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The F-Gold Health Cult (Mistborn Spoilers)

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As said in the title, this cult will have potential Cosmerogical spoilers, most likely pertaining to Mistborn (but could be from other books or series as well). As the Emperor of Health, I shall order upon our soon-to-grow numbers that we use spoiler boxes for non-Mistborn material, in order to be friendly with newcomers, or only reference it vaguely enough to not spoil important plotlines.

I shall thank the Overlord of Senses, @Koloss17, for giving me the inspiration and idea to craft this community. On that note, I shall establish an alliance, potentially temporarily, with all members of the Cult of Senses. Come in, relax, and embrace sickness and Health. Currently, I have no opinion on any other Feruchemical, Allomantic, or Hemalurgical Cult. However, as long as you don't cause trouble and make us waste the valuable Health in our ever-expansive Goldminds, we don't care (yes, you may spy on us).

On that note, let me dive into the reason this cult exists. As Emperor of Health, it is my duty to provide all with reasons to join this wonderful Cult- and the first and foremost is survivability. Health is a valuable thing to any living creature's life, no matter where it is from. Animals of the lowest intelligence to entities of the highest all respect and value the Health of themselves and others. From disease to plagues, from scratches to dismemberment, we can heal all. Our Goldminds may be pricey, but people's lives, as stated by one powerful war general, are priceless. It is a great bargain to be able to buy one's life back with only gold.

Indeed, it is surprising the amount of power a simple earring, bracelet, or wristband will hold. You may stay weak for a week, in order to recover from a lost limb. You may gain a cold or sore throat, in order to shrug off a nasty gash. Even greater, you may stay weak and frail for maybe even a year- in order to heal back the wounds from a Hemalurgical attack or other Spiritual damage. Indeed, even the power of a (Stormlight / Warbreaker)


Shardblade, Honorblade or (theoretically, with a small and short enough graze) Nightblood.

Any damage at all, we shall stay strong as you store and recover in order to embrace true Health.

There are a few rules to being a member of the Cult of Health, but do not fret, they are not many.

First and foremost, we seek not violence. Of course, we will also not tolerate any sort of harmful language towards one another, as even Cognitive damage we'd like to heal. On that note, we will not allow any religious insults, and we seek not to replace any person's religion, as the Cult of Health has no true religion. We wish for all members of our Cult of Health, and even members outside of it, to stay as healthy as possible- Physically, Cognitively, and Spiritually with some leeway for those who are storing. Speaking of, our second rule:

We care for the injured, sick, or otherwise unwell. Whatever plagues one's body, mind, or soul, we seek to heal and care for. Whether it is a simple cold that is ruining your day, or a sore throat making you feel unwell, we will sympathize as you heal. Whether it is a stressful day at your place of work or a bad argument with a close friend, we will give advice and help you relax. Or maybe a moral dispute, threatening your very worldview, has you panicked and confused? Be not afraid, we are here for comfort and Health.

Third, as the Overlord of Senses mentioned, we seek to improve all from a state of Unhealth, but in order to do that, many of us will seek Unhealth to prepare and embrace it. Health cannot be understood without Unhealth, and Unhealth cannot be feared without Health. We must experience both in order to truly be a part of the Cult. Even if you only experienced it years ago, you still know that state of Unhealth- and that proves a valuable resource, as it lets you be truly grateful for our Health.

Overall, we seek not to waste the Health of any individual. We spread comfort to all members, and the only thing we frown upon is those who willingly hurt others, in any way. As the Emperor of Health, though, I also promote forgiveness- if a member were to accidentally harm another or an outsider, a simple apology should set everything right.

I am very new to leading a Cult, and am afraid I may not be the greatest leader- so any additional rules you'd like to add, whether relating to our capabilities or our mindset in relation to others shall be accepted. I seek to grow this group into a wonderful community, but even if I stand alone, I will be happy promoting health. Please do not think of my words as offensive if they offended you, and instead, give advice for improvement.

Edited by Voidwatcher
add-on (I keep adding on every time a new rule or note is mentioned)
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You propose an interesting idea. However, as the head of the F-Tin cult, I have some questions.


As a believer of health and goodness, how does the cult reconcile the fact that to obtain proper resistance to disease and injury, you must first be more susceptible to disease and illness? And how would you recommend to your members on the best places and times to store health?


I will be keeping a close eye on the development of this organization. I will keep careful watch, and see whether you are to be an ally or a rival. For the time being, I have no reason to oppose your cult, as we appear to have different goals in mind. 

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41 minutes ago, Koloss17 said:

As a believer of health and goodness, how does the cult reconcile the fact that to obtain proper resistance to disease and injury, you must first be more susceptible to disease and illness? And how would you recommend to your members on the best places and times to store health?

Greetings, Overlord of Senses. You ask a good question, but it is an easy one. In order to have that Health stored up, we must undergo dangerous proceedings involving disease and injury, as you say. However, we are not against the concept of disease and injury. We embrace it, as it is a part of Health- there is no true definition of Health without the potential of, as you could say, 'Unhealth'. We embrace this Unhealth to fully recognize the power of true Health. Our goal is not to force every individual to only be healthy, but to embrace the fact that accidents, injuries, and events WILL happen- Unhealth WILL happen- and we prepare for it. We help ourselves through it via the wonderful power of our Goldmind, but for members of other Cults that are not innately blessed by Feruchemical Gold, we care for them as if we are Goldminds ourselves. We treat them, comfort them, reassure them, and heal them in any way we can- but we do not blame them for being injured, we do not insult them for being sick. We spread Health among all we can.

Unhealth will strike us all eventually, so it is better to confront it head-on, embrace it, and prepare so the Cult of Health will last through it. This is the same reason we frown upon those that cause Unhealth upon others- it should be one's own choice to embrace Unhealth and confront Unhealth, not the whims of a Hemalurgist or thief.

On the idea of times and places to embrace Unhealth, that is when we feel most comfortable and prepared. Sometimes, we do not have the energy to embrace Unhealth, and this is okay- we will wait for a time to be comfortable. Whether that is in bed, alone, or sitting with other members of the Cult of Health, or whatever group they wish to be a part of. We help ourselves through Unhealth, we help each other through Unhealth, and we help others through Unhealth, in order to reach a state of Health that can be truly appreciated. The time and place for this embracement of Unhealth is based on the person alone, and what they value in relation to time and place.

Of course, some people will never be ready to embrace Unhealth. While we do eagerly encourage confronting it head-on, we understand. Unhealth will strike us all, willing or unwilling, but no matter the situation, our prime directive is to aid.

41 minutes ago, Koloss17 said:

I will be keeping a close eye on the development of this organization. I will keep careful watch, and see whether you are to be an ally or a rival. For the time being, I have no reason to oppose your cult, as we appear to have different goals in mind. 

Indeed, but our cooperative nature I know will be valuable. Your wondrous Feruchemical capabilities allow you to escape the pain of an injury or sickness- but it will not cure the issue itself. We will leave the choice of alliance or enemy to you, but no matter what, we will aid you when the Unhealth strikes.

Edited by Voidwatcher
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