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Would You Rather...


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So I started a game of Would You Rather in my Photography class on Wednesday and thought it would be fun to play here. If you don't know what the game is basically you are given two options for something and have to say which one you would choose and why. After you go you post two more options and it is someone else's turn to answer.

I'll start with the best one I heard when I played in class.

Would you rather slide down a 50ft razor blade into a vat of rubbing alcohol, OR suck all the snot out of dog's nose until it's head caved in?

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50ft razor blade into a vat of rubbing alcohol.

Its easier.

Have a large protruding wart on your nose or loudly announce that you are going to the bathroom every time you need to go in a crowded restaurant for the rest of your life.

Protruding wart, as the former is quite correctable (hello dermatologists!) and the latter is probably some form of mental defect.

Would you rather be unable to ready brandon's books for life but have free reign of reading, or be able to read brandon's books, but the only other books you could read would be stephenie meyer books?

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  • 4 weeks later...

I'll answer both of the last two, since if I get lynched, it will only serve to make me stronger.

Only Brandon and Stephanie Meyer. (Given that Brandon is finishing the WoT, I'm assuming I'd be able to read that as well)

And I'd rather be made into an inquisitor. Sure, it'd hurt like nothing else, but I'd really rather not be eaten.

Would you rather be deaf and mute, or be completely illiterate?

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I would rather be deaf and mute because then you can still communicate by writing. And you can still read. :)

Would you rather eat a spoonful of lava or a spoonful of acid?

Edited by Tulir
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I would rather be deaf and mute because then you can still communicate by writing. And you can still read. :)

Would you rather eat a spoonful of lava or a spoonful of acid?

A spoonful of acid.

Would you rather be chased by a hundred unboreable koloss or a hungry chasmfiend?

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Roshar. (It depends if I was a magic user, but Roshar is cooler.)

Would you rather survive in the Sahara Desert for 3 days with no supplies, or Antarctica for 3 days with no supplies.

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For that, I will not answer but if I had to, I would pick telling the truth but not being believed.

Would you rather be a Mistborn or Feruchemist? With all of the metals accessible.

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For that, I will not answer but if I had to, I would pick telling the truth but not being believed.

Would you rather be a Mistborn or Feruchemist? With all of the metals accessible.

Easy. Feruchemist. Being able to permanently store any information in our society is pretty much auto-win. Plus i would love to be able to hulk out on occasion.

I'll also answer the previous one, as well. I would prefer to tell the truth but not be believed, because i all ready find it hard enough as is to bring myself to lie. Plus I don't care if people believe me or not, so long as i'm as straight and narrow as i can be (to my best knowledge).

Would you rather travel to space or to the center of the earth (assuming enough technological ability for safe passage both back and forth)?

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