as well (with our deaths, for instance). I always tell people to discuss and vote, and this game is no exception.


To start things off properly, why haven't Serji, Twlv, Tahrin or Naihar voted yet?

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I, along with the other Squires, and with the help of everyone else in thread -- pouring over what Meta has all said so far -- will need to determine what the actual intentions of those declarations are. 



You know it's impossible and you know that you saw Wurum kill him with a shardblade. There is no returning from that. 

Still, on the breeze, it's almost as if you can hear Metam's laughter. Good Luck with that guys! 

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The Famed Gamin stopped in his excited stomping of the puddles, muck and puddle-water pouring off of his bright yellow boots, "Did any of you hear that?" He asked everyone standing nearby. "I dunno about you, but the storming wind should stay underneath the bridge where it belongs!"

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"Don't be ridiculous," Wurum muttered, glancing at the Truthwatcher carefully out of the corner of his eye. "Your order always jumps at shadows." He was grateful that he stood far enough back to avoid most of the fool's splashing. He'd already had one suit ripped by these attacks, he didn't need another stained by someone who should be an ally.


Come to think of it, I would like to know what Naihar's reasonings were for defending Metam, though he never got around to it.

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I would like to ask Alladin if he cares to tell us who he sent his message to this turn. Or rather if he sent it to me or not. And it could be helpful if someone else could step in and verify that if he sent to you, if possible.

I actually got my first message today, and there is something that doesn't’t add up in it.

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I had the first post, pointing out the Full lashing on him and voting for him.

For some unknown reason, I sent the message to gamma. 


We have four squires WITH lashings. Hopefully, at least one Basic Lashing.

Next cycle, hopefully we'll have 6 squires w/ lashings, and gain a Basic lashing. otherwise, wurum dies...


also, I would like to see Nahiar's reasoning too.

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Could Gamma confirm that? (at least the presence of a message signed from him.)

The thing is that I received a message signed with Aladdin claiming that he was the Truthwatcher. Claiming to have scanned me, and sending the message to me instead of to Wurum because no one would guess it.

If Gamma can confirm, then this is simply missinformation. Otherwise, I'm actually suspecting Aladdin even though he was first on accusing Meta.

Edit: Wyrm: Ash's vote is not in red, I guess he didn’t have computer access. He wrote it as red:Meta or something.

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Time for some RP!

Aladdin walked out of the Eye of the Storm, and saw giant rocks everywhere. There must have been a fight last night, with a lot of explosions... I wonder what happened. I must have slept through a fight... I'm going back to sleep.

Aladdin walked back into the Eye of the Storm, and went to sleep.

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What? Ashiok, you're avoiding the question. So my vote is red: Ashiok.


Honestly, Meta died because of a simple coincidence. However, coincidences are the most powerful part of this game. Nothing is insignificant, and claiming to be the Truthwatcher is not good. Ashiok, stop playing madly.

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I didn't claim to be the truthwatcher, and there was a signal for gamma in that RP...

I'm probably going a bit too far on the whole codes bit... But whatevs.

I DID NOT send a message to Binnut saying something that could be so easily turned against me. 

I sent a message to gamma, I never used my name in it, but left a means of verification and that last RP post used that verification.

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If that's true (and I can't believe it wouldn't be, considering how easy it would be for Gamma to say you didn't message him), that means that either Binnut is lying, or someone is pretending to be Ashiok and get him lynched. Not surprising, considering how haphazard he's been, Ashiok'd make a good choice for a lynch. So I think we can probably rule Ashiok out as a suspect, in this case. I want Binnut to post the entire message (if that's allowed, come to think of it).


There are two simple options here:


1) Binnut is an Elimminator, and the vote on the first day was either accidental or a ruse.

2) Binnut was targeted by an Eliminator for a message as he was trusted from his lynch of Jeno. He could then be lynched after Ashiok for lying the next day.


I am doubtful that it is a lie on Binnut's part. It would be ridiculous of him to try such a thing without knowing where Ashiok sent his last message. So, we need to look at players who did not sign messages last Cycle. I received messages claiming to be from: Gamma, [no idea], Mailliw, Alvron and luckat. If anyone did not send me messages like that, say so. If anyone wants to own up to the spam one, please do so by quoting the full message.


List of players, crossed out with who can't have sent that message according to what I received last night:

1. Serji (Sir Jerric) - Claims to have sent no message.

2. Jain (Lightsworn Panda)

3. Kaladen (Kal Dell)

4. Aladdin (Ashiok) - Gamma confirmed he was messaged by Aladdin

5. Twlv (twelfthrootoftwo) - Messaged Wurum

6. Wurum (Wyrmhero) - Obviously it isn't me

7. Madame Quismet (Quitecontrary)

8. Rulit (Tulir)

9. Mallaw (Mailliw73) - Messaged Wurum

10. Jeno (The Only Joe) - Dead, obviously can't have sent it

11. Faisan (AonarFaileas) - He's been confirmed innocent, so I very much doubt it's him

12. Famed Gamin (Gamma Fiend) - Confirmed innocent, also messaged me

13. Metam (Metacognition) - Can't have sent it, as lynching happens before messages

14. Tunnib (Binnut) - He's either lying or it actually was received by him. Claims to have messaged me but it was never received

15. Gart (a smart guy) - Claims to have messaged Jerric the ketek. Unless someone contradicts, this is true.

16. Tahrin Resten (Theorymaker)

17. Naihar (Alvron) - Messaged Wurum

18. Lyce (luckat) - Messaged Wurum


Anyone else got messages with signatures to claim?

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It would have been a bad coincidence for you, if you are telling the truth that is...

One thing that made me doubt it being you and being someone else was that there were no verification method enclosed. You have used them before as have been evident in thread, but why not now?

I had a theory that Gamma could have sent it, but wanted to use someone else's name, but that message is accounted for as it seems.

The most likely just SO missinformation in the works.

Edit: This is apparently not going my way... I did also send you a message, and it was signed, could be a spam one with signature fallen away, id (784).

Or a reverse lashing in the works.

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The message: “Well, Metam was right about one thing, I am the Truthwatcher.  I didn't, however, scan him, I instead scanned you.  I am sending this because obviously I found out that you are a villager, and I don't want to reveal myself.  Most people will be sending messages to Wurum, so this one will probably get through to you.  I may contact you in the future if I scan an Eliminator, but good luck on surviving the game.


Message I sent to Wurum:

"(784) Hi!

This is mostly to try to make sure that any sensitive message sent to you isn't stolen.

But I really hope that you are alive to get it.

I added a sequence number in case of further messages. 

Kind Regards


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Message I sent to Wurum:

"(784) Hi!

This is mostly to try to make sure that any sensitive message sent to you isn't stolen.

But I really hope that you are alive to get it.

I added a sequence number in case of further messages. 

Kind Regards



I never recieved that message. If you are telling the truth, then this suggests that there is a second Henchman, who we have also made a Squire. Oy... Well, at least it's not Gamma or Aonar. That means there's only one choice for them, and if it is them, then I am very disappointed in us Windrunners for recruiting them on the same bloody Cycle >>.


Obviously I speak of Mailliw, since Meta revealed all the other Squires before he died. So either Binnut or Mailliw is an Eliminator.

  • If Mailliw, then he is a Henchman (assuming Binnut isn't an Eliminator and wouldn't offer a Skybreaker up like this). This does also mean that he both messaged and Reverse Lashed me on the same Cycle, which could just be misdirection. Note that both Meta and Mailliw have tried to lynch Ashiok on previous Cycles (before Mailliw placed the fourth vote on Meta). Also, why did Mailliw vote for Meta if he didn't think Meta was evil? Both of the last two posts on Cycle 2 by Mailliw sound off to me.
  • If Mailliw is innocent, then Binnut is not, or Aonar decided to Reverse Lash me of all people, which I'm pretty sure we can immediately discount. This would mean that Binnut did indeed vote for and sacrifice a Henchman on Cycle 2, and he's most likely our Skybreaker. However, I do not think this anywhere near as likely, since he's basically offering himself up after one more Cycle if so.


Edit: Do send in those messages with signatures though. Even if Mailliw is an Eliminator, I would prefer to see if we can narrow it down and lynch the Skybreaker if at all possible, rather than kill a Henchman. The discrepency should be obvious if we get a list of all the players who sent and received messages.

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I never used the numbers, they are too easy to fake the first time and go from there. I use things in RP, or random words that need to be posted. that way, the only people who know both are the recipient and the sender (different codes each time)


Much more verifiable that way.

I only received one message all game. I have reason to believe it was from Tulir (by his strange hints including Tonul and Venture)

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I only received one message all game. I have reason to believe it was from Tulir (by his strange hints including Tonul and Venture)


Though everyone has access to the Venture House docs, and it was well known that Tonul was a member of House Venture in the previous game, so it's not difficult to fake a message including those two words. More importantly, was this message received last Cycle, or before?

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