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Coppermind Redirects


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Putting this here (rather than discord) so I can keep a record of possible inconsistencies I find as I update White Sand Omnibus information.

Of course, others are welcome to also post any inconsistencies they find, and Keepers can deal with them (or not) at their leisure.


White Sand:

  • [[Starmark]] does not redirect to the Starmarks page
  • [[Lady Mason]] does not redirect to the Lord Mason
    • Especially now that it seems that the "representative" subplot was removed, though we will probably need a WoB to verify that the Lady Mason is indeed the Taisha of the Company of Masons (and if her name is Selcomb)
  • [[Terminal Storm]] does not redirect to either the Taldain or Border Ocean page
  • more to come. . .


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