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Mid-Range Game 2: Servants of Honor


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Voting for Twlv.  He has kept very quiet this game while in other games he is more active.  By posting just once of twice per cycle Twlv is easily flying under the radar.  I find it suspicious as it is a change in their normal posting cycle.


Twlv has been online today, so he should have been able to pop in and say something, it is true as Naihar says that he has been a lot more active in earlier games.

Unfortunately, circumstances change. In this case, I went back to uni between my lynch in the last game and the beginning of this one. It's a lot more convenient for me to make longer posts less often now.

As for what I was doing while I was on earlier, it was research:

Binnut, that message definitely doesn't sound like Ash.

I'm going to try a slightly different approach to this. Mallaw is right; the message Tunnib posted is recognisably not Aladdin. Since the author didn't succeed in imitating Aladdin's language, I think it's reasonable to expect they left their own language instead. So it might be possible to identify where the message came from that way. (Hypothesis: my initial feeling with this was that it sounded like Jain.)

I picked out two particular grammatical elements here, which I think are the most distinctive hallmarks:
sentences formed by two main clauses without a conjunction, and non-use of contractions.

“Well, Metam was right about one thing, I am the Truthwatcher.  I didn't, however, scan him, I instead scanned you.  I am sending this because obviously I found out that you are a villager, and I don't want to reveal myself.  Most people will be sending messages to Wurum, so this one will probably get through to you.  I may contact you in the future if I scan an Eliminator, but good luck on surviving the game.



I then went through the posts (starting from signups) of those who haven't had their messages confirmed, looking for these elements.

Character: No. instances I noted


Serji: 0
I was a bit lazy here, since Jerric has made some fairly long posts that I didn't have the time to read through fully. I went up to his first post in the first cycle, where he brought up uses for messaging, and included his message to Gamma.

Jain: 2

"I fell off my chair I was laughing that hard" http://www.17thshard.com/forum/topic/15336-mid-range-game-2-servants-of-honor/?p=165384
"As of yet, I have not received nor sent any messages." http://www.17thshard.com/forum/topic/15336-mid-range-game-2-servants-of-honor/?p=170894

Kaladen: 0
An admittedly small sample size; I'm not discounting him.

Quismet: 4
"And there are not enough new faces!"
"She may have to downsize soon, let go of some of her girls."

"Hmm, maybe this town is not a total waste, after all." http://www.17thshard.com/forum/topic/15336-mid-range-game-2-servants-of-honor/?p=164906
"...since the car I'm in doesn't deal well..."
"I'm by far the most ordinary inkeeper in the game, have not received messages at all.http://www.17thshard.com/forum/topic/15336-mid-range-game-2-servants-of-honor/?p=170729
I've included a couple of exceptions here, since I think they're valuable.

Rulit: 3

"...I will still be able to participate, but I am just letting you all know." http://www.17thshard.com/forum/topic/15336-mid-range-game-2-servants-of-honor/?p=168196
"...I am sure both view the other as rogue." http://www.17thshard.com/forum/topic/15336-mid-range-game-2-servants-of-honor/?p=170912
"No, I think you are right about that, Serji." http://www.17thshard.com/forum/topic/15336-mid-range-game-2-servants-of-honor/?p=171320

Tunnib: 6

"Tunnib the Mercenary was not a nice man, he liked to kill and did not hesitate to do so."
"Anyway, he could just pass the time drinking at the local Tavern, maybe this was just paid vacation..." http://www.17thshard.com/forum/topic/15336-mid-range-game-2-servants-of-honor/?p=168081
"Tunnib sat in a bad mood in his corner of the inn, not even the drink was giving him much satisfaction anymore." http://www.17thshard.com/forum/topic/15336-mid-range-game-2-servants-of-honor/?p=169614
"I have assumed so this far..." http://www.17thshard.com/forum/topic/15336-mid-range-game-2-servants-of-honor/?p=170474
"I did not realize that Jeno already had a vote..." 

"...that did not work." http://www.17thshard.com/forum/topic/15336-mid-range-game-2-servants-of-honor/?p=171095
Like Serji, this is a restricted sample (the last extract was from the last post I considered).

Gart: 0
Small sample size, but better than Kaladen's. I think it's large enough to be significant.

Tahrin: 0

Larger sample than Gart.

Ignoring small sample sizes (ie those who have posted little text), the people who have demonstrated both qualities I was looking for are Jain, Quismet and Tunnib.

Jain has demonstrated the fewest. In addition, his example of the structure element doesn't seem like it would appear in a more formal context such as the message.
Quismet has examples of using
"I'm", in contrast to "I am" from the original.
Tunnib, to my knowledge, has not used
"didn't" or "don't", both of which appear in the original.

...In summary, I've spent way too much time on a tiny detail.
Quismet, I would like to hear what you did with your message.


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Yes, the message I received had a simple ketek in it. That was in the quote I posted earlier, so Gart's claim is only marginally definitive. But unless someone else is going to contradict him, I doubt there is any need to persue that further.

. . . I sent no message last night, but I did receive one. A rather odd one at that. Unsigned, but I suspect Ashiok based on yesterday's conversation between him and Tulir.

”?emal uoY

.tsop siht egasseM .desrever egassem siht tosP"

What do you think? Am I too literal? ;)

Edit: If twelfth would like to compare the mystery message with my style more thoroughly, please note that I don't use commas to divide them. I'm one of the most flagrant (and accurate) users of semicolons around. Edited by Sir Jerric
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Yes, the message I received had a simple ketek in it. That was in the quote I posted earlier, so Gart's claim is only marginally definitive. But unless someone else is going to contradict him, I doubt there is any need to persue that further.


Agreed, far too easy for someone else to claim the same one if he's lying. So you didn't message anyone? Noted...


Also, did QC not say she was going to post something 12 hours ago?


Updated List

1. Serji (Sir Jerric) - Claims to have sent no message

2. Jain (Lightsworn Panda)

3. Kaladen (Kal Dell) - Inactive?

4. Aladdin (Ashiok) - Gamma confirmed he was messaged by Aladdin

5. Twlv (twelfthrootoftwo) - Messaged Wurum

6. Wurum (Wyrmhero) - Obviously it isn't me

7. Madame Quismet (Quitecontrary) - Inactive? (claimed she was going to post)

8. Rulit (Tulir)

9. Mallaw (Mailliw73) - Messaged Wurum

10. Jeno (The Only Joe) - Dead, obviously can't have sent it

11. Faisan (AonarFaileas) - He's been confirmed innocent, so I very much doubt it's him

12. Famed Gamin (Gamma Fiend) - Confirmed innocent, also messaged me

13. Metam (Metacognition) - Can't have sent it, as lynching happens before messages

14. Tunnib (Binnut) - He's either lying or it actually was received by him. Claims to have messaged me but it was never received (though this wouldn't imply much, since Meta could have Reverse Lashed me)

15. Gart (a smart guy) - Claims to have messaged Jerric the ketek. Unless someone contradicts, this is true.

16. Tahrin Resten (Theorymaker)

17. Naihar (Alvron) - Messaged Wurum

18. Lyce (luckat) - Messaged Wurum


Edit: When you post your analysis, Tulir, be sure to mention who you messaged last Cycle.

Edited by Wyrmhero
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Sorry I'm inactive. Stuff has been going crazy lately. My mum's laptop crashed, so she's using mine right now. Also I somehow got unregistered from my school. Luckily we found out about that yesterday otherwise I wouldn't be going to school this year!


I've also been inactive because I really don't have much to say/do. I haven't gotten any messages so I have no useful information to say in thread.

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Changing vote from Twlv to Rulit.  As Twlv pointed out in his post above, the letter writer doesn't use positive contractions.  However they do use negative contractions.


After going over Twlv's examples I saw that Rulit's writing follows the same patterns.


Quoted from Rulit:

Ok, really, this is by far the best for a Long Game, as Mallaw said.  No innocents dead and it is Day 4!  I am going to vote for Aladdin, as Meta's point still is valid if he was trying to throw us off track.  You didn't try to defend yourself last Cycle, will you this one?


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Since there's no point in me hiding my code anymore, since it'll mean nothing to anyone else anyway...


My actions for tonight are: 'An, He'

I am choosing to Squire the next person on your list instead of on mine.


Why yes, I do think stealth is overrated, why do you ask? :P


Before I head off, I think I will vote for Rulit as well, since he tried to lead a vote on Ashiok this Cycle, and combined with the message that was apparently recieved, that's suspicious to me. Let's see whether this pays off or not.

Edited by Wyrmhero
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Now, I don't know about you guys.... but I've masked my writing style in a message or two of mine, for the whole point of keeping it anonymous (mostly in case of interception). So why do we think a Skybreaker would write using the same typing patterns when specifically trolling other players?
Just something to consider.

Will try and go back through and get a vote in based off of actual suspicion and player.
Oh, and from one of the messages I received last night, I was informed that Tulir was the person that was Full Lashed yesterday. Not sure if I can believe this or not without coordinating more messages with people, but something else to consider.


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Unfortunately, circumstances change. In this case, I went back to uni between my lynch in the last game and the beginning of this one. It's a lot more convenient for me to make longer posts less often now.

As for what I was doing while I was on earlier, it was research:


I'm going to try a slightly different approach to this. Mallaw is right; the message Tunnib posted is recognisably not Aladdin. Since the author didn't succeed in imitating Aladdin's language, I think it's reasonable to expect they left their own language instead. So it might be possible to identify where the message came from that way. (Hypothesis: my initial feeling with this was that it sounded like Jain.)

I picked out two particular grammatical elements here, which I think are the most distinctive hallmarks: sentences formed by two main clauses without a conjunction, and non-use of contractions.



I then went through the posts (starting from signups) of those who haven't had their messages confirmed, looking for these elements.

Character: No. instances I noted



Serji: 0I was a bit lazy here, since Jerric has made some fairly long posts that I didn't have the time to read through fully. I went up to his first post in the first cycle, where he brought up uses for messaging, and included his message to Gamma.

Jain: 2

"I fell off my chair I was laughing that hard" http://www.17thshard.com/forum/topic/15336-mid-range-game-2-servants-of-honor/?p=165384

"As of yet, I have not received nor sent any messages." http://www.17thshard.com/forum/topic/15336-mid-range-game-2-servants-of-honor/?p=170894

Kaladen: 0An admittedly small sample size; I'm not discounting him.

Quismet: 4

"And there are not enough new faces!"

"She may have to downsize soon, let go of some of her girls."

"Hmm, maybe this town is not a total waste, after all." http://www.17thshard.com/forum/topic/15336-mid-range-game-2-servants-of-honor/?p=164906

"...since the car I'm in doesn't deal well..."

"I'm by far the most ordinary inkeeper in the game, have not received messages at all.http://www.17thshard.com/forum/topic/15336-mid-range-game-2-servants-of-honor/?p=170729I've included a couple of exceptions here, since I think they're valuable.

Rulit: 3

"...I will still be able to participate, but I am just letting you all know." http://www.17thshard.com/forum/topic/15336-mid-range-game-2-servants-of-honor/?p=168196

"...I am sure both view the other as rogue." http://www.17thshard.com/forum/topic/15336-mid-range-game-2-servants-of-honor/?p=170912

"No, I think you are right about that, Serji." http://www.17thshard.com/forum/topic/15336-mid-range-game-2-servants-of-honor/?p=171320

Tunnib: 6

"Tunnib the Mercenary was not a nice man, he liked to kill and did not hesitate to do so."

"Anyway, he could just pass the time drinking at the local Tavern, maybe this was just paid vacation..." http://www.17thshard.com/forum/topic/15336-mid-range-game-2-servants-of-honor/?p=168081

"Tunnib sat in a bad mood in his corner of the inn, not even the drink was giving him much satisfaction anymore." http://www.17thshard.com/forum/topic/15336-mid-range-game-2-servants-of-honor/?p=169614

"I have assumed so this far..." http://www.17thshard.com/forum/topic/15336-mid-range-game-2-servants-of-honor/?p=170474

"I did not realize that Jeno already had a vote..." 

"...that did not work." http://www.17thshard.com/forum/topic/15336-mid-range-game-2-servants-of-honor/?p=171095Like Serji, this is a restricted sample (the last extract was from the last post I considered).

Gart: 0Small sample size, but better than Kaladen's. I think it's large enough to be significant.

Tahrin: 0

Larger sample than Gart.

Ignoring small sample sizes (ie those who have posted little text), the people who have demonstrated both qualities I was looking for are Jain, Quismet and Tunnib.

Jain has demonstrated the fewest. In addition, his example of the structure element doesn't seem like it would appear in a more formal context such as the message.

Quismet has examples of using "I'm", in contrast to "I am" from the original.

Tunnib, to my knowledge, has not used "didn't" or "don't", both of which appear in the original.

...In summary, I've spent way too much time on a tiny detail. Quismet, I would like to hear what you did with your message.

Wow. I see some great analysis. I think Rulit is the one we're looking for. I'm pretty sure he's at least the one who sent that message.

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Oh, and from one of the messages I received last night, I was informed that Tulir was the person that was Full Lashed yesterday. Not sure if I can believe this or not without coordinating more messages with people, but something else to consider.

Hmm. There are only three places where that message could have come from, assuming it is not misdirection. That message was either from the other Windrunner, from a Squire, or from an Eliminator. I am of the opinion that this is from the Windrunner, which would explain why they didn't say anything about their actions last Cycle - they thought it would come out in the discussion anyway. I wish you'd mentioned this earlier, would've saved a lot of hassle.

If it is misdirection, then that requires either Binnut to be lying or both Skybreaker and Henchman to be doing that. I'd suggest scanning Rulit, but I guess we'll find out anyway, with how the votes are headed. Maybe one of my not-crossed out ones?

I also agree that writing styles are likely to be masked, but not everyone may think of this. Hrm... I will post the message I was sent from Jain on the previous Cycle since it's a bit more evidence for us to use:


I'm going to have to trust someone. I'll have to hope you aren't a Henchman or Skybreaker. Not that it really matters. I am on TEAM GOOD AGAIN (5 TIMES IN A ROW HOW COULD YOU BE SO CRUEL WORLD). What's more, I'm a vanilla player.

Of course, you have every right not to believe me. Or kill me, if you happen to be a Skybreaker with a cruel treak.

A (Sick) Panda

Do people think that it is protesting too much? There are a lot of differences between the two messages though - he calls me Wyrm rather than Wurum, and does use positive contractions. Also a completely different tone, of course. Again, misdirection? I don't know. I could talk myself in circles here. I'm going to break completely from my usual tradition, and not vote.

Edit: It occurs to me that this was Cycle 2, so I was meant to die then. So, it was probably rather unlikely an Eliminator would've sent me a message.

I'm also changing the target of my plans to 'Why'.

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Alright, new ruling:


You CANNOT copy/paste messages you've received, from this point forward.  Just realized a potential flaw/exploit with that, which could end up Ruining the game.  Sorry about that.


Anyhow, 4 hours remaining.



(Also, this has nothing to do with the PMs sent so far, so don't try to look too deeply into this.)

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Good to know, GM. Be sure to inform us of what it was when we finish this game!

Also, I keep thinking about it, and I will vote for Rulit. (I'd be grateful if a mod could fix this to look good, since I am on my phone).

If he did send that message then he's not going to be a Skybreaker (I doubt they would put themselves on the line, amd there's Gamma's thing), but we shall see. Its unlikely we'll maintain our track record though, either way.

Edited by Gamma Fiend
Fixed color, as per request
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I feel like Mallaw has just been behaving suspiciously all game... While we were still dealing with the Meta situation, he counter accused me, saying I was suspicious... I just think that it was way too soon for counter accusations. He also waited to vote for meta until the final nail was placed in the casket...


My gut, the same gut that called Meta out cycle 3, tells me that there is something fishy over there...

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Alright, finally some time to do a Sanderson Elimination post.


Wyrm, I bolded non-evil players so that we can see who voted the innocents. I admit I am protesting a bit too much about my role, but then, I need somewhere to vent my frustration. -_- 


Arrgh. Red's broken. Oh well. I vote (red) Rulit.


By the way, Gamma, could you tell us who you scanned? I haven't seen you do that yet.

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He did, ages ago. 

Cycle 2: Meta SoB

Cycle 3: Aonar Villager



there is only another hour in the cycle. whats the lynch count at?

Is there to be no more discussion?

EDIT: STORMS! I doubleposted again! Can somebody please get rid of one of them?

Edited by Ashiok
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Alright, finally some time to do a Sanderson Elimination post.


Wyrm, I bolded non-evil players so that we can see who voted the innocents. I admit I am protesting a bit too much about my role, but then, I need somewhere to vent my frustration. -_- 


Arrgh. Red's broken. Oh well. I vote (red) Rulit.


By the way, Gamma, could you tell us who you scanned? I haven't seen you do that yet.

Um, are you referring to the bolding you did in this post? Because where are you getting this so called information?

In that post you said you were bolding "non-lynched/evil" players, and now you're saying that you were bolding "non-evil" players?

Because either way, that just doesn't make any sense.

We only know that Me and Wurum are the only possible non-evil players we have right now. And you had Jeno bolded on that list, when he was in-fact, an already dead and known to be Henchman.

I'm just not understanding where you've made the assumption that Naihar and Aladdin fit under that same category of you and Jeno? Because either way, it's just not making any sense to me at all right now.

And yeah, your message just reeks too much of "oh woes me I'm innocent!", to me. I don't really understand it.

And then the fact that you added a bandwagon vote onto Tulir for absolutely no reason, besides which just looks like with you going with the flow of the lynch, and not offering any actual insight into the discussion. And as somebody pointed out above, I have already said who I've all scanned before, in the beginning of the cycle. Meta was my first target, Aonar my second.

So for right now I'm placing a vote on you, Jain. because your arguments just aren't adding up, and your behaviour is quite suspicious, to say the least.


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Votes thus far:

Aladdin (1): Rulit, Gart

Naihar (0): Wurum, Aladdin

Mallaw (1): Wurum, Aladdin

Jain (2): Serji, Wurum, Gamin

Twlv (0): Naihar

Rulit (4): Binnut, Naihar, Wurum, Mallaw, Wurum

Serji (0): Wurum

Quismet (1): Twlv


Inactive (+1 vote):
Faisan (AonarFaileas)
Tahrin Resten (Theorymaker)
Lyce (luckat)


Jain didn't reply to my question about why he bothered to even put that data together. Ought to be an easy question. My vote on him still applies, for now.

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And so the cycle endeth...


I was hoping for some last-minute horseplay, but apparently that's not going to happen this cycle. :P  A pity.  Anyway, this thread is now locked *hint, hint* and the write-up will come at some point.  Probably not immediately, as I haven't finished it yet.  But it will come.  (Just like the Desolation...)

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Day 5 - Desolated

It was the day the world was supposed to the end.  The day the Desolation was to begin.

Reginar frowned, breathing in the air outside of the Eye of the Storm.  While it was overcast, it certainly didn’t seem like it.  The doomsayer was wrong, as he had suspected.  Storms curse that man.  Reginar opened the tavern’s door and walked in once again, to see what the villagers were up to.

The tavern was in a clamor.

“Aladdin!” Rulit shouted.  “While the man, Metam, may have been a storming Skybreaker, he was correct on one account: You’ve not defended yourself from any arguments.”  He crossed his arms.  “Why don’t you do so now?”

“Agreeing with a Skybreaker?” Wurum snorted.  “That seems awfully suspicious, if you ask me.”

“Yeah,” Mallaw nodded.  “Why—?”

“I just want to hear the urchin speak,” Rulit said, trying to maintain his cool.  “Perhaps his account of the situation will give us a bit of valuable information.”

“Why would I be a Skybreaker?” Aladdin asked, confused.  “I was the one who figured out Metam was a Skybreaker.”

“I can’t say I completely agree with that,” Rulit frowned, crossing his arms.

“Well…” Aladdin said, looking around.  “Naihar!  He’s been awfully silent lately.  Plus, he defended Metam.”

Naihar sighed, looking up from the letter he was writing.  “I’m right here, no need to shout.  The reason I defended Metam is that everyone was voting for him.  Bandwagons, my friends, tend to help those who which to manipulate us.”  He turned back to his writing.

“Well, it turned out that the bandwagon was correct,” Aladdin noted.  “But Mallaw, you’ve acted suspicious as well.”

“So I have,” he grunted, taking a great swig from his drink.

“I say that we lynch Rulit,” Tunnib spoke.  “I received a message that sounds a lot like him, claiming to be Aladdin.  Plus, I think we should kill someone!”

A few of the others shrugged, including Reginar.  “Well, I guess we don’t have a lot to go on, so… I’m sorry, Rulit.”

Rulit’s eyes widened as he backed away.  “Wait, what--?”  He glared at them, furious.  “Fools!  Fools, the lot of you are!  Metam was right, your bloodthirst will kill you all.  You’re doomed!  Doomed!”  Rulit backed into the tavern’s corner, horrified.

“Let’s get this over with!” Tunnib shouted, bringing out a dagger with glee.

“Metam was my master, you know,” Rulit sighed, looking at the sea of faces before him, looking like the stormwall of a highstorm, about to hit him in full force.

“Wait, really?” Wurum asked.  “We got another one of them?”

“I’m no Skybreaker,” Rulit explained, “but I was Metam’s henchman.  And after you brutes killed him…”  Rulit shook his head.  “Go ahead, kill me.  I’ll do nothing to stop you.  It doesn’t matter anymore.  I’m going to die either way.”

“You’re so convinced that this ‘Desolation’ is coming,” Twlv said, chuckling.


“Oh storms no,” Reginar whispered, but nobody heard him.

The villagers looked up, trying to discern the source of the sound.  Suddenly, they were aware of another sound, a horrible wheezing sound, like a person trying to breathe through their hand, but much, much louder.

“Did anyone hear that?” Kaladen blinked.

Suddenly, a giant, slick, black thing burst through the wall next to Rulit, raising two thin, insect-like legs into the air.  The beast, which had no eyes, clicked its razor-sharp teeth together.  Then, it swiped out with one of its legs, knocking several of the tavern’s patrons backwards.

“Stay back!” Rulit shouted, looking around for a weapon.  He found a pair of kitchen knives laying on a countertop, on the other side of the beast.  His years of experience as a soldier kicked in, and he dashed and skidded beneath the spindly beast, grabbing the knives.

Nearby, Wurum had summoned his Shardblade, and was running in towards the beast, a Basic Lashing forward assisting him.

“No!” Rulit shouted as Wurum ran in.  The beast kicked out with one of its legs, striking Wurum in the chest.

The beast, obviously sensing Wurum as the greatest threat, ran in towards him.  Rulit, looking between the beast and Wurum, rushed in, intercepting the beast and swiping at it with one of the knives.

“What are you doing, storming man?” Wurum asked, groaning from the injury he had sustained.

“Saving your storming skin!” Rulit replied, facing the beast.  “Honestly, I should think that you’d know better than to charge the Midnight Essence like that.”

“What—why are you helping me?” Wurum asked, confused.  “You’re with them.”

The Midnight Essence took a stab at Rulit, but he quickly rolled to the side, dodging the attack.  “Look,” he said, taking a step back, sizing up the monster, “we may be supporting opposing Orders, but we’re up against something greater here.  Far greater.  If you can’t realize that, I don’t know why you’re a Radiant in the first place.”

“But… but…” Wurum shook his head, waiting for the stormlight to fully heal his wound.  Better not question it, he thought.  I mean, enough strange things have already happened in the past few days… like that beastly thing.

Rulit was amazing, as it turned out.  He backpedaled, leading the Midnight Essence away from the others.  And then, when the Essence was in mid-stride, he stuck at the beast’s legs, putting all of his force into his knives.  The leg that he attacked severed, billows of black smoke bursting through the seam.

Rulit exited the Eye of the Storm, and the Essence predictably followed him.  I must protect them, he though.  But why?  Rulit shook those thoughts away.  There was a more important enemy in their midst.  Outside, it had begun pouring down.  Rulit looked eastward, towards the coast.  His eyes widened.  Oh storms, he cursed.

Indeed, it was a storm.  But it was a malevolent, red one, unlike any he had seen before.  Like a highstorm, but far worse.

The Midnight Essence took advantage of the distraction and struck at Rulit.  Rulit ducked, tumbling underneath the beast, and sliced a pair of gashes across the bottom of the creature.  Smoke bled out.  The creature clicked its mandibles together, lunging in at Rulit.  Rulit jumped backwards, but the spindly leg caught him in the side.

Rulit grunted, ignoring the pain.  He’d been taught to do that, back in his training as a soldier.  Such a long time ago…  Rulit stared at the Essence’s mandibles.  They were the weak spot, weren’t they?  Yes, he remembered that.

Wurum burst out of the Eye of the Storm, watching Rulit fight the Midnight Essence.  Wurum was amazed.  Rulit gave off no glow; he was a mortal man fighting a gigantic beast.  And he was completely unafraid, it seemed.

Rulit looked over at Wurum.  “A little help would be nice,” Rulit grumbled.  “Aim for its mouth.”

Wurum nodded, Lashing himself upwards.  As he did so, the Essence swung out at him, knocking him back towards the tavern.  Wurum shrugged off the attack, Lashing himself forwards, towards the monster.  As the Essence swung, Wurum sliced off one of its limbs.  Black, terrible, smoke bled out.

The Essence suddenly lurched to the side, running on its four remaining legs down the street.  Towards that storm.

Wurum followed, but the Essence was prepared.  It quickly raised one of its limbs, stabbing Wurum in the side.  Storms, not again, Wurum scowled, falling to the ground.

While the Essence was preoccupied with Wurum, Rulit charged in, slicing off a third limb with skill and expertise.  The Essence, aware of Rulit’s presence, stabbed one of its legs directly at Rulit’s heart.  Rulit fell to the ground, crimson blood pooling out.

Wurum, stormlight healing the wound he just received, looked over at Rulit.  He saved me, yet he was my enemy.  Wurum stood up.  Why?

The Midnight Essence ran at Wurum, but with only three legs left, it was horribly off-balance.  Wurum sliced off one of its legs with his Shardblade, and the Essence toppled over onto its side.  Wurum walked up to the creature’s razor-like mandibles.  “It is finished,” Wurum sighed, plunging his Shardblade into the beast’s mouth.

The Essence began to deflate, a horrible hissing sound emanating from the creature’s mouth, until it became nothing more than a large pile of black skin on the street.

Wurum’s Shardblade formed into Heran.  “The Desolation!” she shouted.  “It has arrived!”

Wurum frowned.  “So it is true?”

Heran nodded, pointing at the red, swirling vortex along the horizon.  Wurum hadn’t noticed it until now.

“Oh, that cannot be good…”


Rulit (3): Wurum, Mallaw, Tunnib, Naihar
Jain (2): Serji, Famed Gamin
Quismet (1): Twlv
Mallaw (1): Aladdin
Aladdin (1): Gart
Tahrin Resten (1)
Lyce (1)
Faisan (1)

No Vote: Jain, Kaladen, Madame Quismet, Rulit, Faisan, Tahrin Resten, Lyce

Day 4 has begun!  The cycle will end in 48 hours.

Wurum was attacked (again)!  (No, he was not actually saved by Rulit, but that would be amusing.  That was just for RP.)
Rulit was a Henchman!

Player List


1. Serji (Sir Jerric)
2. Jain (Lightsworn Panda)
3. Kaladen (Kal Dell)
4. Aladdin (Ashiok)
5. Twlv (twelfthrootoftwo)
6. Wurum (Wyrmhero)
7. Madame Quismet (Quitecontrary)
8. Rulit (Tulir) - Henchman
9. Mallaw (Mailliw73)
10. Jeno (The Only Joe) - Henchman
11. Faisan (AonarFaileas)
12. Famed Gamin (Gamma Fiend) - Truthwatcher
13. Metam (Metacognition) - Skybreaker
14. Tunnib (Binnut)
15. Gart (a smart guy)
16. Tahrin Resten (Theorymaker)
17. Naihar (Alvron)
18. Lyce (luckat)

Okay, so while you villagers may all still be alive and well, the Desolation has come.  Not much of a tradeoff, if I’m honest. :P 

Edited by Alvron
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The Desolation has no effect on gameplay.  It does, however, help contribute to the foreboding atmosphere I'm trying to play up.  Unfortunately, as you've had a streak of three successful lynches, this "foreboding atmosphere" thing isn't working out too well.  I guess it is foreboding for the Skybreakers, though.  Then again, the element of foreboding can technically be described as the clash between modern society and philosophical imbalances resulting in the untimely death of mutated triangular atomic structures inside of ice cubes. Blah blah, blah, blah...


Also, the above is mostly gibberish, really.  The gist is, while dark and moody, the Desolation does not affect gameplay.

Edited by Renegade
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The Famed Gamin sat and stared at the darkening red sky with a creeping feeling of unease slowly rising from his gut. He gulped. Oh Storms....

He still couldn't believe Rutil's final actions. He had saved Wurum, despite him being a bad guy......He was a bad guy, right? He asked himself, starting to feel uncertain about the whole affair. Nearby the deflated corpse of that shadow monster still lay in the middle of the street, nobody wanting to go near it.

"Why couldn't it have been a Noon-Essence?" The Famed Gamin tried to joke, much to the chagrin of everybody standing nearby. "What?" He asked incredulously, looking around. "Too soon? It's not my fault I wasn't here to deal with it! I had other errands to run. If I was here though...." He paused and did another look around before jumping up in the air, his limbs flailing around uselessly and without any sense of skill or control. "I would have given it the good old one-two!" He spectacle only convinced people he was even more of a fool, as it only accomplished him splashing around more mucky water with his yellow boots as he stomped around in the puddles.

He heard a sigh from near his feet. "Must you really splash around and cause so much ruckus?" Glys wound his way up around his legs. "I have the results on Serji you wanted, by the way, if you can calm down long enough for me to report."

The Famed Gamin abruptly stopped and cocked his head. "Oh yeah? So is he a filthy SoB?!"

"Um..... no. I don't even know why you suspected him, if I can speak frankly."

"Are you kidding me? Look at him! With his numbers, and his study of 'linguini' -- whatever sort of dish that is! How is he not suspicious?"

"You mean.... linguistics? The field of study dedicated to the science of language? How is that even remotely suspicious? I'd be more wary of that spam message offering you the chance to become 'Highprince' through a 'Reality Show'. Whatever that is." Glys frowned, making his feelings of the offer known.

"Pfft. Highprince. Been there, done that. It's overrated." The Famed Gamin waved the offer off, knowing spam when he saw it. Although I might need to get me some of that Naihar Brand Stormlight.....

Glys coughed, trying to get The Famed Gamin's attention. He had to do this a lot when the petulant child just wouldn't listen. "Um, what about The Desolation? Those red clouds do not look too friendly...."

"I know that! I've lived on the streets long enough to know what looks friendly and what doesn't!" The Famed Gamin huffed. "What about it? We're trying our best, trying to hunt down these filthy storming Skybreakers!"

"And what good is that doing, may I ask? It seems to me that both of you should be on the same side.... not fighting amongst each other whilst Voidbringers roam free....."

"But-but..... they started the in-fighting!"

"Yes. But what about your Oaths? Why not offer friendship to the remaining Skybreaker. Surely if there henchman can do that" Glys pointed at the tattered carcass of the Midnight Essence flapping in the wind to emphasize what he was referring to, "then maybe their Leader will be more useful to use alive? Hm?"

"Wait.... are you saying we should offer a truce?!" The Famed Gamin couldn't keep the incredulity out of his voice.

Whew! While I didn't suspect Tulir of being a Skybreaker, I suppose that didn't mean he wasn't a Henchman! O.o This has been an incredibly lucky game for us Villagers. Day 5 and no innocent deaths!
Now, my offer for a 'Truce' isn't for any sort of gloating or anything. It's mostly an RP sort of offer, but I suppose it could be taken up if the final Skybreaker decides to agree to it! (Also, I promise to stop calling you SoBs if you do! :P) But Ren's RP of The Desolation reminded me for the flavour of this game. It is A Desolation. Even if it means nothing for the game, we can still have fun with it! Join us, Skybreaker! Let us fight off the Voidbringers, as our Oaths Intended us to do! (You just need to stop killing us.....) Don't make The Famed Gamin give you his puppy-dog face and ask again! Nobody can resist the loveable cuteness of that!

Edit: I did scan Serji. He is a Villager. I just put in the info via RP, so it may have been harder to see.


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Right, for explanation.


I put that data together simply because I was bored, with nothing to do. I also thought it'd be a first. Sadly, I'm not much of an analyst and couldn't come up with any results. Maybe I should have worded it as "I bolded those who we have no evidence as evil".


Who'd you scan, Gamma?


Edit: Nevermind just saw it. I'd like to request to be scanned.

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