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Other planet hoppers


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I have a theory about Blunt, the soldierish person who is with Thinker and Grump in the interludes.

Grump's alias is Temoo (much like Raoden's alias in Elantris is Kaloo), is bald,and he speaks Dula. (And since he is a grumpy Dula, it leads many to believe that this is Galladon.)

Blunt's alias is Vao (much like the First Returned is called Vo), has a soldier's build and is blunt in his behavior.

Could Blunt be Vasher? The biggest evidence that I can find to deny this is that Blunt has darker skin, and that Blunt knows the same language as Thinker and Grump.

Vao, with the two vowels, sounds too much like a name on Sel for me to buy this idea.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Maybe, but I would think the other planet-hoppers would be more subtle, and not viewpoint characters.

Maybe that's what you're supposed to think. :blink: I am on the verge of supporting this theory of Vasher being a planet-hopper. I don't really know why. More of a feeling than anything. I think I'll pull out my handy e-book copy of Warbreaker and see if I can convince myself.

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Maybe that's what you're supposed to think. :blink: I am on the verge of supporting this theory of Vasher being a planet-hopper. I don't really know why. More of a feeling than anything. I think I'll pull out my handy e-book copy of Warbreaker and see if I can convince myself.

Since Vasher is a Returned, I seriously doubt it. He seems like what the local-grown, endowment-spawned magic-user should be.

Edited by happyman
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I'm not saying Vasher's a planet hopper in Warbreaker. I was thinking, since he's immortal and since Way of Kings is a long time after the Warbreaker, and since Vasher's pretty handy with a sword....

But no. I don't think so anymore. Despite being good with a sword, he doesn't have darker skin. And, I don't know. Vasher tends to be a little more aggressive and a little less Blunt.

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The only reason is if he was somehow tied in with the others that were (e.i. the Seventeenth Sharders). Maybe he was offered something he wanted and thought is was worth the time and effort. Or maybe if someone he cared about was involved. Hell, I dunno. I'm just grasping at straws trying to make one of my favorite characters even more involved in the Cosmere.

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No, I could see reasons why he would be in Seventeenth Shard. I just don't know why he would change his appearance (especially considering it's one of the only thing to identify Blunt). Name makes sense. Brandon wouldn't want to make it too easy.

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I'm curious if Ahir in TWoK is possibly Kiin from Elantris. He specifically says in TWoK "I've lost my Passion for cooking." Kiin had a strong passion for cooking in Elantris. Why else would Brandon put Passion in Italics?  I asked Brandon about this instance and he tried to side track me by saying "there is a Dula in TWoK." I kept trying to pressure him if I was correct on this theory and didn't get anything back more than "I have neither confirmed or denied any other world hoppers besides Hoid and the Dula." 

What's your thoughts on Kiin=Ahir?  Remember the Ahir is found in an interlude and is studying with a woman the different spren.  Seems like someone trying to gain knowledge.

The Passions are actually some form of pagan superstition aren't they? It's in the first Shallan chapter in Kharbranth when she talks to that sailor and he explains about the Passions. Yet another system of magic/superstition that is yet to be explained I think.

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do you think that it would be possible for an elantrian to use the teleportation aon to jump to another planet. it would have to be extremely diffucult, they would have to calculate where the planet is exactly rather than where it appears to be due to the speed of light and the distance would have to be measured in units small enough to be changeable for elevation on the planets surface, oh and you probably never could get back to Sel. But could you do it?

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do you think that it would be possible for an elantrian to use the teleportation aon to jump to another planet. it would have to be extremely diffucult, they would have to calculate where the planet is exactly rather than where it appears to be due to the speed of light and the distance would have to be measured in units small enough to be changeable for elevation on the planets surface, oh and you probably never could get back to Sel. But could you do it?


...maybe just here. sigs take all that effort to modify

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I think it is possible, but improbable. I think they would either need Shard help for measurements, or someone on the other side who they could communicate with, or spend a massive amount of time on calculations. It seems all the energy to transport is made at the "entrance", and so it should be possible to jump to another planet (through the shadesmar?)

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  • 2 weeks later...

do you think that it would be possible for an elantrian to use the teleportation aon to jump to another planet. it would have to be extremely diffucult, they would have to calculate where the planet is exactly rather than where it appears to be due to the speed of light and the distance would have to be measured in units small enough to be changeable for elevation on the planets surface, oh and you probably never could get back to Sel. But could you do it?

I vote yes, only because I've decided it would be fun to pretend the Selians in WoK are looking for Hoid because they reached Roshar by that exact method and suddenly realized they had absolutely no power to get back. I can just see Hoid planting false trails for some folks he thinks are trying to hinder him when really they just need him to help them get back home. Hoid the paranoid schizophrenic.

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If I remember right, Seons have a great sense of direction. However, the distance itself was given by Kiin's son (the Elantrian savant) because he had been there before. I also believe it is the same thing with the Seons (She was able to say where Teod was because she'd been there before).

No one on Sel has that experience in traveling to other worlds. Unless Seons have some magical property we haven't heard of before.

However, if one was to get a Seon to Roshar and back (through Hoid? or someone else?) then they could help with direction. But perhaps they only can do it if they moved through the Physical Realm to get there. Perhaps Shadesmar would throw them off.

So again I say- without another planet hopper, or a lot of mathematics/luck, Aon Tia won't get them to a planet

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Not necessarily. I bet that modern astronomers could get very very close on exactly how far away we are from the surface of Mars, and which direction its in. Elantris doesn't have that level of mathematics yet. But give them a couple decades/unknown measuring Aon, and they might.

Edit- Then again, Roshar isn't in the same solar system as Sel is (although Roshar is in the same galaxy as Silence Divine), and so it makes it much much more difficult. I don't think even modern astronomers could give a measure, to the foot, to a extrasolar planet.

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