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Mid-Range Game 2: Servants of Honor


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"I'm sorry sir, but we have a problem. The crates are too heavy for the chulls to pull."


Wurum sighed and turned away from the boat to assistant. "They're chulls. How can a crate of bottles of blue wine be too heavy for them? It's just wine, for Storm's sake!" Though admittedly he had ordered in a bit too much this time. With Skybreakers running around, he thought that people could use a good drink, and he was always ready to cash in on such an opportunity.


"You shouldn't blaspheme against the Stormfather," Heran warned, her legs dangling off the pier absently as she looked out over the ocean before her. "He might get mad and take me away. Or call a massive Highstorm here to sweep you into the water. He does that, you know. Takes Spren away when he gets angry, I mean. He got poor Sylphrena to return because of what her partner did. But I guess you're not really breaking your Oaths."


The Windrunner put a hand to his face in exasperation. Annoying as it was, and perhaps too cautious as well for a spirit that used to be a Windspren in another life, she did have a point. He really didn't want to lose his Surges at this time, let alone Heran's company and ability to turn into a weapon. "Sorry," he muttered, to the surprise and eventual understanding of his assistant. The Honourspren may have been almost completely invisible to normal people, but she was quickly becoming infamous around the town, now she no longer needed to hide. Not a single shoelace was safe from her tricks.


"You could help," Heran suggested, looking over her shoulder and up at him. It was slightly difficult to make out what she was doing, considering her diminutive size and the fact that she was slightly ethereal, but he could feel the disappointment in her gaze. "Instead of just standing there and complaining."


"It's a waste of Stormlight," Wurum replied, crouching down to pick her up and hold her closer so he could have a whispered conversation with her. "It has to last until the next Highstorm. Frivolously using it on simple tasks such as this could be the death of me. Of us. Besides, I can't do everything for them."


"It's just a little bit of help," Heran said, putting her hands on her hips in a scornful manner that Wurum couldn't help but smile at. "It isn't as though they'll start asking you to move things around the town. Besides, maybe you'll be rewarded with a Highstorm," she said with a wink. Ever since he'd been revealed as a Windrunner, Heran had taken great pleasure in not telling him when Highstorms were coming, just so she could get some recognition for her 'work' for a change.


Wurum looked at her for a few seconds as he thought, then sighed, his arms falling to his side and forcing her to start floating in mid-air instead. "Fine, you win." He took a sphere out of his pocket and breathed in. Walking over to the crate, he slapped his hand on top of it and Lashed it so that it felt only half the effects of gravity. "Okay, there you go, get it shipped to the inn." He started to walk off, Heran settling on his shoulder again.


"See, isn't helping people like that better?" she asked. Wurum just gave a noncommittal grunt in response.


I too would like to know what Tahrin was talking about to Rulit, and more importantly what Rulit said. Regarding messages in general, I agree with messaging Gamma - Though I think he already knows what Lashings I can use ;). Since I'm not a Squire though, I don't have to listen to him, so it's back to trolling for me! :P


I don't agree with how Gart is voting though. Voting for someone suspicious despite the fact that you personally don't think they are? No, I don't think that makes sense. Nor does the idea that this will end the game quicker - The game only ends when the Skybreakers die, or the Windrunners and the Truthwatcher die. Killing an inactive player who is a Darkeye has no real effect on the game. Sure, it narrows down our options, but so does voting for someone you think is suspicious. For that matter, I can vote for Gart with exactly the same reasoning as he is placing forward. So I'm not going to remove my vote yet.


To my ally, I am returning to my list with Cycle 5's player. My actions this Cycle should be obvious. I suggest that you target your Cycle 7 Squire. If Gamma says he is targeting them, then target your Cycle 8 Squire instead.

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I understand there are really only three ways I can prove my innocence at this point: One is to get lynched and be proven so. The second is to get scanned by Gamin, who I'm pretty sure has more interesting and suspicious players that he can put his attention to. The third is to get killed by the SB.


I really didn't have time to play which is my fault entirely for not backing out at the last minute. I wanted to be more active this game but unfortunately, my business took too much of my time, and the few minutes I could steal were just spent reading the posts. No time at all to sit down and start analyzing anything, which makes posting pointless if there's nothing at all for me to contribute. 


So to Gart: No, I am not a Skybreaker. I may have looked suspicious due to my being online, but I guess you know how it is. I open 17th, I start reading, then I leave it open while I deal with real life stuff. Then I'd look suspicious because people see me online and not posting. 


Also, you don't think I've done anything wrong but still think me suspicious? How does that work out exactly?

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Ok, Lyce you are off the hook for now. I choose you at random from the list so was mostly to motivate a post. You make a few good points, keep it up =)

I'm agreeing with the accusations against Gart and Tahrin, mainly against Tahrin, but since I dislike leaving a tie I'll leave things as they are.

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Something about Gart still seems off to me, so I'll keep my vote there for now.

I mean, Meta wanted me dead, he was proven to be an eliminator, and Gart picked up his vendetta. Any way you slice it, that's not Smart.

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Looking at the tally, I can see that I'm your best bet for getting a tie Gart. I like that I've been defended in this cycle by other players while I've been away and busy, and though I'm grateful, I'm also embarrassed at how badly I've not been paying attention.


I'm voting for you primarily because voting someone else to effect a tie is so Eliminator. If I was an Eliminator in this game, I would be more active. Not paying attention until somebody votes for me to get lynched is not the way Team Evil rolls methinks.

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Well, our combined accusations of Gart have at least revealed that both he and QC use rather interesting arguments against each other.


I agree that QC does not appear to be the most Village amongst us, but the idea of narrowing down the suspects by voting for people you don't suspect is not the way to go about things.


However, I also disagree that wanting to tie is Eliminator, particularly when he's trying to save himself. Nor do I believe that the Eliminators wouldn't pretend to be almost completely inactive either, so in my opinion QC's argument falls slightly short as well.


So as I go to bed now, I will leave my vote on Gart, though honestly I'm not expecting too much from it. But then, I thought the same from the Rulit vote, so who knows? Maybe we'll get lucky again :P. See you (hopefully) in the next Cycle.

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Looking at the tally, I can see that I'm your best bet for getting a tie Gart. I like that I've been defended in this cycle by other players while I've been away and busy, and though I'm grateful, I'm also embarrassed at how badly I've not been paying attention.


I'm voting for you primarily because voting someone else to effect a tie is so Eliminator. If I was an Eliminator in this game, I would be more active. Not paying attention until somebody votes for me to get lynched is not the way Team Evil rolls methinks.

Even busy, you have been managing to visit the forums a fair bit. And Eliminators sitting back and not gathering much attention until they are called out has been a fairly common approach.

But I'm not certain enough to push for lynching you this cycle. I am retracting my vote for Quismet.

I would like to hear more from Tahrin as well, but I think I am getting more and more suspicious of Gart. Choices, choices.


Votes thus far:

Lyce (0): Binnut

Gart (3): Wurum, Aladdin, Quismet

Kaladen (1): Gamin

Quismet (1): Serji, Gart

Tahrin (1): Twlv

Faisan (1)

Naihar (1)

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I'm back (still trying to work out when I can get on with a college schedule). Anyway checking up on the posts. So Day 1: I messaged Rulit. Day 2: He messaged me. Day 3: I messaged Rulit. Day 4: He dies and death comes before message. After Day 2 I was thinking I should message someone else because of the long waits, but then getting ready for college and actually going to college made me inactive. Finally the best way I can think of to prove my innocence is to go inactive for a cycle and hope the SB doesn't RL. Also an odd thing I noticed is that Tulir dies whenever we are in the same game and I go inactive.

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Take what you were quoted as my price and triple it!!


I have sent a package overland to the drop off location for my pay.  Inside you will find what appears to be black silk.  Instead it is the skin of what is called a ‘Midnight Essence’.  A detailed account of the battle between this creature and some of the Radiants has also been included.  The skin might make good lightweight armour as it seems to resist tearing.


I have covertly approached a couple of the Radiants and offered them my support for a price.  Hopefully one or more of them will take up my offer and I will be able to gather better information of their abilities for my final report.


From what I have observed the personalities of the Radiants has very little to do with which order they belong to.  The Skybreaker was a raving madman, the Windrunner seems to be a money hungry complainer and the Truthwatcher is a compulsive liar.  It is unknown if it is all an act to disguise what they are or if they really are what they seem to be.





While my gut is telling me to vote for Twlv again I see no logical reason to so will hold off and most likely not vote this round

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Thanks for the response, Tahrin, but I'm keeping my vote as it is for now. A brief summary of what Rulit said in their message would be greatly appreciated and not too time-consuming for you.

Gart's arguments certainly don't sit right with me, and at the moment I am more suspicious of him than Quismet. If I hear back from Tahrin, that will probably be where my vote ends up.

edit: blue

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Well I'm still not entirely sure of who is most suspicious, from how things have been going, but one thing I want to point out that a few people seem to be using for their "defense", inactivity does not excuse anybody from being an Eliminator.

There's nothing wrong with being Inactive, it definitely happens in these games. But people should not rely on that as an excuse as to why they can't be guilty.

I'll probably be Illuminating Kaladen tonight, as I haven't heard back from him since voting for him, so I just want to make sure nobody will Full lash him so we don't overlap on anything. I'd recommend the Full Lashers hit whoever the top suspects are that don't get lynched. (So probably QC right now, if Gart does get lynched).

We're all in this together still, people! :D

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What an interesting turn of events! That Full Lash will be completely wasted on a darkeyed villager like me. One hour left and I just woke up so maybe some RP is in order.

I'm sorry I couldn't offer more valid arguments for Gart. He was a nonposter on Day 1. He wanted to "recruit" Metam to his religion on Day 2. Day 3, he voted for Metam but not to jump on the bandwagon. Day 4, he voted for Aladdin. That's really not much to go on.

And one hour left! Must write something fast.

"Madame! Wake up! I've been hearing your name accused and whispered in suspicion!", the loyal tavern maid said to the sleepy innkeeper.

Quis sat up, rubbing her eyes. Someone must have sold her badly mixed wine. Her head was killing her!

"What time is it?", she said, grabbing a hairbrush by the nightstand and started to brush her tresses.

"It's near closing, Madame."

Sighing, Quis got up, went to a washstand and quickly fixed herself. Happy hour, and she still had a hangover. Fun.

She went out to the tavern in her usual red garb, surveyed the tavern guests, and grabbed a mug. Banging the mug on the counter, she shouted to all, "It's happy hour, everyone! One round on us, and half price on your next drinks until closing!"

She sat down after doing this and rummaged for some of that imported juice she bought from Wurum. A good remedy, that.

She saw some people staring at her suspiciously, and she felt a flutter of fear. Being an innkeeper wasn't easy. Revelry can sometimes take its toll, and she knew she hadn't been much help in finding that last Skybreaker.

It's high time she do her bit to help and set her girls spying tomorrow.

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The Famed Gamin watched on as the innkeeper lady proclaimed Happy Hour and offered to buy everyone a drink and then offering half-price for the rest of the drinks.

Half price? The Famed Gamin pondered. What's half of free? He never understood why people paid for things. Wasn't it much easier to just take stuff when nobody was looking? Then again, not everybody had the awesome sleight of hand that he had developed whilst living on the streets all those years.

I wonder if she's trying to distract us with the cheap booze? The Famed Gamin thought, grabbing a drink off of the counter discretely. He knew he wasn't "old enough" to drink, by many Society's Standards, but he just shrugged and downed his glass of coloured wine as quickly as possible. He didn't know what the colours meant, but he knew he sure liked the taste.

"Orange is my favorite colour," he said, smacking his lips with a satisfied grin. He peeked around and went to grab a second drink.

Hey! Dol! Merry Dol! Ring a ding dine-o!
Ring a dong, hop along, the taste is very fine-o!
Fam Gam, The Fam-ed Gam, enjoys to drink his wine-o!


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Well, there must be something about Radiants that allow them to withstand hangovers. That orange drink the Famed *cough* Gamin was downing was the same drink she drank yesterday that put her to sleep all day.

She still can't believe the scamp was a Radiant, or that the smuggler is! Maybe he'll lower his prices now.

She went back to the kitchen to see a batch of fish which was brought by none other than the Famed Scamp Radiant. Hmmm, he IS useful after all. We must prepare this for breakfast tomorrow.

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Aftermath - Broken Sky

The remaining townsfolk had gathered outside of the Eye of the Storm, looking into… well, the eye of a storm.  A storm so terrible and full of hatred that it made the townsfolk tremble in fear.  Red lightning, seeming a bit like giant spren, rained down upon the ocean.  The Everstorm was drawing close.

“How far is it?” Faisan asked, the strong wind whipping his tunic about him.

“Not far,” Reginar guessed.  “I’d say that we only have fifteen minutes.”

Fifteen minutes?” Madame Quismet repeated in horror.

Reginar nodded, smiling wanly.  “It was a valiant battle,” he sighed.  “But we have no means of escape.  None of us can access the far realm of the spren, Shadesmar, and we don’t have an Oathgate we can use to just whisk ourselves away.  Our best hope is to find the strongest shelter we have and hide until the storm is gone.”

“Fools,” Gart spat.  “Metam was right, yet you discarded him as an insane man.  Odium meant to separate us; to get you all focused on the Skybreakers that you wouldn’t pay any attention to the warnings.”

“Wait a minute,” Wurum said, narrowing his eyes at Gart.  “You were the man in white.  The one who attacked me!”

Gart nodded.  “And it was a grave mistake.  All of us, even Metam, focused on the rivalry between our orders, rather than trying to figure out a way to survive the storm that approaches us now.”

“No!” Reginar shouted.  “STORMFATHER!!!  Why did you trick us?”


“Bondsmith?” Wurum asked, turning to Reginar.

Reginar nodded.  “It’s what I was put on Roshar for.  Leading people.  And today, we will do what the Stormfather says.  We will find a way to reach Urithiru.”

“And survive that?” Aladdin asked, pointing at the approaching storm.

Reginar nodded.  “We still have a chance.  Aladdin, you’re a Windrunner, correct?”

Aladdin blinked.  “Y-yes…”

“You and Wurum fly above and scout the area.  Find a safe place for us to wait out the storm.  Famed Gamin, heal any of the injured here; it’s likely that several have been wounded from the Midnight Essence.”

“And what will you do, Reginar?” Wurum asked, sucking in some Stormlight.

Reginar frowned.  “I will go and see this Everstorm close up, to see what secrets I might be able to discover from it.  Do not worry; I shall be back here in less than five minutes.”

“As will we,” Wurum replied, Lashing himself up into the night sky.  Aladdin followed closely behind him.

Reginar left the crowd of people outside the Eye of the Storm, taking off down the street, towards the giant, foreboding storm that hung in the sky.  The Everstorm.  He breathed in some Stormlight from a few spheres in his pocket, giving his legs an extra boost of energy.  He wasn’t a Windrunner or Skybreaker, unfortunately.  He could not just Lash himself down the street and reach his destination in a matter of second.  No, he had to do it the old-fashioned way.

Reginar reached the end of the dirt street, where it gave way into an open beach.  Vicious waves washed onto the shore, and a strong wind blew Reginar’s hair.  He looked up into the heart of the Everstorm.  It was massive.  It was terrifying.

Reginar took a step back from the quickly approaching storm, only to find a Shardblade appear at his neck.

“A shame, isn’t it?” Gart said from behind him.  “We didn’t manage to kill a single one of you Radiants.  And now, look what’s begun.  Another Desolation.  I don’t care if it’s already started; I will stop this Desolation.  Even if it means killing all of the Radiants myself.”

Reginar nodded.  He had expected Gart to follow him.  In fact, that's exactly why he had left by himself.  “And so it shall be.”  Reginar kicked out backwards with all the might his Stormlight-enhanced legs gave him, knocking Gart back a good ten feet.  Gart hit the ground behind him, ribs cracking.

“Oh, you think that’s enough to stop a Skybreaker?” Gart cackled, his ribs healing with Stormlight.  The wind picked up even more, whistling in the night.  “You don’t even have a Shardblade, do you?” Gart asked.  “One of the problems with being bonded to the Stormfather.  Along with him being completely useless and unhelpful, of course.”

YOU DARE INSULT MEPUNY RADIANT? The Stormfather rumbled.

Gart only half-listened.  “You’re doomed,” he spoke.  “I can fly above this storm and escape it.  You cannot.  All I need is time.”

“Then I’ll make sure not to give you any.”  Reginar whipped out a dagger, put a Full Lashing on it, and threw it at Gart.  Gart simply Lashed himself to the side, avoiding the dagger.

“Seriously?” Gart asked.  “How did the Stormfather even choose you, with such poor fighting skills such as that?”

“One does not need to be a warrior to be a Radiant,” Reginar said.  With that, he put his palms out towards Gart, and shot a bolt of Stormlight at Gart.  The Stormlight struck his feet, sticking them to the sand with a Full Lashing.

“How did you-?”

Reginar walked up to Gart.  “I’m sorry that I have to do this,” he sighed.  “But I cannot afford to have traitors like you come along with us to Urithiru.”  With that, Reginar picked up the dagger he had thrown and stabbed it directly into Gart’s chest.

Gart died, still standing, his feet still Lashed down to the sand below.

Reginar retrieved his dagger and hurried off towards the Eye of the Storm.  The Everstorm would be coming any minute now.  He had to hope that the Windrunners had found a safe haven for them to stay.

When Reginar reached the Eye of the Storm, he discovered that the townsfolk had already left, walking down one of the side streets.  Sucking in some extra Stormlight, Reginar followed them.

“I hope Reginar gets here soon…” Wurum muttered, leading the crowd of people through Telmont’s twisting streets.

“Here I am!” Reginar smiled, coming to the front of the crowd.

“Ah, thank the Almighty,” Wurum sighed.  “We managed to find an inn near the town square, that—”

“Wait,” Reginar interrupted, “an inn?  We’re supposed to be saving these people, not getting them drunk!”

“Most of them already are,” Wurum said, gesturing towards Famed Gamin, who was walking with an odd gait.  “But this inn, as we found out, has a super-strong cellar, with thick metal walls protecting its contents.”

“A metal-walled cellar?” Reginar asked, confused.  “Who the storms would design something such as that?”

Wurum shrugged.  “We’re almost there, anyways.”

Reginar looked at the sky.  “So is the storm.  Let’s hurry up!”


“That’s the last of ‘em!” Famed Gamin shouted, locking the large metal door to the cellar.  The townsfolk were all in the cellar, piled up atop one another, squeezed into the corners.  Luckily, the cellar was far larger than Reginar had anticipated, so everyone did manage to fit.

“Good work,” Reginar nodded, huddled in the corner.  The four lamps of Stormlight in the cellar flickered blue light onto the ceiling.  It was certainly eerie.  “And now,” he announced with finality, “we wait until the storm passes.  And then, we march to Urithiru.  We will survive this.  I can guarantee it.  We just need to stand united."  He nodded to everyone in the cellar.  "May Ishar's luck shine upon us all.”


The Villagers won!  (With a flawless record, if I may add; don’t expect that to occur again anytime soon. :P)  But good game to everyone!

Google Docs
Windrunner Doc
Skybreaker Doc
Squire Doc
Dead Doc
Master Table
Speculation Doc

Anyhow, I’ll be putting a post-game analysis together tomorrow, since this game needs a lot of analyzing. :P 

Edit: Added the Speculation Doc.  Please note that there's not much actual speculating in there. :P 

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Congratulations, Villagers, on the first flawless victory!  You did prevent us from stopping the Desolation, but nice job.  Twelth, I would like to congratulate you especially for analyzing my message to Binnut.  I can't say I was expecting that to happen at all.


Edit:  And very nice game, Ren.  I enjoyed it quite a bit.

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......O.o I didn't think we would actually win this cycle. Congratulations, Villagers! We did it! And with a Flawless victory? O.o That was wholly unexpected.

I would like to give a round of applause to everybody who participated. It really was a group effort! Post-game analysis will help us figure things out and help determine just how we managed to pull that off. I do think it was a combination of slight luck, some good deduction skills, but also, with just how things worked out, I would say the game may have been slightly stacked in the Villagers favor.

I could easily see this game have going the complete opposite way if different choices had been made. I will try and add more, and maybe a bit of RP in a little bit here, but I just wanted to get this post up quickly.

Thanks again to the GM 'Troll' Almighty for running this game, and you did a fantastic job and coordinating and organizing everything, and the write-ups were fantastic! Thank you, Ren!


Edit: Awww. I don't get to look through all the awesome Messages I would have received! :( I was interested in seeing what Codenames people had assigned for themselves, too! :P


Edit2: Ugh. I'm so glad I wasn't a Skybreaker this game! I hate codes! XD

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Renegade? Are we doing awards for this game?

Also, Gart, who was your kill on this last cycle?

Edit: the flawless victory happened because we got lucky cycle two with the lynch, I protected my fellow WR cycle two, and he Full lashed the other one somehow,

Next cycle, I drew the logical conclusion there, and meta was killed. You were attacked, but progression... I full lashed tulir that cycle. IDK how we figured out Tulir cycle four/ how Gart didn't kill me, but I protected my partner again, and then we killed him this cycle. The end.

Second edit: the links don't work on mobile... But the one you PMed me does...

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So, if you guys look at the Skybreaker doc, you will see that we had a fairly great plan that would work very well, except Jeno was lynched Day 2 and Meta was Full Lashed.  That bad luck for us really helped you all.

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